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Cynthia Clark
Using Palmistry to Improve Health & Clear Baggage: The Healers Café with Dr. Manon & Cynthia Clark
In this episode of The Healers Café, Dr. Manon chats with Cynthia Clark, a restaurateur turned Palmistry expert. Listen to this episode to find out how Cynthia became healer, uses palm reading to help others improve their health, clear emotional baggage and find love!
Highlights from today’s episode include:
At 5:25 – Pivotal moments
At 12:35 – What is Qigong?
At 16:30 – Palmistry & the hands are changeable
At 17:35 – Finger Prints: your soul’s imprints which represent your soul’s agenda
At 18:25 – Your hands are like a mirror
Palm reading consultant, compatibility expert and heart harmonizer. And she’s the author of stories in your hands. Discover your authentic destiny using palmistry and taro She has worked with over 7,000 people worldwide in the last 10 years. And her current work involves healing people’s emotional past, identifying real compatibility and providing the platform for singles to find long.. lasting relationships
About Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND:
Dr. Manon is a Naturopathic Doctor, the Founder of Bowen College, an International Speaker with an upcoming TEDx talk in May 2020, and the author of the Amazon best-selling book “What Patient’s Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask.” Watch for her next book, due out in 2020.
Dr. Manon, ND – Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter
About The Healers Café:
Dr. Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
Follow us on social media! https://www.facebook.com/thehealerscafe
About Cynthia Clark:
Cynthia Clark is a Palm Reading Consultant, Compatibility Expert and heart harmonizer. Author of Stories in Your Hands: Discover Your Authentic Destiny Using Palmistry & Tarot, she has worked with over 7,000 people worldwide in the past 10 years. Her current work involves healing people’s emotional past, identifying real compatibility and providing the platform for singles to find long-lasting love through the merging of ancient science, modern technology and quantum physics at https://Loveinyourhands.com. Cynthia also offers readings, coaching, courses and professional training and is passionate about sharing her vast knowledge of palmistry as an empowerment tool for both singles and couples.
Join my Soulmate Connection Membership for free and discover your relationship archetype and your soulmate match archetype: https://loveinyourhands.com/index.html#!/Memberships
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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Welcome to the healers cafe conversations with Healers with Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND
Dr Manon (00:17):
The welcome to the healers cafe. And today I’m speaking with Cynthia Clark and let me tell you a little bit about her before she takes over. So she’s a Palm reading consultant, compatibility expert and heart harmonizer. And she’s the author of stories in your hands. Discover your authentic destiny using palmistry and taro She has worked with over 7,000 people worldwide in the last 10 years. And her current work involves healing people’s emotional past, identifying real compatibility and providing the platform for singles to find long.. lasting relationships.. Through the merging of ancient technology and quantum physics, Cynthia also offers readings, coaching courses, professional training, and is passionate about sharing her vast knowledge of Palmistry as an empowered tool for both singles and couples. So I want to, well, I just want to add that yes, couples and singles, but to health, it’s so important, your relationship to yourself, the capacity that you know Palmistry has in, in helping people heal. And if you have baggage that you haven’t cleared, it’s in your relationship or in your relationship to yourself. It’s bound to show up and ruin your health. So that’s why I wanted to have,uthat perspective a little bit. Just expand, expanded from just just seeking your lover.beause I do see that it can be applied, you know, much bigger. So anyway, welcome and yeah, please feel free to share. Is there anything else that I missed from that introduction?
Cynthia Clark (02:15):
No, thank you so much for inviting me on the show by the way. I really appreciate it. And you’re absolutely right. You know, somebody who is looking for their soulmate match, you know, if they don’t do the emotional work behind it, chances are you’re either going to attract a very inappropriate partner or you’re not going to attract a partner at all. So it, you’re right, that inner work is so critical and we all have a past. You know, we all have things that we go through and we all have I would call them events like traumatic events that shape our lives and we can actually go and heal those little traumas and wounds and, and all of that stuff. Then we can move forward. And actually attract the right partner to us, that’s going to actually make us really happy.
Dr Manon (03:15):
So on the healer’s journey, because you know, every healer has a journey. What happened before I ask you how that works and how has it all written in your hand and all these kinds of questions. What was your journey that led you down this path in the first place?
