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Dr Brindusa Vanta
Gut Flora & Digestive Health: The Healers Café with Dr. Manon and Dr. Brindusa Vanta
In this episode of The Healers Café, Dr. Manon chats with Dr Brindusa Vanta
Highlights from today’s episode include:
At 7:35 And even more interesting if we count the bacterial cells versus human cells that the research studies are showing is that we are only 43% human. We have human cells and everything else, our bacterial cells.
At 19:05 I had such a big surprise when I went to medical school, I learned that body and mind , you know are very separate. You have a physical problem, go see a doctor, you have a mental emotional problem, go see a psychologist, or if it has to be a doctor, a psychiatrist. So this was my biggest surprise when I learned mind body medicine like homeopathy, that they are actually connected. That is why I encourage everyone if you want to choose the medical field choose a form of natural medicine, because its really holistic and goes with the body mind experience. And it is really works on a deeper level. It goes beyond just cutting down the inflammation or the pain in a joint. It can really transform your life and your health.
About Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND:
Dr. Manon is a Naturopathic Doctor, the Founder of Bowen College, an International Speaker with an upcoming TEDx talk in May 2020, and the author of the Amazon best-selling book “What Patient’s Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask.” Watch for her next book, due out in 2020.
Dr. Manon, ND – Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter
About The Healers Café:
Dr. Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
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About Dr Brindusa Vanta
It took Dr.Vanta two decades of her life to study, practice, teach and research
medicine (conventional and alternative) and to understand medicine the way
she understands it now.
She graduated from a top medical school in Romania in 2001, with a wealth
of knowledge and a strong belief that the use of prescription drugs is the only
solution for overcoming diseases. After moving to Canada, she was keen to get her MD license. Despite several obstacles, she successfully passed the tests required to apply for a Canadian license. While she was in a lengthy process of getting into the residency program in 2005, a personal event made her explore nutrition and alternative medicine. She then enrolled in an advanced program for physicians at the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine in Toronto.
In 2008, she got involved in medical research focused on natural therapies and shifted her focus from conventional medicine to alternative medicine. Dr.Vanta’s mission is to help people restore their health and vitality using the power of nutrition and natural
medicine. She is a medical researcher who makes use of latest and scientific studies on brain health and provides one on one consultations to clients from around the world.
Follow Dr Vanta: LinkedIn | Facebook | Website
Dr Manon: 00:02 Welcome to the Healers Cafe, and today I’m really excited. To have Dr Brindusa Vanta on the show. She is from Romania and came to Canada and did everything nessasary while waiting for her residency, which was like a 10 year waiting list more or less. And in that time she ended up going to the Ontario college of homeopathic medicine in Toronto and changing the, course of her understanding of health and healing. So please share a bit more and welcome.
Dr Brindusa : 00:52 Thank you so much for having me on your show and thank you for the introduction by the way. I love your work. And yes, what happened to me is like graduated from a top medical school in Romania in 2001 and then I moved to Canada and it’s a lengthy process. It takes years, sometimes after 10 years, even 14 years, I know somebody. So after doing all the exams, applying for residency, it takes a while until you actually get into residency. So while I was in that really lengthy process, something happened to me, I almost died from one single dose of a prescription medication and that was an antibiotic. And this is ironic because antibiotics can save lives, but some people get really bad reaction. And this happened to me. So I remember, you know, being sick in the hospital and questioning, I mean, is there anything that I can do to reduce or even eliminate the need of taking prescription medication?
Dr Brindusa : 02:00 And that’s why I I started to explore different options and I was looking to actually be a naturopathic doctor like you. And then I, I was contemplating either naturopath or homeopath and the end I chose to go to, to take an advanced program for physicians at the Ontario college of homeopathic medicine. And I studied nutrician and homeopathy and later on I got involved in research studies. And that’s a whole different world because there is so much research for natural medicine. There are so many studies confirming the benefits of it. So I love, I love that part. I I got to familiar with Iveda so I did explore different options because natural medicine offers so many options. You just have to be open to exploring them.
