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Keira Poulsen
How to Awaken: The Healers Café, Dr. Manon chats with Keira Poulsen
In this episode of The Healers Café, Dr. Manon chats with Keira Poulson an intuitive, energetic healer and creator.
Highlights from today’s episode include:
Keira Poulsen (18:26):
So for me, I feel so strongly that whether you want to call it a God or the universe or your divine self, there is a higher presence. And that being that is filled with the most immense love and can guide you. And that’s where we need to tap into whether it is a God or the universe or whatever you want to call it. But there is a higher presence that we can tap into that will lead us, that will hold us. And we have to break all the ties to what we once thought was true, so that we can find the truth within ourselves.
Dr Manon (28:20):
Bowen Therapy but it’s not just physical therapy. We use the body to enter and release a whole bunch of things, you know, but one of my passions in the training is releasing the true innate healer within the practitioner themselves.
Keira Poulsen (36:16):
To them. I would say you have everything you need inside. And to those who feel called to be leaders, but have been quiet and haven’t shared their messages, I would say now is the time because it is from those who are willing to share their messages, to share their ways of coping and healing and, and these conversations that we’re having right here right now, this is what’s going to give the other people tools who don’t have them yet. It’s like a ship needs to be built. And some people have hammers and other people have no tools. If we have hammers, let’s go and give them the hammers. Let’s really start to share the tools that we’ve used to help us in our times of breaking so that everyone is now equipped. And for every person to know that if they were to take time every day, go inward and spend some time connecting to a higher source, whatever that is for them, that they will actually be given tools, tools that they didn’t know existed that will help them move through this space.
About Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND:
Dr. Manon is a Naturopathic Doctor, the Founder of Bowen College, an International Speaker with an upcoming TEDx talk in May 2020, and the author of the Amazon best-selling book “What Patient’s Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask.” Watch for her next book, due out in 2020.
Dr. Manon, ND – Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter
About The Healers Café:
Dr. Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
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About Keira Poulsen
Keira Poulsen is a mother to 5 amazing children. She is also an intuitive, energetic healer and creator. Keira has created The Awaken Program and The Awaken Mastermind; programs designed to help leaders learn how to do their own daily healing work and awaken their ability to be leaders of light. She is also the host of The Awaken Podcast; the creator of The Awaken Jewelry line and owner of Freedom House Publishing Co. Keira believes that we all have a deep purpose that the world needs. And when we connect up to The Divine and remember our own inner Divinity, we can create massive change in this world.
I offer a free 7 day Sacred Space Training I would love to offer your listeners.
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Dr Manon (00:02):
So welcome to The Healers Café. And today I have with me Keira Poulson and she is mother to five amazing children. She’s also an intuitive, energetic healer and creator, and Keira has created the awakened program and the awakened mastermind programs designed to help leaders learn how to do their own daily healing work and awaken their ability to be leaders of light. She’s also the host of the awakened podcast. There’s definitely a theme there about awaken. So anyway, it’s really my pleasure to have you on this podcast and to share, some of your journey and your gifts with, with everyone. And so welcome.
Keira Poulsen (00:52):
Thank you. Thank you for having me.
Dr Manon (00:55):
Well, I want to start with one comment that you made which is let me quote you properly so that I have the most impact for you is when you realize that “everyone has the gift of healing with them.” So I would like you to tie in your healing journey with that realization.
Keira Poulsen (01:25):
So my healing journey, it’s been a long journey. I grew up with two parents who are healers, so it was my knowingness, my world. I had this deep hunger to learn healing. And so I would say at 16, I began just diving into the world of healing with my parents, but not my own like deep, dark healing, just learning the practice of healing. And I spent many years doing healing work, which was lovely and kind, it was like this peaceful experience. But then, but then I really, I feel as though all of those years of healing had prepared me to finally do the deep dive and it was an answer to my prayer. As I had been seeking, I had had five children and I was feeling very lost. I didn’t really know who I was anymore. I couldn’t remember dreaming. I didn’t know how to dream.