Cynthia Clark (03:34):
Well, I actually have a pretty normal upbringing, I guess you would say. I grew up in salt Lake city, Utah, and I was raised in the Mormon religion, which I guess some people wouldn’t call that normal. But I, you know, I, that’s what I knew growing up. And I actually left the church when I was about 15 and I was so independent and I just wanted to kind of get out on my own and do my own thing and kind of discover the world of, you know, what else is in the world. So that’s kind of where I started. But I, I was the youngest of four kids and I had two very nice parents who loved me. And you know, nothing really traumatic about that. And I, I started my journey in business. I got a business degree from the university of Utah and I knew after I took my first entrepreneur class that I wanted to work for myself. And so that kind of sparked the, again, more independence, which was great, you know, and I ended up starting my own restaurant by the time I was 24 and I ran that for seven years with my now ex husband. And we ran a very, very successful business together. So that was my start.
Dr Manon (05:07):
So you started with business running a restaurant. And what made you decide to I would say it’s kind of a shift of gears right? To go. Yeah. So what provoked that or how did that happen in your life?
Cynthia Clark (05:23):
So, yeah, there were a couple of like pivotal moments. I would say the first pivotal moment was when my chi gong teacher walked into my restaurant and she was this beautiful small woman from Swierland and she just had such a huge energy about her and she was so clear on what she was doing. She came, she came into the restaurant and she said, I teach chigong and I’m like, what is that? And I had no idea what she was talking about. And she’s like, well, you need to take my classes and you will find out. And it was so clear like to her what I needed to do. But she was right. She was absolutely right. I ended up training with her for five years and she taught me so much about the alternative world of energy and how it all works and that I didn’t have to just go to a doctor for every little thing I had wrong with me.
Cynthia Clark (06:29):
I could actually work on healing myself. How amazing is that? So I learned that I could heal myself. I trained with her. It was so beautiful. I’ve, I just had I have such respect for her because she taught me so much. So that was my first pivot. During that time too, like while I was in, while I was working the restaurant, I used to take the winters off and I would ski a lot and when, one day I actually did have a small accident skiing and I was skiing on a pretty steep black diamond run and I was right next to some avalanche debris. So an avalanche had already slid and I was right next to the debris and I ended up skiing into the debris just barely and it caught my tips and I flipped over and I was totally stuck.
Cynthia Clark (07:31):
So I had to dig myself out. I ended up twisting my knee almost to the point of it popping and I ended up it took me awhile but I ended up getting myself out cause there was nobody else around, nobody could help me. I was really kind of like, you’re on your own. And I skied down and I was thinking, you know, I, I think I’m out for the season and this was in, this was a February, I can’t remember what year, but I was thinking, Oh no, I can’t finish the season. And my, my knee swelled up like really huge. And I was thinking, well, you know, if I go to the doctor, what are they gonna do? They’re gonna say, well, you need to ice it and keep it elevated. And there’s really not a whole lot they can do for something like that.
Cynthia Clark (08:20):
Maybe give you some pain pills, you know, killers or whatever. So I decided not to go to the doctor. I’m like, that’s a waste of time. And I’m like, I’m going to heal this myself. And then I was remembering all this stuff I had learned in my chigong classes up to that point. And I’m like, okay, I’m just going to focus on green healing energy and I’m going to envision my me perfectly healthy. I did this for four days. By the fifth day I was skiing again. So it, I mean it totally worked and yes, I did keep it elevated and yes, I put the ice on it and all that and I, you know, did the stuff that the doctors would’ve recommended anyway, but I did that little extra thing and it made a huge difference and that, and I just totally pictured it healthy and, and like, it wasn’t going to stop me.
Dr Manon (09:18):
And how did you deal with you know, the, the thoughts people would have typically like, Oh, what if it’s a torn? What if the ligaments are, you know, or maybe there’s a, you know, avulsion fracture or any of those things that, you know, I guess the thing is, yeah, if you’re trained all that, you’re going to think about all those things, but, but how did you, how did you deal with that? They did you just, how did you set that up as like, okay, I’m going to put the energy to healing this. How did you have a sense that, was safe and good to do?
