The #1 show for medical practitioners & holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.

Manon Bolliger (Deregistered with 30 years of experience in health)
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Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND
Wellness vs. Big Pharma: The Fight for Natural Health with Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND on The Healers Café with Manon Bolliger
In this episode of The Healers Café, Manon Bolliger, FCAH, RBHT (facilitator and retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice) speaks to Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND, about the challenges of promoting natural health in a pharmaceutical-driven world, the power of prevention over cure, and how education can empower individuals to take control of their well-being. They also explore the concept of Karma as energy and cause-and-effect, discussing its role in health, free will, and self-care as the foundation of a thriving life.
Highlights from today’s episode include:
Manon Bolliger 03:21
You can’t make a change in health without making a change in education. Because the thing is, we’re educated to believe that our bodies are not really so receptive to it, to healing, right? It’s like we don’t have it all, as if the best pharmacy was not within which it is
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 07:53
You make money off them being sick. You know, that’s how society makes money. And yet, you know, it’s just so simple to come back to eating, you know, really healthy foods and taking care of yourself and exercising. It again, we come back to that same thing. It’s just common sense.
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Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 16:56
Well, it is, and it comes back to trusting yourself when you trust your choices, your decisions, when you trust your inner self and you’re grounded that intuition does open up more. You know, and we’ve all experienced it, and then you kind of, it’s like, look at the facts and then pull back and trust that you know the right direction to take.

Doctor Lynn is a naturopath, yoga nutritional therapist, fitness professional, karma master, published author, international speaker and video producer with over 30 years’ experience in the field of natural health and fitness. She has been featured in Redbook, Reader’s Digest, Huffington Post, Shape, SELF and various other national publications, TV networks and Podcasts. She is the author and producer of the Soul Walking series; How to Master Karma.; How to Master Prosperity and How to Master Vitality; Doctor Lynn’s Proactive-Aging Workouts; Burnout – it happens to all of us; Sex Matters, and other health and fitness courses.
Core purpose/passion: health and balance of body, mind and soul.

As a recently De-Registered board-certified naturopathic physician & in practice since 1992, I’ve seen an average of 150 patients per week and have helped people ranging from rural farmers in Nova Scotia to stressed out CEOs in Toronto to tri-athletes here in Vancouver.
My resolve to educate, empower and engage people to take charge of their own health is evident in my best-selling books: ‘What Patients Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask: The Mindful Patient-Doctor Relationship’ and ‘A Healer in Every Household: Simple Solutions for Stress’. I also teach BowenFirst™ Therapy through Bowen College and hold transformational workshops to achieve these goals.
So, when I share with you that LISTENING to Your body is a game changer in the healing process, I am speaking from expertise and direct experience”.
Mission: A Healer in Every Household!
For more great information to go to her weekly blog: http://bowencollege.com/blog.
For tips on health & healing go to: https://www.drmanonbolliger.com/tips
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About The Healers Café:
Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
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* De-Registered, revoked & retired naturopathic physician after 30 years of practice in healthcare. Now resourceful & resolved to share with you all the tools to take care of your health & vitality!

Introduction 00:00
Welcome to the Healers Café. The number one show for medical practitioners and holistic healers, to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives, while sharing their expertise for improving your health and wellness.
Manon Bolliger 00:20
So welcome to the Healers Cafe, and today I have with me Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND, and she has a PhD in holistic what is it Holistic therapy?
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 00:34
Manon Bolliger 00:35
Holistic health. Okay, she’s a naturopath, a yoga nutritional therapist, a fitness professional, a Karma master. We’ll go into that a little bit in a moment. A published author and international speaker and a video producer with over 30 years experience in the field of natural health and fitness. And you’ve been featured in all kinds of known magazines and all of that. So I won’t go there in too much depth at this point, but yeah, so I really welcome you to our casual talk about health, feeling what it’s like in this century at this time.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 01:23
Thank you very much. You and I go, you know, we both have been around this block a few times, so it’s really, it’s really my pleasure to be here with you.
Manon Bolliger 01:31
Yeah, no, likewise, yeah. It’s always good to, you know, to have been called all kinds of names when we started. You’re studying what? Not truly, you think the body can do things? To actually, you know, seeing, you know, Kennedy now, actually clarifying some of these belief systems that you know, where we’ve become engrossed, engaged and financially strapped to the pharmaceutical industry, you know, and people are suffering from it, you know.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 02:13
Well, you know, I’ve said to everybody, when they were bringing him in, that he’s probably got the toughest job of anybody in the whole administration, because he’s up against not just big pharma, but he’s also up against, you know, big junk food, you know, with the big companies, and they make a lot of money making, having us eat this junk.
