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Dr Cynthia Boccara
The Chiropractor who Builds Confidence While Improving Posture: The Healers Café with Dr. Manon and Dr. Cynthia Boccara
In this episode of The Healers Café, Dr. Manon chats with Dr. Cynthia Boccara, a Chiropractor who helps others build posture and confidence using Body Intelligence.
Highlights from today’s episode include:
At 1:54 – Confidence, energy and authority all begin in the body (not in the mind)
At 2:18 – Stand up taller: the connection between chiropractic medicine and building confidence in others
At 12:51 – How our stature and our physiology contributes to our psychology
Dr Cynthia: 23:18 Posture leads to power and presence both from how people perceive us. But also when you hold yourself in a alignment, your brain gets the message from your cellular intelligence that all is well in your environment. That there is no immediate threat to you because you know what we do when we’re afraid or we’re anxious or we’re depressed, like our shoulders come in, our head goes forward and we’re kind of scanning the horizon for threats.
Dr Cynthia: 24:20 Well that’s how most people’s posture are these days because I’m looking for my phone because we’re looking down at phones all the time. We’re like this on our computer. My husband’s six foot seven, so everybody’s below him. So he’s always looking down like this is starting at such a young age now that people are, you know, looking at their phone all day long like this. So it’s actually creating moment by moment the physiology of anxiety and fear and depression. And so just holding yourself up and getting as tall as we can and pulling our shoulders down, both when we’re on stage and just in life, gives the message to the brain, Oh, I’ve got this. Yeah. And so the brain’s going to pop out some brain juice, some neurotransmitters of confidence, and you’ll be thinking, okay, I feel confident, which is going to lead to more competent thoughts, right.
About Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND:
Dr. Manon is a Naturopathic Doctor, the Founder of Bowen College, an International Speaker with an upcoming TEDx talk in May 2020, and the author of the Amazon best-selling book “What Patient’s Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask.” Watch for her next book, due out in 2020.
Dr. Manon, ND – Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter
About The Healers Café:
Dr. Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
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About Dr Cynthia Boccara
Dr. Cynthia Boccara graduated Magna Cum Laude from Los Angles College of Chiropractic. She has been in practice for over 25 years helping patients from infants to octogenarians lead happier, healthier lives.
Dr. Cynthia also had the honor of being selected as the Chiropractor for the All Women’s America’s Cup team as they made history. With her extensive experience in high performance, Dr. Boccara has worked with Olympic athletes from 6 different countries to achieve gold medal outcomes. In addition to her practice, using brain and body based solutions, Dr. Cynthia helps individuals and organizations improve their communications, be more productive and cultivate innovative thinking. She has shared her insights with organizations such as Citibank, Dell Software, Taylor Design, WITI, MPI, PMI, and is a highly sought after presenter at conferences on Executive Presence, leadership development and presentation skills.|
Intro 00:03 Welcome to the healers cafe conversations.
Dr Manon: 00:19 So welcome to the healers cafe. And today I have with me Dr Cynthia and I’ve really had the pleasure of meeting her quite recently during a workshop and she is 30 years now a chiropractic doctor. And in the last 10 years she sort of developed a greater term or sharing more about, you know, how body intelligence and how we can use that for stage presence and for more impactful lives in general. So welcome and thank you for being here, Cynthia, and go ahead and maybe share a little bit more what you do and then we’re going to dive into a whole bunch of questions.
Dr Cynthia: 01:04 All right, well I’m delighted to be here manon. It was a pleasure meeting you and spending time with you and I love the work that you’re doing. So I am thrilled to be here. So, yes, I have been in chiropractic for the last 30 years, but in the last 10 years, what I’ve really been working on is that I believe that as entrepreneurs and as business owners and really as humans, that the most powerful thing that we can do is to be able to share our message powerfully with confidence, energy, and authority. And that could be honestly, that could be in a one-to-one conversation with an employee, with a spouse, with a child with a perspective client. Certainly. And what I’ve come to know, and I know that you are very already super aware of this, is that confidence, energy, authority, all of those begin in the body.
