How to See Alcoholism as a Symptom of Trauma with Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD on The Healers Café with Manon Bolliger
In this episode of The Healers Café, Manon Bolliger (facilitator and retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice) speaks with Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD
Highlights from today’s episode include:
Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD
So, everything is going good. We got the wife back, just got in a great job, amazing, fantastic and then we self-sabotage…alcoholics and addicts for what they can see as no reason. Well, the reason is childhood trauma, and it’s still stored, because we’ve got to deal with it.
Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD
that’s what we do with trauma, it becomes our comfort zone, it becomes our buffer, even though I know it’s painful, and it’s going to be horrible. It becomes the only thing that I know, in times of trouble. So, the idea is, is to address that, to smash that box and make sure you can’t get back in.
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Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD
But right now, it’s people often ask me, you know, what’s the answer? And the answer is dialogue and education are relative because people don’t understand that alcoholism is a disease, so is drug addiction and that it’s a predisposition, we don’t have a choice over this. So when we take our first drink, it sets up that cycle internally.
Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD is a sought-after recovery expert who believes in treating the causes of addiction and not the symptoms. Dr. Kelly has appeared on such shows as The Doctors, Eye Opener, Good Morning Texas, and Kens5 morning news. A frequent contributor to radio and print interviews including The Jim Bohannon show, Miracles in Recovery, USA Today, and participated in McLean Hospital’s & Harvard Medical School; study on the stigma associated with mental illness. Dr. Kelly hosted Sober Celebs show on KLIF radio in Dallas, and currently hosts the Breaking Through Addiction podcast featuring special guest discussing a variety of mental health issues.
Dr. Kelly created Let’s Get Back to 98% Recovery DVDs used in prisons and recovery treatment centers throughout the US. He has lectured on addiction and trauma at high-profile universities, national conferences, treatment facilities, public schools, churches, business organizations and hospitals. Dr Kelly is currently the CEO of the Robb Kelly Recovery Group, an addiction and mental illness recovery coaching company he created based on extensive research and behaviour studies that he conducted over the past 20 years. Dr. Kelly shares his personal highs and lows as he struggled and overcame crippling alcoholism in the November 2019 release of the book “Daddy, Daddy Please Stop Drinking”.
Core purpose/passion: Everyone has a million-dollar mindset- sometimes people need help to get to that mindset. I’m here to help them on their journey.
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About Manon Bolliger
As a recently De-Registered board-certified naturopathic physician & in practice since 1992, I’ve seen an average of 150 patients per week and have helped people ranging from rural farmers in Nova Scotia to stressed out CEOs in Toronto to tri-athletes here in Vancouver.
My resolve to educate, empower and engage people to take charge of their own health is evident in my best-selling books: ‘What Patients Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask: The Mindful Patient-Doctor Relationship’ and ‘A Healer in Every Household: Simple Solutions for Stress’. I also teach BowenFirst™ Therapy through Bowen College and hold transformational workshops to achieve these goals.
So, when I share with you that LISTENING to Your body is a game changer in the healing process, I am speaking from expertise and direct experience”.
Mission: A Healer in Every Household!
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Welcome to the Healers Café. Conversations on health and healing with Manon Bolliger. A retired and deregistered naturopathic physician with 30 plus years of experience. Here, you will discover engaging and informative conversations between experienced healers, covering all aspects of healing, the personal journey, the journey of the practitioner, and the amazing possibilities for our own body, and spirit.
Manon Bolliger 00:43
So welcome to the Healers Cafe, and today I have with me Dr. Robb Kelly. He’s a PhD and sought after recovery expert who believes in treating the causes of addiction and not the symptoms. So we’re gonna dig into what that really means. But just a little bit more about where you’ve talked, you’ve talked with The Doctors, Eye Opener, Good Morning, Texas, Can find Morning News, Miracles and Recovery, US Today, etc, etc. And you have also your own book, released November 2019. Daddy, Daddy, Please Stop Drinking. So welcome. And yeah, we’ll let’s start with what do you mean by treating the cause and not the symptom? So, what is it that people do when they treat the symptoms? Let’s start with that.
