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Annette Presley
How to Use Fats in Foods for Better Health with Annette Presley on The Healers Café with Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND
In this episode of The Healers Café, Dr. Manon Bolliger ND, talks with Annette Presley, Registered and Licensed Dietitian, Certified Functional Nutritionist Fertility Nutrition
Highlights from today’s episode include:
Annette Presley 06:18
So, trans fats actually can cause diabetes, and heart disease, and pretty much anything else, they also can, they cause a lot of inflammation in the body, and they and the type of fat it is, our bodies just aren’t used to that we don’t really have a way to process it. But it does get incorporated into our cells, like saturated fat, but it doesn’t act biologically like saturated fat. And, so if you look at some of the interesting industries that have boomed like anti-aging, so trans fats actually age you a lot faster. Because they don’t hold their shape, like the trans, like the saturated fats do. So, you’re gonna get wrinkly, you’re going to have issues with, you know, you’re gonna have inflammation in your heart, all the other organs, blood sugar spikes, all kinds of problems with these trans fats.
Annette Presley 07:53
So, they’re in mostly processed food. So, all your snack foods used to have them potato chips, all of those kinds of things. There actually is trans fats in dairy, but it’s the different kind. And so those trans fats are actually very healthy for you. But it’s the man made fats. Man just doesn’t do it right. You know, they’re in, but mostly they, like, margarines, of course, shortening. Crisco used to be hydrogenated cottonseed oil. And so that’s kind of how that got started
Annette Presley
Because I had been taught, of course, that cholesterol in your body causes heart disease. And what I noticed is that the patients I had, who had higher cholesterol levels, they lived longer, they did better in the hospital, and they usually got out of the hospital, whereas the ones that had very low cholesterol often died, you know, or they just didn’t do well, or they had to go to more long term care. You know, and so I was kind of noticing this in the hospital, thinking, I don’t know, you know, what I’m being told isn’t quite matching, what I’m seeing in my patients. And so, I think probably the biggest thing really is our view of heart disease. I think we’re way off base on that, because cholesterol really doesn’t have a whole lot to do with it.
BIO: Annette Presley
Annette Presley is a registered dietitian of over 28 years, certified functional nutritionist, author, and creator of the Mommy Maker Method. After discovering that the diet advice she’d learned as a dietitian was actually contributing to chronic diseases, Annette changed course to learn about functional nutrition and nutrigenomics, how nutrition impacts genetic expression. Now Annette helps women literally manipulate their genes, so they can say goodbye to infertility struggles and hello to being a mom!
Core purpose/passion: My core mission is to make this world a better place for children and I do this by helping women get healthy before they get pregnant. For example, when women have adequate iodine stores before they get pregnant they are less likely to have a miscarriage for one thing but also less likely to have a child with allergies, asthma, autism, ADHD. We could totally reverse the trend of these childhood afflictions within 3 generations. Imagine how liberating that would be for parents and children!
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About Dr. M (Manon Bolliger), ND:
Dr. Manon is a Naturopathic Doctor, the Founder of Bowen College, an International Speaker, she did a TEDx talk “Your Body is Smarter than you think. Why aren’t you Listening?” in Jan 2021, and is the author of Amazon best-selling books “What Patient’s Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask”. & “A Healer in Every Household” For more great information to go to her weekly blog: http://bowencollege.com/blog.
For tips on health & healing go to: https://www.drmanonbolliger.com/tips
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Dr. Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
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Welcome to the Healers Cafe. Conversations of health and healing with Dr. M (Manon Bolliger), ND.
Manon Bolliger 00:18
Welcome to the Healers Cafe. And today I have with me Annette Presley. And she’s a registered dietitian for over 28 years, certified functional nutritionist, author and creator of Money Maker Method. And after discovering that the diet advice that she’d learned as a dietitian was actually contributing to chronic disease. And that changed course to learn about functional nutrition and nutri…nutri. Oh my gosh. nutrigenomics. There we go. We can almost do it in English. So, welcome. And yeah, I would love to hear well, first of all, what started you in health care in general in nutrition? And yeah, I’d love to know what that what you discovered.