Dr Cynthia: 01:59 You know, most people have a tendency to think of competence and feeling authoritative as you know, from the neck up. Like I think I’m authoritative, but it really is a physiological condition. So being a chiropractor, what I found is that when my husband and I, and we’ve been in practice forever when we got people to stand up taller and to really kind of own their stature and to make that a priority, the funny thing is that so much of their anxiety and their depression and all these other seeming seemingly non-related benefits started to happen in their life. So that kind of naturally folded me into looking at that element from a body language standpoint. And, and I’ve been saying that for the past 10 years and helping leaders and thought leaders in organizations teach people and show people how to embody their power more so it naturally exudes and when they’re on stages or they’re, they’re in conversations, they both feel much better and then they kind of project that out much more confidently.
Dr Manon: 03:09 Well, I’m definitely going to ask you more questions about that, but it first like what led you, I mean, what led you to that as well, but what led you in the first place to to learn chiropractics? Like, what was it that inspired you, you know, were your parents, chiropractic doctors? Did you hurt yourself to get solutions? Like what was your journey like? How did you get there?
Dr Cynthia: 03:34 Well I love that question. And my journey honestly was one of kind of like, these are the things that I want to have in my business in my career. And so I was kind of open to, well, in what type of avenues would that provide that for me? So I had always been somebody that wanted to help people. You know, when I was in adolescence, I was always trying to help people and I was always dressing up as a doctor’s or nurse for Halloween. And and when I got into junior high and high school, I did peer counseling. So I kind of learned that Avenue. And, and at the same time, I come from three generations of entrepreneurs. So like I didn’t really want to work for anybody. So I, that was, and I love, and I’m fiercely independent and I really admire and value self-reliance.
Dr Cynthia: 04:23 So I looked at that and,I have this tendency to kind of want to do things just a little bit different than the status quo. And so I thought about becoming a medical doctor in the area that was just beginning at that time was the psycho neuro immunology was putting the psychology and the immune system and our bodies and minds together.because this was over 30 years ago. And so ,I thought about that, but my mother, as I was in this exploration, my, one of my mother’s friends son was a chiropractor and she, you know, when you did all those outlines careers that you might be helpful and the chiropractor was one. But I was unfamiliar because I didn’t have chiropractic growing up. And I went and visited him and spent a day there and I thought, yeah, I could totally do this. And so I began doing my undergraduate work and starting taking the anatomy and physiology and I just fell in love. That was that. I was like, I want to know this. I love this. This comes to me And so it was like literally by preceptorship, you went to observe somebody’s work and what is it in the work that drew you so, so much?
Dr Cynthia: 05:48 Well, you know, I loved that it was natural and I had, even at that time, I, you know, this literally is 35 years ago, they were one health foodstore in orange County and I would drive from you know, drive down to Laguna beach to go, and then it was a co op. And so I worked there and I just, I just loved everythg about it and I was using Tom’s toothpaste and, and it was very much kind of against the grain at that time. You were like super hippy dippy if you did that. And I was like, okay, well I’m the super hippy dippy. And and so that started me kind of on that track. And then I just kind of evolved that way. And so chiropractic is really about, and the more I learned about it, the more excited I was because it was really about the innate intelligence.
Dr Cynthia: 06:36 And a lot of the wisdom kind of healing practices are about the innate intelligence that is in our body and its ability to heal us from, you know, anything that you can imagine somebody has healed themselves from natural means. And so if it’s, if it’s possible for one then it’s possible for many. And so I love that idea and I’ve loved the idea that what we did was not like, Oh, as much a Whac-A-Mole on health. Like, here’s a symptom. Let’s give you something for that, or here’s a symptom, let’s fix that. And there’s like, bam, bam, bam, and another mole pops up. And so I thought, okay, I loved, you know, and I just fell in love with everything about it that I love. The people that I met that were chiropractors, they all, most, all of them were very good hearted, really wanting to help people. And I loved being able to spend my career doing something where every single day I was actually helping somebody. So that was very, very fulfilling for me. And it’s physical, you know, I wasn’t behind a desk. I was having to move and, you know, walk around the office and jump on patients and use my hands And I’m very you know, I’m like a touchy grab. You like give you a massage, you know, tell people about their posture and the in the supermarket line with my daughter to her mortification.
