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Manon Bolliger (Deregistered with 30 years of experience in health)

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Kimberly Evering

Kimberly Evering

No Matter Your Body Type You Can Do Yoga with Kimberly Evering on The Healers Café with Manon Bolliger

In this episode of The Healers Café, Manon Bolliger, FCAH, RBHT (facilitator and retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice) chats with Kimberly Evering about the opportunity for everyone to do yoga no matter their fitness level or body type.

Highlights from today’s episode include:

Kimberly Evering  02:59

I think it was because I loved how it was like empowering, like the poses are very bold, and it doesn’t matter what your like body type is. You can, you know, find a way into a pose that works for your body. So it’s such an inclusive form of fitness.

Kimberly Evering  21:01

Like, I kind of used to think that energy was not so impactful, and that it was kind of just this thing, but it wasn’t concrete. But what I’ve learned from all the different crowds, and all the different types of people that show up is that energy is real energy.


– – – – –

Kimberly Evering 

What I feel to be very comforting is place one hand on your heart, and one hand on your belly. And close your eyes for just a moment. And with your mouth closed, you take a nice deep inhale through your nose pause at the top and release that breath for a count of three.


Kimberly, the founder and CEO of Rock n Flow Yoga, brings years of expertise as a certified Vinyasa and Yoga Sculpt instructor to her events-based yoga business. Immerse yourself in a movement and mind fusion through invigorating sequences in harmony with diverse music genres. In addition, Kimberly developed two educational workshops — Elevate Your Practice: The Fundamentals of Blocks + Straps and Balance Your Energy Centers: The Seven Chakras. Rock n Flow Yoga redefines wellness experiences from private functions to public events! Fun Fact: In 2019, Kimberly was the first yogi in the Washington Metropolitan Area to secure a permit and regularly lead classes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial.

Core purpose/passion: | I am passionate about bringing people together and sharing joyful moments.


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As a recently De-Registered board-certified naturopathic physician & in practice since 1992, I’ve seen an average of 150 patients per week and have helped people ranging from rural farmers in Nova Scotia to stressed out CEOs in Toronto to tri-athletes here in Vancouver.

My resolve to educate, empower and engage people to take charge of their own health is evident in my best-selling books:  ‘What Patients Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask: The Mindful Patient-Doctor Relationship’ and ‘A Healer in Every Household: Simple Solutions for Stress’.  I also teach BowenFirst™ Therapy through Bowen College and hold transformational workshops to achieve these goals.

So, when I share with you that LISTENING to Your body is a game changer in the healing process, I am speaking from expertise and direct experience”.

Mission: A Healer in Every Household!

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About The Healers Café:

Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.

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* De-Registered, revoked & retired naturopathic physician after 30 years of practice in healthcare. Now resourceful & resolved to share with you all the tools to take care of your health & vitality!


Introduction  00:00

Welcome to the Healers Café. The number one show for medical practitioners and holistic healers, to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives, while sharing their expertise for improving your health and wellness.

Manon Bolliger  00:20

 So, welcome to the Healers Café. And today I have with me Kimberly Evering. And basically she is the founder and CEO of Rock and Flow Yoga. She brings years of expertise as a certified vin…you’re gonna have to correct me in this in the pronunciation but vinyasa and yoga sculpt instructor to her events based yoga business. She immerses herself in a movement and mind fusion through invigorating sequences in harmony with diverse music rars. So, well, first of all welcome. And I I’m quite intrigued by this events based yoga business. So we’re definitely going to talk about that. But let me just ask you first, what got you interested in yoga? How did you get into this field? And how did it all start for you?


Kimberly Evering  01:22

Well, thank you so much for having me on your podcast. I really appreciate it. And you now the vinyasa by the way. So kudos. Ah. So it’s kind of funny, because, you know, when I was talking to a friend about this a couple years ago, I hadn’t really thought about it. And when I reflected and I was like, as a little girl, I used to watch PBS a lot. And there was this woman that did yoga, and I had no idea what it was at the time, I would just like watching her and mimicking what she was doing. But I had to be all of like five or seven, and had absolutely no idea. And I think I was also like, attracted to her very calming presence. And then it kind of went out of my life. You know, I didn’t really, I wasn’t aware of yoga. And then after college, I started to go to some classes just for fun that were, you know, options at studios. And I fell in love with it. And I loved it. And I started taking yoga classes so much that they were like, Okay, you need to go to teacher training, because you’re here too much. Like, that is your next step. If you know, you’re into it. Now I was like, Oh, I’m very …


intrigued. Okay, why now?