Dr Robb Kelly 01:50
The problem with alcohol and drugs, is they think that alcohol and drugs are the problem and they are not a symptom of the problem, that’s what we found. So it’s a bit like me having chickenpox and somebody saying, Hey, Dr. Robb can see you got chickenpox. And they go, how do you know, if you see the spots all over you. Ha, that’s one of the symptoms, I actually have a viral infection that can kill me as an adult, but you don’t see that what you see is the bottles, the drugs, the heroin, the spots, that’s what I read, because alcohol is 1% to do with alcoholism. And the same with addiction. It’s mostly trauma its childhood trauma, is the gateway drug. So that’s what I mean. But most people when they go to treatment centers, they try and stop you drinking. And they’ll teach you how to, you know, try and stay away from drink and relapse prevention and all this stuff. And, again, that’s why success rates are so low. Is you have to look at…
the core problem.
Manon Bolliger 02:47
Now, why I couldn’t agree with you more from you know, from my background as well. I was a naturopathic doctor, you know, for 30 years, and we do dig underneath. And it is a symptom. And that’s why also, you know, AA, besides the social, you know, I guess, ability to meet with people, you know, by repeating that you are an alcoholic, it’s like, it’s a, you know, I’m past that now, or…You know, I know, people who were like 35 years haven’t drunk, but have they dealt with the core issues? Not necessarily at all, you know, and now they’ve got a new disease name, right. So now they’ve got another problem, so to speak, it’s like saying, I’m a cancer, you know, like I had cancer which is done and dusted, it’s over. It’s like, why would you be identified with this anyway?
Dr Robb Kelly 03:54
I mean, it’s not about the alcohol. What is it about? It’s really about me, and the way my brain works, I have a biochemical reaction to the ethanol and alcohol. But yeah, I mean, it’s like you just said you got cured of cancer, do you keep going back every week and sitting with the guys who’s still getting treatment and identifies that now, of course, you don’t, you move on. And that’s what we do. We you know, we concentrate on the actual problem, let’s address the problem, and the center will take care of itself.
Manon Bolliger 04:20
So, so how open are people to that?
Dr Robb Kelly 04:25
When they are desperate enough, and when they…we like to take people in because we have a 98% success rate is unheard of. We’re the only company in the world that offer a money back guarantee, if you will. So what happens is, we like them, we like them to go to treatment and we’d like them to you know, go and see other people before they come to us. So by the time they comes to us, they’re pretty mangled and open to anything. I would say 90% of patients that present themselves to us are ready and open to go there. So if you get the First Time never been in treatment, they’re skeptical. You know, for me, I had to be beaten up enough to turn around and go, I will follow any direction. I just want this compulsion to drink to be taken away. And that’s when I was ready because I tried treatment center tried doctors, psychiatrists, acupuncture. You know, none of it worked. Because again, we’re looking at the symptom not the problem. The problem was the trauma. The problem was with alcoholics is a predisposition, drug addicts addictive personality. So, alcoholics are born drug addicts and made, we’ve proven that time and time and time again. So yeah, it’s great seeing people change. And it’s great seeing people get well, without a doubt. And you’ll know that feeling there’s nothing better than to watch a broken person come in, make something of themselves.
Manon Bolliger 05:52
Yeah, absolutely. So can you tell us a little bit what got you first of all interested in this field? Because you didn’t start in 2019?
