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Denver Vermeulen
How to Protect from EMF with Tensor Fields with Denver Vermeulen on The Healers Café with Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND
In this episode of The Healers Café, Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND, talks to Denver Vermeulen from Tensor Field Technology. Who create tensor field devices, and provide consulting services, to enhance the vitality and well-being of people and all life.
Highlights from today’s episode include:
Denver Vermeulen 06:08
So, one of the benefits, properties and benefits of tensor fields is that they transform harmful electromagnetic fields into a coherent and beneficial energy. So harmful electromagnetic fields occur in nature, they’re the energies in the earth itself, that are negative or harmful to us. But the real problem is, with technology, all of our electrically powered systems and devices produce a harmful electromagnetic field.
Denver Vermeulen
The planet is already covered with cellphone towers, power lines, substations, power stations, all of these things, and now it’s going to be the whole planet is going to be covered from the sky. So, it’s really inescapable. We can’t avoid being exposed to electromagnetic fields that are harmful, and we can’t escape them. And it’s just becoming more and more intense. So ultimately, we need protection from these harmful electromagnetic fields.
Denver Vermeulen
EMF radiation compromises our systems at a fundamental level. So, it affects our biofield and our energy centers on the one hand, and then on the other hand, our cellular function. And that’s obviously fundamental, if we’ve been affected at the cellular level, everything else is going to be compromised. So, with protection, from tensor field, devices, tensor fields, they create coherence throughout the body, and support us from the silver level up, as well as our biofield energy centers.
About Denver Vermeulen
Denver is blessed with two amazing daughters, now 19 and 13 years old. He’s qualified in mechanical engineering, business management, and occupational health and safety management with 25 years work experience. Denver loves being connected with nature in any way. He hopes to get a dirt-bike again sometime soon, since riding off-road is his favourite thing.
Core purpose/passion: I’m on a mission to help protect people and planet from harmful electromagnetic fields by 2025, with tensor field technology.
We’re increasingly surrounded by harmful electromagnetic fields; produced by all the electrically powered systems & devices in our environment.
EMF exposure has proven to cause genetic damages, dysfunctional reproductive systems, learning & memory deficits, increased cancer risk, and many other harmful effects.
We only need 15 ‘Gaia Sphere’ tensor field generators per million people in urban areas.
I’m doing research to discover more opportunities that’ll help achieve this mission.
Tensor fields transform harmful 5G and other EMF into a coherent, beneficial and healthy energy. Tensor fields scrub DNA, ensure intracellular hydration, optimize our energy centres, reduce pain and inflammation, accelerate healing, restore water’s original life-supporting blueprint, clear water memory, create coherence in water’s molecular structures, enhance vitality and well-being of all life.
Website | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Click links for More information:
- Generators
- Tensor Field Technology
- BrianBesco – Extra Ordinary Technology 2013
- BrianBesco – Extra Ordinary Technology 2017
About Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND:
Dr. Manon is a Naturopathic Doctor, the Founder of Bowen College, an International Speaker, she did a TEDx talk “Your Body is Smarter than you think. Why aren’t you Listening?” in Jan 2021, and is the author of Amazon best-selling books “What Patient’s Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask”. & “A Healer in Every Household” For more great information to go to her weekly blog: http://bowencollege.com/blog.
For tips on health & healing go to: https://www.drmanonbolliger.com/tips
Dr. Manon, ND – Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter
About The Healers Café:
Dr. Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
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Welcome to the Healers Cafe. Conversations of health and healing with Dr. Manon.
Dr. Manon 00:16
So, welcome to the Healers Cafe. And today I have all the way from South Africa, Denver Vermeulen and his passion has become?………………. Well, I think you’re going to have to explain more of the details but the issues with electromagnetic fields, business management, mechanical engineering, occupational health and safety management with 25 years’ work experience. So, I’m really thrilled to have you here and to have this opportunity to share with our listeners a little bit more about this field. But before we begin, what is it that got you interested in this health field, particularly or in health in general?
