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Sherry Anshara
How to Access Your Cellular Memories with Sherry Anshara on The Healers Café with Dr Manon Bolliger
In this episode of The Healers Café, Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND, chats with Sherry Anshara who is an international bestselling author, professional speaker, former radio host of “Conscious Healing”, and contributing writer to national and international publications on the subject of the Anshara Method of Accelerated Healing & Abundance and overall wellness.
Highlights from today’s episode include:
Sherry Anshara (04:07):
I said, you know what, if you cut your hand, whether you put antibiotics or antiseptic on it or whatever, it heals. So there has to be an intelligence in the body that the brain doesn’t get at all because you can’t think it cut, heal. But the body knows. And that’s when I came to the idea and coined it. I’m not going to take, you know, but that’s what I point in 1991 my body was remembering something how to heal itself and that’s how it started.
Sherry Anshara (18:33):
so we’re so on the same page. how I define fear is not false evidence. I define fear is lack of information, but it has to be information that resonates. So if we, so when people say, sure, aren’t you afraid of the unknown? I said, well, I’m more afraid to some of the knowns, I’ll take the unknown because it says I’m not getting religious. But in the beginning there was nothing. And then something happened. You created it. So I’m looking at at this is this is an opportunity to create in the unknown and you can make it very specific for yourself or to assist other people or whatever it is. And that, and that’s the part I’m loving so much. Or the fact is I get to meet you today.
Sherry Anshara (35:45):
The reason I didn’t like oneness is because they said we’re all the same. And I kept looking around and everybody was unique. So I came up with the term allness. So we are all connected in our own unique way. And I have friends all different ages, all different ages and stages I have all my life. And I thought, everybody’s so unique, but we’re connected in like this allness of it. And then that’s how I got allness and connectedness through our Hartness, which is the essence of all that.
About Sherry Anshara:
Sherry Anshara is an international bestselling author, professional speaker, former radio host of “Conscious Healing”, and contributing writer to national and international publications on the subject of the Anshara Method of Accelerated Healing & Abundance and overall wellness. Sherry Anshara utilizes her experience and expertise as a Medical Intuitive as the foundation of her groundbreaking work with Cellular Memory, which she calls the Anshara Method.
Through the Anshara Method, you access your Cellular Memories which hold the root causes of your symptoms—whether mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, or financial. Sherry Anshara created these systematic processes so you can rid yourself of unwanted limitations, restrictions, negative thought patterns, and toxic behaviors. Sherry Anshara guides you to heal at the cellular level so you enjoy health, wellness, and abundance in every area of your life.
Core purpose / passion: My passion every day is to support people, “teach” people how to access their infiinte intelligence in their bodies at their cellular levels.. in 1991 when I talked about Cellualar Memory I was told I was nuts.. perfect.. I am not writing a book about DNA that I know will have the same “reaction” and I am coauthoring a book about the emontionality core of each disease… amazing how some of the diseases have been assigned different names, but at the core at the same.. I am so passionate to see people become themselves.
About Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND:
Dr. Manon is a Naturopathic Doctor, the Founder of Bowen College, an International Speaker with an upcoming TEDx talk in May 2020, and the author of the Amazon best-selling book “What Patient’s Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask.” Watch for her next book, due out in 2020.
Dr. Manon, ND – Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter
About The Healers Café:
Dr. Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
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Dr Manon (00:01):
So welcome to the Healers Cafe. And today I’m super excited because we’re having a conversation with Sherry Anshara and I’m sure we’ve met from somewhere before. We’re trying to figure this out. But anyway, she is a medical intuitive and has quite a story to share. But let me tell you a little bit her background. So she’s an international bestselling author, a professional speaker, a former radio host of conscious healing and a contributing writer to national and international publications on the subject, subject of the Anshara method of accelerated healing and abundance and overall wellness. And Sherry Anshara utilizes her experience and expertise as a medical intuitive, as the foundation of her groundbreaking work with cellular memory, one of my favourite subjects, which she calls the Anshara method. And so I think I’m will just leave it. I mean you’re, I already know a little bit about your story. I can hardly wait til you share. welcome. And how did this all come to be?