Dr Cynthia: 07:54 Yeah. So that’s not the, yeah, everything about that, but it’s just grown on me more and more.
Dr Manon: 08:01 And in the States, I’m like osteopathy, and chiropractor you, it’s sort of separated into two sort of different schools of thinking. Were you aware of osteopathy at that time or in your state? No. Yeah. So it wasn’t because it’s not everywhere. That’s why I was just curious,
Dr Cynthia: 08:20 Is it, you know, they, they kind of, there’s like, you know, as with many things, there’s like the whole socioeconomic, political history and evolution of things. And so chiropractic, you know, we, we were separated and that there was a time that osteopathy kind of got grandfathered in into the kind of the medical model. And so most osteopaths at this point kind of practice what we would think of as traditional medicine with a more holistic viewpoint for sure, which is awesome. And and of them still do manipulations. But not, not that many. And honestly, I, I’m not in a good position to kind of do any kind of evaluation other than,
Dr Manon: 09:05 Yeah, okay. No, I was just curious as a reading the history and you know, finding out a little bit what’s happening in the States and different States where yeah, it wasn’t even an option. And yeah, it has other ramifications, but So let’s go from that.so 10 years ago, I guess that’s when you, you started to see you have the entrepreneur within you anyways and and then you started putting together these trainings and it sort of lead me into, you know, from the, your daily practice helping people to then wanting to reach more people. Like,what happened? What was sort of booming inside of you?
Dr Cynthia: 09:49 Interesting evolution honestly, and a set of circumstances that at the time were not really happy circumstances. So in 2006, my husband and I had been in practice for many years and in 2006 we were in a position to retire. And so we wanted to travel around with our kids who were still in school at that time and do some homeschooling. And then my husband is French. So we wanted to be able to spend more time over in France so that they could see their grandparents. And that was our plan. And and everything kind of like stacked up. We had made some investments and we had done well and you know, we were ready to go do that. And then my mother was diagnosed with cancer and so that really altered our projection. And so I hung out with her for about a year and a half and trying to, you know, help her and I’m having my, you know, doctors hat on trying to say, okay, well we need to do this and this and this. And I’ve got my, you know, my daughter’s heart does,
Dr Cynthia: 10:56 And ultimately she did transition and at that time, then also it was like a perfect storm because that’s when the market kind of went. So most of the things that we had counted on like many people got, you know, the, the rug pulled out. And so we ended up moving from San Diego up to back to orange County where I grew up and my brothers were here and because it was a great place for my son to go to college so he could, you know, transfer them to a four year college. So when we came up here, we decided, well, we’re chiropractors, so we, we need to get back into practice. So we started going into practice and one of the things that I wanted to do was to become a better speaker so I could go and talk with organizations and get, then that was a marketing mechanism.
Dr Cynthia: 11:50 Right. And you, what, what I found was that as I was learning the speaking, I joined toastmasters. And one of the things you do is you all get given these like roles at each meeting and one of which was body language. And I found that I was fascinated with it and I just kind of knocked it out of the park because it’s everything that I was already doing, which is, okay, well listen, you’re tilting your head this way and you’re not moving this way. It was basically chiropractic and people would always say, Oh, you’ve got such great presence. And that was, to me, that was like a joke because inside I was freaking out most of the time, but it was really about how I held myself. So I just really started diving deep into that. And that was about the time that Amy Cuddy came out with the power posing and her Ted talk, which was really seminal in terms of how we hold ourselves, creating the neurotransmitters of confidence or of anxiety and really how our stature and our, and our physiology contributes to our psychology. So I just got fascinated by it. And I ended up working with several thought leaders who it was for them, it was very important on stage and I was working behind the scenes trying to get them more energy so that they could perform. But then when I gave them ideas about how to, you know, how to move on stage, they got much better results. So a whole new career was born in it, and I just find it fascinating and you know, so that’s what we were, that’s how we met. Yeah.
