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Miriam Ismail
How to Use Mindfulness for Self-Improvement with Miriam Ismail, on The Healers Café with Dr Manon Bolliger ND
In this episode of The Healers Café, Dr. Manon Bolliger ND, talks to Miriam Ismail, is a Professional Development & Self Growth Coach whose mission is to help people become the BEST versions of themselves. She’s an Entrepreneur, a Published Author, a Speaker, an Instructor and has created and developed many courses.
Highlights from today’s episode include:
Miriam Ismail
So, when you balance your personality, you balance your life. Honestly, that’s all the reward I like, that’s one when my student comes to me and tells me, oh, my goodness, I you know, I this workshop changed my life. My workshops are mostly self-hypnosis, meditation, tapping, all these truly leave a profound effect on your life.
Miriam Ismail
So, I grew beyond words, I look into body language, I look into the belief system, the mindset, you know, because these modalities that I teach, it’s about changing your mindset. And you want to understand the initial mindset for you to be able to change it. So, when you have this diversity, you feel you would give more because you know, what, to look at, what to give what to focus on.
Miriam Ismail
And people are more open minded to alternative solutions regarding their health, their stress. Because you know why? When they use it, they see the benefits? So, the proof is in using it once you use meditation, for instance, you feel the difference, you see how amazing it’s affecting your life. So, you would go back to it, you want to learn more about it, you want to do it more, or self-hypnosis or any of the modalities are used.
About Miriam Ismail
Miriam Ismail is a Professional Development & Self Growth Coach whose mission is to help people become the BEST versions of themselves. She’s an Entrepreneur, a Published Author, a Speaker, an Instructor and has created and developed many courses.
Having resided in many different parts of the world; England, West Africa, Middle East & United States and through her extensive traveling and exposure to various cultures, languages and mindsets, Miriam developed a deeper and better understanding of people and has a very diversified approach to helping individuals reach their maximum potential.
Academically, she has a BS in Computer Science, a Master’s in Finance and studied 3 years of the PhD Program in Finance. She was a Finance College Professor and worked in Fortune 500 investment firms in the Finance Industry.
After many years in the Finance Industry, Miriam realized that her passion is not just the financial well-being of her clients but rather the well-being of their mind, body and soul and that’s when she ventured into the world of Energy Healing and Coaching.
She got Certified in Leadership Strategies Coaching; from Harvard and became a Certified Meditation Practitioner, a Certified Reiki Energy Healer/Master and a Certified Hypnotherapy & Self- Hypnosis Practitioner.
The combination of her background, experience and knowledge enabled her to create profound workshops and courses. She is the Founder & CEO of Precious Time L.L.C and has created and developed her Signature Series, & Time Flies. Learn to be the BEST Pilot You Can; which consists of courses, workshops, tutorials and YouTube Videos and is geared towards enhancing time management skills. Other workshops topics that Miriam has created and developed are; Meditation Made Easy, Meditation & Healthy Living, Energy Healing & its Effect on Time Management Skills, Self Hypnosis & Reprogramming Your Mindset, EFT Tapping, How to Create an Effective & Powerful Vision Board and Healing Your Mind, Body & Soul Through Meditation & Energy Healing.
She presents her workshops and courses to a wide range of audiences; Universities, Corporations, Local community, Yoga Studios, Moms Groups and Schools. Her passionate mission is to spread peace, light & evolution and her work has touched many lives.
Core purpose/passion: My passionate mission is to help people become the BEST versions of themselves.

About Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND:
Dr. Manon is a Naturopathic Doctor, the Founder of Bowen College, an International Speaker, she did a TEDx talk “Your Body is Smarter than you think. Why aren’t you Listening?” in Jan 2021, and is the author of Amazon best-selling books “What Patient’s Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask”. & “A Healer in Every Household” For more great information to go to her weekly blog: http://bowencollege.com/blog.
For tips on health & healing go to: https://www.drmanonbolliger.com/tips
Dr. Manon, ND – Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter
About The Healers Café:
Dr. Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
Follow us on social media! https://www.facebook.com/thehealerscafe

Welcome to the Healers Cafe. Conversations of health and healing with Dr. Manon.