Dr Robb Kelly 06:06
No, correct. I mean, I am an alcoholic. Ex problem drinker recovered alcoholic. And that’s why I came into the industry as a whole is I was always intrigued because it was alcoholism in my family. I was always intrigued of why there was no cure, or treatment for it. So I suffered badly as a teenager, and through college years, and eventually losing wife, children, houses, cars, and eventually becoming homeless. So it’s when I come off the streets, I realized that there needs to be a new approach. Something’s missing here. You know, when little Johnny goes into treatment for his fourth or fifth time, paying $20,000 a month, there’s something broken. And that’s what we concentrated on and came up with. And we have an understanding the in treatment centers, not all of them, but most people don’t like me and vice versa. Let’s have a look at what’s broken. And we found out the old model is broken the textbook. Let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about relapse prevention. And you know, if you want to drink, you know, fix something else I’ll go for a long walk doesn’t work with the real alcoholic. So intense work with neuroscience. Neuroplasticity is where I specialize in central nervous system trauma using NLPSE brain spotting and the likes to really get back and clear. So, what we look at when we look at the trauma, which trauma itself is a word going back 20 years ago and Manon this is nothing you don’t know. I’m just hoping I’m teaching your listeners and watchers here is trauma was supposed to be a car crash or a plane accident. When you look at addictive personalities, and alcoholic brains, we have to really pick apart the trauma because here was my trauma from my mother, or one of those How many times have I told you can’t go to college like your brother, you’re too stupid. Boom I carried that with me for years and years and years and years before I did my own trauma work and got rid of that. So we need to particularly look at the trauma regarding sensitive people, which are alcoholics and addicts and find out exactly what their trauma is. And it could be anything as small as a comment in a school that you’ve heard from a teacher or a friend setting their subconscious brain that will present itself when you go for that job that car that house that girl and you’ll keep the pattern going. So there’s a part of the brain called the basal ganglia it’s kind of our repetition strengthened confirms/ What trauma does is what from our research and our studies over 30 years is the basal ganglia is you know, we think about as a clock face you know, we start to drive a car becomes easy and all of a sudden, because of repetition strengthened confirms now we can drive a car wave to the wife call the Sister listen to the radio all at the same time, because it becomes a working part of the mind. What happens with trauma is it affects the basal ganglia. So, what happens let’s say around 10 Till the hour, it will self-sabotage and throw back into trauma. So, everything is going good. We got the wife back, just got in a great job, amazing, fantastic and then we self-sabotage…alcoholics and addicts for what they can see as no reason. Well, the reason is childhood trauma, and it’s still stored, because we’ve got to deal with it. If you ever see a deer, guys being hit by a car, but it doesn’t die. A couple of things strange happened first of all it a lie on the floor motionless for a few seconds, then it jumps to its feet. What happened next is miraculous. It will shake violently for a couple of seconds, and then it will run along with its day. The same time tomorrow with the same car at the same time will happen exactly the same if it decides to cross because it doesn’t carry a trauma record now because it’s shaking it off. People don’t do that they store and store and store and store and unless we get rid of that it’s always going to affect our adult life.
Manon Bolliger 10:03
Mm hmm. Yeah. And then I guess it correct me if I’m wrong because this is not the area of specialty I have, but is it also that in a part of the subconscious wants to or thinks it’s protecting you? So part of the allowing of the self-sabotage that happens gets justified by Oh, you know, I’ve had a big day or this kind of, is that sort of the relationship that…
Dr Robb Kelly 10:38
100% yeah, you’ve got to me. There was a girl snatched off the road back in Manchester in the 70s, school girl. They manhunt couldn’t find a nine months later, police officer following another car down the road with a broken indicator light, found a stolen screwdriver, so they go back to their house to see what else is stolen. Sure enough, there were lawn mowers and stuff like that. But there was also a box in the corner of the room that was four foot high by 12 foot wide. It had a huge lock in it. So, they knew he had stolen stuff. So, they smashed the locker. And there was the girl that was taken nine months ago. Still alive. He used to take her out daily beat her, abuse her, feed her, back into the box several times a day for nine months. When they open the box, the girl locked up, the police officer leant over, she grabbed by her arm, and she helped her out the box. What’s the first thing she did? Well, she got back in the box. And that’s what we do with trauma, it becomes our comfort zone, it becomes our buffer, even though I know it’s painful, and it’s going to be horrible. It becomes the only thing that I know, in times of trouble. So the idea is, is to address that, to smash that box and make sure you can’t get back in. Because most human beings stay in relationships too long, they stay in jobs too long. You know, they go through life thinking this is your lot. Well, the brain is very powerful. And the mind which sits inside the brain, which is you can’t feel it’s all energy is powerful as well. So you know once you understand the workings of the mind and what you can actually achieve. And if we clear the trauma up and redirect self-sabotaging neural pathways, alcoholics and addicts are born with around 80%, self-sabotage and 20% good. Normal human beings are born with 80%, good and 20% Self Sabotage. So, we’re already on a losing streak. But once we address that, I mean, we literally can go on, and I’m living proof from homelessness to here to do anything you want and live a full happy life by loving oneself and therefore loving others.