Sherry Anshara (01:22):
Well, how did this get started? This is very interesting. So I’ll go back to three years old and my first new…. I would see things around people. It was called lights and I would say things to my mother and she would say, why did you make this up? I was only three and I would explain about like some people had like glows around them and you know, when I didn’t really have the terminology in some people, like it wasn’t at all and, and so that would scary. But anyway, in 1991 and I was in the corporate world, in the business world, an entrepreneur and I sort of lived what I call duality. I lived that outside life that I was programmed to live. And then I had this inner life, and this will make you laugh. I don’t drink, but my friends back then said if they gave me a glass of wine or two, I would spill the beans because then all this stuff.
Sherry Anshara (02:22):
So I was very careful. I didn’t do drugs or drink and people thought I was being a goody two shoes. No, it was because I didn’t want to, you know, give out information because I was ..
I was a business woman and I was an entrepreneur. So in 1991 I had a car accident…… I was helping, a drunk woman in Connecticut and the car took off and went 40 feet in the air It was just me in her car. I was moving it because she was drunk and I wasn’t. And it was late at night and there was a setup to get there and the car went up 40 feet year, flipped upside down and I was in 15 feet of water upside down in the Connecticut river with a smashed head, a broken back and broken neck and a brain out of place and nobody knew.
Sherry Anshara (03:05):
My brain was out of place at the time. So to make a long story short, they gave me, and I was living in Michigan at the time. I was there on business. And so the dire predictions that would be about me, and I thought, I’m not I’m just not going to do this. I don’t know where to go. And in the meantime I lost everything. I mean everything right down to everything. But the thing is things started happening and people started asking me, you know, would you, would you mind if you taught me something or do a session? And I’m looking at him and I said, obviously you people, I call them you people are nuts. My life is falling apart and you’re looking for something from me. Surely you just, this is a joke, right? What happened is I began to recognize and write about and talk about cellular memory in 1991 and of course the establishment patted me on the head and said, you know, you’ll be okay.
Sherry Anshara (04:07):
Take this pill and you’ll feel better.!!!! But because of the transplants, people were beginning to recognize it. And then there were some allopathic doctors, some integrative, it wasn’t functional. Then started asking me questions and I actually studied at the university of Arizona for a week as a lab rat. But how I came to it, and I’ll make a very long story short, I said, you know what, if you cut your hand, whether you put antibiotics or antiseptic on it or whatever, it heals. So there has to be an intelligence in the body that the brain doesn’t get at all because you can’t think it cut, heal. But the body knows. And that’s when I came to the idea and coined it. I’m not going to take, you know, but that’s what I point in 1991 my body was remembering something how to heal itself and that’s how it started.
Dr Manon (05:06):
Interesting. So just to be completely clear then, at this point your brain was still somewhat discombobulated and and you started having memories experienced in the body. Correct. And even back in the womb, even in the womb. So way back. Way back. Okay. And this only happened? Well…….. I’m trying to understand the accident had a different impact than when you were three years old. Understanding that you’re connected to a much bigger universe. Yes. But let’s go, let’s one thing at a time. I just, I’m really specific for details. So with
Dr Manon (05:58):
This accident then, how did it come, because you, you weren’t processing it with your brain in that sense, or how were you processing? How did you know, how did you recognize, what was that about?
Sherry Anshara (06:12):
Well, the first reason that made me recognize it, but there were things that happened in the near death. I was, you know, out of body, I was somewhere else and I had wonderful experiences and just a conversation. But one of the things that I noticed in the body, again, the body is so smart and I began to look back through and start researching and I read books and quantum physics. Now remember my brain is still screwed up, you know, because I smashed it so hard. But then I recognized that one of my other near death experiences in 1965 I smashed the same part of my head.
Sherry Anshara (06:48):
It was my left brain and I said, there has to be a connection and my naturopath, has my charts, I……………… And she uses it in her practice of the energetic connectors that I discovered inside myself that that in these energetic connections, there had to be a consciousness going on because the minute the sperm hits the egg, I say we’re in. So how does the nose know to be a nose and how does the toe nails no to toe nails otherwise we’d have a fingernail at the end of our nose. And so I said there has to be something more. And I’m certainly not discounting my brain. I actually developed a methodology that I teach in five or 10 minutes to connect left brain and right brain. And it works. It absolutely works. And though my brain was out of place, I was actually studied at the university of Arizona for a week as a lab rat and they came to the conclusion, it doesn’t matter what they came to conclusions, they were wonderful.