Dr Manon: 02:58 Yeah, no, interesting. It’s, you’re not the first who has an experience, you know, with what we call conventional, allopathic medicine and then…………….a problem which then forces you to open, you know, I see what else is, is available. But let’s go back.When did you know that you wanted to go into the healing profession? because in Romania you became a medical doctor. What was that story about as well?
Dr Brindusa : 03:34 Well, I think it’s, it must be a genetic component because my mother, my uncle Mike, even my grandfather, so I’m the third generation of medical doctors in my family and cousins. So I grew up seeing lab coats and here, my mom talking with my uncle about different cases. They’re both pediatricians and they also were open to natural medicine. So I remember seeing books on acupuncture and on homeopathy in my library at home. So what can I say Conventional medicine has a lot of benefits into areas when it comes to the emergency medicine and when it comes to surgery. So like what happened was me and when I had that bad reaction to the antibiotic, I called nine one one, I didn’t try any natural supplements. I need an emergency and then need to be right away. And for emergency medicine, like it’s, it’s amazing.
Dr Brindusa : 04:36 It’s lifesaving. The same way with surgeries. You need the surgery then, you know, go get it. There are also a lot of lab tests and, and ultrasound and all kind of tests available that we can use. So for example two days ago I had the best compliment that I’ve got this week was from my gastroenterologist. I had the colonoscopy without sedation and I actually saw my guts inside and she said, she told me twice. She said, look on your small intersite it looks so healthy and all the VI and the lining is, it’s amazing. She, she told me twice, so yeah, it pays off to be clean food.
Dr Manon: 05:23 Yeah. Well actually why don’t you share a little bit, you know, about that? Because most people, you know, don’t realize how important, not just to mental health, to memory, to clarity, but to our entire immune system, how important the the gut flora is and your gut health is. So I understand that that’s kind of become one of your your passions and claiming you have the proof of it. And I’m sure it was a shock because I, I’m sure that’s not what they normally see. That’s right.
Dr Brindusa : 05:57 That’s why she said twice. She was like, Whoa, this looks really nice and clean and like the perfect color, like the color. So yeah, I have the look colonoscopy, although I’m not 50. I had to do it thoroughly because I had some they just did problems in the past. And you know, I heard two years ago that they have to leave was, was IBS and I have to be used to have flare ups on and off. And for the last two years I didn’t have anything so, and I didn’t touch any prescription meds. It’s only natural supplements and that really, so so talking about the gut microbiome, because my research, all my research is around brain health and I’ve been doing, I’ve been involved in medical research for the last 10 years and all the research that research, the recent studies are pointing out that the gut is very important for, for brain health.
Dr Brindusa : 07:00 And actually is very important for the whole, for the whole health. So we have 100 trillion bacteria in our gut and they make up the gut flora And this gut flora is very important for a number of reasons for our health. So it’s involving nutrition and digestion. So basically we can’t digest foods if we don’t especially plant based foods if we don’t have this microbes in the gut. So they help us. They just they help us make the vitamins,several B vitamins and vitamin K this, gut microbiomes are sending instructions to the immune system, how to function. And they also alter gene expression. So they have a big imprint on our genetic level. And even more interesting if we count the bacterial cells versus human cells that the research studies are showing is that we are only 43% human. We have human cells and everything else, our bacterial cells.
Dr Manon: 08:11 So, you know, quite shocking. Yeah. Sorry, I think we can froze for a moment. Yeah. But it is shocking to think that yeah, that, that we are in this symbiotic relationship with,
Dr Brindusa : 08:23 Well we are, and rather than fight and use antibiotics, which, you know, were developing now, antibiotic resistance infections using a lot of antibiotics,we should you know, just stimulate, just make this gut microbiome stronger.
Dr Manon: 08:45 Exactly. I mean, it makes, it seems so logical, you know, and I mean, and it was, you know, it was even when Pesta and Michelle were having their discussion, you know, is it, do we kill what we don’t understand fully? You know, do we get rid of it or do we with you know, improving what, what seems to be in our culture, in our medium, you know, do we make the, our insides? How fear, and it just seems like, well, of course that seems logical, you know, and yes, somehow you know, that the entire conventional medicine went the other route. It’s like, let’s kill the offender, you know?