Keira Poulsen (02:33):
I felt like I had reached the end of my goals and I was 31 32. And it was like, what do I do now with my life? And so I prayed and prayed for months. Like God would show me my purpose. Give me my purpose. Even though motherhood was my purpose. I knew that there was a purpose for Keira and after months and months and months of praying I received my answer, but the answer came in the form of my own childhood trauma pain showing up. I’d been a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and that pain just showed up out of nowhere I’d been there……been triggers that pulled it out. And that was the beginning of me finally doing my deep healing work. It was the beginning of me spending weeks and weeks and weeks in rapid eye therapy, choosing to finally feel the pain and stop running from it. Finally choosing to acknowledge what had happened and then doing the deep cleansing healing. And so even though I had been studying healing for years prior, that was when I began to do my deep healing. And it only expanded my practical experience as a healer because I had walked through that fire.
Dr Manon (03:56):
when you describe it, I love the way you described the difference between the practices of care, so-called healing. because I think. Any true practitioner of healing knows that they are not the healer, but they’re the facilitator of it. But there’s, patients who will say, I went to see so-and-so, but I didn’t feel it. I felt as if the things were the same, but it wasn’t the same. and so I, my personal belief is that something happens when you go through a journey that changes your relationship to yourself for one, but also to those around you. so both your parents were practitioners of sorts or healers………And so first of all, what attracted you to that part of it? How did that start? And then let’s go deeper.
Keira Poulsen (05:11):
Well, it was when I was 16, I remember I was dating. It was a very toxic relationship. He was a druggie and verbally abusive. It was like not an okay situation that I was in. And I had lost like 20 pounds and then I got this cough and I was a dancer. I was a very, very intense dancer. I spent probably four hours, five hours a day, dancing, ballet and modern. And this cough just wasn’t serving me. I mean, I remember dancing and dancing and just coughing and coughing. And I had it for about five months. And finally my dad up until that point, he had actually never done any work with me. And he said, let’s do some work, And he does a form of muscle testing, energy work and in one session and my cough was gone.
Keira Poulsen (06:03):
And in that moment, it planted the seed of what was possible of like, Oh, there’s a whole other world here. I’d been going to doctors and I’ve been doing all of these things and nothing was working. And then one session of doing this energy work and my cough of like five, six months was gone. And, and then, you know, I didn’t see this as a 16 year old, but now I can look back. And then shortly afterwards I ended that relationship with that boyfriend. And so it was like, Oh, there is power here. To me, this is who I am, my, my soul, my knowingness like came alive at that moment. Like, ah, this is who I am here to be. Is this someone who, who partakes in this work? Because it’s something I was so passionate about. Even from that young age ever since then it was this, I remember thinking in my mind, one day, I’m going to do this work. And, and here I am
Dr Manon (07:06):
Interesting. it’s that knowing that you talk about. And, that comes from also the ability to observe, right? Because so many people say, Oh, well, Oh, that’s a coincidence. this, Oh, it has nothing to do with………and often when patients ask you about the results and what can you actually say, well, there’s some things you can say, this is somewhat predictable, but what is not as clear is, is their ability to live into the moment and, and no tests and trust that the change that’s happening within them and what it’s calling them to do. Right. So, that was a clear, you saw it, you basically, and you acted So, okay. Let’s go now to a little bit deeper here, to find out that, you were abused at an unconscious memory then you………….
Keira Poulsen (08:20):
I’d always been conscious of it. And it was something I was always like, Oh, it didn’t affect me. I’m really strong. This wasn’t a big part of my life. I know it happened, but I’m strong and I made it through this. And, I just so deeply believe that we aren’t given the pain until we’re able to deal with it. And that pain was held back until a time that I had the tools and the capacity to move through the pain. And it didn’t happen until, at that point in my life. And my thirties were finally, I had the ability to face the pain that up until that point had just been held. Like, I didn’t have to feel it until then. And so they were, it was like memories of pain, but the knowingness that always happened was there the memories of the pain showed up………
Dr Manon (09:25):
So that’s a deeper part of you that I guess made sense that, Oh, well it happens…….. I totally relate to what you’re saying, but it’s like because I was in a similar situation in a relationship, which I co-created, I mean, I never think it’s one way, but what you allow yourself to experience is, is also your choice……not maybe as an infant or a small child, it’s like, that gets a little more complicated, but as an adult certainly we do, I believe strongly we do have choices if we, if we can understand how we’re part of this journey and the part that we take. And when you mentioned this whole idea of like, I’m strong enough, it’s like a justification of, well, yeah, that happened to me, but it happens to, you know, four out of five women, or it happens to three out of five or whatever the statistics change in that……. And men too, who go through this, but it’s easy to make it, I mean, it’s, it’s an interesting thing.
