How to Connect with Your Past Self for Healing with Kerri Hummingbird on The Healers Café with Manon Bolliger
In this episode of The Healers Café, Manon Bolliger (Deregistered naturopathic physician with 30 years of experience in health), talks with Kerri Hummingbird, Soul Guide, Teacher, Medicine Woman.
Highlights from today’s episode include:
Kerri Hummingbird
now that I started this spiritual journey, I became aware of myself not just as this incarnation as Kerri, but as another incarnation that I was recovering from, that I have been recovering from, in this life that was extremely traumatic for me. And I did not have an opportunity to heal in that lifetime, from the trauma that was being experienced, I actually died in the middle of the trauma. So, there’s a way in which that was carrying forward into this life, and it needed a space to be healed. So, there was a lot of my life that could have been attributed to my early beginnings. But more accurately, it could be attributed to what I was experiencing before this lifetime
Kerri Hummingbird
if the western medicine could just expand out of this linear mental processing way of understanding and into the dream world, like this space of dreams, because in the space of dreams, we have archetypes, we have energies, we have visions we have so much more to work with that is going to point us in a direction that we can open up healing. And it’s not a literal often it’s not literal, right? Dreams are not literal. They’re interpretive. So, you enter the dream space, you’re in a more feminine space of what colors did you see? What images did you see? What experience did that feel like that reminded you of something in your life? Or what was this sensation? Yeah, those are all really feminine sort of interpretive things, but they lead to healing, which I think boggles the mind.
Kerri Hummingbird 22:45
Yeah, so the process is exploration of not only your own thoughts, and what you notice is patterns, that’s certainly a place to start, like, oh, I noticed that in my ancestry, there’s a lot of alcoholism. So, like, that’s one track. And then to go, where does that come from, that comes from an essential feeling about being disconnected and not being full, being abandoned, potentially, and being wanting to be loved, like a lack of love. So, there’s, there’s like, pathways in like that. And then there’s some just pure emotion that comes out because as you set the container, for some exploration like this, what happens is that things naturally sort of arise within your consciousness, your body, your feelings, events happen or conspired.
Kerri Hummingbird, Soul Guide and host of Soul Nectar Show, is the #1 international best-selling author of The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama; and the award-winning best-selling book Awakening To Me: One Woman’s Journey To Self-Love which describes the early years of her spiritual awakening. Ms. Hummingbird inspires people to lead their lives wide awake with an authenticity, passion and purpose that positively impacts others. She catalyzes mind-shifts that transform life challenges into gifts of wisdom. Her newest book, already a #1 intl bestseller, is called Love Is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound and describes the most direct path to spiritual enlightenment.
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About Manon Bolliger
As a recently De-Registered board-certified naturopathic physician & in practice since 1992, I’ve seen an average of 150 patients per week and have helped people ranging from rural farmers in Nova Scotia to stressed out CEOs in Toronto to tri-athletes here in Vancouver.
My resolve to educate, empower and engage people to take charge of their own health is evident in my best-selling books: ‘What Patients Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask: The Mindful Patient-Doctor Relationship’ and ‘A Healer in Every Household: Simple Solutions for Stress’. I also teach BowenFirst™ Therapy through Bowen College and hold transformational workshops to achieve these goals.
So, when I share with you that LISTENING to Your body is a game changer in the healing process, I am speaking from expertise and direct experience”.
Mission: A Healer in Every Household!
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Welcome to the Healers Cafe. Conversations of health and healing with Manon Bolliger (Deregistered with 30 years of experience in health).