Dr Brindusa : 09:29 Yeah. Or anti-inflammation. Everything
Dr Manon: 09:34 Yeah, yeah. No, it’s a, it’s interesting. So you so you, you’ve studied obviously the research that the brain,……. what is your, your personal view? Or views? beause it doesn’t have to be one, but what, when people say, I want to change my diet and you start Googling it, Oh my God. You know, it’s like, it’s crazy. You should do vegan. You should do raw foods. You should do …………
Dr Brindusa : 10:07 Ketogenic is overused it should be reserved only for let’s say advanced Alzheimer, Parkinson, ms for epilepsy. Like, really for serious diabetes that is not well controlled, but our genic diet should be used and should be always used in cycles. Never longterm. Because you can suppress the thyroid function, you can increase the reverse pastry hormone and you can, it’s not durable long term. Every time we tried to manipulate the diet, it didn’t work.
Dr Manon: 10:47 So what, what do you mean specifically there? Like how, you know, cause intermittent fasting is,
Dr Brindusa : 10:53 Yeah, fasting, fasting. It’s, it’s amazing. It’s a very good, actually ketogenic diet works because it mimics the benefit of the person So you’re better off just doing fasting and let’s say eat for the eight hour period and fast. The rest of it, that is very smart. what I found and in my practice is that people right away, they, it’s not sustainable. So they do it for awhile. They lose weight, they feel better, the cholesterol improves, although some can actually get it worse. Diabetes can improve and then they stop using it and all of a sudden everything comes back and it’s worse.
Dr Manon: 11:40 But do you feel that it’s because of because most people will see the ketogenic as it’s so low carbon and I’ve looked at, you know that sometimes a hundred grams of carbohydrates, sometimes it’s 50 So I mean there’s again varying theories on that and there’s varying degrees of protein that is the right amount of protein. because if you have too much protein that can also be …….
Dr Brindusa : 12:14 Yeah. So you need it. It’s a very low carb. It’s a moderate protein, very a high fat diet. You are very right. If you have too many proteins that they’re going to turn into, ….you don’t want that because you’re going to get out from my only, my biggest problem. So first of all, ketogenic diet is overused.
Dr Brindusa : 12:37 I like to recommend diet according to the season because are part of the nature. And in the winter for example, we have more needs for fats and that’s fine for fatty proteins. And that would be, is this, It can do a cycle of, you know, if you want by in the summer, if it can just it can have a negative impact on your, on your health, on your body physiology, because in the summer you donate so many fats, you’re overdoing it. So a fasting like this that totally, I agree with it. Yeah. Slow carb diet is very good. So those that have low glycemic index so they don’t cause spikes in the insulin level. This is what they recommend a lot and kind of paleo like a low carb but not to the point of basic orogenic.
Dr Manon: 13:37 Yeah, no. Okay. So low carb as being carbs that have high fiber, like all your greens, all of that, you can eat huge amounts of carbs that have low-glycemic index, right? Yes, absolutely. It’s just that we’re in a culture that eats you know, bread and pasta and pre-made foods more than anything else. Right. With a whole bunch of junk in it usually, right? Yeah.
Dr Brindusa : 14:07 Yeah. So talking about that microbiome because it, yes. So is fighting the bad bacteria too, so it can help prevent infection. Let’s see what is this gut What does it like, right? This is gut like microbiome because if we understand what they like and we feed them, then we’re going to be healthier. And they love fruits and veggies a lot. So an easy way. And also fermented vegetables. So an easy way to think about a diet, a good diet for the microbiome would be three peak.sOne face stands from probiotics, so fermented foods and drinks. The second day is prebiotic. So those special fibers that feed probiotic. And the third peak comes from polyphenols, which are plants pods. So if you have this, the gut microbiome is going to be very healthy and if he’ll also have a healthy life, even even the relationships, okay are affecting the gut microbiome. So there was a study done, a recent study that people who are in a healthy relationship have a healthier and more diverse gut microbiome. Then this thing of once, so a sunlight, so you know, their exercise has the name fact on the got my program meditation, you know, this stress the management, they think they can have a good impact, positive impact on the gut microbiome.