Dr Manon (10:41):
because you can, make it mean a million things that can end in victimhood……..And you can identify with that, but you can also choose to really allow the flushing out of the trapped memory. And what I’m hearing you say is that it was the trapped emotions that somehow you had separated yourself from like a type of association from the pain, because being strong as a coping mechanism too.
Keira Poulsen (11:17):
And I love the word flushing because that’s how it feels for me. It was like that the deep therapy that I did to clean it out was a flushing and it was a rebirth. And I believe that’s just what happens for us, At that time, it felt like my ground was broken. That anything that I had known to be true felt false. It was like my whole world came apart. But in that a rebirth happened and I changed like even my physical, if you were to see pictures before and after I look different, I am different because I chose to let the pain be a catalyst for my rebirth. And from that space, so many miracles have happened. I wrote a book in like six months time. I created a publishing house. Now I own a publishing house and I help other people’s publish. And I help leaders awaken to their light. None of this would have happened if I hadn’t chosen to have this experience as a rebirth. There’s a choice in the pain.
Dr Manon (12:30):
So are you, are you able to, or are willing, you know, because they may, you know, this is a public discussion, but can you explain, are you able to explain it in more detail, what it meant to connect to the emotions and not allow them? Because I think that’s a complicated concept personally, and I think it can easily be lead you down a path of constantly reliving, which is in a part of what happens with PTSD and all kinds of other trauma reactions. But what’s the difference between what your steps in this healing process and this sort out the wheels turning that keep people stuck.
Keira Poulsen (13:32):
Let me see if I can put it into adequate words. So for me the day that my pain hit, I didn’t want to live anymore because it was so painful. And I didn’t know how to experience that kind of pain. And I made a commitment to God. I said, if you can show me why I need to stay on this earth, like why don’t end my life. If you can show me why I’m here, I commit to doing everything you inspire me to do to live a purposeful life. And that commitment rooted me into new soil. It changed my life. And so that meant the days and days of me crying and laying in bed and not being able to move and letting the pain move through my body. There was a purpose and one of my favourite authors and he’s actually one of my really good friends, his name is Benjamin Hardy.
Keira Poulsen (14:36):
He says, let trauma, let the memories of your trauma not happen to you, but for you. And that is the shift in perspective. The shift in perspective is yes, there is pain. Yes, you will move through it. If you can imagine that this trauma happened for you and 1000000%, I can stand on this side of that pain and say my sexual abuse trauma and the pain that I felt later in my thirties has happened for me because it is who I am now. It is because of everything that I now have created derived from the experience of breaking and choosing to make things new. So the experience wasn’t for nothing I didn’t have the pain for nothing there was a deep purpose for it and that’s what pulled me through and not get me stuck in the quicksand that pain can really become.
Dr Manon (15:38):
it’s a philosophers……….. But you know, man’s desire. I guess women are included in that, to make meaning of their life. But it’s not for nothing, you know? And I think that it’s really a powerful way to look at it now for people who may be atheists or how have had religious trauma, because there’s a lot of a lot of patients I know who have gone through whether it’s cults or whether it’s shaming and guilting. practices in better known religions. So that’s their worldview of that God, as they’re transitioning isn’t necessarily the safeguard or the good God. Because part of the stories I’ve heard as well, if God was there and they wouldn’t have allowed me to suffer so much, they would have protected me as a child. So I don’t know your background, whether it was religious and safely religious, so to speak. But do you have any insight for people who don’t have that safety with their practices and beliefs?
Keira Poulsen (17:22):
So I actually launched a podcast called navigating truth. It’s it only has four episodes. we’re going to call it a series. It’s not a full blown podcast, but I felt very guided to create that because I grew up very, very, very religious. And when my world my religion broke for me, this was so painful, probably equally as painful because my religion was my God. So when the religion broke for me, it was like, Oh no, I have nothing left. This was the thing that kept me safe. This was the thing that holds me. And it took me on a seven year journey of really being alone because I grew up in a group, in a religion that is, you know, my whole family is this religion and it’s a whole community and lifestyle.