Manon Bolliger 02:34
Yeah, well, I mean, it’s a system that works, you know, they Make You Sick, and then they have this pharmaceutical, not real solutions, you know, temporary binders, and then they have solutions for when you actually have your cardiac issues and that. But basically, there’s zero prevention, and there’s zero common sense in what is food?
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 03:00
Yes, yeah. And the word you use prevention, I mean, you know, from the naturopathic or the holistic point of view, that’s where we focus, is prevention over cure. And it makes to use a ..
phrase we use here in the US now, common sense. We got to come back to that, you know.
Manon Bolliger 03:21
Yeah, and, you know, I think too, we’ve been, it’s been a program, right? Which is why the change that has to be encountered is so holistic. You can’t make a change in health without making a change in education. Because the thing is, we’re educated to believe that our bodies are not really so receptive to it, to healing, right? It’s like we don’t have it all, as if the best pharmacy was not within which it is.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 03:58
Manon Bolliger 04:00
So I yeah, I think it’s the timing is so brilliant right now to finally what I would say, get the truth out. And, you know, and it’s not for everybody. You know, habits are hard to break, and a lot of people have short term thinking, which is also an educational you know, we say we have choice, but when you really look at propaganda, I don’t know, I, I don’t I feel, yes, there’s choice, but they’re also victims. So you have to have compassion to the resistance as well, to a point.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 04:44
Exactly. And you know, being able to exercise that free will and that choice is sometimes very difficult for people. I mean, we all have it. We all have this wonderful gift. But it, you know, you do have…it is suppressed. It is suppressed. Us to buy, you know, society, by the media, by all of Big Pharma, by all of these people, you know. And it, yet, it’s the one thing that we all have, and we all should exercise every day, free will. Yeah.
Manon Bolliger 05:14
I think it’s practice, you know. And, and just like, you know, we saw now that is finally in Canada, by the way, we’re under still very, very strict censorship. So we there isn’t the same discussion as you can get by, you know, going to either independent medias or even some of the public medias in the state, you know, which are still part of the the corporate group of medias, but they, you know, they have shared a lot more, you know. So we’ve just come out of this zone of, you know, the bio weapon use and, you know, and there’s actually talk about it. You know, there’s people are starting to realize that we’ve been lied to. That’s very much more complicated, you know, and yet, just like then, a lot of people did it because they felt they had no choice, and also because other people did it, and they felt, at least in Canada, it was like to be nice, to be nice, you know, to be nice to your elders, to be nice to whatever.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 06:23
Exactly, you know, it’s interesting. My undergraduate degree was in communication, and that was many, many years ago. And of course, one of the classes we had to take was, you know, propaganda, you know, and how you can use communication. There’s so many ways to take communication, you know, the message is in the medium, and it’s sort of, you know, you have to remember and how persuasion and how to use persuasion, and how advertisers and people use persuasion. Communication is a very powerful tool, either good or evil. It’s very powerful.
Manon Bolliger 07:01
Yeah, yeah. And I think you’re right. It’s either good or or not right. You can use, like all technology both ways, right? It’s, it’s really a time that asks for discernment.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 07:16
Manon Bolliger 07:16
You know, and to really question everything you know. And you know, as I’m talking to people that are more and more willing to talk a little bit more, you know, there’s subjects that are absolutely don’t bring that one up.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 07:30
Manon Bolliger 07:34
So, you know, you gotta be careful, because the whole point is that, you know, both of us going into the field of of natural healing, it was such a taboo thing. Yes, we weren’t the first but we were definitely trailblazers.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 07:53
Yes, and that’s so true. And you know, I’ve always said, you know, if the gut, you know that you can’t make money off having people eat healthy foods and exercising. You make money off them being sick. You know, that’s how society makes money. And yet, you know, it’s just so simple to come back to eating, you know, really healthy foods and taking care of yourself and exercising. It again, we come back to that same thing. It’s just common sense. And, you know, interesting. I was raised that way. I was raised on a little island off the coast of Maine, in a fishing village, and we didn’t have junk food. We had what was what we produced on the island. And so I like to tell people, before we even had the word organic, and I didn’t know what it was. I was eating organic, because we ate in season when the fisherman brought it in, what we could, you know, get, you know, to eat there. And that’s how I grew up, and that’s kind of what got me, kept me going in this kind of, you know, direction.