Manon Bolliger 12:41
And do you find that is the success…the measured success, the state of happiness, wellbeing function and not falling into patterns? But does it include actually, in all cases, not drinking? Like, in other words, do you have such people that are cured from the basic trauma, but still have the occasional, you know, whatever it is, wine or whatever they they’re drinking?
Dr Robb Kelly 13:21
So, there’s two classes or three classes, there’s someone who drinks moderately, someone who drinks heavily and somebody crosses the line, and drink alcoholically. So the guys that come to me, who are heavy drinkers or abused alcohol. Yes, they can go back after the trauma is cleared out and they can drink sensibly. Now, what happens with the alcoholic because we’re born this way, is the hypothalamus, which tells normal people to eat food, drink water survive. It’s slightly tied to the amygdala transits. What happens is during the alcoholics life, is it will tell us to eat food and drink water to survive. But at a certain point of our drinking career, it switches and we don’t know how or why yet still studying the neuroscience behind it. But it then tells the alcoholic to drink alcohol and not drink water or food. That’s why alcoholics can go days or a week without food or water. Their trained to drink alcohol, those people can never safely alcohol again, because what it does is alcoholics are the only people that get the allergy, what we call the allergy, is we become allergic to ethanol. So, what happens is the mental obsession is going to be different this time. You know, I want to go and drink wine, not that nasty whiskey, you know, blah, blah, blah. And by the way, if you think you’re an alcoholic, and don’t, it’s the only self-diagnosed illness in the world. But if you trace three generations back in your family, honestly, and you find alcoholism, there’s a good chance you are if you can’t find three generations, you are probably a heavy drinker or abuse alcohol. So bearing that in mind, you know, there are some people who go back and drink normally And of course, there’s those who can’t because it’ll set off cycle once again with the hypothalamus.
Manon Bolliger 13:21
Mm hmm. That makes a bit like, sometimes people are set off by music or by something that reminds them of the time period or that. So I think, yeah, it’s interesting, though, that there…that it’s not black and white, you know, which is what I’ve suspected intuitively all along, but it’s not like I said, it’s not my field. So I, yeah, I wouldn’t know that. Yeah.
Dr Robb Kelly 15:37
It’s very complicated when it comes to diagnosing and very complicated come to treatment. Because there’s so many anomalies into put in place here, especially regarding the trauma, the types of trauma, you know, molestation is not always the trauma that brings, you know, like we said before, it could be much smaller than it but it can include that. And then, of course, you’ve got your surroundings, you know, learned behavior from parents, if mom and dad drink, if, you know, dad drinks alcoholically, and he beats mom when he’s when he’s drunk. And you see that as a child, well, that becomes normal behavior, baseline to our relationship. So, what happens is, especially women do this is they attract people, you know, like that. So when they get into these relationships, the guy ends up drinking too much and beating her, she often comes and go, Hey, why do I keep attracting these people? And the reason is, because of the past trauma and the end, we attract what we think we are worth. So we go out and our energy and our foresight, attract these people. You know, if that doesn’t get changed, then that will repeat and repeat and repeat.
Manon Bolliger 16:40
Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. That’s your book. Okay.
