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Jennifer Mannion
How to Reconnect to Your Body Through Shamanism with Jennifer Mannion on The Healers Café with Manon Bolliger (De-registered* ND after 30 years of practice)
In this episode of The Healers Café, Manon talks with Jennifer Mannion, an Author, Teacher, Healing Intuitive and certified in 15 different energy healing modalities, e.g. shamanism, Akashic records, mind/body tools.
Highlights from today’s episode include:
Jennifer Mannion 05:31
Well, we all are connected, as you know, there is no me and you, I mean, we are all connected, we’re all connected to universal energy. And she also did actually, during that session, got a download, like a dream of when the cancer manifested, I guess she had had a boyfriend, and the boyfriend had sexually molested her daughter. And she took on all this guilt from that, so she got that in a deep forgiveness of herself. So that was, you know, that’s beyond me, I can open up kind of a doorway, you know where that information comes in. But I’m not feeding that information to her. So, it really is about the connection. It’s about love learning different ways to connect to that energy and just open that doorway for that information and that healing to come in.
Jennifer Mannion 09:36
Well shamans believe we are I mean, we’re born, you know, whole, and we do we do have stuff from our ancestors that we’re do inherit but as we experience, say, trauma, parts of our soul will go off to keep themselves keep it safe, actually. So, a Shaman can help someone reclaim those lost soul facets and really become more of themselves. It’s all about, you know, just healing those wounded pieces of ourselves. And a shaman does not heal anyone, a shaman guides someone for their own healing
Jennifer Mannion 25:08
I think it’s really important to recognize that we are always informing our body. And whether that’s fear or that’s love. And there’s a whole lot of fear going around now, too, and we are the ultimate, we are in control, like, we really do have so much control over our systems. But we do let birds we do let you know the facts that are supposedly in front of us. But just like, you know, you healed yourself and I healed myself, we know that there are ways to create healthy cells in our body, when I was focused on the parts of my body that didn’t hurt and saying, I am, yeah, I know, I have healthy cells in my body because my fingers don’t hurt, you know, thank you, and tapping into our body
Jennifer Mannion is an International best-selling author, speaker, highly sought after intuitive, self-love activator, and media personality. It was through healing herself from seven years of several debilitating chronic diseases in three weeks that Jenny found her passion to help others. She is an intuitive healer, mind/body/spirit mentor, and energetic catalyst who inspires people to connect with their inner-power, develop greater healing & expansion and create the lives they desire.
Certified in over 15 healing modalities including many different energy healing methods, the Akashic Records, and Shamanism. Jenny’s intuitive gifts led her to create the online class Embracing Bliss and the highly popular app Love365, which offers bite-sized actions & daily love notes to support your healing and ignite your inner flame. Jenny’s profound story and work has been featured on PBS, iHeartRadio, HuffPost, ABC Talk Radio, and many other national & regional TV and radio shows.
Core purpose / passion: I want to teach people how to tap into self-love to change their lives. When we love ourselves, we know our self-worth and are not living from our limited past stories and trauma. I love offering people tools to help shift their mindset and energy quickly and to begin to claim the life they desire.

About Manon Bolliger – (De-registered* ND after 30 years of practice):
As a recently De-Registered board-certified naturopathic physician & in practice since 1992, I’ve seen an average of 150 patients per week and have helped people ranging from rural farmers in Nova Scotia to stressed out CEOs in Toronto to tri-athletes here in Vancouver.
My resolve to educate, empower and engage people to take charge of their own health is evident in my best-selling books: ‘What Patients Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask: The Mindful Patient-Doctor Relationship’ and ‘A Healer in Every Household: Simple Solutions for Stress’. I also teach BowenFirst™ Therapy through Bowen College and hold transformational workshops to achieve these goals.
So, when I share with you that LISTENING to Your body is a game changer in the healing process, I am speaking from expertise and direct experience”.
Mission: A Healer in Every Household!