Cynthia Clark (09:56):
Well, I, like I said that the training I got from my teacher, my chigong on teacher really taught me that I could do things on my own. I could heal things on my own. So I was already in that mindset, like she put me in that mindset and, but this was after years of training with her. So yeah. So if it had been, you know, before I had met her, I don’t know what I would’ve done. I probably would have gone to the doctor like anybody else, you know, I probably wouldn’t, I probably would’ve had a lot more fear around it. But because I knew, you know, I already knew that I could heal myself, if that makes sense. It’s like my mindset was never like, you can’t heal or you won’t heal. And I figured, well, I’ll just try this first. And that was really kind of like what, where I go now with everything, it’s like I’m going to try and do something first on my own and if it doesn’t get better or if it’s, you know, a big problem, then I’ll go see somebody else about it. Now, obviously this doesn’t qualify if you’re like bleeding, you know, like if you have something like seriously wrong that needs to be addressed immediately, like,
Dr Manon (11:08):
Yeah, half, your leg was down the Hill.
Cynthia Clark (11:11):
Yeah, yeah. Obviously I would go to the doctor, but this wasn’t a life threatening illness. I knew it was just an, it was an injury and I knew it, you know, and yeah, maybe after the four days I, and if it hadn’t gotten better, maybe I would’ve gone to a doctor at that point. I figured, you know what, let’s try it. Let’s try this on my own first and see how it works. And that’s pretty much how I do everything.
Dr Manon (11:43):
So, what is it that gave you that confidence or that realization that it’s okay, you know, on some level too, to see what the body can do before we, you know, run all the alarms and we sort of give away, you know, kind of our power to all the technology and all this sort of, I mean, it’s, it’s good. It can be diagnostic, but it also can cause just a whole bunch of you know, intense worry and more worry and more stuff, you know, whereas we could just be focusing on healing. So, how was that process or I don’t know if that’s even an answerable question, but if it is,
Cynthia Clark (12:31):
Yeah, well you’re right, a lot of people don’t really understand what she gong is all about. So it’s, it’s the Chinese version of yoga is basically how we describe it. And it comes from China versus India. You know, yoga comes from India. So, but in my opinion, chigong is, is it’s slightly different in the focus of versus yoga. It focuses on intentful corrections. So one of the intentful corrections is the mind, you know, clearing the mind, putting your mind at ease, getting rid of the monkey mind, you know, that sort of thing. And that’s where all the worry and fear and stress and you know, part of your correction, and this is what, right when you go into any chigongon practice, is you clear that mind. So that’s, that’s part of just getting into the practice. Part two, of course an intentful correction is the breath.
Cynthia Clark (13:35):
You know, slowing down your breathing, taking deeper breaths, and they do what’s called dantien breathing, which is abdominal breathing. So you, you focus on that deeper, longer breath, and then you focus on your body. It’s like, okay, where am I holding tension in my body? And then you go to that part of your body and you relax it and you also focus it in terms of meridians. So almost all chigong uses meridians to, it’s sort of like acupuncture without needles, where you actually think about a Meridian that wants to open or you’re going to open it up and you just think about it opening, even if you don’t know exactly where it runs, these channels that run through your body. So it’s a little different than like the chakara system, you know, it runs like the meridians run through the whole body and, they correspond with a major organ. So the way my teacher taught me was that we do the three intentful corrections before we do the practice and then we go into the practice. So it’s very healing. just doing that alone is very, very healing.