Dr Manon: 13:24 Yeah. Interesting. Yeah, because I, that also gets you out of the office and you know, and I think after a while a lot of practitioners, I mean for me too, it was like 30 years and then it’s like, okay it’s time to do something,different and expand my own growth, and see what else. And I think too, I went into, into speaking myself because I wanted to, , bring the message out in a bigger way. So, yeah, all of those things became, you know, super important. How to use your voice, how to breathe differently. And then in some of the work I do, I also have ways of opening up like the, or relaxing the diaphragm so that the breath comes in, you know, much more. And and you know, that’s super impactful. So it’s when I was in the training with you, I was like, wow, this is so people need this and they don’t know that. So, yeah. So share, like, go ahead and tell us more.
Dr Cynthia: 14:30 So I so appreciate your perspective because you know, and anybody who’s a healthcare provider, you know, we are keenly aware of the value of bodies from a return on investment standpoint, in a business, from a performance standpoint, from a health and longevity and energy standpoint. But the, funny thing is where I work, I often work with entrepreneurs who have this message and many of them have spent thousands of hours and thousands of dollars crafting their story and their messaging, but then the when they go to deliver it, they’re frustrated because they can’t, you know, like they can’t deliver it as powerfully as the message itself is or as their work is. Even as healthcare practitioners, you know, and especially not even, especially like we have. Okay. That and particularly if it’s on stages, which is, you know, one of the best ways that we can grow our practice we, we just like, ah, freak out like I used to do and still do sometimes. You know, I still get very anxious when I’m doing it. Yeah. I just know how to like use my body to move through it. But most of these entrepreneurs are, are so in their heads, you and I know that that is not the place to live. Like, go up there, visit, like have some thinking and then connect it to your body because that’s the only sustainable way. So what I help them do is just make that connection of using the power of their body so that their voice can be heard and so that they can do it sustainably and don’t blow up.
Dr Manon: 16:16 But now, you know, for practitioners, because that’s really the group of people that you know, that I work with. There are some in their head for sure. Because there’s so much Iachedemie yet to get through all this, but many of them are in their heart. Yes. So how do you ……..and confidence is an issue. You know, speaking, doing lunch and learns speaking on stage, I have, you know, asked colleagues if they would join me is like, Oh, not now, not this year. Oh my gosh. You know, so what, what and this is, it’s not a trick question putting you on the spot for sure. But sorry, let’s just, my brain goes in all directions. So let’s see. You’re connected to your, your heart and you’re connected to your, your mission. So that is really what fuels you. What do you, how do you deal with the confidence issue that creeps up from a body language, you know, so it could be like, Oh, what I say isn’t good enough or I’m not the biggest expert on this or whatever, all that kind of garbage thoughts. But that’s so many of us have for no good reason. Right. How do you deal with that on, you know, vis-a-vis the stage thing? Like how, how do or posture what, what tips can you give.
Dr Cynthia: 17:43 Sure. Yeah. Well a couple and one of them is that you know, we have a, so if you’re in health care, there’s, you have a point of view, you have a stand that you’re taking for people’s health and it’s, and it’s in a different way than society will typically tell them. So you’re literally drawing a line in the sand and saying, this is my stand, this is my message. And, and sometimes we’re not super clear on that message. And so clarity around that. And what I look at it is like we all have a message. You and I have a message. But as we saw at the workshop, and this happens almost every single time there, the message that we think is so personal is so like our message really isn’t, it’s really a universal truth message that, that we are conduit. So we’re coming down here to share that message and one of the, so how I ask people to look at it and say, okay, there’s this message here and it wants to come through you to those beautiful souls that need to hear it, which you know, there’s a lot of people.
Dr Cynthia: 18:52 And so if you can decrease the noise that you create in your body and your words that that creates static between your message and you coming through to your audience, that’s a thing to focus on. Like, okay, how can I be in service to the message? So that’s number one, being in service to the message. So try and get, try and extricate yourself from saying, Oh, this is my message because then it’s all about me. Like you like me, you don’t like me and it’s already hard enough. Like I want everybody to like me. I totally do. Like I, I totally want everybody to look at me from stage smile, be nodding their head yes. Like, yeah, I definitely want that and what I, I have to keep pulling myself back and saying, Hey, this is about the message. I’m in service for that. I’m a channel this, this, this conduit.