Denver Vermeulen 01:15
Yeah, thank you, Doc, M, I have always been interested in health and wellbeing. So that I’ve carried with me throughout my life. And really why I got into occupational and safety management. Yeah, it’s been a bit of a long journey from my childhood days where I was stomping around the countryside looking for crystals. And……..affects national with life, really about energy, and the nature of life. And, yeah, I’ve got a little bit sidetracked in the mainstream for about 25 years before studying tensor field technology, which has started in 2018. And I’ve been making the tensor field devices for just over a year now.
Dr. Manon 02:18
So, can you explain what tensor field is? Pretend that some people know nothing? And just like where would you start with this? And what is it that you’re working on?
Denver Vermeulen 02:37
So, a tensor device is made from copper wire, which is folded and twisted, and then cut to a specific, sacred, geometrical links before joining the insert together with soldiering, and at that point, it establishes a working tensor ring, index lock piece, electric antenna, and it connects to the theory templates for the ring, the nonphysical part of the ring. And so, together the physical part and the nonphysical part of the tensor ring is what gives it the properties and the benefits. So, yeah, they act as a room temperature superconductor along with being….
a piece of electric antenna
Sounds all fancy. And it is. But yeah, they’re really creating a tensor field and the ring produces column of land in both directions. And a generator is a combination of four or six tensor rings, woven together into a sacred geometric form. And they have a different character in terms of the tensor field, they produce a sphere-shaped tensor field. And where’s the ring, we’ll have a column of subtle energy and light that is about nine meters in either direction, so about 18 meters in length Overall, we tend to feel generators have massive centerfield. So, the four ring tents tensor field generator will have a field that is 4.165 kilometers in diameter surrounded by 2.8 eight miles in diameter. And then the 610 springs. So, it tends to fill generator, lead has tended to fill that’s 9.59 kilometers across country and be exactly offhand the miles in diameter. So, I mean, that covers the entire home, the surrounding community and environment. And yeah,
Dr. Manon 05:29
Let me just clarify it, then. I mean, this is a device to protect you. I mean, everyone, whoever gets it, and they are their own. I mean, coming from mechanical engineering, and like, I could see that you might be interested in building this. But why is it so important that people protect themselves? Like, what’s going on in your mind? Or not your mind, in the reality that shared reality here? What’s going on for me to pay attention to this?
Denver Vermeulen 06:08
Yeah. So, one of the benefits, properties and benefits of tensor fields is that they transform harmful electromagnetic fields into a coherent and beneficial energy. So harmful electromagnetic fields occur in nature, they’re the energies in the earth itself, that are negative or harmful to us. But the real problem is, with technology, all of our electrically powered systems and devices produce a harmful electromagnetic field. And of course, the rate at which our electronic systems and electric systems and devices have been increasing is exponential. In the last five years, leading up to 2020, the number of smartphone users doubled to 3.5 billion users. And what’s going to be happening in the next five years with 5g is that a quarter of the mobile internet traffic will be on the 5g network, half of the population of the earth will have access to the 5g network. And it’s really a fivefold increase in the traffic from what we see today. Even more scary, the net is the satellites that are being launched into orbit around the Earth. The first satellite was launched in 1958. And in 2019, we had around 2000 satellites in orbit. And by 2030, we can have 20,000 satellites in orbit. So just in this 10 times as many in in less than 10 years. And that’s only part of the current plans to launch 82,000 satellites. The planet is already covered with cellphone towers, power lines, substations, power stations, all of these things, and now it’s going to be the whole planet is going to be covered from the sky. So, it’s really inescapable. We can’t avoid being exposed to electromagnetic fields that are harmful, and we can’t escape them. And it’s just becoming more and more intense. So ultimately, we need protection from these harmful electromagnetic fields. That’s the only way we can really deal with it. There’s no way of stopping us stopping what’s happening. It is happening and it’s going to happen. So, we need that protection.