Dr Robb Kelly 16:45
Daddy Daddy, Please stop drinking. So guys, is the book, we don’t take a dime off this. All $9 on Amazon, earning Walmart, all kinds of community to help people who need a second chance in life. That’s my daughter that was taken off me at the age of three. That little girl now is 32 years old. And she runs my Manchester office as my lead therapists back in England. So amazing things do come true. If you buy it great. If you don’t like it text me, I’ll refund your money. You know, we’re not going to…
Manon Bolliger 17:20
Great. The only reason people might not as there is not to support Amazon these days.
Dr Robb Kelly 17:28
That’s Correct. Yes.
Manon Bolliger 17:30
But besides that, no. Oh, that’s very rewarding on a personal level to have it full, full cycle. You know, that’s amazing.
Dr Robb Kelly 17:40
I’m not too sure. But I think we’re the only doctor stroke psychotherapist, daughter and father team,
Commercial Break 17:48
Manon, Bolliger here, and I want to thank you for taking actionable steps towards engaging your healing journey, and helping others discover their path by watching, sharing, subscribing, and reviewing these podcasts. Every review and share helps spread the word these different perspectives and choices and options for healing. And to thank you, I’d like to invite you to sign up to my free seven sequence email tips on health and healing for everyday life. You can go to, thanks so much.
Dr Robb Kelly 18:32
Check that out. But it’s so cool when people find out that, she’s my daughter. It’s crazy.
Manon Bolliger 18:38
Yeah. Well, it’s kind of like serious proof of the pudding, you know, that true change is possible. Because, you know, often the hardest people to do, except you ultimately, when there’s big differences of belief systems, is your family, right, as we’ve seen during this, you know, latest plandemic here. It’s very hard for people to take another point of view, and, you know, and let’s say if they believe that the only thing they can do is go to AA and, you know, and that can tear a family apart. Because, you know, I do believe people intuitively, if they’re connected, can feel that it’s not right for them. But they don’t know what else to do. And then they’re doing it to again, please the family. Again, for others, that whole thing and I don’t think you can really heal yourself for others in that way. That’s to be you have to believe that you’re getting something.
Dr Robb Kelly 19:53
Yeah. There’s definitely a lack of information out there. And there’s also a lack of dialogue. When it comes to addicts because addiction alcoholism is still in the closet. I like to jokingly say, addiction is where gay people used to be in the 70s and 80s. We knew about it, but nobody spoke about it. You know, and one day, it’ll be out there and it’ll become a normal conversation. But right now it’s people often ask me, you know, what’s the answer? And the answer is dialogue and education are relative because people don’t understand that alcoholism is a disease, so is drug addiction and that it’s a predisposition, we don’t have a choice over this. So when we take our first drink, it sets up that cycle internally. There’s a lot to be learned. And, you know, once we get well become better fathers, better mothers, employees, employers, you know, it’s absolutely incredible. But I mean, it’s still one of the most misunderstood illnesses in the world. And alcoholism and addiction kills more people than cancer and heart attacks put together it’s just not reported. A guy goes to the hospital he’s dying of alcoholism his liver fails, and he dies, it goes down to cirrhosis, it doesn’t go down as drinking himself to death. So that the actual figures we are getting through, and we know this from doing trials at hospitals, and watching people come in and testing them and talking to them. So yeah, it’s, you know, hopefully, that’s the reason I’m still doing what I do is a better understanding out there of what this is, and how, you know, 99%, you can cure this, once you sort your trauma out. Like you said, before somebody can go out drinking, some people can’t because of the reality they have, like, so for mental obsession or be different this time, nobody’s going to know soon as the alcohol and then the allergy starts, right? The brain has done its job and prefrontal cortex six pack and go, Hey, I’ve done my job. I’ve got him to drink. Now the allergy takes over now I’m sick if I stopped drinking, and he just that whole combination of disasters going down and down.