Manon Bolliger 00:18
Welcome to the Healers Cafe. And today I have with me Kerri Hummingbird. She’s a soul guide and host of Soul Nectar show. She’s also an international bestselling author of The Second Wave Transcending the Human Drama and also the award winning bestselling book, One Woman’s Journey to Self-Love. And also, another book that I really caught my attention is Love is Fierce, Healing the Mother Wound. So, I’m really thrilled to have you here and I’m tempted to take just a short moment to read a quote that was written from Love is Fierce and it was by Sarah Weiss, a spiritual teacher, Keeper of the Light and medical intuitive. And I’m not reading the whole quote is just a piece. “Our path to healing is through the feminine, which will bring our lives and our hearts into balance. Hummingbird Sami expresses the message of our time, the feminine wisdom is rising powerfully now, we need to heal the mother wound to align whether higher consciousness and the consciousness of the beautiful mother that holds us so wisely and dearly”. So, with that, welcome.
Kerri Hummingbird 01:51
Thank you so much. I’m so excited to be here. And I love Sarah, she’s beautiful teacher in her own right.
Manon Bolliger 01:59
So, my question to you is what started this whole process for you?
Kerri Hummingbird 02:06
What started this process for me was 20 years of weekly psychotherapy sessions. And, you know, worsening diagnoses, you know, because it wasn’t getting better, you know, I was still coming in weekly, and it was just not resolving or moving forward progressing. As a matter of fact, it was devolving. And that was curious, you know, to me, like, how could I invest this much time and effort? I’m a pretty wise person, I went to a really good school, you know, I went to an Ivy League college, I’m not stupid, right? So how come I can’t solve this using the methods given to me, and I was put on antidepressants and things like that. And it just things were not improving. And so that led to the dissolution of my marriage, my 20 year relationship, you know, so that was a big catalyst for Okay, that didn’t work. 20 years of the marriage and 20 years of the psychotherapy that was told, I was going to be fixed through this. And that didn’t work didn’t happen that way. So, what now, and I decided I’m not going to do that psychotherapy stuff anymore. And I’m not going to take those drugs. And I wasn’t able to get off them right away. But I was weaning myself as fast as I could, because I thought none of this makes any sense. And I began to open at that point. And that would be the feminine journey I began to open to Hmm, okay, well, I tried all that I gave it the good old college try for a really long time. It didn’t work. So now what, because I can either spend the rest of my life with a diagnosis and feeling terrible about myself and broken relationships, or I can pursue …
something else. I can, I can basically open myself up to anything that will work for me to heal. And that’s what I basically, I found. I started a journey of my spirituality. And for me, it was earth based spirituality that just opened one teacher to the next to the next to the next. And now that’s what I teach. I teach earth based spirituality and I teach healers, how to move through that process energetically to heal themselves become aware of, you know, know thyself is what the Bible says. And I teach them how to know themselves and then I help them to guide to start to help other people and in a really different way than traditionally trained psychotherapist.
Manon Bolliger 04:38
So, what would you say? I mean, 20 years it’s an it sounds like you also studied it, or you knew how it worked. And also, when you’re in it, you’re receiving the, the experience.
Kerri Hummingbird 04:52
I feel like it’s a Ph. D program to be in that long, you know, like, what is going on here? I was doing my best, you know, but it just wasn’t manifesting.
Manon Bolliger 05:04
What do you think was the issue? If you can generalize now that you know what you know? And if you’re looking back, why was there stuckness for you? I mean, some people say that it works beautifully for them. And obviously, that’s not the case for everyone. So, I’m just curious, what about the model didn’t jive or didn’t work for you?
Kerri Hummingbird 05:34
So, absolutely, it was the fact that it’s so centered on the mind, and the level of the mind and trying to talk about things and get it from the level of the mind, when actually, what I was experiencing was a couple of things. I’m now where one thing was early childhood trauma. And if you think about early childhood trauma, from the very moment of birth, and, and up into my first five years, there’s not a lot of language that my inner child has to share about what’s going on with her. So I had to be able to approach this from a different angle, from a body angle, from an emotion angle, from a spiritual angle, and from an imagination angle, you know, to be able to capture the feelings and sensations that my inner child went through that needed healing, that were stored in various parts of my body. And, you know, in my mind, so how do I get at that, not by talking about it, that’s not helpful. And also, um, it was a spiritual inquiry. Because now that I started this spiritual journey, I became aware of myself not just as this incarnation as Kerri, but as another incarnation that I was recovering from, that I have been recovering from, in this life that was extremely traumatic for me. And I did not have an opportunity to heal in that lifetime, from the trauma that was being experienced, I actually died in the middle of the trauma. So, there’s a way in which that was carrying forward into this life, and it needed a space to be healed. So, there was a lot of my life that could have been attributed to my early beginnings. But more accurately, it could be attributed to what I was experiencing before this lifetime. And then coming into this lifetime, having some of those repeating patterns happen to my child self. So, it’s, like, get a bigger picture, I guess, is what I want to say, to Western psychology, like expand your perspective outside of this idea that you’re just this one being in this one lifetime. And you might find a whole lot more ways in to provide healing and transformation for people.