Dr. Manon 09:34
And like I was hearing now, Elan musk and maybe with Apple, I’m not sure if their partnership but that they’re building this dome, basically all around the world that maybe 5g won’t be needed, but they have yet another system, which would have a huge impact, too. I can’t imagine that could be healthier. You’re on that, or my knowledge is not very, it’s very secondary, it’s more like I watch things and, I’m fascinated that at all these creations, but I’m wondering, you know, we tend to put things out in the world before we know they’re safe. And before we know the impact on people’s health, you know, and their life, their energy, their ability to function and all that, right. So that’s why I’m always interested in change, but I’m also very skeptical, because, yeah, because the research isn’t usually done, you know, we’re the guinea pigs.
Denver Vermeulen 10:47
yeah. And, and enough research has been done. It’s just that it hasn’t been taken into account the standards for electromagnetic radiation from cell phones or smartphones. That standard is 25 years old. Back in the day of 2g, and we’re now having the 5g rollout. So, and I mean, 255, EMF, scientists have signed an appeal from 44 nations, and that’s gone to the World Health Organization’s and the UN environmental program, urging them to look at the science to look at the data and set new standards for prominent environmental, health and community perspective, large concern for the effects on children because they are especially susceptible. And all of life, in fact, I mean, with bees, there’s a colony collapse disorder. So, they’re being affected by the radiation as well. And naturally, bees are vital to all of life. So, it is a bit scary. what’s happening. And I haven’t heard about what you mentioned now with Elon Musk, and in the dome, but tomorrow, in fact, there’s a protest at SpaceX headquarters about 5g and the satellites that are being launched into orbit. And then the following day, there’s the 5g Global protest.
Dr. Manon 12:58
Okay. They’re in South Africa, or worldwide.?
Denver Vermeulen 13:03
World worldwide, on the 20th of March, it’s worldwide. On the 19th of March, it’s at SpaceX headquarters, where they’ll be delivering an open letter to Elon Musk, to SpaceX ,urging them to basically stop the rollout of launching one of these satellites, until safe technology has been proven more stablished.
Dr. Manon 13:39
Because otherwise, we’re always in the role of protecting ourselves, I believe it starts with a healthy body. But if you can’t keep a healthy body, because of these large environmental factors that are wiping , our natural immune system and all of the different functions in our body, then, yeah, then it’s feels as if we have no choice to have something to protect us, until the end, I don’t think the truth, or the research is going to be the thing that makes the difference. At least look at it in different things. I think it’s the “vested interests” that are at play and the power of those vested interests, because if it’s really about health, then that would be the first thing that would be looked at.
Denver Vermeulen 14:49
Yeah. So, my focus is on the practical side of making a real difference. And I appreciate protests and appeals and dealing with things in a in a structured and formal manner backed by scientific evidence and all of that data. And I’m clear that there are people out there that are doing this. And, and so my focus is practically What can we do? And 1/10 of one tensor fields generator, the larger one that I mentioned, sorry, not one, we only need 15 of those in urban areas to protect a million people. That’s what’s so great about the tensor field generators is that we can easily protect a lot of people. And we’ve already mapped, how are we protecting around a million people so far? So, there’s been maps on Google Earth, okay, and yeah, to protect the entire planet, we only need 120,000, tensor field generators. And it’s really a small problem to solve. Yeah, from their point of view? Well, and you’re quite right about the effects on our bodies. EMF radiation compromises our systems at a fundamental level. So, it affects our biofield and our energy centers on the one hand, and then on the other hand, our cellular function. And that’s obviously fundamental, if we’ve been affected at the cellular level, everything else is going to be compromised. So, with protection, from tensor field, devices, tensor fields, they create coherence throughout the body, and support us from the silver level up, as well as our biofield energy centers. Typical wave of using the devices at the personal level is to wear pendant, or to wear as a wristband, or pleasant answering on our cell phones. And we can do that as well with Wi Fi routers, and on the on the electrical panel for the house. So those, those are the ways we can use tensor rings, individual tensor rings, but the more powerful way is the tensor field generator. So, you know, one person had had one of those, they covering 10s of 1000s of people within the tensor field that they create. So that’s the most powerful way to really make a difference.
Dr. Manon 18:34
And what is the I mean, not specifically, but uh, generally like, the investment of that if people wanted to do this for their community, or what type of investment are people looking at?