Dr Cynthia: 19:49 Right now it might not be the best messenger messenger for every single person for sure, because they’ve all got their own filters and I’ve got, I’ve, I’m filtering this universal truth through my experience, my cells as I transmitted out. So number one, just try and pull yourself back and not make your message quite as personal. Your journey is personal, your solution is personal, but the message isn’t, and it’s the message that needs, we need to be in service of that message. And being in service of that message means that there’s different steps that you go through that help you be a better conduit, creating less noise. And the way that I kind of teach it, it also concurrently makes you feel more confident because as we said, I believe that confidence is a physical biological condition and we can create it using our body instead of trying to…………
Dr Manon: 20:55 I’m totally, I’m in agreement with you about, you know, where that’s where we’re in service of the message. I totally agree. And it takes away all that egoic positiveness and negativeness it just isn’t about that. And we know the world cant like everyone and we’d actually don’t want them to because we’re, you know, people connect, you know, to you because they want to work with you and they don’t connect to somebody else because that’s not the right fit. And it’s just a trust on that bigger level that we have enough people to help. And there’s plenty more people there to help people. But your second point is, is the physiology again, it’s like changing the physiology that actually sends the message back to your brain basically that , you become more confident by, by taking, you know, it’s like taking confidence stances. Yes. So yeah. I don’t know if I can keep going where you were going. I think cause you probably have three points. So continue.
Dr Cynthia: 22:15 Well, so to kind of expand a little bit on that second point of the physiology of, of confidence and because it’s also the same physiology of emanating and feeling like you’re authoritative. Like you are competent and confident in what you’re doing and people, people, if they’re going to buy from you, and I don’t mean just purchase something, I mean by your ideas, be open to your influence, like being willing to buy your message if it resonates with them, for them to be open. They always say you need to know, like, and trust somebody. But you also need to respect to them. And we need to look at somebody as if they have the confidence and therefore use that confidence, competence loop, that they’ve got the confidence and competence to take us where we’re at, to the promised land, where we want to be, where they’re talking about taking us, where they’re helping us create a vision for.
Dr Cynthia: 23:18 So we’re judging that all the time. And that is actually the first thing that people judge is, okay, how is that person literally holding themselves in esteem? Because that’s how I’m going to hold them. Right? and so when we hold ourselves, and that’s, this is where the chiropractic came in and why people would tell me, Oh, dr Cynthia, you’ve got such great presence. I’d be like, Oh, you mean Well, I’ve got good posture, but posture leads to power and presence both from how people perceive us. But also when you hold yourself in a alignment, your brain gets the message from your cellular intelligence that all is well in your environment. That there is no immediate threat to you because you know what we do when we’re afraid or we’re anxious or we’re depressed, like our shoulders come in, our head goes forward and we’re kind of scanning the horizon for threats.
Dr Cynthia: 24:20 Well that’s how most people’s posture are these days because I’m looking for my phone because we’re looking down at phones all the time. We’re like this on our computer. My husband’s six foot seven, so everybody’s below him. So he’s always looking down like this is starting at such a young age now that people are, you know, looking at their phone all day long like this. So it’s actually creating moment by moment the physiology of anxiety and fear and depression. And so just holding yourself up and getting as tall as we can and pulling our shoulders down, both when we’re on stage and just in life, gives the message to the brain, Oh, I’ve got this. Yeah. And so the brain’s going to pop out some brain juice, some neurotransmitters of confidence, and you’ll be thinking, okay, I feel confident, which is going to lead to more competent thoughts, right. The cycle if there’s no impediment . Then then thoughts flow. Yes. And, and also because your, you’re feeling better. It’s easier to take a breath. It’s easier to have a pause. It’s easier to connect with people, you know, all of those things that really keeps reinforcing, you’re being your stance and everything you stand for, you know?