For more great information to go to her weekly blog: http://bowencollege.com/blog.
For tips on health & healing go to: https://www.drmanonbolliger.com/tips
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About The Healers Café:
Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
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Welcome to the Healers Cafe. Conversations of health and healing with Manon Bolliger (De-registered ND after 30 years of practice).
Manon Bolliger 00:18
So welcome to the Healers Cafe. And today I have with me Jennifer Mannion. She’s an international best-selling author, speaker, highly sought after intuitive self-love activator, and media personality. She’s actually certified in over 15 healing modalities, including many different energy healing methods, the Akashic records and shamanism and she has been featured just about everywhere I can see but I’ll read a bit of a list; PVC, I Heart Radio, a post-ABC talk radio, and many other national and regional TV and radio stations. So well welcome and yeah, thanks for showing up.
Jennifer Mannion 01:10
I’m so grateful to be here. Doctor, I’m thanks so much for having me.
Manon Bolliger 01:14
Well, I guess I’m gonna ask the question that I’m always curious, what draws people and what drew you into the healing arts, I’m just going to call it as it is.
Jennifer Mannion 01:30
My own healing journey brought me here, I was sick for seven years, I was told a lot of limited diagnoses from doctors that I would be chronically ill in a wheelchair. And instead, I wound up healing myself in three weeks after seven years of chronic illness. So that blew my mind and blew the doors kind of wide open to my spiritual journey. And just trying to understand the different ways we can get in touch with the mind body connection, different ways we can heal, and really opening up other people like letting them know that they can also activate this within them, that they can begin to heal themselves that they can begin to …
live their best lives.
Manon Bolliger 02:17
Yeah, it’s very much my journey. It’s well, as you know, really, it’s a we’re in a world that limits or that attempts to limit all of what is actually possible by different authorities. I mean, maybe not intentionally, at least not by many intentionally. I think it becomes finally just the belief system that is just taught, and it’s taught continually that, you know, we are one just biological and that all solutions are on that level. And, and then it’s like now we’re biological and chemical, therefore, we’re pharmaceutical, I suppose. So, it’s a bit of a different thing when we’re looking at, you know, shamanic work or any other sort of energy work. Often people think, oh, well, that’s totally like, whatever, you just got to believe it for it to work. So, can you contradict me here? Is it true? You just have to believe it? Or is there more
Jennifer Mannion 03:28
You do not have to believe it for it to work. Actually, one of my I think I had just been doing energy healing. And I didn’t know anything about distance, energy healing, or any of that before I became like, immersed in this world. And it was one of my first distance healings, actually. And a woman had come across a friend from high school at like a 20 year high school reunion. And she found that the woman was given three months to live from cancer. And she’s like, she’s very religious. I know, she’s not really open to this, but I really want you to give her a session. And I spent the first 10 minutes of the session convincing the woman I wasn’t into black magic, and I wasn’t going to put a curse on her or anything. And during the session, though, she I guess she fell asleep for four hours. And she saw herself in past lives. She saw herself as different. She was here’s this woman, very religious and belief in this one religion, different religions. And she was given three months to live, and her cancer was gone after that one energetic session. So, she had no belief in what I was doing. She thought it was almost like a witch doctor. And it did still heal her.
Manon Bolliger 04:43
Yeah, well you know, I love skeptics, you know, Oh, yeah. To me, it’s like, okay, that’s fine. I mean, you there has to be at least the desire to try I think, well, you don’t step in the door. I think at least there but yeah, but the rest of it. It just happens if it’s the right time if it’s meant to, you know, so. But so, what? Tell us a little bit more obviously no names and all that. But how do you explain or what did you do? What was your tools? How do you download what you need to achieve such truly miraculous results? I mean, that’s the one line.