Manon Bolliger 08:00
Yeah, no, I agree with you. And I was slow at getting there myself, you know, because at first, I had patients, so I’ve been in practice 30 years. And, you know, they would talk about past lives. And I would say, okay, I was not connected to that reality at all. But I always listened to my patients, and I trusted that they had a real experience. And the more trauma work I did, the more I realized that it’s, it’s cumulative, and it gets triggered, and the physiologically they experienced much of what they were trying to say, because the words weren’t always there. So, I love how you tie that in at the beginning. Words alone and the cognitive frontal cortex doesn’t always get the nuances of what actually fully inhabits us, you know, as beings, right?
Kerri Hummingbird 09:02
Yeah, it’s, it’s powerful, because there’s also this component that we are now aware of science has made us aware of epigenetics, and how our ancestors and their traumas live on in our bodies. And if there are unresolved things like they come up in future generations, and so in my case, my past life was also I was an ancestor of this incarnation right here. So, it was extra complicated in that way, because I’m also embodying trauma, that I was experiencing previously. So, this is just so fertile. And if the western medicine could just expand out of this linear mental processing way of understanding and into the dream world, like this space of dreams, because in the space of dreams, we have archetypes, we have energies, we have visions we have so much more to work with that is going to point us in a direction that we can open up healing. And it’s not a literal often it’s not literal, right? Dreams are not literal. They’re interpretive. So, you enter the dream space, you’re in a more feminine space of what colors did you see? What images did you see? What experience did that feel like that reminded you of something in your life? Or what was this sensation? Yeah, those are all really feminine sort of interpretive things, but they lead to healing, which I think boggles the mind. That’s very masculine.
Manon Bolliger 10:45
But yeah, it’s like the language, at least how I see it the language of whether you call it superconscious, which may be one piece of it. And then also, there’s the unconscious is all in metaphor.
Kerri Hummingbird 10:57
It’s metaphor. Exactly.
Manon Bolliger 10:59
Right. So, and everyone’s metaphor is very different. But I think it really does lead to, once you develop the understanding of that, which is your own understanding, and you know, I know this, it’s your belief, as well. But as healers, we ultimately just hold the space. It’s not about us doing something to another, it’s, it’s really allowing, and I would say, attracting out what the person is ready to share in the next iteration of themselves basically.
Kerri Hummingbird 11:37
Exactly. I mean, I think we could just go all the way back to Socrates. You know, I mean, we could just skip everything in between and just go right back to Socrates and start asking questions. I mean, the more questions we can ask as a person that’s guiding someone else, as we open our own intuition, we’re going to be receiving insights for that person, maybe some visions or things from our own personal experience that resonate with whatever this person is experiencing. And we can, that can be a clue, it can be a clue to us as to what question is begging to be asked. And, you know, and from a place of, I don’t know, which is also the opposite model. Because in this western model, there’s a big need to know. And so, there’s like this need to definitively know. And so, you got to like, document all this stuff, and prove that you know what you’re talking about. And so, anytime you have a conversation, there’s like this backlog of paper that comes with you. And this method is not like that, it’s the opposite. It’s the stepping into the hollow bone, which is the space of not knowing. And the more hollow your bone is, ironically, the more you don’t know, the more hollow it is, the more you know. So, it’s a big paradox, because I’m stepping into that awkward space of not knowing is where the juice is, it’s where the brilliance comes in from the collective database set, let’s say the collective consciousness, the database has all the information, and it’s just leveraging our library in order to communicate that. So, if you step into the hollow bone, you get, like brilliance come out your mouth, you didn’t plan any of that, it just happens. But if you’re in the other space of needing to control it, and know it, and all of this, it’s like extremely tiresome to have to be constantly proving and then debating and then arguing. And I just want to throw one more piece in there, which boggles my mind now that I’m seeing from this perspective, and I look back to the western model perspective. And I asked myself, don’t did you guys study quantum physics? Because quantum physics says that the observer is influencing the observed at all times. So how can you actually say that your science is absolutely correct, when the observer is always influencing the observed? So, are you that claim that you don’t have an outcome that you think is true? I think that’s, that’s also the space that the healers talk about to you, when we’re helping other people. Right, we have to be really hollow the bone has to be hollow.