Annette Presley 01:16
Yeah. As well, thank you for having me first. And I was 16 in high school, and we had aerobics, for PE. And I just thought that was the greatest thing and wanted to be an aerobics instructor. So, I started picking up Shape magazine at the grocery store. But it was the nutrition articles that really interested me. So, when I went to college, I put nutrition down as my major. And nobody said I couldn’t. And so, I went with it. So, I had no idea that there like I had never heard of a registered dietitian. But when I took my first nutrition class, I kind of found out about that. And I’m like, oh, great, I can do something in this field. So, I just kind of went with it. And then, about halfway through, I read a book called Know Your Fats by Mary Anik. So, she is a, she was a biochemist, expert on fat chemistry. And she contradicted pretty much everything I had been taught about fat. And so, I was kind of left like, um, what do I do with this. So normally, we’re kind of trained to automatically dismiss anybody, like they’re a quack or whatever, if they disagree with the status quo. But I knew she was right about trans fats. And so, I couldn’t really dismiss her as a quack. And I figured if she was right about trans fats, I had to at least consider that she might be right about saturated fat. And so, I spent about a year just poring over all the science on saturated fat and cholesterol and discovered that we’ve never had any science to support our views on that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease or any other malady. And I was so angry when I found out that I almost gave up nutrition entirely. Because I thought, what’s the point, but I really felt like God wanted me to stay in and tell the truth. And so, I totally changed course…
And I actually had to defend my credentials for telling people to eat butter instead of margarine. You can believe that. And, and it was a really, I’m really glad I had that experience because it was eye opening into the inside workings of our healthcare system. And so, they…every letter they sent me had some quote from a nameless expert, and all the expert did was criticize me. And so, they never addressed the science. They didn’t care about that. I was criticized for asking my own questions instead of relying on the questions that had already been asked and answered. And I’m just sitting there like, this is science. We’re supposed to ask questions. You know, we’re supposed to challenge answers. That’s how we learn. That’s how we grow. And we’re not allowed to do that.
Manon Bolliger 04:23
Wow. And that was how many years ago?
Annette Presley 04:26
So that was back in 2008.
Manon Bolliger 04:29
Yeah. Well, I think that trend has continued.
Annette Presley 04:33
Yes, it definitely has. I mean, we’re witnessing it right now.
Manon Bolliger 04:38
Where’s the science? Yeah, no debate. Nothing. Only one narrative.
Annette Presley 04:42
Exactly. Yeah. And so that’s really how you know who’s telling the truth if you have to censor…the truth can handle questions. So, the truth will never need to censor a lie, but a lie will always need to censor the truth.
Manon Bolliger 04:56
Yeah, well put. Yeah, no, definitely. You know, and I think to what’s really sad, and I think in margin for the use of margarine It was sort of similar, endless commercials that ever stop. And even when you hear that, okay, you know what, maybe butter isn’t so bad after all, and maybe margin is actually a big culprit here. You’re seeing ads on healthy people. And, you know, we’re pretty seduced by propaganda. I mean, yeah, I think, Okay, we’ll just take the sound off, or we won’t watch commercials, but it seeps through culturally. It’s very, it’s an incredible phenomena. I mean, I’ve had people who know the science, but it’s like, well, margarin is part of how I was raised.
Annette Presley 05:51
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 05:53
Wow. And it’s like, where does the common sense go? Right? Another thing we’ve lost?
Annette Presley 06:02
We’ve definitely lost common sense for sure.
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 06:06
So, tell us, I mean, for those who might still be eating margarine, and what did you actually discover both trans fats and unsaturated fats? Maybe? That would be really easy.
Annette Presley 06:18
So, trans fats actually can cause diabetes, and heart disease, and pretty much anything else, they also can, they cause a lot of inflammation in the body, and they and the type of fat it is, our bodies just aren’t used to that we don’t really have a way to process it. But it does get incorporated into our cells, like saturated fat, but it doesn’t act biologically like saturated fat. And, so if you look at some of the interesting industries that have boomed like anti-aging, so trans fats actually age you a lot faster. Because they don’t hold their shape, like the trans, like the saturated fats do. So, you’re gonna get wrinkly, you’re going to have issues with, you know, you’re gonna have inflammation in your heart, all the other organs, blood sugar spikes, all kinds of problems with these trans fats. So, they’re not just oh, I grew up that way. Kind of thing. You know, they’re actually very dangerous. And in the US, the FDA has banned them. I mean, except that they always allow for companies that can’t find a decent replacement.