Commercial Break 18:56
Hi, I’m Dr. Manon Bolliger. And I wanted to take a moment to thank you for watching these podcasts. If you haven’t subscribed, please do. Also, feel free to leave comments and like it. This way more people get to find out about this work and about other choices for health. So, I think it’s really important that that we all share this information, I have a free gift to you. It’s a seven-sequence email that has tips for everyday and it’s a little insight about how to live your life when it comes to health. And it’s very much built on how I managed to overcome stage four cancer and what it took so I would love you to have this and thank you once again, for listening to these podcasts.
Denver Vermeulen 20:01
US dollars, I think it’s 180 US dollars per tensor field generator. So, if we look at 15, so per million people this is say it’s federal dollars. What is that now? $3,000 per million people. Right?
Dr. Manon 20:27
This is incredible.
Denver Vermeulen 20:30
Yeah, it’s 40 million US dollars for the planet food for all people and the planet, it’s nothing when you think of how much money is being spent on technology $14 million for all people in the entire planet is really nothing. It’s still money, of course, but it’s really not a big problem to solve 120,000 generators, 14 million US dollars and…….we’ve basically solved the problem.
Dr. Manon 21:10
Wow. So and so how, because, you know, I’m aware that there’s different summits that discuss this. And there’s, over the time, I’ve bought different things to put on my phone and pendants and there’s a lot in the in the market. So, what are things that people should ask or know about in order to determine that it is indeed helpful?
Denver Vermeulen 21:40
Yeah. So, when they are made, the tensor rings and the tensor field generators. Really, the most important part is that the length that just a couple wires cut to is precise that it’s according to the sacred cubit measures, and the thick templates that exist for the rings. And we work according to two decimal places on the millimeter scale. So, for example, the one size will be 278.43 millimeters. So, this is not something that you can achieve working against a ruler or tape measure. So, one can only work so far by and then how do we achieve that final measurement, so did with dowsing and the others that do it with engineering instruments like the G scripts and things like that. So that’s one of the most important parts during the construction. But once the censoring has been made, again, I use “the argon” to check each and every tool to make sure that it’s got the properties and benefits. So, again, that’s done through dowsing. So, it’ll be a statement like within the tensor field. This 10 string or tensor field generator, try transforms harmful 5g and electromagnetic fields into a coherent and beneficial energy. So, we need a yes, answer for that. So, it is a little bit tricky then for people to differentiate or determine what’s out there because not everyone is specifying the specific properties. Mostly they’ll mention according to what second qubit measure tool has been made. But often, it’s not specified what size the tensor field is, and what tests have been done to confirm that it is a working tensor ring or tensor field generator. So probably the most well-known company out there that is making tensor rings and tensor fill generators and other tools. To reliable standards are trusted said studios from the United States, I’m in Buffalo, Buffalo, Colorado. Anyway, yeah, two sets, eight studios. I’ll always support them; I’ve basically learned from them how to make the tensor rings and tensor field generators. So, they, for example, use instruments like a big Skype to get the measurements correct. But you’re learning dancing is a great way to confirm the properties and the benefits.
Dr. Manon 25:43
That’s funny. You know, maybe it’s my own small mindedness? But it’s funny to think, from being trained as an engineer that you would say dowsing is your measurement bias? You know, it feels like a jump, I get it, but I wonder, how did you? How did you bridge that? Because I’m sure like, or maybe engineers use dowsing, and they just don’t talk about it?
Denver Vermeulen 26:17
it is interesting. I mean, for me, it was always a connection to the energetic side of laughs and smile childhood. And, and I kept that all the way through, you know, my mainstream work. The main thing to overcome there was just doubt really, that I could do dousing which we all can, it just takes some practice. And yeah, really just practice about asking good questions or making good statements. And yeah, it really, it teaches you through practicing. About the field, because your subtle energy field that is one of life force energy out there. Or inside of. So, yeah, it was interesting. To make that shift.