Jennifer Mannion 05:31
Well, we all are connected, as you know, there is no me and you, I mean, we are all connected, we’re all connected to universal energy. And she also did actually, during that session, got a download, like a dream of when the cancer manifested, I guess she had had a boyfriend, and the boyfriend had sexually molested her daughter. And she took on all this guilt from that, so she got that in a deep forgiveness of herself. So that was, you know, that’s beyond me, I can open up kind of a doorway, you know where that information comes in. But I’m not feeding that information to her. So, it really is about the connection. It’s about love learning different ways to connect to that energy and just open that doorway for that information and that healing to come in.
Manon Bolliger 06:18
Yeah. Yeah, no, I get that. Yeah, and it’s amazing when you can them It’s like opening the door to further deeper listening of yourself, right? And, and as healers, that’s the facilitation. It’s how do you create the space? In part, right?
Jennifer Mannion 06:45
In Shamanism, you asked to be a hollow bone, like, let me step out of the way. So, my mind is not in here, it really is about being empty and a vessel to be conduit for that person. And, yeah, I love when people are even more open, you know, to and they just receive so much. And I can’t control that I’m not trying to control it, it really is something available to all of us, you know, and I teach about the mind body stuff, too, because it is important to love ourselves and to receive that self-love to be open to that healing. And sometimes that’s this woman, you know, felt guilty, you know, and that can cause disease in the body.
Manon Bolliger 07:30
Mm hmm. Well, absolutely. And it’s funny how we do No, then that’s I, you know, I’m seeing that that’s your premise as well. I will say to patients, well, you know, the answer. And they sometimes they look at you and they go like, what do you mean, I wouldn’t be here. You’re here for a reason. But the thing is, you know, people know, and I was I just mentioned yesterday and a conversation I had with someone that I actually wrote down in my diary in my journaling, during a more difficult style of relationship. I wrote, this is the day my cancer starts. And what was interesting is I had no idea that I had written that, like, consciously because I was just allowing, and just writing, no editing, no rereading, you know, and I thought, Okay, I’ll keep it for another day. And that diary disappeared. And one day, I got it back from a friend who ended up well, my partner ended up giving it to that person, that person read it. And then he went back to me going, oh, my goodness, we’re living identical realities, right? Because by then I had moved on from that relationship. And I read that, and I went, Oh, my goodness. Like, you know, it’s if you don’t take the time to even notice, like, it’s great to journal but then step two. Read your journal. And kind of go what’s going on girl? Anyway, I guess we all learned but now I realized how important it is. So, tell me what, when you see shamanism, what is that? What do people like…what is that?
Jennifer Mannion 09:36
Well shamans believe we are I mean, we’re born, you know, whole, and we do we do have stuff from our ancestors that we’re do inherit but as we experience, say, trauma, parts of our soul will go off to keep themselves keep it safe, actually. So, a Shaman can help someone reclaim those lost soul facets and really become more of themselves. It’s all about, you know, just healing those wounded pieces of ourselves. And a shaman does not heal anyone, a shaman guides someone for their own healing.
Manon Bolliger 10:12
Mm hmm. So, what makes it shamanic about the healers role? What is the distinction? Or is there a distinction is it well,
Jennifer Mannion 10:25
Saman’s work a lot with the Earth, with the directions with power animals with really embracing Pachamama, you know, Mother Earth, and really bring it elements of that into the healing, and there’s a lot of tradition and rituals, love fire, I get to play with fire a lot. It’s a lot of bringing these ancient rituals that have been passed down. That have been these were the medicine men and medicine women, ancient days. So, these are the ways they use to heal people.
Manon Bolliger 11:02
And then what is the path for a person who notices that they feel as if this is something that they’re, you know, they’re really drawn to or experienced, like they, they get what you’re saying, what is their path?