Manon Bolliger 08:56
Right. And I mean, same with me. So for me, it wasn’t, you know, my parents had a garden, you know, I didn’t think anything of it. It was like and, of course, you do things naturally, because the body is strong, and you keep it strong, and you make it strong, you know. And then you go through whatever you know, you need to go through because you need to strengthen it. It’s got to learn. And, you know, so it was kind of that education. So for me, going into naturopathy was not a like a break. It wasn’t clear, but to most of society, it looked like that. You know, it was the inferior doctor, the one who, you know, now we have the rights to prescribe drugs, but at the time, we didn’t have the rights to do that, so it’s like, oh, well, we can’t really give pharmaceutical drugs. We can’t be any good, right?
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 09:49
Manon Bolliger 09:51
anyway, but it’s interesting, you know? So if you think what it took for us, which wasn’t that hard, but it was just continuing with com. And sense, when you look at the the years of it’s not just propaganda. It’s like financial incentives, right? Like you say, a sick person can be treated whereas a healthy person isn’t going to go for treatment.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 10:16
Manon Bolliger 10:20
So if you look at all the way it’s structured, it’s so much bigger than the one thing you know, it’s the entire mindset behind all this that we have to break. You know, it’s like, like these poor young parents wellness visits. You know, it’s like the baby is well.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 10:41
Manon Bolliger 10:42
Until you do things too, and that could cause unwellness, you know, right? And especially now that we have, you know, social media. You have groups online, you can, you know, you can look up things. And you know, even like SIDS, right, sudden infant death syndrome, which you know, we brought up many times. Well, why on earth does it happen at certain times? You know, if it’s related to certain things, like common sense questions?
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 11:17
Exactly, yeah, that’s, you know, the way it is. But you know, it’s it, it doesn’t again. We all, we go circle all the way back to it doesn’t make any money to keep people healthy. And it’s just so to me, that’s the craziest thing in the world, because I feel, if everybody’s healthy, then people are out working. They’re out spending money. They’re out doing, that. You know, there’s a different way of looking at it. But again, you go back and you have big companies like we have here, like Coca Cola, for example. They’re not just Coca Cola. They have cookies and chips and stuff. And, you know, they survive, make money off people buying that stuff.
Manon Bolliger 12:00
Yeah, yeah. And if you look at it also, like the war industry, you know, you can say you can’t make money off peace.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 12:09
No you can’t.
Manon Bolliger 12:10
But with peace, you can have incredible productivity, exactly, innovations and, you know, so it’s really just looking at it from a non top, greedy perspective, you know, what do we need as a as people? You know, we need clean water, clean air, food, shelter, community, right? And and the ability to be free, to create and innovate, and, you know, it’s quite it’s so simple, right? And I think we’ve been trained to look at experts as that, you know, it’s much more complicated. We don’t really know how things are. And, you know, it’s like, it’s so not true.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 13:02
Yeah. Well, you know, you use the word greed, and in Karma Yoga, that’s what we that is one of the great passions of the world. And what we what we teach people, is that, if we could remove greed, just greed, just, let’s pull greed right out of the world. It doesn’t exist in the human world, you know, everything would change, everything would change. But we have since the beginning of time, and it will never end. As I tell my students, there is no utopia. There will never be, not be a war or a famine or anything, but it’s what you do with your life and how you live your life and live your life a better life, and spread that out to other people, and eventually we’ve got a movement.
Commercial Break 13:47
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Manon Bolliger 14:56
I totally agree with you and it comes to our own participation, our own way as well, and we are contagious as people. Yes, you know, happiness is contagious, laughter is contagious, giving is contagious.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 15:16
Yeah, you know kindness, all of those things, I mean you. And when you give those things, you get so much more back. I mean, you know, when I stop and I take time to be kind to someone who maybe it isn’t a great day for them, maybe they need a moment of kindness and I bring a smile to their face, my soul lights up. And I mean, they’ve given me a gift, you know?
Manon Bolliger 15:43
Yeah, and that’s the whole part about gratefulness, right? The more you are grateful, the more you see to be grateful about, right?
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 15:50
Exactly, exactly. And there is so much, you know, and again, we have to really, you also use the word discern. We also have to look at social media and all that stuff out there and kind of cherry pick through it, because 99% of what’s coming at us is garbage.
Manon Bolliger 16:09
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 16:10
You know you gotta look for that.
Manon Bolliger 16:12
Like education from different points of view often repeat it without verification, and it’s, it’s like, yeah, like, look how many points of view or perspectives there are, and keep them coming.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 16:28
Yeah, yeah.