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 07:36
Yeah, so trans fats, where do you find them? I mean, where are the most common places and animals? And the places that you have been surprised to find them and that many people may not realize?
Annette Presley 07:53
So, they’re in mostly processed food. So, all your snack foods used to have them potato chips, all of those kinds of things. There actually is trans fats in dairy, but it’s the different kind. And so those trans fats are actually very healthy for you. But it’s the man made fats. Man just doesn’t do it right. You know, they’re in, but mostly they, like, margarines, of course, shortening. Crisco used to be hydrogenated cottonseed oil. And so that’s kind of how that got started.
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 08:33
And what about, like the vegetable oils? In general?
Annette Presley 08:40
Yeah. So yeah, in general, they’re very inflammatory. And, and so I kind of I don’t know if you’ve heard of the game, Red Rover, Red Rover. It’s, it’s where you have two teams, it’s a child game. And then each team locks on arms with each other. And then one person from the other team runs across and tries to break through an arm. And then if they do those people go to the other team. And so, who whichever team has all the people wins. It’s kind of how it works. So, if we think of that, saturated fat are like 300-pound football players, polyunsaturated fats, which are the kind we find in the vegetable oils are like two-year-old toddlers. So, if you have a football player running into a line of toddlers, what’s going to happen? I mean, somebody is going to get hurt, right? It’s not going to go well. So that’s the way these polyunsaturated fats are. They, they damage very easily, and they have these double bonds on their structure. And they have more than one and each double bond is kind of like a kick me sign. It’s like an invitation to do damage to your body. And so that’s why they’re so bad. So saturated fats don’t have any of these kick me signs. You know, the mono unsaturated fats have one kick me sign. And so, they’re still pretty stable.
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 10:06
So, like olive oil. Yeah. Would be a better choice than sunflower.
Annette Presley 10:13
Exactly. Right.
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 10:15
What about avocado oil?
Annette Presley 10:18
Yeah, so avocado would be like olive oil. Yeah. So, the ones you’d want to avoid would be canola. cottonseed, soy, corn, sunflower, safflower and grapeseed.
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 10:31
And then I’ve heard different reports about coconut oil. What’s your…
Annette Presley 10:34
Yeah, so coconut oil is mostly saturated. So generally, it’s pretty good. I do think the animal fats are actually better for us, like properly rendered lard, tallow, beef tallow, butter, ghee, those types of fats are definitely the best, because they also come packaged with fat soluble vitamins like A D and K two. Right.
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 10:58
Okay. So, tell us a little bit about your experience as a dietitian and what you discovered, because as a naturopathic doctor, you know, we often have patients that say, oh, well, I’m following my dieticians. And it’s like, okay, so I don’t need any extra help. And right, like, okay, no problem, show me what you eat. And I’ve done that, like enough times to be really alarmed at what I’m seeing. So, I’ve just, so what, what is your…well, first of all, what’s the most shocking thing? Or several examples of it? And then why do you think that is?
Annette Presley 11:46
Yeah, so I sometimes jokingly tell people that I have a license to kill. Because I mean, because literally, the advice I’m supposed to give out actually causes chronic disease and inflammation. And so, I think the most shocking thing for me was the fat, you know, because I had heard most of my life, that saturated fat is going to kill you, you know, pretty much and that you need to eat all these oils. But, and then, of course, I think one of the other things that was really shocking to me was cholesterol. Because I had been taught, of course, that cholesterol in your body causes heart disease. And what I noticed is that the patients I had, who had higher cholesterol levels, they lived longer, they did better in the hospital, and they usually got out of the hospital, whereas the ones that had very low cholesterol often died, you know, or they just didn’t do well, or they had to go to more long term care. You know, and so I was kind of noticing this in the hospital, thinking, I don’t know, you know, what I’m being told isn’t quite matching, what I’m seeing in my patients. And so, I think probably the biggest thing really is our view of heart disease. I think we’re way off base on that, because cholesterol really doesn’t have a whole lot to do with it.
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 13:15
Studies, you know, 40 years ago from Japan, like clarified the point.