Manon Bolliger 14:23
Yeah, I think that’s a good point. And I think many times I can see it in my own profession, you know, many of the new naturopaths are feeling like they’re here to prove something like prove that they’re at least as good if not better than, you know, medically trained and so they actually lose what their, their ancestry of naturopathic medicine was what the real founders understood the connection to, to nature, to self, to spirit to Earth. So, it’s like now it’s almost like green allopath’s that they’re talking a language that Lana No, we can’t relate to, at least what they were called elders now. It feels like we’re, it’s two different breeds of people, they’re all in their head.
Kerri Hummingbird 15:18
Yeah, this big right and wrong game, you know, and that’s the ego completely. I mean, that’s, that’s ego, my ego gets triggered, okay, so, but what I do with that is I, my ego gets triggered, I noticed I want to be right, I noticed I’m trying to prove something, I have to take a deep breath and several steps back. And just, you know, like, vivid, cuz, cuz that’s my moment to go, oh, wow, I’m attached. I’m attached to being correct about that I’m attached to being right, I’m attached to convincing this person, uh-oh, I’m in some danger. So, I got to go back in myself, go back to the hollow bone, it’s an opportunity to clear it out some more, you know, to level it out more, maybe I need to scrape some more marrow off of there. Because I really have some old attachments. And, you know, and then to comfort myself because, you know, I think what you’re bringing up like naturopaths, it’s, it’s, um, it’s a, it’s an old way being revived, right? So, it’s, it can be really preciously personal, especially if our ancestry was say, victimized by people who were afraid of naturopathic were afraid of medicine from plants and animals. And we’re maybe killed because of a persecution that was happening. So, this can be a really personal experience. And so that’s an opportunity to notice that is to go, oh, there’s some more healing. Okay, great. Oh, thank you for showing me I have more personal healing to do.
Manon Bolliger 16:54
So is likely very related. But I would love to find out a little bit more about the mother wound and what all that is that if you could expand on that?
Kerri Hummingbird 17:06
Yeah, absolutely. As you very aptly detected Manon, this is very tied to the mother wound, because the mother wounds is really the genesis of being disconnected from our mother from our divine source at all the levels of the multiple levels of multi-dimensional levels you could even consider. So, everything is fractal in the universe. And so, it starts with our own disconnection from our bodies. You know, our own sense of not really feeling like our body is us, like, there’s some separation between spirit and body, and then our planet, you know, we don’t feel connected with the planet, we don’t feel connected with the planet, then maybe our hearts not open to care about the animals or the plight of various bodies of ocean or, you know, like, we are not connected with the impact we’re having on the planet, because we’re not connected to it, we’re somehow separate, we think of ourselves as separate, like, the Earth is a floor. And we’re just like walking across it, versus it’s a living being is also part of us. You know, and it starts with in this sort of pragmatic way, the relationship you have with your own mother, because as you’re being formed inside your mother’s womb, you’re being formed in her state of consciousness. Her thoughts inside are heard by your baby self, as it’s forming, understood, her feelings, all of the things she’s experiencing, and how she processes challenges, how she puzzle solves, all of that is just by osmosis, being absorbed by your little brain and your little being, as you’re inside your mother’s womb being formed. So, whatever your mother is experiencing, you are also experiencing as a way of starting off in your life. That is all by design. So, you know, I believe we pick our parents. So, we pick that starting point, that starting point comes with an ancestry that got handed down from womb to womb to womb as children are birthed, and we inherit, like this entire dynamic. So the opportunity is always been especially so now to become aware of that and to become aware of our potential to heal our ancestry through epigenetics in our bodies, thereby liberating ourselves and step into a whole new relationship with our life, you know, with our the way that we live the way we talk to each other, the way we talk to ourselves, the way we’re in relationship with our communities and with our planet with our families. So, is this huge opportunity we have right now that it’s just like, oh, it’s fast, you know, where do I start?