Sherry Anshara (07:52):
I love Dr. Gary Schwartz, his group, and they said, wow, you, your left brain and right brain are so connected, you’re like a genius. And I started laughing and I go, yeah, my brains out of place. How about that? There has to be something going on because I was recommended to them by a Harvard doctor who was a friend of mine who was the first doctor as an intern at mail here in Arizona. That got my sense? She was like the first one that didn’t say no, that’s stupid or that’s stupid. she said, tell me more like tell me more. And then I met this wonderful doctor that just got out of a naturopathic college and we’ve been friends that many years and she is a naturopath and we connected and she would say, tell me more and i,d say you tell me more too. And this collaboration started.
Sherry Anshara (08:46):
We didn’t set out to collaborate, but it happened , the same with this doctor who has a practice in Columbus. And I’ve actually worked with over 500 of his patients over the phone.
Dr Manon (08:58):
Wow. Very interesting so what did they think was wrong with the, was it the left lobe? Did they call it a concussion? Did they have a diagnosis? You know, which we can talk about diagnosis as well.
Sherry Anshara (09:15):
They were having a difficult time because I wasn’t doing what in this allopathic hospital……. And I’m not wrongin allopathic doctors in any way. Beautiful. And it was a teaching hospital that I was in in Connecticut. But the interesting part is that I did not react the way they thought I was supposed to react, that I was responding and they didn’t know how. So this is one of the things I said, I can tell you how I got out of the car or I can tell you how you think I got out of the car and they responded, just tell us how we think you got out. I said, good, now I know what to tell you.
Dr Manon (10:00):
So I mean, so you were in that sense working with the paradigm that they would understand, correct, but to our audience who’s wide and all all different, what would be the answer to, to that paradigm? What did you answer and have answered?
Sherry Anshara (10:24):
So what I said was I had this experience, you know, in the old paradigm they say you go down a tunnel and you meet your relatives. And so there was a couple of them that sort of asked me something like that, but I said, no, if I’m going to go down a tunnel, those relatives better have a job because that doesn’t make any sense. Why? What are they doing waiting for me? But I did have an experience and I actually met 12 ……..
Sherry Anshara (10:53):
And I call them the 12 wise guys i was on the East coast, so it sounded like I should call them the 12 wise guys. And it was the most amazing experience. And this was my learning, my takeaway from that experience, not taken away from me, but giving me life. And we talk about unconditional love here. Well, it has conditions. I don’t care what anybody says, unconditional about conditions. This is not, I’m not judging it. But what I felt from them was unconditional acceptance. That it didn’t matter what I said to them. I could’ve swore or done anything, but they did teach me something and they said, you know, you’re going to go back. And I go, are you crazy?
Sherry Anshara (11:45):
This is my third one, you know, three times a charm. This is my third one………… And they said, well, you actually signed a, ontract I said, was it invisible ink? You’re crazy. I’m not signing any contract. He said, no, you already did. So you elected to go back. And I said, you expect me to get into that body that’s upside down the Connecticut river. That’s going to have a lot of problems and you expect me to do that. And I said, no, we don’t expect you to do anything. It’s your choice. It’s your choice. And so the next thing you know, I am in this car. And I bubbled up because the window was open and I bubbled up to the surface and I can’t swim. And I cannot tell you how dirty the Connecticut river.
Sherry Anshara (12:32):
And I’m yelling as I bob through to the surface. And I said, I can’t swim!!!!!this is actually the truth. I felt somebody lift me up. Now this place is called Old Saybert and this is the dock and dine. I made the DACA diet. So yachts are parked there. We’re not talking about rope boats. We’re talking about very wealthy Yachts You know, not rope boats And I felt this lifting and the next thing you know, this man grabs me and I’m laying on this dock and he said, you have to, you know, be quiet. And he said, the ambulance is on his way. He said, you,re hurt I said, I’m sorry, I have to get up. I have to go home. And he said, where do you live? And I go in Michigan. He goes, this is Connecticut.
Sherry Anshara (13:22):
Oh. And I reached my hand up and this finger went inside my head. It went right in and it was slashed and smashed. And I saw all this watery blood. And I said, well, I have to get up. And he said, no, you can’t. Well, so let’s go forward and then we’ll go back again. But they told me that it was some woman who had lifted me up. The doc, they have to remember, these are docs for yet. It’s not like you can lift somebody up. And they gave me a name. And when I got back to Michigan, I wrote a thank you note and it came back. And I still have it. No such person, no such address And it was supposed to be in a boat or a yacht. And the interesting part, the people that own this yacht, the police told me they never took it out. They just bought it to party on it and have a good time. And that night they took it out. Otherwise I probably had it blown up the Harbour.