Annette Presley 13:21
Yeah, and so actually the, you know, when I was doing the research, what I found is a threat of iodine in every single study, different type of study. So, whether it was epidemiological, or double blind, placebo, whatever it was. And so, the interesting thing is, is that the countries are the people that had a higher iodine intake, they had lower rates of heart disease, even if their cholesterol was a little bit higher than, you know, the norm. And so that was an even an animal studies, like dogs, cholesterol doesn’t bother them. But if you take their thyroid out, it does. And so, I, you know, to me, it was like, you know, we’re missing this whole nutritional angle here. You know, and so I went on to find out that most Americans at least are deficient in iodine, and probably a lot of people around the world are. And so, what if that’s the problem and not, you know, the fat intake kind of thing. So that I think was just really eye opening for me.
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 14:28
Yeah, I’m shocked at you know, the prescriptions of even like Lipitor to lower so called cholesterol preventatively.
Annette Presley 14:41
Well, yeah, and well, I actually had like a 45 year old in rehab. I worked in rehab and long term care mostly. And she came in and her cholesterol levels where she had all kinds of, I don’t know, just all kinds of health issues that she shouldn’t have had at that age. I mean, I was older and weigh in way better health than she was. And so, her cholesterol was under 100. She was on statins. And so, I told the doctor, you know, maybe we should take her off the statins because her cholesterol is really low, and it might be causing all of her problems. I mean, she had depression. I think she was falling a lot. And so, she broke her leg, and just all these things, and, and his response was, can cholesterol go too low?
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 15:38
Hi, I’m Dr. Manon Bolliger. And I wanted to take a moment to thank you for watching these podcasts. If you haven’t subscribed, please do. Also, feel free to leave comments and like it. This way more people get to find out about this work and about other choices for health. So, I think it’s really important that, that we all share this information, I have a free gift to you. It’s a seven sequence email that has tips for every day, and a little insight about how to live your life when it comes to health. And it’s very much built on how I managed to overcome stage four cancer and what it took. So, I, I would love you to have this. And thank you once again, for listening to these podcasts.
Annette Presley 16:40
And, you know, it was just I didn’t know what to how to respond to them. I’m just like, Oh, yes. It can you know, because cholesterol, we need it, we would die without it. You know, and so, but that’s kind of where we are with modern medicine. We don’t pay attention to these things. So, I’m pretty sure if they just took her off the statins and let her eat saturated fat and cholesterol, she would be fine.
Manon Bolliger 17:07
Yeah. Interesting. Yeah.
Annette Presley 17:09
And even in my elderly patients, they get put on statins all the time, and they have issues falling, which is one of the side effects of statins, blood sugar issue, you know, they’re diabetic in statins cause that so like, everything they come into the hospital for could be a result of them being on a statin drug.
Manon Bolliger 17:28
Yeah. And yeah, you know, I have to genic deaths are only the third. I think after this so called pandemic, I think it might be the first I think we’re gonna be that will be a atherogenic death. So, when you look at the management of what’s going on now? So, let’s, let’s switch to what’s going on now. Because it’s really what’s on everybody’s mind. Yeah. So, and, you know, as a naturopathic physician here in BC, we’re, like, more known I’ve been in practice for 30 years, we’ve been known for prevention, and, you know, looking after the body to make the body resilient, and, you know, and to take good care of it with whatever is needed food wise. And sometimes during, you know, more stressful periods, you up the ante a little bit, you know, because your body is stressed, right, so you would consider things like, increasing your vitamin D, especially if we don’t get sun or zinc, you know, and, and vitamin C, if you’re not, you know, having enough fresh, you know, foods that that are plentiful, and it’s so anyway, that was enough to get me a big slap on my wrist because suddenly with this new virus, apparently
Annette Presley 19:09
Nutrition doesn’t work all of a sudden.
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 19:12
Gonna put…we got to treat it differently. And maybe there’s a point to it, it was my maid after all. I’m thinking okay, maybe there is a piece of truth, maybe there’s something we should pay attention to, you know, but I still I still believe that the resilience of the body is what’s going to get us through this if there is a through way, especially now that there’s so much research that is showing that the spike protein itself is a problem, and it’s causing all kinds of, you know, unexpected.
