A Healer In Every Household
Simple Solutions for Stress
If you are feeling overwhelmed and confused on how to create better health for you and your family, this book will serve as a foundational framework to help you understand how the body has the ability to heal itself.
Before disease, there is stress. My goal is to ignite the passion in every person to take charge of their health, start the healing journey, and trust and love their own body.
Editorial Reviews
“An original and insightful look at health, illness and the healing process by a dedicated complimentary practitioner from whose work I have benefit personally.” – Gabor Mate, M.D., Author, When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress
“How you live your life is how you heal.
The body knows how to heal.
Our job is to learn how to live.”
What Patients Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask
The Mindful Patient-Doctor Relationship
I wrote this book to change the dialogue on pain and illness to one of health and insight. What I have learned from 30 years of practice, is that when patients are given the opportunity to be truly heard, they gain the power to understand their symptoms and impact their prognosis. I go through example after example of factors that can affect your outcome and what you can do to find the help you are looking for.
Health is not a struggle. Your body has the ability to heal itself. Learn how to ignite health and transform “dis-ease” to “at-ease”!

Editorial Reviews
“An original and insightful look at health, illness and the healing process by a dedicated complementary practitioner from whose work I have benefitted personally.” – (Gabor Maté M.D. Testimonial)
“Understanding your own power in the healing process
is the pivotal step towards optimal health.”

What If Your Body Is Smarter Than You Think?
A Step-by-step process to Health Sovereignty
In this brilliant expose of holistic mind-body medicine, Manon Bolliger defines the mentally and emotionally charged energies that deeply affect the cellular health and wellbeing of the human body. She defines symptoms as an opportunity for positive change and the critical voice within us as the central element of transformational healing. Healing touch connects with the fascia to open the body’s memory center and listen to the body at the deepest levels. Bolliger discusses many case studies that show her concepts at work in people’s lives. One of the most powerful case studies is her own recovery from stage four cancer. Bolliger has much to teach the world about the practice of holistic medicine, the mind body connection, and the healing power of listening to your body.
Editorial Reviews
“What If Your Body Is Smarter Than You Think? is a game changer for anyone looking to empower themselves with tools that actually work to take control of their own health and wellness.” – Karen McGregor International Speaker and Trainer Founder of the Speaker Success Formula Author of: The Tao of Influence: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Leaders and Entrepreneurs

The Healers Café
Manon’s Weekly Blog