Manon Bolliger  02:51

So what is it that you that drew you to it or that you enjoyed about it?


Kimberly Evering  02:59

I think it was because I loved how it was like empowering, like the poses are very bold, and it doesn’t matter what your like body type is. You can, you know, find a way into a pose that works for your body. So it’s such an inclusive form of fitness. I feel like more so than some of the others. And that drew me to it. And just like I loved the gracefulness of it in the strength mix. That’s a pretty powerful combination when you mix strength and grace.


Manon Bolliger  03:43

Yeah, interesting. Because I, my instinct with yoga, you know, having seen some pretty complicated poses is like, well, that’s not for every body, you know. But what you’re saying, is it actually you feel empowered doing it because there’s many ways into these poses. Can you kind of expand on that a little bit?


Kimberly Evering  04:09

Sure. I feel like it’s such a shame because I’m on social media, you see a lot of like, let’s say advanced poses. And of course, that’s people showing off and to people that don’t know better, I don’t blame people for getting intimidated and having a certain viewpoint of yoga. And you know, a lot of my friends that I teach are like, oh, that’s Instagram Yoga, you know. But by trade my classes because their event based and not studio based, I’m always getting people from all over the world at all different skill set levels and exposure to yoga from never having done it to having taken it for years. And because of that I have to find that middle ground and then teach all level yoga when I get the vibe of like, you know, the skill set of who’s attending a class. But it never no matter what goes to advanced poses, like headstands, or anything that it should be, you know, for someone that’s been doing it for years and years. And I think a misconception is, I can’t do yoga, I’m not flexible, or I can’t get into this pose or that pose, but you know, I have a cycling background, and cyclists tend to be very tight. So yoga I had found was a great balance to like helping keep my body more pliable and flexible. And I am not always the most flexible in certain poses, and I’m alright with that, like, I could be practicing for years and years and years, and I might be able to get like deeper to pose, but I might never be able to get my body to contort a cookie cutter way into a pose. And that’s totally all right. I always tell the people that come to my class, you know, morning versus night makes a difference in how loose your body is, right side versus left side of a body for people makes a difference. Sometimes we do things so much easier with our right side, then on the left side, you know. Women and, you know, I hate to say it, but like time of month that makes a difference a lot of times with our balance, it’s both there’s so many factors that you just gotta like, literally go with the flow, and just not push your body but do things to the most comfort point for you.


Manon Bolliger  06:56

What is actually event based yoga?


Kimberly Evering  06:59

So, excellent question. You know, studios, when you teach in a studio, you have a set day and set time. So you know, if you’re going to commit to that you should be available consistently, like every Thursday at six o’clock. Well as gal on the go, I have a very fluid schedule, I’m always doing different things. So event based yoga is my niche. And it’s more like authentic to me. So I will teach yoga classes out in the world, at venues all over the place, you know, for all different occasions. So I was one of the first Yogi’s in the Washington Metropolitan Area that got a permit to teach yoga at the base of the Lincoln Memorial years ago. And that was like, amazing. But then I’ll also teach yoga on rooftops at sunset or, you know, poolside or on a golf course. So I love event base, because I really strive to encourage people to live boldly, and experience different things. And when you’re outside of the studio, like the sky is the limit for the places that you could take yoga. It’s so beautiful.


Manon Bolliger  08:20

Hmm. That’s very interesting. Yeah. So that actually is how you teach it.


Kimberly Evering  08:25



Manon Bolliger  08:28

Because that’s very innovative. I mean, I’ve seen people teach at events, you know, whether it’s breathing or yoga, or some sort of thing that breaks up a little bit the event and allows you to go back into your body. So I’ve seen it. But so what was your path, though to get into…yeah, how did…how did you…first of all, how did you know that that’s what you wanted? And then how did you follow up so that it became the thing you can do basically?