Dr Manon: 26:06 So, yeah, I know. It’s really interesting to, watch. So I was trying, what else did I want to ask you? So you ended up studying like, you know, obviously neuro-plasticity to an extent and is there anything else that you could share that people, I mean to align themselves but their shoulders down, become aware of this, what other things could help people? And I’m sure you have like something you can offer at one point to find out more, you know, how to either train with you or, or just education that people
Dr Cynthia: 26:44 You know, stay in the know and yeah. Well so we, so the way that like I like to think of things in threes cause you know, that’s how brains are kind of wired. So I how I, how I teach this and how I live this is looking at it from like a human operating system. And I just coined that term because, because like I had this operating systems, you know, between the Google and the and the Mac all these apps. And so I thought, okay, well what’s the human operating system which incorporates, incorporates like how we’re designed, our cognitive biases are hard-wiring this, the way that the system works. Like trying to think of doing things on human scale. And so if we look at like a speaker or, or even, or more specifically for your folks, like people who are health providers that want to expand their reach, expand their business, we need to do it in a way that’s at human scale and that sustainable.
Dr Cynthia: 27:44 So I looked at kind of like the things that I love to teach, things that I, that I live, that I like to talk about. And one is the, what I call the stage authority formula because three words is catchy and people remember it. Which is that you know, that how to hold yourself and your gestures. All these things that like capture human attention at the same time make us feel better so we can be more present. So that’s one element, which is what I call the embodiment aspect of it. And then the next part is the energize aspect. And you know, your healthcare practitioners probably all come from different disciplines. So like living your message, whatever your discipline is. Once again, I mean, here’s how I look at it. I may adjust and somebody else may use a acupuncture needles and someone else might use some other energy ways and somebody might use the bowen method like, but we’re all tapping into this universal intelligence that heals the body.
Dr Cynthia: 28:48 So whatever methodology you need to be a walking testimonial to that, like dr, heal thy himself, you know? And so that gives us the energy to be able to perform in a sustainable manner. And that comes through so dynamically when you’re on stage, because you can only drink so much coffee or diet Coke to get yourself to perform on stage. And then in the background you’re going to blow up. And it doesn’t serve any way. Certainly doesn’t, is not in service of the message. And and you know, as healthcare practitioners, if we’re not walking our talk, then there is a big part of our brain that is in the back going, dude, dudette you know, come on now, how can you be telling somebody to do something and then you’re not doing it? So that really undermines our confidence. So that’s the second thing.
Dr Cynthia: 29:43 Like embody it, like physically embody your message. So like you take your physiology on powerfully when you’re communicating that then live your own message so that you actually have that and the energy to be on stage and then find ways of engaging with people, which is a third pillar of that super cool formula. Find ways of engaging that makes sense to you. Some people like to blog, some people like to, you know, be on video. Like I love this. I love talking to you. I love doing these kinds of interviews. I love doing summits, I love speaking on stages. But you know, the truth is that everything is moving towards a visual video concept. So if you’re in healthcare, you must begin to start with some video. Start with some Facebook, do some talks. You know, I told you the thing, the first time I did a health talk at my office, it was for three people I wanted to up check the entire day.
Dr Cynthia: 30:45 I was so anxious. I like, I really thought I have to cancel this. I can’t even concentrate for three people who’s who I had been adjusting for a month. So, you know, if you just, you just start it and and it will help. But it is the direction that that life is going. And if you want to be, if you’re a healthcare practitioner, you need to influence people and be a stand man. You need to be a stand out in the world for what you do because there’s so many other alternative crap edge out there that just like has so much money behind it that just sucks people in, you know, I don’t even want to go on that soap box.
Dr Manon: 31:30 Definitely. Yeah, I feel very strongly about that too because you know, we can say you can Google and you can look, but you know, it’s not true anymore because even Google is bought out at this stage and doesn’t really show alternatives. You can’t go to a mercola.com unless you know it. Web MD, which has extremely limited solutions always is at the top now, you know, and, and all this change. So recently, like in June I think it was. And so we don’t really have platforms that are, that we can for sure account on except for the ones that we create, you know, and the ones we take on. So so I, I feel very strongly that the body is so amazing and you know, we need to celebrate this and we need to share this. And, you know, modalities, like you said, there’s many ways to, to trigger that innate healing.