Keira Poulsen (18:26):
And the gift in that, the gift in my religious breaking, like my religious beliefs and feeling as though all that I once knew no longer was true, was that I got to find out who God was for me, not the God that I was taught, not the God that I grew up believing in like who God is for me. And that God showed up in my quiet spaces that God showed up in my hell in the moments of hell. That’s when that God would begin to speak to me and show me the purposes, the reasons why pain had happened, why hell had happened. And that even in the midst of the pain, the God that I was starting to know, held me in love. And so for me, I feel so strongly that whether you want to call it a God or the universe or your divine self, there is a higher presence. And that being that is filled with the most immense love and can guide you. And that’s where we need to tap into whether it is a God or the universe or whatever you want to call it. But there is a higher presence that we can tap into that will lead us, that will hold us. And we have to break all the ties to what we once thought was true, so that we can find the truth within ourselves.
Keira Poulsen (20:01):
And that was my experience. And it was really painful and abundant joy after.
Dr Manon (20:09):
Something allowed you to trust the process, right? So it’s almost like……..well, you just have to jump. And the bridge will appear or the net will appear. And it’s a hard one to do unless you trust, but who do you trust? Right. That’s the thing. If you just trust the person that tells you to jump, you might actually fall and injure yourself. It’s you have to have that the cycle has to happen first within That’s catching that moment where, you say that you’re committed and committed is not a small word, you know, committed is really, it’s almost like seeing that there will be a bridge, like some part in you connected to, that so that you could let go!
Dr Manon (21:34):
Like I’ve been looking at the chicken and egg thing, you know, in the training that I do. I have a program called LISTEN you know, and it’s all about listening to your body and also knowing the difference between fear-based actions or beliefs and true knowing intuitive spaces. And because that was part of my journey as well, you know? So it’s it’s interesting to see, but I love the idea that commitment really is the string that holds the next step. Oh, the surrender, the ability to surrender interest.
Keira Poulsen (22:16):
I agree with you. There’s a, the commitment pulled me forward to being the leader that I choose to be now the commitment to, like, there is a deeper purpose of why I’m here on this earth and I’m committed to living that purpose out. Otherwise it made it feel like the pain just was wasn’t worth it. There had to be a bigger reason for all that pain. And I feel so deeply that we are so guided. If we open up to receive, we will be shown the next step and the next step every single time. And that’s the place of ease and that’s, that’s the abundance of grace that comes.
Dr Manon (23:01):
So, then you’ve created all these incredible programs. Like I have one this, you know, difficult, but definitely worthwhile transition. You’ve awakened everything. So, so tell us a little bit about that, that journey and how your own path led you to the imminent and absolutely necessary next step.
Keira Poulsen (23:32):
I spent a long time just being a healing facilitator and it was beautiful and lovely and wonderful, but there was like a piece missing. And the piece missing me was that people would come and we do this extraordinary healing session and then they leave and then they go back to their life and nothing would, they wouldn’t change any of their daily life. And so when they came in, it was like these fantastic sessions, but I wanted more for them. I wanted them to be able to do different actions in their days, which would ultimately truly change their lives. So that’s when I felt inspired to create the awaken program, which is a 12 week digital course on how you do your own daily healing. And I created it for my clients. So it’s like they could come in and do a deep dive, but then every day they were doing their healing work, which ultimately was awakening their inner voice and awakening their divine self and their inner healer. Because I believe everyone is a healer. We haven’t been taught the language of healing. And so my goal is to teach people that language so that they can find that they have the power within them to heal.
Dr Manon (24:48):
I know it’s hard to sum up an entire, you know, step by step program or system, but because it’s based on your, your own experience, obviously. What, can you sort of explain it in general? What ,are the steps in a sense, like an overview.
Keira Poulsen (25:13):
So each class I’d take one Chakra at a time and I teach you what emotions are stuck in there. What physical things get out of alignment when that space is messy or I see it in my visualize as its broken, like broken pieces. And so I tell you, okay, if you’re dealing with financial troubles and your feet are hurting, it’s your root chakra, let’s go in and let’s do some work in there. And so the practice is very simple. It’s a lot of meditation with breathing with speaking out, like releasing the things that aren’t working for you, and then using your words to speak and declare what is now. So, and there’s something so powerful about using our words, connected with visualization and breathing that allows for a very quick and deep change to occur. And I created these daily practices to be 10 minutes just 10 minutes. Everyone’s got 10 minutes and I have people talk so much about the shifts that happen just from this very simple, simple practice.