Dr. Manon 00:16
So welcome to the Healers Cafe. And today I have Miriam Ismail with me. And she has quite a varied background, that she started in the finance industry, and then realized that her passion is not just the financial wellbeing of her clients, but rather the wellbeing of their mind, body, and soul. And that’s where she’s ventured into the world of energy healing and coaching. And she is the founder and CEO of precious time and has created and developed her signature series. So, she does many different things like EFT, tapping, visualizations, body, mind, soul through meditation, and energy healing. So, with all that, I want to welcome you to our show. And look let me ask you because I definitely am interested in the transition for sure. And my question, then what is it that got you more focused into the healing rather than into the finance world? And that was there a personal story or a driver? What changed?
Miriam Ismail 01:33
Yes, thank you for the instruction. First, I’d really like to tell you how happy I am to be with you on your podcast. I mean, I truly love everything you represent. And I love the variety and the diversity of your topics. So, it’s really a pleasure for me to be here. So many years ago, I’ve always been interested personally in energy, healing, and meditation, hypnotherapy, and all these wonderful self-improvement modalities. And I always use them personally in my life and my work with my kids with my family. And then it got to a point where I felt I had gifts that I wanted to share with the world. And I felt I would truly make a difference and help people become the best versions of themselves. If I really give my full time, to the profession of healing, of energy of meditation, and all these self-improvement modalities, it kind of captured me more than finance, even though I have a PhD in finance, but I just felt I can give them much, much more helping people with these modalities.
Dr. Manon 02:48
So, I mean, a question because many health care practitioners have an issue with finance, right? They usually separate it, like it’s something that, they don’t want to look at, or they would rather avoid, or sometimes it’s philosophical, they believe that they’re of service. So, money shouldn’t be part of the equation. So how has that or has it shifted you thought in your perspective, to money itself to finance to anything in that sphere?
Miriam Ismail 03:29
Well, I respect the energy of money, right? I believe in this exchange. But my true passion is to reach millions of people and not make millions. So, with all respect to money, and you know, everything that it brings to the table. For me, I’m more in touch with the kind of spiritual kind of way even when I when I do my workshops, when I do my courses, what I have in mind is reaching people making a difference in their lives, and not making money out of them. So that’s why the finance industry is very competitive. It’s very different to this philosophy, right? Because it’s all about numbers. It’s all about making money. So, I just felt, what I do, which resembles me, which resonates with me, is more of truly experiencing and maximizing our human experience. And I feel you can do this through all the modalities that I use, and just see the big picture of the world. And you know, and not be focused on the…
the material aspect of it.
Dr. Manon 04:45
I mean, I agree with you. That’s not the point. But my question is this, you know, there’s statements that are out there that I’m sure you’ve heard, you know, you do what you love, and the money will follow, and have you found that to be true? I mean, either personally or in the people that you’re helping to, you know, to, like, how are you helping them and what what’s the result that they get that makes you feel like you’re living a life you, you love that you’re on purpose.
Miriam Ismail 05:23
I have created a lot of courses and a lot of workshops. And you will not imagine the pleasure I get the joy I feel when I deliver a workshop or when I feel my students are benefiting from my courses. So, I have the two formats where workshops are in person. And courses are when you want to do it on your own, you know, your schedule is a bit tight. So, you go ahead, and you sign up for the course. To me that a pleasure I feel when I when I see my students advancing grasping and absorbing the information, I share with them. And through the implementing all this information and their lives and becoming really becoming the best people they can become, you know, whether they’re dealing with stress or anxiety or any issues or any emotions. So, when you balance your personality, you balance your life. Honestly, that’s all the reward I like, that’s one when my student comes to me and tells me, oh, my goodness, I you know, I this workshop changed my life. My workshops are mostly self-hypnosis, meditation, tapping, all these truly leave a profound effect on your life. So, when I hear this, to me, that’s the ultimate satisfaction, you know, what I want? This is what makes me happy.
Dr. Manon 06:52
But so, what do you tell people who are practitioners, and let’s say, they’re in debt, because education costs money, quite a lot of money, actually? And they believe in what they do. But they feel like they’re struggling, and they can’t seem to get out of it. And it’s starting to impact their life and their quality of their life and their time, and they don’t have time for their family and all of that. So where would you start in a situation like that, which on one level looks like if only they had, you know, more money or more finances, that their life would be different? Or at least that’s what they believe many times? So how would you address that?