Commercial Break 19:54
Hi, I’m Dr. Manon Bolliger. And I wanted to take a moment to thank you for watching these podcasts. If you haven’t subscribed, please do. Also feel free to leave comments and like it. This way more people get to find out about this work and about other choices for health. So, I think it’s really important that we all share this information, I have a free gift to you. It’s a seven sequence email that has tips for every day, and a little insight about how to live your life when it comes to health. And it’s very much built on how I managed to overcome stage four cancer and what it took. So, I would love you to have this. And thank you once again, for listening to these podcasts.
Kerri Hummingbird 21:01
So, I always invite people start with your own mother, because your relationship with your mother will reveal a lot of patterns that you inherited from your ancestry. And then you can start to decide are those things I want to keep? Are those things I want to transform, and how do I want to transform those? And when you work at that microcosm, it’ll start impacting the macrocosm.
Manon Bolliger 21:24
But and so you’re suggesting it in a kind of like value based way? Like, I mean, it’s somewhat intellectual in the sense of making choices, you know, are you going to be, you know, an authoritarian parent or an authoritative parent? Or are you going to be like it, that type of thing, like, I find that it’s the next generation where most people I know, go through the realization of the connection, because they’re about to do it. And then they’re like, oh, wait a minute here. No, I don’t think I’m going to be doing whatever it is. Or this part was, you know, a ritual I loved. And this one, I’m gonna naturally do, right. I mean, not that we sit there and think every second, but there’s things we do unconsciously. And then there’s like, things we do unconsciously and change. Because when you become aware of it, you go, whoa, this doesn’t even fit in my, in anything I’ve been doing, you know, as a you know, young adult, right. So, is it like that type of process? Or are you suggesting more than awareness and bringing to consciousness? And like, what is the process that you’re talking about to do what you’re suggesting?
Kerri Hummingbird 22:45
Yeah, so the process is exploration of not only your own thoughts, and what you notice is patterns, that’s certainly a place to start, like, oh, I noticed that in my ancestry, there’s a lot of alcoholism. So, like, that’s one track. And then to go, where does that come from, that comes from an essential feeling about being disconnected and not being full, being abandoned, potentially, and being wanting to be loved, like a lack of love. So, there’s, there’s like, pathways in like that. And then there’s some just pure emotion that comes out because as you set the container, for some exploration like this, what happens is that things naturally sort of arise within your consciousness, your body, your feelings, events happen or conspired. It’s the mystery. So, the mystery is fully in charge of all of my work. So, when I, when I do a course with a group, the mystery is in charge of that course. So, I’m just holding space while each person enters that container to work with the mystery directly. And then I’m holding space to ask the questions and to help people guide people in their exploration, what’s coming up for you? What are the blind spots? What are the things that are that you forgot about that now all of a sudden, you’re sitting in remembering when you were seven years old, and some traumatic thing happened, you had completely forgotten about all of those threads, come back to making a person aware of the gaps and then sealing that up with love. So, like bringing more love more compassion, more self-awareness, allowing, accepting, embracing all the shadows, and lifting oneself into a higher state of reference around all those things. Right. So that’s like, that’s the basic process, but the mystery is always at work. So that’s kind of maybe somebody is introduction to how their mystery works. And then once they have that experience, they move forward in their life and they’re aware of it a whole different way.