Sherry Anshara (14:22):
That’s interesting. So yeah, that was fundamentally what changed how you see reality, it changed the idea of was this real or is it a reality that someone told me I was supposed to have? So I had to walk very carefully and after I was there a week, I said, you know what, I’m going to go home now. And they said, well, we’re not ready to check you out. I said, don’t worry, I’ve already called a cab. They’re going to pick me up and drive me to Hartford command. an hour and a half away or whatever. And they said, what? Well, we’re going to give you all these drugs. And I said, well thank you, that’s very kind of you. But, but they said, well, we’re going to take you anyway. And so I checked myself out of the hospital, all the cab got, you know, to the airline, which was Northwest at the time.
Sherry Anshara (15:10):
And they picked me up and I came home. But when I got home, it was really a paradigm and the pain really said it really, really, really. Because you know, when we have accidents from shock, we,re kind of euphoric for a while. And so I’m grateful for that shock that it lasted for me. That lasted about a week and a half, but now I’m back in Michigan. And when that worked off I thought, Oh my, what am I going to do? But I was, I’m so grateful I wouldn’t change one part of the scenario.
Sherry Anshara (15:46):
Wow. I mean, it led to a whole other life , And that’s why I say that these are opportunities. So in 97 I arrived in Phoenix, I mean in Scottsdale, Arizona. Really with my last $50 and didn’t know anybody. And people said, how could you do that? I said, well, I developed this motto called no matter what. And so I looked at it as an opportunity just like I look at this thing that would, we’ve been locked in our homes because of COBIT. And so because of that, I’ve taken this opportunity to do other things because, you know, I did see, you know, clients, but mostly over the phone. But I took some of the off times to start a new book, collaborate on a book with some lady. I met that I was at a conference last year that I wasn’t supposed to be there and neither was she and we sat next to each other. So I hear things. And so we’re collaborating on a book once I’m writing one and I’m developing some courses online, so I call this the, in between times we’re going from the old world into a new world. And so I call this the in between time and when we stay non emotional, isn’t that Neo non-emotional observer? We can see the opportunities it has. The unknown is where we create,
Dr Manon (17:18):
Absolutely. No, I completely agree. So yeah, I mean that’s a powerful message for people who, you know, it’s interesting. There’s, yeah,….. I was discussing this with my family and with, you know, other, other doctors and people in general and, and it’s unbelievable the scope and experiences people are having and choosing to have. Right? Like, you know, and it’s like there’s fear on, on both spectrums, both as if there’s only two spectrums. But let me rephrase that. There’s the fear of the, you know, of the virus of course, and there’s the fear of the solutions and the implications that come with the solution for the virus. Right. And if you listen to podcasts or to so many people as far as the emotion that is coming through outside of the information, right. Just the emotion. It’s fear.
Sherry Anshara (18:33):
Totally, so we’re so on the same page. how I define fear is not false evidence. I define fear is lack of information, but it has to be information that resonates. So if we, so when people say, sure, aren’t you afraid of the unknown? I said, well, I’m more afraid to some of the knowns, I’ll take the unknown because it says I’m not getting religious. But in the beginning there was nothing. And then something happened. You created it. So I’m looking at at this is this is an opportunity to create in the unknown and you can make it very specific for yourself or to assist other people or whatever it is. And that, and that’s the part I’m loving so much. Or the fact is I get to meet you today.
Sherry Anshara (19:25):
That is because three weeks ago you were unknown to me. So in this unknown and this connection of LinkedIn or whatever it is, it becomes known. And that’s the, and so when people observe, I call it Neo non-emotional, when you begin to observe things, you will see the magnificence of the ability of humans to create.
Dr Manon (19:53):
I totally agree. And creating is like how, or maybe this is part of what you teach. I don’t know. So I’m asking it. So if people are finding themselves in, in fear of the unknown, which is a, is kind of a precept that it doesn’t quite make sense, like, but how do you, how do you help them come out of that? What do you feel are the ingredients of that? Or how do you, how do you look at that?