Miriam Ismail 07:48
Wei family has specific dynamics, right. And when I talk to my clients or my students, I treat every case as an individual case. So, there is no formula that you can use on everybody, right? It’s like individual cases. And then you look at the case, how it’s affecting the involved people. So true, you have that side of it, where unfortunately, then they would have to make a decision maybe to have a job to be able to earn enough money and sustain their business. But I’ve seen a lot of very positive turnouts, they start off struggling, and then it really picks up because when you’re passionate about what you’re delivering, and you truly want to make a difference. People know it, they feel it, they come to you as an influencer as a professional in your field. And yeah, I do believe the money comes in, because they appreciate what you’re doing, how long you are affecting their lives. And they’re so happy exchanging with you the energy of money, in exchange to the knowledge, the wisdom, the self-improvement you provide for them. So, I do believe, especially if you are targeting the right audience, and with it, but with patience money does follow, yes.
Dr. Manon 09:30
You’ve also traveled everywhere and looks like in England, West Africa and Middle East. Obviously, the states and you’ve seen many different cultures and mindsets Can you can you go in a little bit deeper on how that has influenced your current work now
Miriam Ismail 09:56
when you meet a lot of different personalities, different backgrounds, different races, different nationalities, it’s really so profound, I feel so blessed that I was able, to have friends from every country you can think of from every cultural background you can think of. And, as I said, it’s all about being an individual, I treat people as individuals, I will not generalize. So, because I’ve been exposed to so many different types of, you know, personalities and cultures, and so I know exactly where the person is coming from, you know, so one statement from specific person may mean nothing, but from somebody else who comes from a different background would mean a lot. And I’m able to see this because I know exactly from where these words are coming from. And it truly helps. So, I grew beyond words, I look into body language, I look into the belief system, the mindset, you know, because these modalities that I teach, it’s about changing your mindset. And you want to understand the initial mindset for you to be able to change it. So, when you have this diversity, you feel you would give more because you know, what, to look at, what to give what to focus on. And I just feel gives me a better understanding of serving and helping my students and my clients.
Dr. Manon 11:38
So, what I’ve noticed, even though some practitioners are definitely generalist, not from a marketing perspective, but in reality, they can help people with many different things. Have you found that you attract a type of personality or a type of issue that, you know, that keeps coming back? Have you noticed that as a trend in your, in your practice?
Miriam Ismail 12:11
A specific trend? No, actually, it’s quite a spectrum of things. Very, very different thing. But you know, what, Doctor, I get to a point, sometimes, if I receive a case, that I feel it should be held by therapists, psychiatrists, you know, something, that I would head them to that direction, you know, in general, areas where I feel it’s not in my comfort zone, or my expertise more than Yes, and it has been very, very diversified. I’ve had all types of cases you can think of.
Dr. Manon 12:47
Yes. And have you noticed any changes or trends in the last year or so like, during these trying social times?
Miriam Ismail 12:57
Yes. You know, throughout the pandemic, I did not stop delivering my workshops, we do it over zoom, because I felt it was a very, I don’t like to use negative words, but it’s different times, and people needed the most. So, I even felt my students increased in numbers, my clients increased the numbers, because everybody found themselves in very challenging and stressful situations. And I love the fact that they wanted to use all these wonderful modalities to help them deal with whatever they’re going through. So very true this year has been very, very different. And I’m happy to say that I was able to reach a really big amount of people in my local community. Yes.
Dr. Manon 13:54
So is there have you found more of an openness to, at least in the work I do, and one of my missions is a healer in every household. So, it is really about educating and empowering the end user to feel that they have the resources to really engage their own their own body in their own health and actually look after their health rather than get focused on, you know, the diseases that they could develop if they didn’t pay attention to their health. Right. So, a lot of it, I mean, there’s for sure, nutritional basis and all that but so much of it is how to cope with stress, how to cope with family, you know, doing one’s inner work in the sense of, of being aware of ourselves and understanding the subconscious and understanding the impact of, you know, our different type of personality. So that that coexistence sometimes dominates and all of that. But what I’m what I’m wondering, like in the work you do, have you found that ?