Manon Bolliger 24:48
Right. So, I mean, it yeah, it feels as if, because I see that trust is needed. But before you can trust there’s, it’s almost like there has to be some experience that you notice as non-coincidental almost an experience for you.
Kerri Hummingbird 25:14
Yeah, synchronicity plays a huge role in this. And actually, it’s fun guiding programs according to the mystery, because I’ll be working with an intention for that particular call that week. And if the person didn’t do the work, like, they’ll say, oh, I feel so bad. I didn’t do the work. And I’ll say, well, what came up for you this week? And then they, they’ll do it have done exactly the thing that I was going to talk about. And as I start to talk about it, they’re like, oh, my gosh, I’ve been in this inquiry all week. And I didn’t even know. And it’s not because I planned that talk, it’s because I’m tuned in, I’m just tapped into what the group needs and what that next conversation is. So, it’s really, it’s a whole different way of operating, you know, to be leading from listening. Versus leading from telling, you know, there’s just a very different vibration there. And it’s, it’s delightful, I find it delightful, because, first of all, I don’t have to plan a whole bunch of stuff ahead of time, not to show up, and let it all flow through me, and then be in a space of inquiry and mystery myself, like, oh, wow, where does that apply to me? How am I in that conversation? As well, as I’m supporting others? So yeah, it’s a whole different way of operating, I feel like our society is going to be moving more to this unilateral space, then this hierarchical, like expert space into like, you know, just hanging out with each other, taking lessons from the mystery space.
Manon Bolliger 26:41
Hmm, yeah, I totally agree with you. And I was thinking it’s been highlighted by this. I can’t think of a better word than abusive. Abusive use of the experts say “the science says”, and it’s like, you know, most people in that menu are know that there is no “the science says” as the science is constantly evolving and changing. And the expert. I mean, I guess they can’t say the paid expert. But the point is, that there’s so many experts, and they have different opinions and different considerations. And, you know, they may be, you know, more in one field than another, they’ve learned several fields, and now they have other opinions. So, it’s actually, it’s interesting, it really is collective to start with, but we’re being shown, I think, the extreme, like abuse of power abuse of non-self-governance. So, you know, that, I at least I know, I live in Canada. So it feels like we have just, you know, somehow all collectively created a most authoritarian place in the world, which is, which is very, it’s interesting, because and I am, you know, actually born in Canada, but, but I have, yeah, it’s been very interesting to look at this and go, Wow, what is and I’m here, so I am responsible for creating. And there is dissent not to say that everyone has this, but so many Canadians are, you know, they’re kind good people they get along, they don’t want to, you know, it’s like, I’ll just do what I’m told. And, you know, and this is what we’re manifesting, you know, so I also feel that we’re on the verge of something explosively beautiful. You know, but it’s, it’s definitely the phase that we seem to be more in right now. And I think people are looking at this, starting to look at this and say, well, I did my part. I did my part. No, um, I don’t think I’m going to take something that’s not yet fully known, seems to have all kinds of issues. No one can talk about it publicly. We can’t even name it without being censored. So, I think people are starting to kind of look at this. I don’t like the word wake up. Because I find it demeaning or condescending, a little bit. It’s like, I feel like it’s shifting and we’re part of the shift all of us that are seeing sharing, they’re sharing and not judging everyone else for the phases they had to go through. Or you know that that’s part of their healing process. Right. So anyway, I went on for a while but…
Kerri Hummingbird 29:48
Well, it’s it is an interesting thing, and I feel like it’s really related to the mother wound in the sense that needing to have all the answers and to be right, is part of that paradigm that old people paradigm. And the new paradigm is I don’t know, let me listen and see what comes to me. And then trusting that, which is the intuition that you that you teach, right. So that intuitive sense and learning how to trust the intuition. And knowing that we’re not cookie cutters, we’re not all made the same way we don’t, our bodies are not all made the same way, what our bodies need is not all the same. Our spirits are definitely not all the same. We come in different packages with different lessons. And at the end of the day, we’re all united, we’re all part of one, one main thing going on here, whatever you want to call that. So, we get to see how diversity is part of unity. And I think that’s, that, once again, that conversation is going on in many different ways right now all over the place in different expressions.