Manon Bolliger 21:53
Right, so is it. I mean, because, again, I’ve heard you know, like, for example, some different races, like in Asia, it’s much harder for many people to tolerate alcohol, they often say they’re allergic to it. Is this a real finding? Is this true? Is this? You know, is there like a spectrum of sensitivity in the same way?
Dr Robb Kelly 22:26
I don’t know, to be honest, because I’ve never heard that. And I’ve never done obviously any research on that. But that Yeah, could be a place because what we’re finding now is, especially around India, and the Muslim community, is there’s so many problems in there, but they never come to fruition. Some people allergic some people sensitive but it never comes to fruition because they’re not supposed to drink because of their religion. And we’ve got some, we’ve had a few patients over there that, you know, have to go into secret rooms, and the telehealth has to be double secure. And, you know, it’s crazy, because if it got out, it would ruin their family’s reputation. So, I think in the next several years, we’re gonna, we’re gonna see if that’s true or not as it as we as we start seeing more patients around them.
Manon Bolliger 23:08
Mm hmm. Right. And how are you seeing any differently the unbelievable increase in, you know, depression and drug abuse that’s happening, sort of so called post pandemic? Do you have an understanding of a different understanding than me? There’s so many points of view on this, but what is your understanding or your experience with trying to help those people?
Dr Robb Kelly 23:52
Well, I think the giveaway here is when a liquor store becomes essential business when everyone else is closing down you know there is some kind of problem brewing upon. But yeah, we have seen isolation, you know, it brings on depression the worst thing you do to human beings, is isolate them. And we’ve seen that in families divorces go up by 27%. In Texas alone, alcohol consumption went up by 43%. What we’ve seen so far is prescription drugs went up, depressant medication went up by about 16%. So yeah, there is a knock on effect. It actually sped up many people’s alcoholism and abusing alcohol. There’s no doubt about that. And I think their true fallout will be in the next several years when we actually find out what’s going on here. Because like I said, you know, all of a sudden everyone had to stay at home. And of course, when they went out they wore a mask so you’re taking everyone’s identity off them. They’re going back home and working from home. Everyone knows when you work from home, you put a shirt on with the pajamas on and you have a glass of wine at the side. That’s just the way most people work from home so you automatically…when somebody’s coming home from the office and likes their wine when they get home at 6pm They’re now drinking that wine at 11am. So, there’s a problem there. But oh, my goodness, divorces, separations fights, murders. I mean, they just all spiked because of that. We did some real rough testing on death row. We have a prison over here in Texas that kills people. And we’re allowed to go in there and do some testing. And we found around 70-80% of people that was on death row that finally got to the chair on the needle was partially insane. So that’s the isolation, you know that so automatically, you’ve got isolation in homes. If you have a family, you still got daddy wandering mum and the other children downstairs playing. You know, it’s a form of isolation because we need that. I mean, the serotonin, that one of the four chemicals we need every day to make sure we’re happy, you know, kind of gets less than you work for when you got no social belonging to the main benefactors to that serotonin, dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin that you’re not getting as well. So, people become very, very depressed. You know, one of my biggest bugbears, and I’m sure you’ll agree, doing what you did in the last, you know, several years was when somebody gets depressed, you know, they tell a friend, I feel depressed. Oh, you got to go to the doctor. He’ll give you some medication. So off we go to the doctor, he gives us an SSR, which is kind of a slow release serotonin that boosts our serotonin up in a couple of weeks’ time you’ll feel normal again. Why isn’t anybody asking the question why my serotonin is low in the first?
Manon Bolliger 26:32
Yeah, no, exactly. Yeah. Well, we in Canada have found our own magical solution. We don’t even give serotonin we just offer MAID. Have you heard about that service?
Dr Robb Kelly 26:45
Manon Bolliger 26:45
It’s unbelievable, you know, and to think that they’re trying to allow this now for children. And, you know, for depression, as if that is, I mean, it is a solution, but it’s so far gone from any attempted healing, or, you know, what is actually possible in humans, you know?