Dr Manon: 15:41 And can, can you explain from a scientific understanding, why does meditation or exercise, what is like, what is the, what, how does it affect the neuro-transmitters? Like just to, you know, from what you’ve seen how this works?
Dr Brindusa : 16:00 They work in a different way. I just review. I love mindfulness meditation. I do 10 minutes every day and I go once a week to a class. And what happens is it has anti anxiety, so it impresses the neurotransmitters like GABA, serotonin, dopamine, acetone in. So a mindfulness meditation has a direct impact on the, on this neuro transmitters and other way how it works is there is a lymphatic system in the brain called lactic system. And the zest is basically this glymphatic system is doing the same thing like the lymphatic system is doing in the brain is clearing the brain from bad cells, some damaged cells. And is bringing more nutrients to the brain. And what happens is through my research and connecting the dots I realized that mindfulness meditation actually improved the Arctic flow in the brain. It improves the blood flow, which is also connected it was it was the lymphatic system. So, and you know, better blood flow means better oxygen and more oxygen and more nutrients to the brain. So it’s works in, in quite a few different ways as that is showed that even five to seven minutes, so even a short area, you don’t have to meditate like a Buddhist monk for 10 hours, even a short you know, if you have five to seven minutes to meditate every day, it can help decrease anxiety and stress.
Dr Manon: 17:45 No, it’s, it’s interesting. You know what you’re sharing too, how this information, you know, when you go back to the two, like Samuale, Hanaman and the, the roots of, of homeopathy and also a lot of the enterology like a gut specialist there’s such a connection between your, yeah. Functional state as well, you know, and, and your brain health right? Your, you know, and it’s it’s fascinating that in more integral or holistic therapies, they didn’t really divide in the way that the Cartesian method you know, method really separates the mind from the body. It’s seen as all one because it is all one. Right? It’s, you know, it’s it’s fascinating like research is now showing it, but it was understood because doctors spent time with patients, you know, they, they got to understand and know what, what people feel, what their experiences, what their context is, what causes them stress, all, all of that. Right. Which, you know, I know you having studied, studied homeopathy, the understanding of the case study, like
Dr Brindusa : 19:05 I had such a big surprise when I went to medical school, I learned that body and mind , you know are very separate. You have a physical problem, go see a doctor, you have a mental emotional problem, go see a psychologist, or if it has to be a doctor, a psychiatrist. So this was my biggest surprise when I learned mind body medicine like homeopathy, that they are actually connected. That is why I encourage everyone if you want to choose the medical field choose a form of natural medicine, because its really holistic and goes with the body mind experience. And it is really works on a deeper level. It goes beyond just cutting down the inflammation or the pain in a joint. It can really transform your life and your health.
Dr Manon: 20:06 So what, what was like , I know we can’t use names and you can’t, but give me a story or a case story that, especially at the beginning when you were, you know, really trained as a medical doctor with the mindset and then you, you know, he started to see that there’s a whole bunch of possibilities. What, what was the case or something that comes to mind?
Dr Brindusa : 20:35 I can say that was my dad when he was in the hospital. I was getting the training at ……. college, so I wasn’t really graduated enough. I, I wasn’t yeah, so it was before graduation and I still had questions. Like, is it really working like that? That Hanaman is saying, My dad had a heart attack and I took him to the hospital. And by the way, for your listeners, I want to say that heart attacks do not always cause pain. Chest pain, I didn’t quite hear all this cause chest pain, especially if you have diabetes, you have diabetic neuropathy. My dad didn’t have any chest pain. I took him because I saw he was sick. So anyway, he had the heart attack and he got hold something called ICU psychosis, which happens in about one in four patients in the hospital where you just get totally, you, you, you get psychosis because of it’s ICU related psychosis and it also can be from antibiotic. And was the first time in my life when I saw my dad totally going crazy and pulling the the, the IV lines and screaming at the nurse. So it was a big shock for me and what I gave him. I gave him the only remedy that I had in my purse because I bought it. I was for somebody who was going on vacation and was Arsenica Awesome. Okay. and within a minute he calmed down, is that the smile? And he got relaxed.