Dr. Manon 27:53
but it’s not a shift for you? it’s kind of, it’s a connection you’ve always had, I’ve always helped this connection. And yes, I went to law school, it’s not like, I did learn to trust my intuition. Right. And, yeah, that was a thing, it’s kind of, it’s a way of knowing how your body also responds and trusting that your body knows, it’s not instinct, which is much more fear based. Question is, is that a piece of state that knowing you know, that you’re connecting? So anyways, it’s okay, one last point, or we have a couple more minutes to talk about? Because our bodies are mostly water. Yes. And the impact on having what I would call chaotic vibration. So, it’s, like, there’s no coherence in the water in our bodies, like Can you see a clear shift when the body goes into coherence? That it was like after like, how long after a person has you know, is living or have has a ring or has a generator? Like how, how impactful Have you seen from people or working with other, you know, maybe clinicians or in the health field that you can see, it changes that, people are really saying, Wow, that since I’ve used this, you know, I have migraines or I no longer have, you know, like what, what is research you could point people to or is I can add all these links so that people have access to this as well as what side.
Denver Vermeulen 30:02
So, from an anecdotal point of view, the easiest way to pick it up is to treat our drinking water to transform our drinking water. So, we can do that with a ring or with a generator. And yeah, within overnight, or within 24 hours is there’s a complete change in the drinking water. There are a lot of measurements to go that go along with that. But basically, what the tensor fields are doing is they are restoring waters original lab supporting blueprints, they’re clearing water memory, and creating coherence in the molecular structure, structures of water. So that’s the easiest way to pick up on it is our drinking water. If we were in a tense, attend to rain, or we in the presence of a tensor field generator, then the tensor fields will be working with the water in our bodies in a similar way. And one of the apart from creating coherence throughout the body. And at the cellular level. The structured water ensures intracellular hydration. So, we’ve got 100 trillion cells. proper hydration is essential for energy production and elimination of toxins. So, it’s benefiting us in that way. But a lot of people are just saying about the taste or the water. And so, a smooth, lighter, sweeter test to the drinking water. So yeah, maybe an interesting study that’s been done by dancing with water.com. And they’ve got a book out, by the same name, the new science of water, they place two containers of water on a scale. So, the same point in my waters, that the scale would be balanced. And then on the one container, they place a 10th spring, and within 24 to 48 hours depending on the water, you’ll actually see a shift in the scale. So, the one with the censoring on it, the water actually becomes lighter, and shifts on the scale so that that’s the indication of the water being structured and going to a higher spin rate or, or, or mess. Yeah, so that’s quite interesting. But the science on this obviously, gets a bit technical. And over the past 30 years, there’s been a lot of scientific studies through unified physics and medicine on the one hand, and then on the other hand, with things like dousing and biofeedback and psychic work to really bring us the news about what the tensor fields actually doing and capable of doing for us.
Dr. Manon 33:48
fascinating……. and people like we’re going to wrap up……… can you give us a few of these links that we can put when we launch the podcast, and then your Website That would be great just so people who want to go a little bit deeper and find out more,,,,,,,,,,,
Denver Vermeulen 34:12
Yeah, absolutely. we ship worldwide
Dr. Manon 34:18
I definitely will get one Yeah,
Denver Vermeulen 34:22
I’ve been left I’d love to give to you, and I’ll send you some information to have a look at you can see what you’re attracted to what appeals to you. And I’d love to give gift you something as a thank you for hosting me on your podcast. Thanks Dr M, I’m available to answer questions, to provide further information. So, we are busy on Facebook as a community for the mission to protect People on the planet from harmful electromagnetic fields. Very active on LinkedIn as well. And we are mapping on Google Earth, the protection of people on planets or the number of places where we’re active and people can participate. What we really need is through social enterprise and enlightened and trumping years and organizations for people to collaborate and contribute. This is really our problem to solve. No one’s going to solve it for us, and we can do it and we can do it easily.
Dr. Manon 35:46
Okay, well, I’m happy to maybe do a live…. or something after our podcast goes. And if we can attract more people with questions and see how we can move this forward, so… fantastic work. Thank you.
Thank you for joining us. For more information, go to DrManonBolliger.com.

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