Dr Manon (26:24):
So what was the shock Chakra system? Something that you were practicing before you got into the deeper work? what was the transition from those types of practices, what you then resonated with for yourself?
Keira Poulsen (26:46):
So I learned my dad has a school called the muscle testing Academy. So I went through that years before I went through my deep healing and that’s the healing work that I was doing. I was doing this muscle testing energy work, and it was awesome and I loved it, but there was no way I could take that and teach people how to do their own work. So there was always this missing link within, my mother became certified in energy mastery as a master practitioner. And she started a school. So I went and took her class and her class was more into the Chakras. And so I was like, okay, this is a new conversation for me. So I began doing my own daily healing work and my chakras with the energy mastery. And I mean, this is going to sound crazy.
Keira Poulsen (27:38):
But when I got in there and I would work in my Chakras or in anyone else’s, I would hear what was stuck in their chakras. They would speak to me. And so it was this whole new world. And even though anyone in the world who’s studied, chakras knows all this stuff, I hadn’t studied them. The shock was taught them to me. And that’s what I created the awaken practice from was what peoples Chakras would tell me was stuck in there and what needed to be done to release it. And so, as woo as that sounds, that was my path of starting this beautiful relationship with that part of the energetic body and why I’m so passionate about it.
Dr Manon (28:20):
That’s amazing…… It’s a different, you know, I think too, because I train healthcare practitioners right in it’s called a Bowen College and then we use the body. And so it’s a physical therapy called Bowen Therapy but it’s not just physical therapy. We use the body to enter and release a whole bunch of things, you know, but one of my passions in the training is releasing the true innate healer within the practitioner themselves. And it’s this you know, they say the master will show up when the student is ready, but it’s also that you will learn from the learning, what speaks to you will speak to you literally, I learned that also firsthand because and I actually thought everyone had this gift that I can hear the stuckness in the bodies.
Dr Manon (29:27):
So it’s like, Oh there’s a tightness of stuckness. And you know, later I learned, Oh, that’s the fascia thats stuck, The science came later, you know, to understand all the pieces or indeed the Meridian lines.so I was conceptually able to, and I am a Naturopathic Doctor. I have that background, but that’s not how I learned it. It literally also like came to me and, and I think that, you know, like you, if I can do it, so can you, so it’s like, we really all have our way of interpreting and of receiving the gift of connecting to and allowing it, it’s like the microcosm and the macrocosm of healing, it’s all completely connected.
Keira Poulsen (30:23):
I love that. I love that. I think, Oh, there’s something so beautiful. There’s one of my favourite books is called the big leap and he talks about your creative genius and that your creative genius is the thing that feels like, Oh, everybody knows this. It feels so easy. Like, Oh, everybody knows this. And that’s when you’re like, no, that’s your zone. That’s what you are supposed to teach everyone else. And so it’s so lovely that you say that because that’s your zone. That’s what you’re here to do is to bring forward what you feel is so simple inside because that’s what everyone else needs to know. So I love that. That’s gorgeous.
Dr Manon (30:59):
Well, it’s very much the same as you, so it’s actually wonderful to To to own it with reverence, you know which is very much the way you speak. Well, let’s see at this point I’m just trying to think what else do well, you know, what I would like to talk about, and we don’t have to go deeply into that, but everyone’s talking about stress, you know, and we’re in a situation right now where there’s a lot of stress. I mean, there’s more depression, more ,anxiety more suicides. And there are people that are dying alone. And there’s stress about a virus. There’s also stress about losing our, individual rights. And I’m not talking about the mask or not the mask. I’m just saying in general about the level of you know, of control or access to information. So if you’re going to be stressed, there is a reason you can choose. And I wanted to to have your version of what, what stress is and how do you handle stuff.