Dr Brindusa : 22:26 So that was, it was, was more mental album, if you want to call it that way. So that was that, that time was when I said, well, this is working. Because that nurse was going to give my dad an anti sycotic medication to calm him down. And it didn’t need it.
Dr Manon: 22:47 No, no, but that’s interesting because with a remedy like that, it would, one would think, you know, had you been able to take the full case history, you did know
Dr Brindusa : 23:01 I had the training, just by accident, that was the only one that they had in my purse because it also helps , for a stomach flu, right. If you go on vacation, so it has multiple uses. So this is the reason why I had it in my first, I didn’t, but you, if you look at the mental, it was kind of matching that, that picture of, you know, just being
Dr Manon: 23:25 Right. Right. And also the, the, the type of anxiety that could have been an internal cause you know, with, with a Matalbum, they have this internal restlessness too with the psychosis. So it’s a, it’s a, it’s interesting. I mean, again, life has no coincidences. So it’s funny, like funny that you to have it and amazing that you did because the other route yeah, it can be, can be quite upsetting to, to witness as well, you know. Wow. That’s it.
Dr Brindusa : 23:55 I got a lot of good results with initiatives with digestive problem, you know, depression and anxiety, fibromyalgia, this sort of thing. So it really works for, for a number of conditions.
Dr Manon: 24:14 So in in my training as a, as a naturopathic physician, there’s a, there’s sort of a subset of of doctors that are now thinking that homeopathy has no no credibility, that it’s all placebo, that it’s energy medicine. You know, what, what is your view about that?
Dr Brindusa : 24:40 Here’s this thing, acupuncture is using it too and nobody questions it. So the point is with homeopathy, I mean we use that, like electricityat . We don’t know how, how it’s working either, but we’re using it and sometimes if it can hurt by my health, try it now, this would have been my answer many years ago. Now there is a lot of research studies that and especially in India and in, in Asia and some other Asian countries and studies do show that you have a physical effects from those homeopathic remedys. So you have less inflammation. You have their, their proof is that is done in dogs and children. How can you use placebo in dogs and children and even a plant. I mean it of course it works like doing know exactly how it works. We have some summer theories and we need more research. But when you get a point, and is this, this is the very simple philosophy I have. If it can hurt, may help try it. Yeah. I think because like regularhrebs get interact with medication. So I’m very careful. I use a lot of preps now. And I always have to look for drug herb interaction because they can interact. I was telling me a potty grandma, they stay there. They alluded beyond like 30, 38 or so. 12 even 12. Yeah.
Dr Manon: 26:20 Yeah. No, I think I mean that’s the same one. because in my training I did specialize in homeopathy because it resonated with me as one of the most holistic of all of, you know, of the things that we learned. And that’s always been an interest for me. How the mind and the body work together and, and also the connection to really listening to your patient. You know, it’s not just doing something, it’s also really deeply understanding, which I think is is, is an art that is being lost. You know, I, I know now that many medical doctors don’t even do physical exams anymore. They rely entirely on all these diagnostic tests, but the tests are only a piece of the picture. They don’t tell you why and they don’t get to the root necessarily. Right. It’s maybe some, it might light up an aspect, but it’s an aspect. It’s still looking at everything as if we’re all separate parts, you know, and I, and I find that at least in my practice I found that the most, yeah, it’s, it’s very depressing cause when you have a diagnosis and they have this idea of what the prognosis is because it’s based on not much they can do. It’s like, it’s like, you know, it’s disease management. It really isn’t about getting to the root cause it’s not about,
Dr Brindusa : 27:51 Yeah, I see another problem actually there. So, yeah, not enough times and it was the person. But why did I don’t like is that okay, let’s say let’s focus on what they like. What don’t you like about natural medicine is that we empower our clients and our patients to take control of their health. And this alone, like when you take a proactive role in your health, you’re going to see a lot more benefits than if you’re just sitting in a passive role and take the drug directed. This is very old school. So, and there is a lot of research on this topic. They, they, it research that is who’s doing better than others having the same disease. And there is this mindset where, okay, use tools, she used treatments, but you realize that your health is in your hands and this is very empowering and natural medicine practitioners and doctors do recognize and they work with their patients and their clients. So it’s very empowering and, and I think it’s very helpful. You know, just go and take a pill, go home and don’t ask any question kind of thing because you really don’t have time in five minutes. In five minutes.