Manon Bolliger 16:29
Ultimately, you know, we need to build that inner knowing. We need to be able to recognize when something just feels consistently true. It seems right, you know. And I think it’s also time for intuition to be very activated and to count on that. And, you know, we I mean, there’s been talk about what that means, but it’s also a practice.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 16:56
Well, it is, and it comes back to trusting yourself when you trust your choices, your decisions, when you trust your inner self and you’re grounded that intuition does open up more. You know, and we’ve all experienced it, and then you kind of, it’s like, look at the facts and then pull back and trust that you know the right direction to take.
Manon Bolliger 17:25
Right. And it’s also, when you say the pullback, it’s also pull in, in the sense, yes, how does it feel in the in the body, right? It’s cuz. It’s not the mind, just, oh, you know, because you can give people more facts. It doesn’t change them. It’s not It’s like information overload. It’s like somewhere that connection to doesn’t resonate. How does the heart feel about this? How does the body like it?
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 17:56
Exactly. And you can feel that vibration and that energy you know, and which is all there really is that exists in the world is energy. That’s all it is, you know. And it’s just how you use, and positively or negatively use that energy determines, you know, the path that you take.
Manon Bolliger 18:18
So I wanted you to talk about karma? I don’t know if you could. We’re switching quickly, but it’s not it’s related, yeah, what is karma? How does it fit into your your worldview and your understanding of how things work?
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 18:36
Oh, okay, it’s not the pop culture definition of karma, which is good or bad. The very first thing that I teach everybody is karma is not about judgment. And if you go good or bad, you’re talking judgment. Karma is simply about energy, cause and effect. So whatever energy you put out there, whatever you cause to happen, there will be an effect that will come back. And it doesn’t…it’s not like, if I get up and I do something bad, something bad is going to happen to me the next day. It’s like, here’s a good example. If I go out and I steal something, I am a thief, okay? And I’m carrying that with me, and I may never get caught, but the rest of my life, I will be looking over my shoulder right afraid I’m going to get caught. I am a thief, and I carry that energy with me. So what is the karma? The Karma is what I’ve created, and it’s that tension and that energy and that stress, and maybe I never get caught and I never get punished. So it’s not a direct punishment, it’s just the energy that you put out there. So it simply means cause and effect. What effect you want put out the cause.
Manon Bolliger 19:55
And do you think, as some people say, I’m living out somebody else’s karma, or, or the, you know, historically, or familial, ancestral karma, or, you know, what, what do you say to that?
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 20:13
Well, karma teaches us reincarnation, that we all, that we reincarnate. And that goes back to, you know, energy is never lost. The laws of thermodynamics, it simply changes form. So that’s what it means. It simply changes form. So what karma says is, when we leave this world, we go to a place called the holdover place, and it’s a place of reflection, because we all have misdeeds. You know, none of us have gotten to that place where we don’t have to come back and redo some of this stuff that we’ve done here. So karma says we choose at that point the most. We choose the body, we choose the family, we choose the place to come to allow us to work through whatever that karmic energy we need to work through. We usually will reincarnate close to something that is familiar from a past lifetime. So it could be I could reincarnate and my mother could actually have been my sister in another lifetime. So that’s how we get that kind of interconnection where it’s like, I’ve been here before, the deja vus. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Manon Bolliger 21:29
I have never heard it put that way. That’s a that’s very interesting. Yeah, no. And it feels right to me what you’re what you’re saying, um, also it’s, has, like you said, has nothing to do with punishment, which is so much how people use it typically, you know.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 21:48
Yeah, yeah.
Manon Bolliger 21:48
Well, he’ll have karma will get him, karma doesn’t get I mean, not, not that way.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 21:55
Not that way. It does not and, you know, that’s why, with my clients and my students, I always tell them, and this goes back to our original conversation about, you know, health and all that stuff, cherish and love this body. You chose this body according to karma, and you chose it for a reason, and it’s a vehicle. It’s helping you work through your karma, so take care of it and allow it to work you through. Because karma doesn’t care if you don’t take care of it, you can just keep spinning in that karmic wheel, coming back and back and back and back. But it’s kind of nice to evolve, you know, each time a little bit.
Manon Bolliger 22:36
Yeah. I mean, I do feel there’s an inner drive to do that. At some point, we become aware that it’s up to us.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 22:46
Yeah, it is, it is, it is up to us. It’s up to us to make those decisions. But oftentimes we are, you know, as humans, we are made to feel less than, you know, or we don’t fit up into whatever is the classically beautiful standard that society puts out there. And so there’s this thing called comparison. And really, if you think about it, there’s no room for comparison. Karma says you are absolutely unique. There is nothing like you, and there is no one on this karmic path that you’re on, but you. How can you compare? There is no room for comparison. You everything is unique, yet we’re all connected.