Speaker 2 (20:29):
Well, first, because our body has memorized everything. So there’s a difference between cellular memorization, which most of the allopathic doctors haven’t gotten to that it was not a judgment. And then there’s cellular memory. So the memory is clear and pure and active. But the memorization could be as simple as simple as this. This is not what our family does, or this is what our family gets. And you could tell that to a child whose brain isn’t developed till they’re 25 as a computer brain. And so they internalize it. And so I’ve actually heard people say, well our family could get this flu. Why would you say that? Right. I mean, that couldn’t even be part. That’s why I teach biology. That, and I have Sherry isms. So one of my favorites, Sherry’s, I use it every day. I kid you not. When I get up, I say what I say makes my day and what I say can make or break somebody else’s day because language has power.
Sherry Anshara (21:34):
And I know as a little girl I was in, I was really little in a history class or what they were teaching, and the teachers said, Columbus has discovered America. So this is me. I’m always asking questions. So I raised my whole hand and I said, well, if Columbus discovered America, how come there were people living here? But the teacher gave me the most brilliant answer. He said, memorize it and pass the test. And this little light bulb went on. Well, he memorized that to teach me, but I, he gave me a gift. And that was before Wikipedia and Google. It was, it became the library, not as a nerd, but just, I started going to the public library, not the school library looking for answers.
Dr Manon (22:25):
We tend to put forward the subconscious. Right. What was, what we were told or what we’ve made a habit of thinking of being of you know, communicated to Hmm. Right. So, but so in your methodology because with what I do and then that’s also one of the interests I have. I I teach a pain elimination methodology, but it doesn’t just remove pain. It also allows a memory in the body to come up, which allows for healing to take place and people recognize it afterwards but it’s not forced out of them. It’s all about the timing and the touch and this methodology, which is pretty, unique. Now when I was reading a little more about your, your history and all that, it sounds like that is what you do, but you do it which way? How do, how do you bring this about?
Sherry Anshara (23:34):
Well, when someone fills out an intake sheet like they would for you and they put down, you know, A.D.D depression, is that like down to XYZ because of where they are in the consciousness of it or the belief system of it. When they are filling out that box, that box gives me the clue of what is going on in that area of the body, you know, so if it’s in the heart area or if it’s in the throat and energetically the throat is connected to the feet and the shoulders are connected to the knees and the jaws are connected to the hips. And I discovered that working with pregnant you know, women years ago. And so what I asked them is, you have pain, tell me what does the pain look like? And they’ll say, no, it’s no what, you know, what does it look like to you?
Sherry Anshara (24:22):
And you use your words. Is it thick or darker?, like your description. And then they will tell me, well, it looks really hard. It looks hard. And that’s in that area of the body of that memorization. And so I say, Oh, you know what, what we’re going to do. So the subconscious, the body is like a house, but the subconscious is the room. It could be the closet or the garage. We know it’s there and we know we’re going to clean it out eventually. But where I work Is in the unconscious, when it got programmed in ……because the body, and then here’s a perfect example. There was a woman who came to me and she was afraid of needles and she spent years and years in therapy and drugs, shock treatments, and she was just beside herself and they finally just said, you know you’re have false memories or your nuts.
Sherry Anshara (25:15):
A friend of hers recommended within 10 minutes we were able to get to the core of why she was afraid of needles 50 years ago. What? How did they do something? They used knitting needles to abort babies and her mother used knitting needles that was from the womb. And when she got that, just all the pain went away. And so she got facts now even though it was difficult. And she told me she called her mother, which they never really had a good relationship, but she said, I’m not judging you or blaming you, but could you tell me did this happen? And her mother broke down and she said, yes, that’s what I tried to do to abort you with knitting needles. That is how brilliant it is. The minutes from, it’s the age we’re in. And that was a memorization, not the pure memory of her. And so for all these years they just thought that she had some kind of a Twitch or up a weird thing.
Dr Manon (26:22):
So her body, so her mind had the fear of needles, but her body also manifested other symptoms of which the entire root of it was the memorization. Yes. And if you look the first and second chakra, that is really the root of it. And that’s where she was carried for nine months. Right. And her mother had tried several times, but she was intense on living. But it created a false memory. In some ways it wasn’t false what happened, but they could not analyze it. And just the left computer brain, they weren’t taking into consideration the whole body in the whole, I call it effect, effect and infect, Oh please expand on that. So we can affect each other and we can affect ourselves. That’s the effect then we can have going out from that effect our effect on other people. So let’s say we have been a victim of whatever it is and that had that effect on us. And so we might in our computer brain do a resistance. And so we will push people away that might like to love us or be with us or support us, but because we don’t feel we deserve it. So then all of that effect in effect becomes the infect. So it could be cancer, eating yourself up alive or depression, deepest disappointment or anxiety, unrealistic expectations. So it’s not by my, short examples doesn’t mean I’m just discounting it. But that’s what I saw at the core.