Dr Manon (14:49):
Right, right. Yeah. And now there’s like all research that the Meridian lines are actually part of the functional facial lines, you know, which is interesting because that’s also, you know, when you see blocks in that area, it also affects the flow in the communication. Yeah. No, very interesting. So the first step then is calming that mind. Which I find interesting. You know, because when, at least from my experience in healing you have to be in that parasympathetic state that the ability to allow the body to rest, you know, restore repair. And when you’re in this sympathetic state, you’re really activated by response and worry and anxiety and you know, you’re not shut down at all if you’re not able to focus your attention to the healing capacity of the body. So yeah, and also very interesting. So like how is that related? Or is it related or to palmistry cause I palmistry you know that there’s a lot of like woo kind of, you know, I remember, I remember finding myself, I think I was in Paris as a young kid or Oh no, I was in Belgium in Brussels and somebody took my hand and looked at it and went, Oh, trouble, you know, and then ran away and I was like, Oh my God. Okay. Interesting life. You know? And then I spent time recovering from that guy. No, that was just like interesting. Doesn’t mean that ………….It drives me crazy because hands are changeable. First of all. You know, so this is where a lot of people get stuck in the kind of the gypsy fortune telling mode that, Oh, I’m going to look at my hand and the person’s going to tell me that I’ll be single the rest of my life. I’ll die an old spinster.
Cynthia Clark (16:55):
Garbage. Okay. That’s just like not, it is not real because the hands change. So even, I mean, yes we can, we can see things in the hands past, present and future actually does show up on the hands all the time. But because we have free will, we can change how things show up in our hands. So
Dr Manon (17:20):
Interesting. I wouldn’t have thought of that. because you know, when they do thumbprints, you know, now they do that everywhere traveling. It’s like you’re always going to be found, right. So the actual lines of the hands change.
Cynthia Clark (17:33):
Yes. So you’re right that the fingerprints do not change. Those actually form five months before you’re born representing your soulimprint. So I read fingerprints more in terms of like your soul’s agenda and what does your soul want to accomplish in this lifetime and what’s going to make your soul happy. What’s a, what are the major life themes that you’re going to experience? How you experience them is through everything else in your hands. So your hand shape, which forms by the time you were about six years old and then the liines which are the most changeable part of your hands. So how you’re actually developing talents, using talents how you handle stress or don’t handle stress. What kind of blockages do you have? Those kinds of things show up in the hands. So your hands are like a mirror to everything about who you are.
Dr Manon (18:30):
Oh yeah. because then I later had another hand I don’t think he called himself Palmistry but anyway, he spoke German and stuff. I don’t know what it was called, but he came to Vancouver and and then I, he didn’t know who I was, but a friend of mine introduced, you know, that he was making talks and he said he does it for health. And that was one of the things. So, so I invited some of my my patients who I thought would, would find it insightful to see a different perspective. And of course I’m open, you know, I’m an open learner. Anything, I don’t know. Well I was gonna beat that omen of Ooh, you know, difficult. life So he, he knew nothing about me because I, I wanted it that way. And he didn’t know who I was in the group and we didn’t change names and or anything.
Dr Manon (19:31):
So he did a, he did a reading and he said that two things that came out, one is that I’m, I like, I’m a healer. That was like, he said, that’s written right through, that’s your entire life, you know, and interesting cause that seems to be true. And then he said I am, a speaker, that there are no stages big enough for the message I have to share, which now that feels like, Oh my God. Like that’s a big, that’s a big promise, you know? But he, but he said those are the two things. And I thought that’s very interesting, you know, it felt, you know? Right. And then when he did my patients I was like, wow, he could actually see what’s going on. So we had like a great time. So I don’t know, tell me more, cause I didn’t get to ask him any questions afterward. He just sort of laughed and that he was out of town and we’re all kind of like, wow. You know, so, so tell us a bit more how that works and how like, you know, what is it the size like, or how would you do all that?
Cynthia Clark (20:40):
Yes. Well, ideally if you have enough time, you do a full analysis of the hands, which does take, for me, I like to split it into three sessions because it’s, there really is that much information. So I can read one set of hands usually takes me about three hours. So keep that in mind so everybody realizes how much information is in your hands. there’s really that much. So I would spend probably a good 45 minutes just on fingerprints. You know, the fingerprints. There’s 14 different types of fingerprints and you can have over 10,000 different combinations. That’s going to definitely show you that big soul agenda. So the healer is one of the basic life purposes. But there are other combinations that can show up as healer, healer markers. So for example, there’s a talent marker that is the healer. By the way, if everybody would want to look at this, it’s an easy one to actually spot, just kind of fun.