Commercial Break 15:28
Hi, I’m Dr Manon Bolliger. and I wanted to take a moment to thank you for watching these podcasts. If you haven’t subscribed, please do. Also, feel free to leave comments and like it. This way more people get to find out about this work and about other choices for health. So, I think it’s really important that we all share this information, I have a free gift to you. It’s a seven-sequence email that has tips for every day, and a little insight about how to live your life when it comes to health. And it’s very much built on how I managed to overcome stage four cancer and what it took. So, I would love you to have this. And thank you once again, for listening to these podcasts.
Miriam Ismail 16:32
While Yes, when I when I think of the people that reached out to me, and you know, when I when I’m delivering a workshop, I see how they’re absorbing the information, how they’re interested, how they want to know more, they go with me from level to the other because I offer sometimes introduction levels, and then we move to the advanced, which is I was testing I wasn’t sure how deep Can we go for them? You know, I have a lot to offer. But I need to like find out. So, when I see them asking for more asking for advanced courses asking for, you know, for us to move further. And the modality I feel Yes, I’m reaching them. And people are more open minded to alternative solutions regarding their health, their stress. Because you know why? When they use it, they see the benefits. So, the proof is in using it once you use meditation, for instance, you feel the difference, you see how amazing it’s affecting your life. So, you would go back to it, you want to learn more about it, you want to do it more, or self-hypnosis or any of the modalities are used. So, so yes, I think at this point in time, people are very open minded, and they’re willing to learn more.
Dr. Manon 17:58
I think that’s definitely what I’m finding. And, you know, and I think, yeah, I think one of the positive side effects of this whole, in my mind mismanagement of our medical system and you know, government systems are that people are becoming aware or more aware that they really do have to take responsibility for their own wellbeing. You know that I think that’s definitely coming in there. Yeah, so tell us a little bit. So, what do you teach people?
Miriam Ismail 18:43
I love the workshop format. I love delivering my information through workshops. And I deal with them, we have different durations, depending on my audience. So, I offer these workshops to a variety of people, colleges, universities, corporations, schools, moms, groups, yoga studios, you know, I work with all those segments of the population. What I like about the format of the workshop, so I don’t like to do one on one, right? I like to teach the person to become independent of me. I don’t want them to come to me for hypnotherapy. I want them to learn to become self-hypnotists, you know. So, I want to just make sure that every person after they take my workshops, they would take away a lot of valuable information from these workshops, and they would be on their transformation journey. So, I’m always there for them, but I want them to be independent. So, all these modalities, I teach them more than I like I don’t treat them I teach them. For them become the therapists for them to heal. themselves or, you know, take care of themselves?
Dr. Manon 20:03
Yeah, I found that the group dynamic is, is actually much more powerful than the one on one. You know, which is, which is interesting. I mean, a lot of the teaching I do at the college is its obviously group. But I didn’t realize when I was transitioning out of my one-on-one patient care, that I would get so much satisfaction and shared satisfaction amongst everyone in a group process, you know, I think it adds a whole dimension, which is very exciting.
Miriam Ismail 20:42
they become friends because people that are like minded, right? Yes. And then we share notes, we share experiences, and it really becomes such a nice drive or a community It’s wonderful support system.
Dr. Manon 20:59
so, what are people looking for when they arrive to you? What’s usually there? I mean, we kind of live in a problem solutions society, I’m not saying it’s how I see the world. But most people come when they have a problem, you know, so or is that how you attract people? Or do they self-select differently? How are you finding the people that you can help?
Miriam Ismail 21:29
I noticed most people that initially come are having some sort of, I don’t want to say problem, but they’re having some sorts of I don’t know how to name it, not a problem, not an issue. It’s just, they they’re seeking, for instance, meditation, because they’re seeking solution, okay. So, anyone that comes, they’re looking for a solution, maybe to treat their anxiety, their stress, they tell me, we’re so busy mentally, all the time, I just want to relax, I just want to like, tune out. And that’s why I came to the meditation workshop, I just want to learn how to breathe and be mindful. So yes, they do come with an initial concern. And they want to address this concern. And that’s why I truly applaud them, they don’t leave it, you know, just tucked in the back, no drastic concern, they want to solve it. So, we start off this way. But what I love is, once the concern is addressed, they stay with me. And they move further with me because they become hooked. They’re interested, they want to know more. So, they feel you know what, this is such an amazing toolbox to have, I want to know more, I will have more tools to do, you know, help me out in my journey.