Annette Presley 19:53
And then we’re injecting that into people, which just makes no sense to me.
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 19:58
Yeah, I mean, just on the common sense thing, but I think that went out a long time ago. So, I’m not going to go there. But you know, and then it’s fair enough, it is a trial, you know, where phase three, whatever. You could say, oh, well, the animals died. But hey, you know, we’re different, let’s make let’s do this one differently as well, right. And let’s just try it on humans and mass amounts of data. And so, a lot of people are now kind of going, well, they either lost somebody, I think it was one of our television stations. Actually, here in Canada, I think the CBC, CTV got, I don’t want to say it, because I’m not sure which one it was. But they were trying to ramp up the narrative and wanting you know, people to share their losses. And there have been losses, there’s losses every year, for all kinds of, you know, viruses and stuff. So, you know, you get sick about, you know, if you’re if your systems, not wrong, things happen. But they were they were hoping to get lots of stories about the deaths through the, you know, the word we really can’t say out loud. And instead, they have to shut it down. There were over like hundreds of 1000s of people writing about the injuries and deaths and all kinds of horrific things that have happened after the injections. And so, I guess my question to you is, and, you know, people, again, I’m for you choose, you know, it’s your body you choose, and you got to live with it one way or another. But I can’t help but feel that no matter what choice because this was not informed consent. Under any circumstances that the doctors didn’t even, there was nothing to read about it. The ingredients didn’t show up until just a few weeks ago, basically, maybe a month ago.
Annette Presley 22:07
And I don’t even think we have all of those o listed
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 22:11
In all these independent labs at finding more and more interesting things in them. But the thing is, you know, and you could get like super depressed, and especially the people who got coerced, or felt they had to for their job this for that, even though that’s illegal, that’s another what, what have you seen? Or have you got experience? How to help those people who, you know, who may not have, they may be a bit more fatigued, but they are maybe, you know, just in fear that something could happen? Because so much has happened?
Annette Presley 22:48
Yeah, yeah. So, I think it’s really important to stay hopeful. I know, the times right now are insane. You know, and a lot of us sane people are looking on, like, how on earth did we even get here. But I do know, especially in the United States, if we can beat this in the United States, then the world will change, they’ll follow. So just so you all know, we here in the US are working very hard to make sure that we get our freedoms back. So, you know, so I, you know, if we can do that, and I believe that we can, because I think people a lot of, I think a lot of people are actually starting to wake up. And that’s a good thing. And so, I really believe that we’re going to head to a time when things get a little better than they were before. So, we’re not going to go back to normal, we’re going to we are going to have a better normal, I believe, because people are going to be more awake. And we’re going to be pursuing more of these natural therapies. And so, the first thing I would say is, don’t be afraid, even if you had to get the vaccine for your job. Fear is one thing, I think that makes it worse. So, you know, don’t be afraid. And I do believe, I have to believe that there’s always a cure for evil. So that’s my, I don’t know, guiding principle, that nothing evil can stand against us. And so even with the vaccine if you’ve had to get it, things like alpha lipoic acid, and acetyl cysteine. I know in the US, we’re trying to get rid of that. But those are two things that I find extremely helpful, especially for long term callers syndrome and those types of things.
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND 24:40
Can you break that down a little bit to how, why they’re helpful because, you know, you can go on to all these websites, and there’s so many, you know, suggestion, it’s like, you end up with a bucket list of things, I think, yeah, you know, and so like, obviously, these are the top ones that you believe are, are helpful. But can you say why? So maybe start again with the first one, then
Annette Presley 25:06
yeah, so alpha lipoic acid, so both actually an acetyl cysteine, or NAC and Alpha Lipoic Acid boost glutathione, which is the master antioxidant in the body. And so really, if our glutathione levels and our vitamin D levels are really good, it’s, it’s incredibly difficult to get sick in the first place. And so, both of them actually are really great for lung health. So, you know, this virus affects the lungs, and as the spike protein does as well. And so, I mean, personally, I’ve had asthma, it was in remission until last November, or October, I think, because I’d wear a mask at work. And so, I started taking high doses of alpha lipoic acid and acetyl cysteine. And, and now it’s gone again, I, you know, it’s N equals one, but it really works incredibly well with the breathing. And that seems to be one of the main problems with this. But really, if we, if glutathione is high, then your detox pathways will be functioning much better, and you’ll be able to get rid of, you know, all the bad stuff that might be in the vaccine. And so that’s why I recommend those two specifically.