Jennifer Mannion 11:23
I think it is that maybe a part of them is missing, maybe they did have a trauma, and they haven’t felt quite the same could be a bad breakup, it could be an illness could be abuse of some kind, you know, some things may be missing in there, they felt stuck They felt stuck, and maybe the roles that they’re in and in shamanism, as well as the Akashic work, I do really just help shift that energy. So, it’s a little faster. I mean, there, I love that there are so many modalities, I am always gonna be learning. They’re all different ways. But they all they all come down to the same thing. It really is just healing that past trauma, knowing that we’re unlimited tapping into that power and ultimately love for ourselves so that we’re willing to step forward and put the past behind us and really be in the now and create the future that we deserve.
Manon Bolliger 12:18
Yeah, I mean, it’s true. Ultimately, it’s all that they’re all methods, you know, but I’m also speaking to the people listening that are self-identified as healers, but vesicles, not necessarily, you know, responsible for your health, which is actually the downfall of so much of modern medicine is like, well, I’ll just go to my doctor and get a pill or I’ll just, it’s like, I won’t take responsibility. So, then they don’t care what goes in their bodies, right? It’s like, well, somebody in a white coat, or some authorities that don’t take that. And you don’t, you don’t question it, right. So not taking charge of your health is really abdicating responsibility for your life. As far as I’m concerned. You know, it’s
Jennifer Mannion 13:08
Yeah, and we’re not taught unfortunately, we’re not taught the chakra system and energy in school, you know, and to listen to our body and ask, hey, wait, wait, oh, I have a stomach ache, what’s out of balance here? What can I do to bring myself back into balance? We are taught to go to the doctor reach for a pill and just take care of the symptom rather than taking care of the real cause.
Manon Bolliger 13:31
Yeah, yeah, for sure. So, can you tell me a bit more about the Akashic records and what that is? I have a friend of mine who, whose told me she, I definitely want to do a session with you about this. I still haven’t taken her up. And so, I know, I really know very little about them. Would you mind sharing a bit more?
Jennifer Mannion 13:53
Akashic records is the records of all our lifetimes. And that includes contracts we’ve had with people karma, maybe over and over and over again, properties, their properties all have a record, anything in existence has a record. So, when I look at when I go into someone’s Akashic Record, first of all I need permission and I get a look at them snapshot at soul level. So maybe they have certain soul gifts, they have a primary life lesson. But it’s funny because I love giving that information, but everyone’s always more interested what are my blocks and restrictions? What’s stopping me those things that can be you know, contracts, karma belief systems that have come either from this lifetime or past lifetime curses, all kinds of energetic blocks and restrictions. And what I do is ask that my guides and their guides remove those, as well as give them a 21 day prayer to say, so that they’re really in control. They’re really saying, you know what, I’m ready to be done with this. I’m ready, cleared on out, you know, so I think that that is such a powerful thing. It’s intention. It’s Yes. You know, I have repeated this pattern. I know in this lifetime, certainly, you know, maybe many other lifetimes and I’m ready to be free of it.
Manon Bolliger 15:12
And these patterns that you, you pull out once you have permission, is it something that you then verbalize and the person goes, oh my goodness, that is so true or
Jennifer Mannion 15:26
Manon Bolliger 15:28
Okay, yeah. Yeah. So there has to be.,
Jennifer Mannion 15:32
More emotional. I mean, you know, it manifests in so many different ways. A client had a really bad breakup and a very negative woman in his life, and he had sciatica pain, they used to, I joke, like, if there was someone I knew, Oh, probably like a pain in your butt. You know, still there. We did the Akashic reading. Actually, it was honestly an energetic like pain root chakra, when that was out, pain was gone, able to walk never had sciatica pain again. So, these are, these are blocks in our energy that.
Commercial Break 16:08
Hi, I’m Dr. Manon, Bolliger. And I wanted to take a moment to thank you for watching these podcasts. If you haven’t subscribed, please do. Also, feel free to leave comments and like it. This way more people get to find out about this work and about other choices for health. So, I think it’s really important that, that we all share this information, I have a free gift to you. It’s a seven sequence email that has tips for every day, and a little insight about how to live your life when it comes to health. And it’s very much built on how I managed to overcome stage four cancer and what it took. So, I, I would love you to have this. And thank you once again, for listening to these podcasts.