Kimberly Evering  09:01

Well, I thought I didn’t want to teach in a studio. Actually, I took teacher training and teacher train extensions, because I took it very seriously. So anytime there’s a chance to get the education and then more education on what it is like I take advantage of that. And I recommend that to anybody, if you want to be the best at what you do. Always be open minded to learning and taking it to the next level with you know, what you learn about your hobby or your passion. And I just am not one of those people that likes to be in cubicles or inside, you know, confined necessarily. I don’t mind taking those types of classes, but I was like, You know what, for me, I think it’s just about like, fluidity. And where’s the cool spot that’s just interesting and fun, and I love meeting new people. So with event based yoga, you’re you know, constantly having different clients, you get to share yoga with first timers a lot, which is an incredible honor. And you learn things from the people that you, you know, meet. And it just kind of like evolved like that. And I have an alt rock DJ background. So music is a huge foundation to my belief and yoga and movement. And I incorporate instrumental versions of all rock music in, you know, into my playlists for my classes.


Manon Bolliger  10:43

So kind of different a little bit.


Kimberly Evering  10:45

Yeah, and try to make it as immersive as possible. Like, you know, if I’m doing a sunset yoga, I try to be really mindful about picking music that like goes with that vibe. And reminding people like keep your eyes open and just take advantage of the sky and looking up when you’re in certain poses. Because so much in life are like, bam, bam, bam, going, going, going. And we don’t pause and absorb, like, the beautiful things around us. So I like them to get lost in the flow and the music and kind of just, you know, enjoy themselves.


Manon Bolliger  11:25

So I mean, that’s really your thing. Clearly. So have you named this?


Kimberly Evering  11:36

The style or?


Manon Bolliger  11:39

The style, because it’s, it’s unique. I mean, I’ve interviewed several people who do yoga, and we’ve talked about the different types of yoga. And, you know, the advantage of becoming present and all that, but what you’re what I’m hearing that you’re doing is that you’re bringing the external environment, really into the…into the picture, and then you’re embellishing or focusing on it through music, so that you have a full integrative sort of approach to yoga right. It’s like…it’s like a yoga seance.


Kimberly Evering  12:21

Aww, I wish I had a name. I honestly, that would be like a dream come true to have, you know, bigger one was started by a male, it would be pretty incredible to have a style of yoga that was female, you know, based. But Rock and Flow, when I chose the name, and I had it trademarked, I really put a lot of thought. I’m very deep about the meanings of words. And that goes back to like, I love song lyrics like I’m a writer and editor also in like, words are very meaningful to me. And the rock part is kind of obvious, right? That’s like, you know, the music and just like the positivity of the word, like Rock On. But flow has so many layers to it. It’s like flow is chill and organic. Flow is the breath, flow is the movement, flow is the music, you know, flow is the environment. So it’s not by accident that I came up with Rock and Flow because it transcends across the things that I love and incorporate.


Manon Bolliger  13:36

Yeah, I missed I actually missed that and read again, but so it’s Rock and Flow yoga.


Kimberly Evering  13:42



Manon Bolliger  13:43

Yeah. Okay, that makes perfect sense. It really requires a name, but that’s, uh, I agree that’s a good name.


Kimberly Evering  13:52

Thank you.


Manon Bolliger  13:53

Yeah, no, it’s interesting, because you get both aspects of what you’re wanting to share, right?


Kimberly Evering  14:01

Yeah. And then like, ironically, you know, the way life works and I think this happens when you do put a lot of thought into something mindfully. This spring and summer I’m launching stand up paddleboarding yoga as a new service that I’m really excited about because I’m, I do you know, competitive stand up paddleboarding. But from a recreational standpoint, not like a metals competitive standpoint. And again, like flow of water, I was like, Oh my gosh, how wild is that that, you know, again, an element comes into play that matches.


Manon Bolliger  14:40

And don’t rock the boat.


Kimberly Evering  14:42

Yes. Don’t rock that board.


Manon Bolliger  14:49

So what is some I noticed you have gal on the go what is that about? Is that a separate thing you’re doing or creating or or how does that fit into your your big picture?