Dr Manon: 29:13 No, no, no. And it’s not the, I mean, a lot of my friends are medical doctors and it’s not personal. It’s a systemic problem where
Dr Brindusa : 29:25 Boys, yes, absolutely. Yep.
Dr Manon: 29:28 And now, I mean, some of them say that we’re just pharmaceutical peddlers and you know, and now also looking at research, you know, this is something that I, you know, that’s definitely not my forte. And it’s not something I’ve, I’ve focused on other than reading. You know, what, what comes up whenever there’s a, you know, something I need to learn, but I did not realize quite how in a sense, how, how biased research can be. You know, I, I, I didn’t know that.
Dr Brindusa : 30:00 Okay. I realize you can’t rely on a study alone, even if it’s a double blind placebo control, you know, consider both standard, you know, if it’s funded by a beverage company, you know, the biggest one, how reliable can be that study is telling you that high carbs are ok I’d rather help on a small, on a small study, let’s say, you know, not realistic. It, it was a hundred people. If that makes sense to me. And they put together what I know from physiology and you know, other knowledges that I have then that, that has more value to me. That’s small study.
Dr Manon: 30:46 Yeah. And I think that’s a, it’s interesting that you, you share that because that is really a mindset shift as well when, you know like the naturopathic profession is, is wanting to be, which is, you know, on some level, sure. Science based and you know, evidence-based and, and, and it’s, it’s good and we need to understand what is this, you know, so the inside that there’s a whole understanding of I was doing my master’s in law, law and medicine, so I was looking at sort of the politics and the flow of money and who funds what and Monsanto and you know, yeah. Well that’s it. And I did not realize ,because I’m an optimist and I, I, you know, I did not realize that it is very interesting. Yeah, money has a big say in, in what we find out and even what we can find on Google now.
Dr Brindusa : 31:45 Yeah. Yeah. It’s interesting.
Dr Manon: 31:51 Our time is almost up. I, I did want to, I don’t know if it’s too big a subject, I’m looking at all the things you talk about. But CBD oil or medical cannabis, is there something you can say in, in three minutes that it isn’t that, that makes justice to this or,
Dr Brindusa : 32:08 Okay. So projects TBD I think, or CBD project is a really good website that I can send all the, all your listeners. So the quality and the brand really matters. Okay. Because there are a lot of brands out there that are good and it’s not the quality, it’s not so preferably local. You want it from local because during the transportation you may some of this ingredient may of becoming inactive. So preferably local, high quality third party test. It’s really important the brand because it’s not a regulated, you know, medical supplements regulated the number one, the brand number tools they had back there. If you have, if you take a lot of medication, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, because TBD can interact with them and mariajuana as well. The best way to take both TBD and medical cannabis is to actually exercise and have a clean diet because both exercise and the, thy, it’s something within the DAS affect the endocannabinoid system.
Dr Brindusa : 33:24 Okay. So we have a building and then they’ll kind of be light system that this herbsl ike Medica PhD and CBD interact with and as the reason why they’re so effective and they can work in so many orients in our body. So it’s really good for mind and brain and like, especially for stress or sleep,anxiety, for digestive problems or pain, fibromyalgia, IBS, that sort of thing. headaches it works very well. Or it works with an antibiotic, but I take to the video, by the way. Yes, it can save lives. It’s actually, it can work against those bugs that are resistant to antibiotics or superbugs. So researchers are looking now to actually come and buy an antibiotic, CBD to make it more effective. Wow.