Jennifer Mannion 17:10
That one, we’re made aware of them, whatever the modality is that resonates with you is the one I say to go for, you know, because that’s the one that if it makes you tingle, or say oh, yeah, wow, that sounds exciting. That’s the one to go for. And that’s the modality that that will probably help you heal. But I love that there are so many different ones, because we are all different. And we’re called to different things.
Manon Bolliger 17:32
Yeah. And as far as training, because the modality and I’m a naturopathic physician, right for 30 years, so we have like a whole bunch of things we can pull. Most of them I would say are very, either physical, or biological or chemical as in, you know, we balance things and get the gut in better health or whatever. Some of us, like myself will use homeopathy, which is considered energetic. But it’s based on like, here’s like, and then there’s modalities like, I have a school actually called Bowen college. And I teach Bowen therapy, which is physically based, but it opens up everything so that it’s a real body mind type of, you know, therapy, right. But I’ve been just getting this feeling personally. And, you know, I’ve had different types of healings and you know, seances that have been, you know, really quite, quite amazing. But I have a feeling that there there’s a, like a personal call now to go to another level of, of work working with people and it’s, it’s interesting. I mean, for one now, you know, the whole license thing is an issue of seeing people as an issue. It’s like it gets it gets so complicated and I and I realize that maybe all that’s not absolutely necessary. I was starting to see that that’s not the case in my last years of practice anyways. But how does one train or does one just step into it? And become it because once you realize that then more information pours in and that’s kind of how everything has been for me, but for you…
Jennifer Mannion 19:43
It’s a combination of those things. I think that we certainly are all healers, and we can you know, we’ve heard of people you know, waking up with these abilities suddenly, there is training, Akashic Record reading I was drawn to it. To Reconnective Healing when I heard when I held the book, the reconnection of my hand, I physically was vibrating. I’m like, Okay, I guess I need to learn this. So, you know, really following what is calling you, what excites you? I’d love I’m perpetual students. So, I love learning. And it’s always, I’ve usually followed the things that have helped me that Reconnective Healing helped me I had an experience that helped me I loved it Akashic Record reading, I was blown away by my Akashic Record reading, love that shamanism, I’ve really been helped a couple times by shamanism, so I know it works. I kind of like the seeing is believing thing, you know. So, I’m drawn to the things that I know have helped me or maybe witness to help another person close to me, they do feel we do all have these innate healing abilities. And it’s certainly, when someone goes to you, it helps to have something written on your card, that, you know, I am a licensed this, but is it always necessary? Not necessarily. I do believe people are born healers and also just have natural abilities that that occur.
Manon Bolliger 21:15
Yeah, I mean, it would seem, definitely it would seem that way. You know, sometimes all the degrees can get in the way, as well, you know, becomes then it a mental construct, rather than a connection to the heart and, and to the other, you know, so I think that’s interesting. Yeah. So, of all the people that you’ve been able to help. What, what surprised you the most, you know, where you just didn’t, where there’s a piece of you that may have doubted that you would be able to have some impact, or I don’t know
Jennifer Mannion 21:53
It’s like the one I mentioned before, the people that I’ve kind of been the ones that I’ve been asked by someone else, I’m always surprised, because I don’t know, if they’re open, I don’t know where they are, but it’s someone else reaching out on their behalf. To help them. I had a woman who her brother was very close to passing and hadn’t been communicative, and like two months, and they knew nothing about where he had his papers, or where anything was, and they were all stressed out. And after an energy session, he woke up just to kind of tell them all of that information, you know, so things like that, where, yeah, I mean, I never have any attachment, of course, I’m always my heart is highest and best for the person, you know, it’s part because the part of me is always like, I hoped they get better, you know, but it’s not getting that out of the way. Because we don’t know what that person’s turning is. Really, again, just being that hollow bone, for whatever wants to come through.