Cynthia Clark (21:49):
So if you look at your hand, you look underneath your little finger and you want to look for vertical lines that are going to be above the Heartline, which is your major line, that’s going to be under the fingers. So under the little finger there’s going to be four or more little lines that are vertical lines and they’re going to be together right there. Okay. So if you have this Mark, which by the way, not everybody does that is the Mark of a healer. And if you have say eight of these lines, sometimes people have all the way up to eight lines that are lined up like that. We call that the healer of healers. So that’s somebody who teaches healers. Yeah. Yeah. So I bought six of them, it looks like, like six. And then there’s one that looks short. Yeah. Well I would say you’re probably in the healer, category, so yeah.
Dr Manon (22:49):
Yeah. But I do teach healthcare practitioners. Bowen therapy. So. Well then you’re using one of your talents. Yeah. Interesting. Important. And then as far as like speaking goes, speaking also shows up as a purpose. So that shows up in fingerprints and that would be related to your little finger, which we call mercury. K mercury is your communication finger. By the way, all the fingers are named after the Roman gods. Okay, well this is just like a, it’s a tradition that’s been carried over, you know, several hundred years, but it actually goes back probably over 5,000 years. So I’m not sure what they used to call the fingers. This is kind of where modern hand analysis has evolved is we all, we all call the fingers Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, and mercury, and that’s kind of the standard now. So mercury, your finger of communication. Occasionally you’ll have these little lines just like you have underneath the finger. So like the healer, we call it healing stigmata. You may also have it in your upper phalange of mercury. So in this section we call this the zone of ideas. And if you have little vertical lines running through this section as well, that is the, I call those messenger lines. And they indicate that you have a message that you’re trying to get out. Okay.
Dr Manon (24:25):
I got five or six. One goes sideways. Yeah. Yeah. I thought they were all like, I just thought I was just getting wrinkly.
Cynthia Clark (24:37):
Now when we have horizontal lines though, that’s where we have stress. Okay. So especially in the fingers. So if you have vertical lines running through the fingers, that shows flow into what the part of the finger represents. And if you have horizontal lines then that shows more of a blockage or a stress. And these are very changeable lines. So they’re going to flow based upon your current situation.
Dr Manon (25:05):
And do you like, is it the same in both hands? You can use either hand or they’re they have different meanings.
Cynthia Clark (25:12):
Yes, they have different meanings. So both hands are actually important. But your active hand or the hand that you write with is going to show more of like your developing self. And you can think of like if you, for example, if you have that healing stigmata on your active hand, that shows a talent that’s already developed. If you see it on your passive hand or the hand you don’t write with, then it would show up as a potential though it would be something like, Hey, guess what, you could become a healer if you want to or you could think about getting out your message, you know, just as two examples. So your passive hand shows more of that inner kind of quiet self and can definitely it usually shows up a little as far as more lines, it shows more lines usually on the passive hand. But yeah, they’re both quite interesting to look at because depending upon what you’re looking at will show the difference. So yeah, I like to look at both hands for sure. Interesting. Yeah. And when it comes to fingerprints, I have to read all 10 fingerprints to really see what the roadmap of your life is. Then we also have hand shape and that hand shape is actually what I personally use more than anything because that is how I match people to their soulmate.
Dr Manon (26:39):
what’s the, what’s the story? Like, okay, , you don’t have to analyze it like crazy. So it lets the, do you look at the, the width of it or that it’s small or what, what do you, how do you, what’s the shape? What do you look at?
Speaker 3 (27:00):
Okay, so yeah, so your hand shape forms by the time you’re about six years old and it represents your subconscious influences. Okay. So when you think about being a little baby to the time, you’re about six years old and you’re completely in your subconscious mind and you’re just absorbing everything around you. Okay? So when a baby is born, their hand shape is not set. K they, it actually changes quite a bit up until they’re about six and then it starts to gel or set. And that’s also when we start moving into more of the adult brain States. Right? So by the time the person is six or seven or five, somewhere in there, you pretty much have your idea about how the world works this and this is affects you for the rest of your life. Right? So it’s going to represent a set of personality traits that will impact you, not only in your own personality, but also who you are most compatible with, how you interact with other people.