Dr Manon: 32:32 And, you know, some are more aligned with, different philosophies and different people. But let’s all talk about this. And that’s what I’m really hoping, to share on this show too. It’s like, let’s resonate with something meaninful to us. And if you haven’t heard abou,t time to find out more, you know, so anyhow, no. So I think anyway, I really enjoyed this too. And again, my medium is I like conversations, I like questions and, and then I, I really enjoy how, there’s just a dynamic in the, in the communication. And I think that’s an easy way to deal with camera at first. because you’re, it’s like I’m talking to Cynthia, you’re a real person, you know, and then when, when we get to watch this we can go, Oh well that was an interesting interview. Oh, we were on camera.
Dr Manon: 33:30 Anyway. Okay, well we should probably come to it to a close, but do you have, usually I ask for if there’s references of, you know, anything you might have referenced that could help people dig a little bit deeper. It could be in your work or things instrumental to shifting. I think you mentioned somebody and at that point our sound went weird for some reason, but you know, anything like that, if you would send ’em an email, it’ll be included in the page that I’ll be creating, you know, more people have access to you. And also you mentioned a seven step programme.
Dr Manon: 33:30
Dr Cynthia: 34:09 Yeah. So, so when people are starting to learn how to be more impactful and more powerful when they’re communicating their, their message, one of the things in the formula, the first, the bottom part of is really connecting to your purpose. And so I have, I did a video training on what’s called the seven levels deep. And this is a process that I use, not my process, but I use it to help people. And it’s a two person process. And just to help people get, get out of their head kind of ended their subconscious and, and really get connected to why they got into practice, really what they’re coming from because that informs and infuses everything about us when we’re communicating that to somebody. Our message. So if you go to stage authority.com, forward slash signature talk, it has that video and then it has a simple template for trying to put together a talk what’s called a signature talk in the, in the industry. And so what that does is just to give you a simple way of kind of putting your thoughts together so that it makes sense when you go out and you try and give a health talk somewhere instead of just like a, I don’t know where to start. This is the easier way to just start.
Dr Manon: 35:29 Okay. Well, thank you so much for accepting to be on this. This what are we calling now? A podcast. Yeah, an interview because it’ll also be on YouTube. So thanks very much. And any last comment or,
Dr Cynthia: 35:47 Well, the last comment is just a thank you. You’re lovely. It’s really been a joy to share this with you. And I would just say to your audience, I know it’s so scary. Honestly, it’s really scary to begin with, but the value is worth it. You know, there are some things that we do in life that is really scary and then you do it and you think, well, that was not worth the fear. You know, the benefit was not the way that I expected from having to like muster up all of that courage. But getting out there and speaking, doing interviews, getting on stages, that is one of these things that really is all worth it. And,in the doing of that, the side benefit to you is you get more and more clear on who you’re being in the world, what you stand for, what you want to represent and, and begin to even further embody. And so I, you know, just everybody wins when we push past that fear barrier into being able to communicate clearly. So. Well, thank you very much. All right, thank you.
Speaker 1: 37:14 .
Dr Manon: 37:47 So welcome to the healers cafe. And today I have with me dr Cynthia Bucara and I’ve really had the pleasure of meeting her quite recently during a workshop and she is 30 years now a chiropractic doctor. And in the last 10 years she sort of developed a gray term Oh, sharing more about, you know, how body intelligence and how we can use that for stage presence and for more impactful lives in general. So welcome and thank you for being here, Cynthia, and go ahead and maybe share a little bit more what you do and then we’re going to dive into a whole bunch of questions.
Dr Cynthia: 38:32 Well, I’m delighted to be here men on it was a pleasure meeting you and spending time with you and I love the work that you’re doing. So I am thrilled to be here. So, yes, I have been in chiropractic for the last 30 years, but in the last 10 years, what I’ve really been working on is that I believe that as entrepreneurs and as business owner and really as humans, that the most powerful thing that we can do is to be able to share our message powerfully with confidence, energy, and authority. And that could be honestly, that could be in a one-to-one conversation with an employee, with a spouse, with a child with a perspective client. Certainly. And what I’ve come to know, and I know that you are very already super aware of this, is that confidence, energy, authority, all of those begin in the body.