Dr Brindusa : 34:31 CBD oil works better when you …..the most activity and the medical cannabis is when you do other health lifestyle changes because they have an impact on your end up having nights with them. Just like this first one is important. Yeah. And also drug herb interactions is important. If you have any, let’s say contraindications would be for medical cannabis if you’re trying to become pregnant. Okay. Because it can cause infertility. So be careful is that for heart diseases and if you have any history of psychosis, like it can aggravate is a friend and other things, the high THC doses, I didn’t bad workout, not, I mean not everything comes in a bottle. If you combine different modalities, you’re going to get more benefits from cannabis. Then if you just take it, you know, the pill and go and eat some fast food and expect it to work, it’s all gonna work. Yeah. So or it’s going to be limit, you’re going to have limited benefits and the best way is to actually do other things that stimulate the endocannabinoid system that they have.
Dr Manon: 35:45 Yeah, no, that makes, that makes sense. because that was a bit my you know, in BC it’s, it’s legal and I know that when it became absolutely legal, our clinic was bombarded with calls like prescribed, prescribed, prescribed and our the governing body decided that we actually we can prescribe drugs but we can’t prescribe cannabis. And I thought that’s a weird decision but I I can see though on some level, you know, it was like it’s the quick fix belief system. Once again we’re going to quickly fix it and holistic approach. Don’t just take that, you know, look at what you eat. Exercise, move. Yeah. Makes sense. Yeah.
Dr Brindusa : 36:31 By the way, talking about prescription meds like CBD oil, there is a synthetic version that was approved for rare forms of epilepsy. So a pharma companies do acknowledge the power of CBD and there is also synthetic THC in around for quite some time. There are a few of them so, and you know something, they don’t work as good as the natural ones and they have tend to have more side effects. By the way, this is why research studies are showing. So go with the natural, to a clinic and, and yet somebody has, it cannot be specialist to recommend you because the ratio between THC and CBD is different depending on the condition that you, that you have more if some of them are, are, are giving you more energy. So it’s really, you have to talk to a specialist.
Dr Manon: 37:29 Okay. Well this has been really wonderful Share and learning about what you do and also your, your research knowledge. So thank you for, for sharing. And just before we we close is there, so you have do you have a website or some or resources that we could share with the audience, like on wheather its Cannabis, whether it’s on anything that you feel would move the needle towards
Dr Brindusa : 38:02 So it’s, my last name was a Diarra you at the beginning. So D, R, V, a, N, E. And M, it’s going to have, you have the option to take a pre-quiz from me and you have the results there. So basically I have a 20 question quiz. I’m asking how is your the health of your your brain? And don’t miss the prize if I ask questions related to your digestion because you have to brace. So I take care of both the first, the main way and the second brain that is like that. So don’t be surprised if some of the questions will be related to if you have they just symptoms because I look on both of them.
Dr Brindusa : 38:52 Great. Okay. So I’ll put that. And then if you have, if you want to send along, you mentioned a couple of research and also the one on synthetic versus natural. If there’s, what happens in the section where I have kind of is I have my B section and I talk about endocannabinoid system. They all hold, they’ll be, and I have two articles there and the references are right there. So I have the links for the status where everyone lives in. Perfect. And also the antibiotic. The CBD oil is an antibiotic I have in the section was kind of it. Oh, fabulous. Okay, great. Because people who want to read more, I have longer, actually, I’m trying to make my article shorter, but I have longer articles and if you want to lead more at, you have the links there with the tray there. Okay. Well thank you very much for sharing your time with us. Thank you.
Dr Brindusa : 39:54 I hope our conversation helps other people to make the decision. If they get into natural medicine, into medical step, just explore, you know, before you make the decision what you want to do, explore different options. Then are going to be amazed to see, you know, how many options do you have. Yeah. Okay. And then, you know, a condition is not like there is no solution. You find more than one solution or one single problem. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Yeah. I think it’s taking it out of this idea that we’re, we’re victims to only one thing and that one is not working. So, you know.
Dr Manon Bolliger ND 40:41 Yeah. So you have a lot of, yeah. Okay. Well thank you very much. Thank you for joining us

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