Manon Bolliger 22:53
And just to bring it to timely issues, since it seems to be the only thing in the news and going on. But there are quite a few people that have received, you know, problems from some of this new genetic technology that’s, that’s happening. And I feel I’m actually in the transition right now. Of, I felt very stomped by it, you know, by believing that something else might be able to help. You know, I feel like I became mechanical in my brain, you know, I’m like, Okay, well, how do you I don’t want to use any of those words, since I don’t want to get sensors, you have to just read. But, you know, but I was thinking, well, gosh, you know, if there’s these are essentially mini robots creating more and more, and in every cell, and basically, they haven’t figured out how to stop it, they apparently didn’t know that it happened this way, etc., etc. And I’m like, Oh, my God. And you know, now with some of the dissections, they’ve seen these particles in ovaries and bone marrow have a through the blood brain barrier, and I’m like, oh my gosh, I just feel like I want to get in there and take them out. And it’s like, you can’t not like that. Right? And it reminds me of some of my patients who have, you know, had stomach pain, and they just, I would just want a surgeon to open it and take it out. And I used to laugh, but it doesn’t work like that. And now here I am repeating the same craziness thinking, well, you know, and then I realized that it doesn’t work that way. And you know, there’s lots of things coming out. Now that people are talking about that could assist. Do you have experience with this in any of the modalities of the work you do?
Jennifer Mannion 25:08
I think it’s really important to recognize that we are always informing our body. And whether that’s fear or that’s love. And there’s a whole lot of fear going around now, too, and we are the ultimate, we are in control, like, we really do have so much control over our systems. But we do let birds we do let you know the facts that are supposedly in front of us. But just like, you know, you healed yourself and I healed myself, we know that there are ways to create healthy cells in our body, when I was focused on the parts of my body that didn’t hurt and saying, I am, yeah, I know, I have healthy cells in my body because my fingers don’t hurt, you know, thank you, and tapping into our body. And it’s so easy, we only pay attention when things are wrong. But really giving that gratitude every day, informing our body that we are creating healthy cells that we are healing, whatever it is, that needs to be brought into balance, we are bringing them into balance, allowing for that breath, and energy work to guide us. And really just staying in that love place, which is so challenging right now. I mean, we are bombarded with information. But taking time each and every day, I love the shower as a meditation place. Everyone’s like, oh, I’m a busy mom working two jobs, whatever I can don’t have time, usually have the shower, like use the shower your…what a beautiful time to bring in that energy to your heart. And feel those cells radiating. One of my actually shaman teachers used to say imagine like little yourselves a little happy faces, you know, like, the more joy and fun and silliness we put into it. It’s absolutely even better, you know, because it really is getting beyond that fear, which is so hard, you know, and make ourselves childlike, make ourselves you know, laugh, you know, as we’re imagining this, bring in that joy, which is love, and really start changing it up. Imagine that energy going up and down your body for a few minutes in the shower, really start changing and knowing that you have the capacity to change that.
Manon Bolliger 27:23
Yeah, no, I think it’s, it’s difficult to at least I think so I don’t have a problem. When I think about cancers or things like that. I don’t know why. But, but when I, you know, when I read the data now and the reports coming in, you know, from, like, from Israel, and, when we’re looking at the immune system really diminishing, you know, and people who have had two doses are at least at 45% diminishing immune system. It’s like, well, I have a hard time thinking, Okay, I’m gonna have you look at those cells and say, okay, you know, because they say, if you don’t do anything, and it keeps going by March, they’re not going to have a natural immune system, which then puts them into needing these. These. I’ll call those boosters. I think that’s a safe word. You know, to keep basically alive, right? And, so I’m thinking, well, there’s a window here still, where there is still a way of changing all of that. And, and, yeah, and it’s like, but how do you work in your mind’s eye or in, you know, it’s maybe all the same? You know, you say, well, it’s immune system cells are going down. We’ve got natural immunity. Let’s bring it up.