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Kimberly Evering  16:12

Yeah, well, thank you for asking. So when I was in grad school, one of my final projects was to come up with, you know, a website and base it around like something that we’re passionate about. And I had started a blog that was all about my adventures. And it was like a gamut of things like ziplining, I toured with a band, you know, like, I did the bobsled Olympic experience in Park City, Utah, like I would do all these things. And my point of sharing them was to be like, Okay, if I could do them, hopefully, it’ll encourage you to get out there and live boldly. And it kind of caught on again, I love when things do this, like, organically. And I got to be known as gall on the go, and everyone be like, Hey, what’s up? There’s gal on the go, oh, my gosh. And then a friend of mine was like, Okay, why don’t you take that and elevate it into a podcast. And then the blog became a podcast called Gal on the Go Unplugged. That’s all about empowering women. And that is the story. Interesting.


Manon Bolliger  17:32

So when you when you give, like it’s, I guess they’re beginners, like you say, in your classes, and that what are like tips to get people understanding? I mean, a lot of people know what yoga is. And there’s so many different types of yoga that they all kind of are different. What do you…what would you say are the things that you feel important to convey about yoga, or specifically the yoga that you that you do?


Kimberly Evering  18:03

Um, I always try to say, put myself in their position, right? Like, there’s actually a lot of pressure when you have someone that shows up for a yoga class, and it’s their first one. Because if you really think about it, you’re like, Okay, their experience with me is going to determine if they hate yoga, or like it and continue it or not. And I want someone to continue it based on a positive experience, like, you know, in a genuine like, overall experience of it, not because of something else. Like you know, if they decide it’s not for them because of something physical, that’s one thing, but I don’t want them to not like it for other reasons. So I try to be, you know, very mindful of that. And say, when you come into the class, don’t worry about if you’re flexible or not, don’t worry about what someone next to you is doing. Don’t worry about picking it up fast or not just enjoy it. Like, you know, I’ll show them the poses, I’ll say the names of the poses. I try to stay away from sans skirt words. Because I have learned that people are very intimidated and turned off. It’s nice to know them from a knowledge standpoint, as you get into yoga more and more. But it’s actually a turn off in the beginning for Yogi’s because you’re alienate them. They don’t know what the terms mean. They don’t know what pose they’re supposed to get into if you use, you know, like, what you could say is the proper terminology instead of the like, you know, everyday terminology. So I just try to take those things in consideration and present them in a positive way. And then also make them feel like the environment they’re in is a safe space, I think that’s really important. No one’s going to experiment and try to do things if they don’t feel they’re in a safe place, or they feel judged. So to me, those are very important factors.


Manon Bolliger  20:19

Well, it’s also good to bring those types of things up, right? You know, because it’s often in people’s minds, but they don’t want to discuss it, right. And then, you know, when you discuss it, and you say, okay, everyone’s got their, you know, don’t look at anyone else, just do what you’ve got to do, it gives permission, really, you know, so it’s really so important.


Kimberly Evering  20:45

And, of course, I want them to have fun, but I want them to have fun, you know, parallel to everything else.


Manon Bolliger  20:54

What’s like the most maybe important thing you’ve ever, or you’ve discovered about yoga?


Kimberly Evering  21:01

Um, that there really is energy. Like, I kind of used to think that energy was not so impactful, and that it was kind of just this thing, but it wasn’t concrete. But what I’ve learned from all the different crowds, and all the different types of people that show up is that energy is real energy. You’re vibing off of people, and that you are presenting to people is so intense, and such a tangible thing more than I ever thought that shocked me. And also the fact that the people that take class, are just as calming for me. Like, there’s such amazing people I’ve been fortunate to have show up, that they bring a calmness into my life that I hope I’m providing to them, and I never expected that.


Manon Bolliger  22:05

Interesting. And what have you found to be the most…like, are there people that you just don’t recommend yoga to?


Kimberly Evering  22:16

Not really, I truly feel like anyone could do yoga. And when I teach class, I say option to do this option to do that. So with each pose, unless the pose is really only able to be done one way, because of that is the case with some poses, I try to give like two to three options for a pose, because you could not again, be able to do it, because you’re not as good on the right versus left side of body. Or you just, you know, can’t get into that exact pose. You know, there’s so many of those reasons. So I try to be very, you know, conscious of that.