Dr. Manon 22:50
So do you do it like a membership that people can keep joining, or what is the structure that you have available for people to join,
Miriam Ismail 23:01
I felt I tried many different formats. And I found the one that people like and find it appealing is to have a workshop format, for instance, you pay for the workshop, and the workshop, could be a month could be less, but they like the flexibility, but this life is busy. And I feel when I tell them, you know, you can just come as your schedule allows it, they like that, too. They like to you know, not commit long term or anything. And I feel when they have this flexibility, they start coming more because they feel they really want to be they’re not they’re forced to be there to stay paid. And they have to be there, you know, so I felt the best way is to give them the option of flexibility.
Dr. Manon 23:51
When you say workshop, so you give different workshops on different subjects on different moments or days. Yeah, and then they just pick and choose what they like.
Miriam Ismail 24:01
Yes. And I offer them and well before COVID in many different places. Now we’re hoping we’re going back to normal life soon. So over zoom or other platforms,
Dr. Manon 24:22
I was trying to figure out how to you know, how to make it better and how to make it more accessible and you know, so What could you share? We have a couple minutes left here, but what if you were to leave people with maybe three tips that they can actually incorporate themselves whether they’re, you know, in the health field or they’re just listening to the to this because they’re interested in health. What would you say are the three most important points you’ve noticed? But you could share about powerful feeling
Miriam Ismail 25:02
I want to sum down everything in three points, I say, always remember, we are spiritual beings living a human experience, we are much more than the physical body. And we are here on a mission. And the second point would be that would lead you to the third. And I feel the third is profound. The second point would be knowing this, knowing you’re here, because you want to fulfill your mission, your human experience, you should truly maximize time. So, you should learn the art of using time efficiently, effectively, and wisely. I truly believe the essence of life is time and how you deal with it. This determines who you are, and who you will become. Once you master this. So, takes you to the third point, which is always, always evolve, always, always seek self-improvement. And of course, when you know how to use your time, you would know how you can fit all this self-evolution and you’re not overwhelmed with the business of your daily life. You know, with the errands and chores, no life is beyond errands and chores and responsibilities. We all have them we all you know. But it’s very important to feel your life on earth is sacred, your mission is sacred, and always seek to become the best version of yourself.
Dr. Manon 26:33
I love them. I love your point number two, I agree with it, one of the three went to it. So, it’s Is it your relationship with time? Or is it the choice of what you like? is it taking the time? Like to value what you value most and making sure that it’s in your schedule? Or is it Are you talking about it at another level,
Miriam Ismail 27:00
time should be distributed among all the things you want to do, right? So, it is self-evolution better his daily responsibilities, it is your job, if you have to raise your family, you’re in no specific order, you have very limited, it’s so scarce, right? You have very limited amount of time, and you want to do a lot. So, you truly have to master how you can do a lot with your limited time. And that’s where I teach in my time management workshops. I, again, I go into the individual, we start with a personality test. And every person I don’t tell them, these are Oh, yeah, right to do this, that will help you Oh, you know what, just put a checklist. No, it’s beyond that. Right are born with certain skills and qualities. And I help them embrace that and work with that.
Dr. Manon 27:50
Yeah, okay. Well, very interesting. Is there also a link or you’ve left something so that people can find out more about you?
Miriam Ismail 27:59
If people would like to find out more about me, they can just go to precious time LLC and everything comes out or they can go to my web website, which is www dot precious time.com. And again, there they would get hold of everything, my email to my courses, my workshops.
Dr. Manon 28:21
Great. Okay. Well, thank you very much for your time.
Miriam Ismail 28:25
Thank you for having me, I truly appreciated it!
Dr Manon 31:28
Thank you for joining us. For more information, go to DrManonBolliger.com.

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