Dr Manon (28:17):
So, the process brings to consciousness the information. What then is your understanding?I mean so far it’s very, very interesting. Completely another door into healing. But there’s a million doors into healing. But how does it become information. How do you see that the information Allows for the healing ?
Sherry Anshara (28:49):
Because they’re comprehending, seeing, knowing and understanding is not enough, but they comprehend now what happened, which changes their behaviour and their actions. So I teach profile’s behaviors in rolls and so they come out of being a victim, right? They didn’t even know they were a victim, but then they would attract these profiles that would victimize them, whether it was a spouse or a boss or a friend, sort of a friend of me. And they can begin to see their own particular participation. And because I create a space for them to go into that place and they describe it. And once they get into that space and it’s not closed or anything, I will ask them, how are you in that space you just created? And this lady said, I’m in the womb, or someone will say, I was six. And they told me that I wasn’t smart as my brother or my sister or I was an accident.
Sherry Anshara (30:01):
So if you tell someone they’re an accident ……because there aren’t any…….., They’re not worthy, they have no value, they have no worth. And then they act it out. So that’s the effect of it. Then the effect is your, you know, get away from me or you can, you know, stand up and abuse me. I’m used to it, you know, that’s part of it. It’s all unconscious and adaptive. And then the infect is, it could be, it could be cancer, it could be IBS,. It could be, you know, shoulder issues. It could be dislocation, it could be, it could be defined as, you know what, you’re just nuts.
Dr Manon (30:37):
so how does a person realize that they may be driven by something? If you have a physical manifestation, for example, I know that it comes from somewhere, the emotionality, the emotional attachment.
Sherry Anshara (31:16):
I have a couple pictures. Could I show those to you? Sure. I think this works. Let’s, let’s try that. Yeah, no, absolutely. I’m just gonna give you the, we’ve changed all these things on share screen so you can, you can share, but I don’t have them to share. I can just hold them up for sure. absolutely. These are actually photographs. So here’s a gal. I know her sister is one of my besties and this lady came. Can you see that? Is that too much light? No, it’s the reflection of the, the big light. The plastic on top of it, Okay. Let me take out, let me take out one of these.
Speaker 2 (31:55):
Can you see that now? Yes. you know what that is? That’s ……….and diabetes, because life was sour and both sisters process things differently. So in a one and a four hour session, getting to the root of this on her female side, this is what happened to her leg. Wow. Only an hour before.4 Hours later. Oh my goodness. And then here’s another one. This is a gal I have not kind of hide her part of her face, but this is cancer. This is, this is cancer. But see, I, I’m really not healing what I, what I’m doing is assisting them to address some issues. So I hold her eyes. So
Sherry Anshara (31:55):
Sherry Anshara (32:49):
That’s cancer…. That’s cancer. And so she came and she was here four days with me and I will give you, so this is the end of four days and then she went home and was able to get the rest of it cut out. Can you see that? Yeah. There’s actually a chin I’ll give you one that’s even a better one. And this is a better one. Look at this.
Dr Manon (33:29):
Oh my goodness. Okay.
Sherry Anshara (33:34):
Yeah. And then this was the after for four days with me.
Sherry Anshara (33:40):
Okay. And then move that over so we see the full, okay. So it’s not that it’s the shot from the left side where it’s the biggest part that you’re showing.
Sherry Anshara (33:49):
And that was the, that was the left part. And so here’s another gal, and this is, I think it can show this to you, but she actually has it on a sheet and she was very emotional and they couldn’t figure it out. So I don’t know if we can see these, see her eyes. This is one hour later. Okay. And this was weeks of going and it was a physician and this is what she looks like now. Wow. And I had permission to use hers. There is physically a change in the structure within the cells of this intelligence that begins to remember what a clear cell or group of cells, fascia, molecules, particles begin to look like when they get to that emotional core of it. And people will create the disease or disease in their body from these emotional components. I just found it fascinating because honestly in my idea it wasn’t anything I had set out to do.