Manon Bolliger 23:31
Right, related and different. Question, What about psychopaths?
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 23:40
Why would someone be a psychopath? You know, someone asked me this the other day, and it sometimes, what karma would say is that in a past life, something happened that was a real trauma, and that person now comes back and has to go through that karmic because it can’t be wonderful to be a psychopath. It cannot be a wonderful walk on life. And why do you know, say an innocent person is killed by somebody like that, and you go, why? What? How can this be? You know, but it’s not again for us to judge or to understand this person came back, there may be a tremendous lesson in there, and that’s what we look for, is the lesson and the person whose life they took have completed whatever karmic thing they were here. They may have been here just to teach us how crazy this person is how crazy people can be.
Manon Bolliger 24:44
No, I think you’re, I mean, I would agree with the other but, you know, I’m thinking about some of the some of the CEOs, some of the, you know, people who are controlling our health care, for example, or were, anyways. I mean, is there any self reflection to the enormous damage that has been caused to humanity, right? There doesn’t seem to be any any of that, right? And so it’s like so they they pass on, or maybe they get taken care of, or whatever. You know, we don’t know what will happen, but what, where is karma in that? So they came here. They’re ignorant, I mean, or they appear ignorant of the harm they’ve done. They go to the next life? Is it just that they’re going to do this over and over and eventually, or how do, how do they create without consciousness? I guess that’s my question.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 25:53
Well, that’s the whole point. I mean, just because we’re here doesn’t mean that we evolve our consciousness. We may stay in that perpetual cycle. Karmic…the holdover place is a place to look back and to reflect on your deeds and misdeeds. And so let’s say that you were a corporate person here, and you ended up hurting a lot of people, most of that is because of greed or whatever, and you pass on if you have that reflection, then that person could come back as someone who you know donates his time to humanity, or does some you know to because they understand that oh, not. Oh, I was such a bad person, but Oh, I was caught up in this passion called greed, and how do I remove that greed from my consciousness and from my being so I can evolve higher? And they and so you have another chance to come back. Doesn’t mean you’re going to do it, you know.
Manon Bolliger 26:55
But it’s in that resting place that your understanding is. That’s where it happens. It may not be before they pass.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 27:04
Exactly, exactly, yeah, and that’s why it’s called the holdover place, because you sit there and you and we all have to reflect back, because again, everyone has something. I mean, none of us have evolved to a place where we are there, you know, I mean, and some are closer, and you may come back, and you may come back at a whole different level. You know, it’s like the Hindus in India. They believe that, they believe that, you know, you have the hierarchy of the rich people, and you have very poor people in India, very poor people, but they’re very reverent, because they believe that’s their karma, you know, they came back and this is what they’re supposed to do, you know?
Manon Bolliger 27:46
Yeah, yeah. We have, like, one more minute.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 27:51
Manon Bolliger 27:51
I give it to you to close. What would you like to say as the last few words? I mean, you can take two minutes if you need it.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 27:59
Well, what I say to everybody that the most important thing in your life is your health. Nothing else matters. You know, you lose your health, even just a cold, a common cold. Or I had a student today who came in and her thumbs are both in in brackets. And I said to her, I said, You don’t realize how much you can use your thumbs, do you and how much you need them? And she said, No. Appreciate, appreciate everything that your body, your mind and your soul can do and take care of it, because it’s the most important thing, and when it’s gone, there’s no amount of money that’s going to bring it back.
Manon Bolliger 28:37
Yeah. Well, thank you very much for spending time on this show and and, yeah, it was a great conversation.
Dr. Lynn Anderson, ND 28:45
Thank you so much.
ENDING: 41:33
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Jorge Padron

A Better Way To Connect With People
Manon is a newly retired Naturopathic Doctor, the Founder of Bowen College, an International Speaker, she did a TEDxTenayaPaseo (2021) talk “Your Body is Smarter Than You Think. Why Aren’t You Listening?” in Jan 2021, and is the author of 2 Amazon best-selling books “What Patient’s Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask” & “A Healer in Every Household”.
Manon Bolliger, FCAH, RBHT
Facilitator, Retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice, Business & Life Coach, International & TEDxTenayaPaseo (2021) Speaker, Educator, 2x Best Selling Author, Podcaster, Law Graduate and the CEO & Founder of The Bowen College Inc.
* Deregistered, revoked & retired naturopathic physician after 30 years of practice. Now resourceful & resolved to share with you all the tools to take care of your health & vitality!