Manon Bolliger 30:51
Hmm. So, I know we don’t have too much time, I really want to find out a few things about your, I guess, your newest book, The Second Wave. And I’m going to just read a quote by Sarah Wiseman, author of Messages from the Divine and Intuitive Path. And she says this about your book, “As someone who’s clearly walked the path, Kerri now leads us to a divine reality, the New Earth that is ours to create. Her deep understanding of shamanic and spirit wisdom helps us climb out of the karmic collective consciousness and move to our rightful place as sovereign souls. Why is insightful and eminently useful for the spiritual Seeker”. So, I was wondering if you could talk generally about your book, but also the notion of sovereign souls?
Kerri Hummingbird 31:49
Yes, absolutely. Well, the second wave is here to usher in a new paradigm of sovereignty. And sovereignty is really based in the unique thumbprint that you are meant to walk in your souls journey in this time. And conformity is in opposition to sovereignty, because conformity is an old model for creating safety out of knowing what’s going to happen by making everybody do the same thing. So right now, we’re shifting into sovereignty. And anyone who’s heard that call and is following their inner guidance, is probably feeling a lot of pressure to conform. And that is part of the test of sovereignty is can you hold your own knowing and follow your own true path, while holding love and compassion for others, and staying out of judgment or thinking that you know what’s best for everybody, because you don’t you only know what’s best for you. That’s it. So, it’s like really becoming mindful about those guards on the highway lanes, you know, like you stay in your own lane. And you can provide support to others. But that’s about it. So, the Second Wave book was written for this time, it was written in 2019, actually, and it was written for this time that we’re going through right now. And it’s an encouragement, there’s a lot of encouraging things in there. If you’ve always been the black sheep, to call it rainbow sheep. If you’ve been a rainbow sheep, and you don’t fit in, and you’re like the square peg in the round hole and trying to fit in there, then this book is for you. Explain what is going on. You know, the first metaphor is like you walk into a party, and everyone’s drunk already. And you’re the only one that’s sober, and you’re wondering what’s going on. And if that light, if that has been your life on the planet so far, then that’s that book is gonna help a lot to explain what’s going on. So yeah, and yeah, it’s, um, it’s a beautiful book. It’s really helpful.
Manon Bolliger 33:51
Hmm, yeah, it felt like, well, just the wave. It was, I think we’re on the fourth now. But
Kerri Hummingbird 34:00
The whole on the front covers a rainbow eye, which I think is so fun, because it’s as soon as I saw that, I knew that was the image that was being called, I remember that that was the right image. And it’s that rainbow eye because we’re all rainbow. We’re rainbow beings. And we’re the one eye so it’s all it’s the diversity and the oneness. It’s, it’s everything. And we can’t skip steps on that. You know, that’s why the mother wound book is powerful. That one actually came out after the second wave and it’s a shadow exploration, you know, it’s really into the deep dark shadows of our human consciousness that has created such suffering, and down into the down into those deep roots of that and how do we heal and shift and transcend the human drama. We’ve got to go down into the shadows. We can’t skip that. We can’t just hang out in the light and be like travel mantra, Mantra, Mantra, you know
Manon Bolliger 34:56
Do you have any…I have not read your book. So, I, I’m curious whether you cover it all, a lot of healers, I mean, not only have we gone through our own wounding, and that is part of the, it just makes sense to be that, but we tend to be empaths, we tend to be compassionate. And it’s a very hard time when I, you know, talk to many of my colleagues, especially, I would say, this is just an observation, it’s not a truth. But they’re, you know, that the elder ones in general, who have been a lot more skeptical about the current offered solution to this global situation. At this point, I’ve been very careful with my words. So, we can maintain the rest of this. But there is a deep concern for, I would say, our children in general, and many of, and not to exclude fathers, because there’s many very concerned fathers. But there’s, I’ve heard over and over again, from woman tearing pain, like literally uterine womb pain, from feeling that the younger generation have just taken this without any concern or worry, because of whatever reason, but they wouldn’t travel, sometimes coercion, but many have just walked into it open hearted. And, you know, if you have any medical training, you kind of look at what’s in this as it’s coming. And it’s a very, it’s a deeply concerning issue. So, do you have any thoughts to I don’t want to use the word appease, because that’s not the purpose, but any to share really on that?