Manon Bolliger 26:30
And what about, I mean, I’ve heard that they thought, I feel like it’s, it’s hearsay. But I mean, it was stated, so obviously, in by many of the repetitive numerators of the same puppet show, but there’s like, oh, we thought it was gonna just stay in the deltoid. Yeah. And then lo and behold, it’s spread everywhere to the heart, the blood vessels and same kind of, you know, and then the cadavers that they were able to dissect in Japan, they could verify that this did not stay in the Delta, you know? Yeah. So, what about that the part that I have not found an answer personally to is how do you stop the generation of the spike protein? Because basically, it’s as if we have, you know, through the lipid protein layer, it’s gone right into the cell. Now, it like it’s protected, it’s in our cells to repeat production when needed. So how to how do you? How do you see this I do always then have to be in hyper protected state to not learn in French is declare share, to trigger this more production of it, like when would it ever stop? I mean, they’ve admitted they don’t know what it was. But how do you see stopping that, or what’s the angle that we might have on this?
Annette Presley 28:12
Yeah, so I really think nutrition is important. And so again, making sure your vitamin D is good. And the glutathione I think those two are like the foundation. But then on top of that, I actually wonder if iodine deficiency would play a role in this as well. Because every cell in the body has an iodine receptor. Yeah, you know, and we have a lot of toxins that block that the iodine from those receptors, but I wonder if we could get the iodine in, if that would strengthen the cells, you know, so that we would be able to resist, I guess, better being the spike protein manufacturer, that they’ve now wanting us to become. But I really wonder about that. And so, you know, we have this chronic iodine deficiency, I’m pretty sure it’s worldwide in the US, it’s probably about 90% of people are iodine deficient. And so, when you when you add that in there when you and you know, I would also look at like five G. So, you know, are you exposing yourself to that because I kind of wonder if that isn’t a trigger you know, and maybe not getting the 5g Keeping your phone off your body. You know that kind of thing. I’m thinking you know that what we really need to do when we’re in groups is not wear masks, we need to turn off our phones and Wi Fi, you know, so that we don’t have that huge amount of 5g in the group kind of thing. So those are kind of my thoughts on it.
Manon Bolliger 29:56
Yeah, I don’t know the 5g I was told that there is a big misunderstanding about 5g, because we see all these 5g cells going up everywhere, which, again, they were put during the lock downs. And anything done secretly without consent without vote on, and I just suspect naturally. Yeah. But I actually don’t, I don’t know, if it’s the same thing as the 5g from our phone like I, like, you know, what actually comes out? I mean, I know, there’s showing, you know, increasing in young children’s, you know, brain tumors and all this because the skull is, you know, thinner and all that. But I have not yet fully like, studied this, you know, so I’m careful. I don’t…you know, let’s be careful. You know, don’t sleep with it in your room. Yeah. Yeah, and I don’t know, the level of it that it contributes. I mean, there’s certainly lots of people say that it does. You know, so. Yeah, I don’t, I don’t personally know.
Annette Presley 31:10
Yeah, well, and I don’t think any of us do, because we really haven’t studied it. But what I find very interesting is that 5g was implemented in Wuhan, right before this started. And if you go back in history, there’s always some new technology before some major disease. And so, I don’t think we can rule out technology. I think we need to study it. I mean, I think that’s what this is telling us is we need to study this and make sure that we’re not heading towards, you know, a complete deep population with our technology.
Manon Bolliger 31:49
Yeah, no, I think you’re right. That goes back to science and real discussions and non-censorship and all of the missing ingredients. Yeah, well, we’re actually past our time, but so alpha lipoic acid, knock iodine,
Annette Presley 32:12
and vitamin D,
Manon Bolliger 32:13
vitamin D and watch your phones. Yeah.
Manon Bolliger 32:18
All right. Well, thank you very much for coming on the show.
Annette Presley 32:22
Yeah, you’re welcome. Thank you for having me.
Dr M (Manon Bolliger), ND
Thank you for joining us. For more information, go to DrManonBolliger.com.

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