Manon Bolliger  23:05

Yeah, that makes sense. So, I don’t know if it’s possible, I’ll just spontaneously put it out there since you seem to be quite spontaneous. What could you show us on a video like this, and also audio, to get people to feel the energy in their body? And this could be like, they may be in a job where they’re sitting. It could be standing, whatever you feel. But is there omething you can like a little process that you could put us through?


Kimberly Evering  23:44

Sure, absolutely. So sitting at your desk, because a lot of people of course, right when you’re sitting at your desk, by the end of the day, you feel like Oh, I’m all like hunched over and I’m so stressed and you don’t even realize that you’re like that until someone’s like breathe, breathe, just breathe. So what I would say if you feel like you’re getting overwhelmed, or you just need to take a pause, which I highly encourage people to take a pause multiple pauses throughout their day. What I feel to be very comforting is place one hand on your heart, and one hand on your belly. And close your eyes for just a moment. And with your mouth closed, you take a nice deep inhale through your nose pause at the top and release that breath for a count of three. And if you take another inhale through your nose…exhale, really nice deep inhale and like go over anything that’s weighing you down.


Manon Bolliger  25:33

And what is the connection, the hand on the…on the heart and the belly, what’s at play there?


Kimberly Evering  25:45

Well it’s just kind of tuning into yourself, right at the…the your stomach is the core, right? It’s the center of your entire body, everything shoots up and down from your stomach and your core. And your heart, of course, that’s your breath, your heart beating. So when you touch them, there’s a peacefulness in yourself. And then when you add that nice, deep inhale, and the key is releasing it, and that count of three. And it’s amazing. And I’m a very like, ahh person, I always tease about like, I am a unusual Yogi in that way. But for me, even that is the most calming thing. And literally, it takes, like all of nine seconds total, maybe 12, at most. And it makes such a huge difference in the moment. And it’s so easy to do at a desk, in a car, you know, you’re just pulled over in a parking lot, you’re feeling overwhelmed, maybe someone cut you off. Maybe you just got through a lot of traffic and made it to work. It’s like, just truly amazing how that small brief gesture of taking a moment for yourself calms you down.


Manon Bolliger  27:17

Yeah, and I think it’s true and we often miss the opportunity, right? We just really, oh, that’s fine. We’ll just keep going. Whereas it takes nothing, and you really change the, you know, your energy, and your ability to deal with other stuff. So, yeah.


Kimberly Evering  27:35

Yeah, it’s a it’s like an instantaneous reset, you know, it will last you, of course, right, as long as your environment will allow it to last, depending on what you’re exposed to, you know, let’s be real. But you know, what, then when you have a moment, you just come back to it again, you know, it’s easy enough, like I said, to do anytime a day, any place.


Manon Bolliger  28:02

Okay, well, you know, our time is actually up. Is there any last thing you want to say? Or have we covered it and leave it at the exercise? I’ll leave it up to you.


Kimberly Evering  28:14

I just hope that if you get anything from this interview, you know, if you get one nugget, I am very appreciative of that. And if you’re ever intimidated by taking yoga, but seems like you know, something that wouldn’t be for you, I would say be open minded. Take a community class, give it a try to go to an event based yoga class. And just see it might surprise you how much you do enjoy it.


Manon Bolliger  28:46

Great. Okay. Well, thanks very much for sharing your experience about yoga.


Kimberly Evering  28:55

Thank you, Rock On.



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  * De-Registered, revoked & retired naturopathic physician, after 30 years of practice in healthcare. Now resourceful & resolved to share with you all the tools to take care of your health & vitality!  

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Manon is a newly retired Naturopathic Doctor, the Founder of Bowen College, an International Speaker, she did a TEDxTenayaPaseo (2021) talk “Your Body is Smarter Than You Think. Why Aren’t You Listening?” in Jan 2021, and is the author of 2 Amazon best-selling books “What Patient’s Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask”  & “A Healer in Every Household”.


Manon Bolliger, FCAH, RBHT 

Facilitator, Retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice, Business & Life Coach, International & TEDxTenayaPaseo (2021) Speaker, Educator, 2x Best Selling Author, Podcaster, Law Graduate and the CEO & Founder of The Bowen College Inc.


* Deregistered, revoked & retired naturopathic physician after 30 years of practice. Now resourceful & resolved to share with you all the tools to take care of your health & vitality!

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