Jennifer Mannion 29:02
And I think you know, we are so because we’ve been healing practitioners for a while. we’re used to…we’ve seen people heal from cancer, you know, so we know it’s a possibility. This is new. So, it feels scarier. So really knowing that if we’ve seen cancer heal, if we’ve seen all of these diseases that people said was impossible. You know, we’ve I’ve seen stage four cancer here seal several times in my practice, same thing, it’s just we have to get beyond that. And the outrage or whatever else we’re feeling and really get back into that love.
Manon Bolliger 29:43
Yeah, yeah. No, I think that’s right, and has to be done. Right. But it’s the newness factor, right? Yeah. And also, if you’re like, a defense, you know, everyone has different types of learnings, right? But I like to get to the bottom of it. And so, it’s like, I want to find out I’m briefing and then and then I’m aware Oh, well, you know, fear makes it worse. So, it’s like, okay, well, of course, I’ve got to get out of the fear. Because how can I be helpful to anyone if I’m, you know, in fear myself, not only my body, I’m just saying I can’t really be able to hear others if I’m, you know, having these discussions about outcome realities. So, it’s an it’s an interesting process,
Jennifer Mannion 30:31
It’s turning to love, it’s returning to joy to because again, we can get cut down and pulled down the rabbit hole right now. What are you doing for yourself for joy? How are you? How are you allowing that in every day? Because you’re certainly getting your dose of fear? To do so how are you choosing joy every day?
Manon Bolliger 30:50
Yeah. Well, I mean, I continue with my, you know, my lovely relationship and my, you know, I very joy I laugh. Yeah, I get my exercise laughing.
Jennifer Mannion 31:02
Yeah. And, I mean, people realizing it is those little things it is putting on the song and singing your heart out or dancing around your kitchen or doing something, it doesn’t have to be this big prepared thing. Bringing in joy in those little moments is so important. And the relationships around you like you just I I’m with the love of my life that makes a big difference being around people that inspire you. uplift you. That’s been one of the hardest parts of my spiritual journey is letting go of those people that did not do that anymore for me, or, and also really taking care of ourselves. Mind Body Spirit.
Manon Bolliger 31:40
Yeah. So, it’s funny. It’s, it’s exactly the same once again, just with new and a more orchestrated constant barrage of negative jousting. Yeah. So oh, my goodness, we’re almost out of time. That’s insane. That was so interesting, interesting. Thanks. So why don’t we end with you sharing something that you really want to share? And that I didn’t give you an opportunity to speak about?
Jennifer Mannion 32:18
Well, I would just say that, you know, it does. It is so important for love now. I mean, if I had to break it down, it would be love, joy, knowing you’re worthy. That self-worth is so important, really tapping into how do and if you don’t feel that, like how can I gain that? You know, there are modality as there are tons of resources, like really knowing that you do deserve to be healthy mind, body and spirit and not overwhelmed by fear. So how can you move into that, you know, in questioning that I one of the first things I have clients do is make a list of 10 things that do bring them joy that they can do if you have that list, you’re, you know, you’re apt to go to it and access it. So really loving yourself enough to allow yourself to do that. Because we do mirror that to other people, the people around us if you’re a parent, your kids, just knowing that you’re worthy of living your best life.
Manon Bolliger 33:17
Well, thank you so much, Jennifer, for your time and it was lovely to meet you.
Jennifer Mannion 33:22
Oh, so nice to meet you.
Manon Bolliger 33:25
We could talk for hours, I’m sure.
Jennifer Mannion 33:26
Thank you so much.
Manon Bolliger (De-registered ND after 30 years of practice)
Thank you for joining us. For more information, go to DrManonBolliger.com.

* retired, revoked & deregistered. Now resourceful & resolved to share with you all the tools to take care of your health & vitality!

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