Keira Poulsen (32:24):
This is interesting because this is the writing that came forward for me today, I was creating my podcast for the awaken podcasts and I had zero. ……Like normally they come to me like my podcast show up and I know what they are going to be. And today I was like, Oh, there, I don’t know, this is going to be God, you better show me something. And then there’s a writing came in and this is what it was about and what it is is that right now, all of our old pains, all of our old fears that we have really dug deep underneath this layer of dirt of busy-ness and numbing and being over stimulated, it’s almost as if this, the earth has quaked and all of our old stuff is starting to resurface and we weren’t prepared and no one said yes for it.
Keira Poulsen (33:14):
And that creates so much stress when you weren’t prepared for it, which is usually how it happens. And so the way I see this is that new actions are being called forward. Our old ways, no longer work, none of them are working. And so we’ve got to find new ways to deal with what’s happening in the world to deal with the level of stress that we are experiencing. And so if you’re going back to old behaviours of like, Oh, well, you know, I used to drink alcohol that used to help, or I used to, you know, go out to the bars, but now they’re closed or whatever, the old patterns that once had numbed !no longer work. So now it’s like, what’s the new way. And the way I see it is an opportunity to carve out time every day, to be still, to breathe deep and to connect within and to the higher presence in your life. If we can do that, not only will the stress start to dissipate, but this can be the rebirth that you and I talked about at the beginning. This can be the rebirth of every single person in the world, which would make a full collective awakening and rebirth. So the stress could be one of our biggest gifts if we choose to allow it.
Dr Manon (34:38):
That’s beautiful. And, while you were talking, I was thinking of a thought that came, you know, we talked at the beginning that it comes like, an awakening or a confrontation with a suppressed part of us that we didn’t really know or didn’t allow comes when we’re ready. And at the same time, a lot of people don’t appear ready for this. I’ve been wondering about that concept because I agree with you that it is a massive opportunity to look in and, to change our behaviours and, look more deeply at our connection, with nature, at our connection with each other, actually, especially the social distancing and all of these these practices where I think in some ways, it has the real potential of making us realize how important people are to each other and how important touch is. There’s a lot of things that, by the lack of ………..that, we awaken to the gift of that juxtaposition, but what to all the people who feel that they’re not ready for it.
Keira Poulsen (36:16):
To them. I would say you have everything you need inside. And to those who feel called to be leaders, but have been quiet and haven’t shared their messages, I would say now is the time because it is from those who are willing to share their messages, to share their ways of coping and healing and, and these conversations that we’re having right here right now, this is what’s going to give the other people tools who don’t have them yet. It’s like a ship needs to be built. And some people have hammers and other people have no tools. If we have hammers, let’s go and give them the hammers. Let’s really start to share the tools that we’ve used to help us in our times of breaking so that everyone is now equipped. And for every person to know that if they were to take time every day, go inward and spend some time connecting to a higher source, whatever that is for them, that they will actually be given tools, tools that they didn’t know existed that will help them move through this space.
Dr Manon (37:27):
I totally agree. I really believe that life is perfect and it’s happening for you. And as grim as it can look and as scary as it is and as really painful as it is for many people who are not as, as privileged, to even be on a podcast or, you know, having this kind of conversation, but are like in survival mode, looking for food, how to escape out of their own households. And my heart goes out to all those people. And I do feel that by holding the space for the possibility and and not fighting it, which doesn’t mean not having an opinion, not you know, I really believe in the freedom to speak we’ve been confronted with opposing points of view numbers that make no sense numbers that are calculated strangely numbers that are not shared studies that are missing from the internet. I mean, it’s been so confusing that I believe the trust in people has been shattered in many people. And, yet when once trust is shattered, it’s back to trusting yourself and trusting and doing the steps that it takes to really connect to that deep trust within us.so, it’s a huge opportunity.
Keira Poulsen (39:23):
I agree it’s so intriguing because this is, that’s what my whole path of pain was, you know, losing the trust in my religion, losing the trust in humans, because all of my pain showed back up and, and it was the losing the trust and all the outside world that allowed me to gain the trust inside, which is what created the massive change. And that’s the opportunity here.
Dr Manon (39:51):
That’s perfect. I think I’m gonna leave it at those words, because I think that’s really the message that this podcast is really about. And when people listen to this, they’ll have access to your gift as well. We’ll put the URL since you created all of it this week, which is perfect Everything is in perfect timing always. And so, as it is, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and your experience.
Keira Poulsen (40:25):
Thank you. Thank you for having me on I so deeply. Appreciate it. .

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