Dr Robb Kelly 27:11
Well, I think the pharmaceutical companies as a whole with the pain meds is sold as a lie. And the lie was that this is a short term medication without any addictive tendencies. And that was completely wrong. There’s more people again, you know, which is amphetamine salts, why are we putting children on amphetamine salts? Might as well just give them cocaine and be a lot cheaper to find as we go on, but yeah, the pharmaceutical companies unfortunately, run this country and have done for many years. And to go against them is almost writing your own will, your death will out because, yeah, you know, because I found on several occasions,
Manon Bolliger 27:48
Ya that seems to be but, but I do think the patterns are, thanks to the last few years, that a lot of people are seeing the patterns that otherwise might have been less evident. You know, I think they’ve been going like this for a long time, but it’s just more screaming. It’s more in your face.
Dr Robb Kelly 28:15
Yeah, more prevalent. Without a doubt. I would say of, of all the heroin addicts that come towards 90% of them, heroin addicts. 99 started in the doctor’s office. And that’s sad. That’s the state of affairs, and no one’s taking responsibility for it.
Manon Bolliger 28:33
Yeah. And with fentanyl use. I don’t know exactly how that’s working. I mean, it’s also a straight allowed drug, basically, at this stage. And in Canada, we’ve just allowed hard drugs to be available. You know, it’s an interesting agenda. It’s becoming more consistent. Put it this way. It’s nothing to do but really helping people.
Dr Robb Kelly 29:03
I think we’ve got we’ve got a tsunami heading our way with fentanyl. There’s a new drug just come out in the market on the street market. I can’t remember the name Manon. But it’s 1000 times worse than fentanyl. I mean, where are we going to stop? You know, again, I don’t know about your history. But you know, when my mom had babies when she was ill, when she had cancer, morphine was good enough. Why do we need anything stronger than that? The only answers we don’t apart from monetary gain. They want you to be on that. And there are billions to be made, unfortunately.
Manon Bolliger 29:36
Yeah. Well, that’s the emphasis is it’s not really healing. No, no, I don’t think it ever really has been not, not individually. I think doctors, you know, I mean, they’re good people. But, but I do think that we’re under estimating the impact of mind control. That is possible, you know, and you would know, this working with the subconscious and working with trauma. It’s a we are susceptible people in general. Yeah. And it’s also because we’re good people. You know, it’s interesting. So we have a little bit more time left, do you want to maybe share it without names and all the proper ways of doing things. But if you…or one story, whatever that really, that really affected you, that possibly you didn’t think could change?
Dr Robb Kelly 30:47
Yeah, 100%. Well, there was a girl. We got a call from a mom, who lived on the projects, sort of, there was no money involved. It was just, we were asked to see she had a 23 year old daughter, who would lay on the couch, she must have weighed about 80 pounds. She had been on heroin, most of her life, overdose, time and time and time and time again. And the hospital basically sent her home to die. There’s nothing they could do for. And we went in, and we saw this woman, that skeleton woman just laying on the sofa. And I said to my assistant, I said, we’re going to take her back to my house, and we’re going to see and her mother was crying and dad was crying. You know, I picked her up in my arms, and she weighed nothing. And I carried it to the car, and we brought back to the ranch. There’s a rancher healing ranch out. And we kept it for three months. And she was 180 pounds, and she left. She was amazing. She’d recovered. And I never saw her again, you know, and years and years later, I was at a meeting somewhere. And this, this girl writes, and I’m like, where do I know her from and at the end of the meeting, she stood up. And she said, she pointed right over at me because she had not acknowledged me before that. So I’m thinking I’ve got the wrong person. But she pointed at me across the room. And she said I want to thank Dr. Robb Kelly who picked me up from my mom’s couch 10 years ago. And as of today, I have 10 year sobriety 10 years clean and sober. The effects that had on me, I just started crying, sobbing, and there was a heartbeat in this room. And I supposed to be the big tough doctor there. But I, I was sobbing because it touched my heart. And it touches my heart for a couple of reasons. First of all, there was no money involved. You know, most of our work is pro bono, that everyone needs to carry a pro bono plan with my company. And it was just, you just knew something bigger than us was playing a part in that. When everyone stood up and applauded, and I was just it’s always been with me. That was about 20 years ago. It’s always stuck with me. You never know who you can help? You never know God, universe, Uncle Benny up there is put there to help. And when that connection is made, I think there’s a lot of powerful things and a lot of powerful healing can happen. I used to say most things were coincidences. But I don’t say that anymore. Having been through what I’ve been through and seeing what I’ve seen, over the 30 odd years I’ve been doing this is you know that our own recovery proves, I mean, recover from anything, that miracles are still out there. That literally if you make your mind up to do something, and quantum physics tells us, you know, we can be anything do anything we don’t want to do as long as we focus on it enough.