Dr Manon (34:55):
Which was actually kind of where I started with the beginning of the podcast. How, how did you become, interested in the healing field and, and it’s like, it’s very different, right? I mean, you first recognized that you had more information that was not normal in the sense that should to be shared, right? And then you had, but that wasn’t enough to shift it. It was actually your own, you know, transcending experience that really got you to realize that there’s so much more. It’s so, it’s interesting, you know, like the path for everyone is so unique, right? It’s like, it’s not you know, it’s not an application.
Sherry Anshara (35:45):
And you know what? I changed, I make up words all the time, but one of the things that I never cared for, this is not a judgment. I never liked the word oneness. The reason I didn’t like oneness is because they said we’re all the same. And I kept looking around and everybody was unique. So I came up with the term allness. So we are all connected in our own unique way. And I have friends all different ages, all different ages and stages I have all my life. And I thought, everybody’s so unique, but we’re connected in like this allness of it. And then that’s how I got allness and connectedness through our Hartness, which is the essence of all that. Now I’m always making imports.
Dr Manon (36:35):
It makes sense. Well, you know, that’s why I found that there are words missing. Absolutely. Because of the way that we see the world, you know, or if you’re, if you’re shifting how you see things, you realize that there’s missing words. You know, even in the most simple thing. I was thinking di agnosis like it’s a strange word, right? But it makes sense because the belief behind that di agnosis is going to be the prognosis. It goes with it. And then I thought, well, this is a hard word to use. And as a naturopathic physician, we’re still, you know, trained to do that. And I thought, I’m going to make up the word health_ nosis
Sherry Anshara (37:25):
I love it. See, that’s what I don’t like the word diet because the firstquestion, are you on a diet? No, not on a diet. I don’t, and this is, you know, like the realize I called this realize with real eyes. Isn’t that funny? Or you realized with real life,
Dr Manon (37:48):
And it’s like 20, 20, you know, is about clear vision and look where we are in 2020. Well we don’t know yet. Yeah. You know, we don’t know where we are. Right. And that’s the, the thing is that how, how much of what we experience and what we, you know, how much it’s like, it’s that it’s, you know, how, how much do we read, get information, look at different information though. You know, I think you probably have noticed a lot of things disappear somehow. But you know, like part of it is we need to, to educate and at the same time we’ve got to really check what’s happening inside us. Yes. Because we don’t want to be in fear whether, you know, you’re labeled a conspiracy theory theorist or, I mean, so many people are labeled that now it’s it’s, it’s quite shocking. You know, I was in a group of physicians and they’re being labeled.
Dr Manon (39:34):
so what I was saying is yeah, it’s, there’s a combination of receiving information from the sources that one can and then searching every source we can and the checking in to ourselves on how are we feeling when we’re listening to this, and I thought maybe you might have one more word to say on that, since that’s really your message.
Sherry Anshara (40:02):
Feeling is in the heart and in the brain we think we,re thinking, which isn’t wrong, we’re only using half of the brain. But when we feel it, and I say, I feel so, I cannot thinky , thinky So when I’m feeling, I know I’m present, I know I’m in the moment, but if I get into my head and I teach business people this, that if you get ahead of yourself, you just put your head somewhere else that has happened. So in the moment is I say knowing that my deepest knowing I can’t change the past, it’s one second ago and I can change my future and it’s one second from now by not dragging the past forward, serve me and keeping what does it expand in upon it. And that’s what I teach the tools. So the Anshura method has very specific outlined tools that are practical because emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, financial what’s the cost to us? Those five words mean the same thing or either in a belief system, yes. Or we begin to become conscious and then it connects.
Dr Manon (41:09):
Wow. I’m going to leave those as the final words and there’ll be a link so people can get in touch with you as well. But it’s been absolutely wonderful having you on the, on the show and I’m so grateful and we will send it out everywhere.
Sherry Anshara (41:26):
Blessing. And I’d like to keep in touch with you .
Speaker 1 (41:31):
you are one of those paradigm shifters. Well, and we’ll find out why. And I’m so grateful to know you and I, and I’m grateful for LinkedIn that we linked. Yes. Alright, thank you.
Thank you for joining us. For more information, go to DrManonBolliger.com.

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