Dr Cynthia: 39:27 You know, most people have a tendency to think of competence and feeling authoritative as you know, from the neck up. Like I think I’m authoritative, but it really, it’s a, it’s a physiological condition. So being a chiropractor, what I found is that when my husband and I, and we’ve been in practice forever when we got people to stand up taller and to really kind of own their stature and to make that a priority, the funny thing is that so much of their anxiety and their depression and all these other seeming seemingly non-related benefits started to happen in their life. So that kind of naturally folded me into looking at that element from a body language standpoint. And, and I’ve been saying that for the past 10 years and helping leaders and thought leaders in organizations teach people and show people how to embody their power more so it naturally exudes, and when they’re on stages or they’re, they’re in conversations, they will feel much better and then they kind of project that out much more confidently.
Dr Manon: 40:37 Well, I’m definitely gonna ask you more questions about that, but it first, like, what led you, I mean, what led you to that as well, but what led you in the first place to to learn chiropractics? Like, what was it that inspired you, you know, where are your parents, chiropractic doctors, and did you hurt yourself to get solutions? Like what was your journey like? How did you get there?
Dr Cynthia: 41:02 Well I love that question. And my journey honestly was one of kind of like, these are the things that I want to have in my business in my career. And so I was kind of open to, well, in what type of avenues would that provide that for me? So I had always been somebody that wanted to help people. You know, when I was in adolescence, I was always trying to help people and I was always dressing up as a doctor’s or nurse for Halloween. And and when I got into junior high and high school, I did peer counseling. So I kind of learned that Avenue. And at the same time, I come from three generations of entrepreneurs. So like I didn’t really want to work for anybody. So I, that was, and I love, and I’m fiercely independent and I really admire and value self-reliance.
Dr Cynthia: 41:51 So I looked at that and, and I have this tendency to kind of want to do things just a little bit different than the status quo. And so I thought about becoming a medical doctor in the area that was just beginning at that time was the psycho neuro immunology was putting the psychology and the immune system and our, our bodies and minds together. Cause this was over 30 years ago. And so I, you know, I thought about that, but my mother, as I was in this exploration, my, one of my mother’s friends was her, her son was a chiropractor and she, you know, when you did all those outlines of got careers that you might be helpful and the chiropractor was one. But I was unfamiliar cause I didn’t have chiropractic growing up. And I went and visited the him and spent a day there and I thought, yeah, I could totally do this. And so I began doing my undergraduate work and starting taking the anatomy and physiology and I just fell in love. That was that. I was like, I want to know this. I love this. This comes to me.
Dr Manon: 43:00 And, and so what was the what was the part about? And then, so it was like literally by preceptorship, you went to observe somebody’s work and what is it in the work that drew you so, so much?
Dr Cynthia: 43:15 Well, you know, I loved that it was natural, but I ha even at that time, I, you know, this literally is 35 years ago, they were one health food store in orange County and I would drive from you know, Irvine down to Laguna beach to go and I, and it was a co op. And so I worked there and I just, I just loved everything about it and I was using Tom’s toothpaste and, and it was very much kind of against the grain at that time. You were like super hippy dippy if you did that. And I was like, okay, well I’m the super hippy dippy. And and so that started me kind of on that track. And then I just kind of evolved that way. And so chiropractic is really about, and the more I learned about it, the more excited I was because it’s really about the innate intelligence.
Dr Cynthia: 44:04 And a lot of the wisdom kind of healing practices are about the innate intelligence that is in our body and its ability to heal us from, you know, anything that you can imagine somebody has healed themselves from natural means. And so if it’s possible for when it’s possible for, for many. And so I love that idea. And I loved the idea that what we did was not like, Oh, as much a Whac-A-Mole on health. Like, here’s a symptom. Let’s give you something for that. Or here’s a symptom, let’s fix that. And there’s like, bam, bam, bam.

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