Manon Bolliger 33:47
Yeah, that’s a powerful story. Yeah. So how does…how do people work with you now? Or is that one way? Or how? Or is it? Is there this ranch that people go to for three months? Or how are you set up?
Dr Robb Kelly 34:06
We only do telehealth these days, unless you happen to live in San Antonio come in the office. But we have a huge telehealth program. So, you spend one hour a day five with me five days, five days with me two days with my psychotherapist or coach over a 90 day period one hour a day. And it’s done from the comfort of your own home. The only bad news is I only take on four patients every 90 days. So it was kind of a concierge service where we focus and that’s why our percentage rate is about 97% success rate. And yeah, you stay with us you get well we’ll rebuild your life or put families back together. You know if you need a job or we’ll sit we’ll get our guys job searching for you. If you want to build your business we’ll get our guys to build websites for you while we get you well I mean he’s just it’s just a wholesome Family Program. The wife has to come on board if the husband’s the patient and will need to come on board once or twice a week to learn about her trauma. And that’s the thing we learn why it’s kind of gone? Well, it’s his problem. You know, I don’t know why I’m doing this. And our answers always the same. Why have you stop under the circumstances in your house where you’ve seen his violence? And the children have seen it? Why have you done that? And then they start crying, they go it’s your trauma, you know, we need to sort your trauma. We’re looking at his two houses, you know, if the house here speaks English, and we have our own language in recovery that says Chinese, we check the guy out, the only sales sticking with us for 90 days, put him back in the house, he’s going to start speaking English again. The whole family needs to be treated or anybody in the family come together and all understand and speak the same language. And it’s really beautiful to see.
Manon Bolliger 35:46
Oh, wonderful. So you have I’m not sure in your bio, there’s a link or where people could get in touch with you because well, you have Facebook, LinkedIn, we have all of that. Is there a particular website that people can go to find out more?
Dr Robb Kelly 36:07
If you’re just listening and not watching if you’re watching you can see my name is Scott differently is is the website, Dr. Robb Kelly, two Bs in any search engine, jump on the website, likers. Top towards there’s a button on there. If you start at all, then you really feeling down and you’re talking about bad stuff, you know, suicide, and there’s a button in there is a big yellow button on the third page. And that button, if you press comes direct, straight through to my cell phone number. The mindsets that you get me on the phone, that will give you a quick 10 minute talk that pick you back up again. Because I’d rather spend 10 minutes of my time talking to you and giving you a pep talk then listening about your funeral next week. So, get on that guys and be brave. It’s only me to get freaked out and see all the TV and stuff I’ve done. It’s only me the guy that sold his kids out for alcohol. It’s Me so if you’re struggling guys press that button and let’s have a quick chat.
Manon Bolliger 37:05
Well, thank you very much for sharing. Yeah, really hope but based on true experience and yeah, and you know, an openness of mind, you know, to really help people heal at the root. So I think that’s amazing work. I’m really glad to find out about it. So, thank you so much.
Dr Robb Kelly 37:30
Thank you so much. Thanks for Thanks for having me.
ENDING: 41:33
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