Kerri Hummingbird 37:11
Yeah. So, in the mother, Healing the Mother Wound book, Love is Fears. There’s a lot about how to stay in right relationship when other people are making their choices on their souls journey. And that is one thing that is super challenging, being a mom is having some insight, some questions, some concerns, and being able to guide your adult child or your younger child into making decisions, like with younger children, we have some say, because they’re, they’re younger, but when they start to make their own decisions, that is really their souls journey. And that place of non-judgment of trusting that all is well that this is part of a curriculum somehow and that it’s all going to work out beautifully. That is something even better, we know what we came down here for we came down here for the Age of Aquarius. And so, knowing that that’s where we’re heading, you just take a bit of faith. And my urging is to not make up self-destructive stories about yourself or others. Because that is also its own kind of power. You know, the storytelling power of a mother is extremely strong. I learned this through my life of those 20 years on a sofa, right, like making up stories, and I got to see how stories told with pain or, or worry or, you know, predicting bad outcomes that was really potent in my life, it got me down into a dark tunnel, and I really was suffering from all those things then because I was telling those stories every week. So I I’m very cautious about storytelling, I feel like the best thing we can do is to place all that stuff we’re worried about in the hollow bone, and blow prayers and bendiciones you know, big, big beautiful wishes, and love and then be there, you know, be there in the conversation like if, if this is a lesson your child’s having and your adult child let’s say and then there is a negative outcome at some point. Be present with that. Be present, hold space, show love, you know, these are all soul lessons, we have to detach from a little bit from the humanity of this, like the temporary human experience and get into that soul space to be able to hold space in this way because certainly your heart’s way open and like you said, your womb is screaming at you. And you know, if the person’s willing to listen, that’s another place to share right with totally honoring their choices but sharing from here perspective, your concerns and your desires and only if the person is willing to hear it, you know, that’s an invitation like, are you willing to hear my perspective? And if the answer’s no, there’s no point in sharing it, you know, it just creates more wounding. So, it’s, it’s a lot, there’s a lot in the book about navigating those boundaries. And it’s a skinny branch, okay, like this, all of this we’re talking about is super skinny branch stuff, which is the advanced soul curriculum that we’ve all entered in. So, one of the downloads they got when I was writing the second wave book was that a lot of souls were going to leave the planet because the kind of soul work that we’re shifting into on this planet is, is skinny branch, you know, it’s very, like challenging, it’s not straightforward. It requires a lot of intuition, a lot of space a lot of checking in a lot of self-mastery, and some souls just aren’t ready for this. So, they took the easy out and they took that opportunity to die in a fairly easy quick way. And so, we had a lot of death on the on the planet for sure. But you know, if we can elevate the conversation to think about things from the soul lens, the soul perspective, it gets a lot easier to handle our humaneness. Our humaneness is super precious. So yeah, I’ve my heart goes out to the moms for sure.
Manon Bolliger 41:20
Well, thank you for your share on that because I think it’ll be greatly appreciated. And our time is up. So, thank you for sharing your heart and your wisdom and your love.
Kerri Hummingbird 41:38
Thank you for having me on the show Manon.
Ending 33:08
Thank you for joining us at the Healers Café with Manon Bolliger, for more information go to:

* De-Registered, revoked & retired naturopathic physician, after 30 years of practice in healthcare. Now resourceful & resolved to share with you all the tools to take care of your health & vitality!