Cynthia Clark (28:09):
I mean, it’s just so amazing that I can’t believe people aren’t using this. That’s why I teach people is useful because if you know your archetype and what is your natural energy and how you naturally express yourself in the world, it can just help you in everything. So it can help you be more authentic. It can help you recognize your innate strengths. I also call it the relationship genius. Like what is your, your innate relationship genius and how, what do you bring to a partner? You know, so yeah, so we actually measure, it’s a branch of palmistry called Chiraq nummy and it we take a look at the relative length of the fingers through the Palm and then we also look at the fingers relative to each other. Okay. So basically just a few measurements and you can determine your archetype. So yeah. So hold up your hand again for me and I can probably identify what you are.
Cynthia Clark (29:11):
Just back it up for me. I need to see the whole hand. Okay. Stop right there. Okay. So yeah, I actually measure out that middle finger in relation to your Palm and it looks like you have word fingers. It looks like your Palm is very long. So you’re a rectangular Palm, so you’re a fire hand. Okay. So that’s your primary element is fire, which represents somebody who’s instinctive, passionate, driven likes to expand and explore. Fire types are very energetic also. Then we look at your fingers. I would definitely say your index finger. You’re holding your fingers together for me. Yeah. Your index finger is D or Jupiter is your strong finger. So your archetype is the chariot. Okay. So chariots are all about inspiring other people to action. Woo.
Cynthia Clark (30:20):
It’s like what is, what is the chariot doing? Material is moving and if you don’t get on board, you’re going to get left behind. People are very dynamic people and they’re always looking at the bigger picture because that’s Jupiter. Jupiter is the visionary. Jupiter is the one who you know, looks at at the idealism of the world, you know, so you’re not afraid to like what could be better? How can we make the world better? How can things be better? And then that fire energy is the passion that drives it. Wow. That’s like pretty dead on.
Cynthia Clark (31:02):
This is just from your handshake. Right? Interesting. Yeah. So then I take that system, I take the system of, okay, you’re a fire Jupiter person who are your best matched to while you would be best matched to an air hand, which is going to be somebody with long fingers and a square Palm, which is the exact opposite hand shape of you. And they’re going to have a strong middle finger or Saturn finger. We call that the administrator hand. Okay. Now, administrator types are very curious and that fire gets fed by the air. Okay. So that type of personality would feed your passion and help to drive the chariot. Okay. And because they also have the Saturn energy, it brings it into a practical sense of like, well, how do we actually do this? And so they’re really good with details. They’re good with taking your ideas and putting them into practicality that, that’s your administrator type.
Cynthia Clark (32:09):
So when you can actually find people who are, are great matches for you, you can surround yourself,, with, that’s complimentary. And that’s really what my whole system is about. You know, once you learn it, it’s like, okay, you need to find those people. Like they’re out there for you, but you, you, you know, people often wonder like, well, why do I get along better with some people have been others. This is why this is why it’s because of the hands and there’s certain energies or just natural affinities to each other and certain energies are not, it’s like the water and the oil. Sometimes they blend in, sometimes they don’t blend. So I’ve tried to not only quantify it for people and as you can tell, it’s quite scientific, but I’ve also automated it where people can actually go in and find matches just by using their hand.
Dr Manon (33:10):
Oh, that’s fascinating. Yeah. But I was thinking, you know, cause I I definitely, my team members in my business right, are definitely a match for me. But yeah, my, my partner, I don’t think that’s how his hands look like, you know, for me anyways, I, I’d have to look, I’m not an analyst so I haven’t paid attention to so a long finger in the middle, that’s the, the thing, right. Middle. I’ll have to double check is not here right now
Cynthia Clark (33:44):
In your hand would be a great match for you. So anybody with long fingers and a square Palm.
Dr Manon (33:50):
Oh, he has a, he has a square pumppalm. Absolutely. Yeah.
Cynthia Clark (33:55):
Yeah. Those are, those are the, yeah, those are your best matches for sure.
Dr Manon (33:59):
Yeah. Wow. That’s interesting. Yeah, that’s for sure. I just don’t remember the little finger, yeah. Interesting., that’s very cool. And I did not know that hands don’t take like definite shape, like final shape til six. That,s very interesting.
Cynthia Clark (34:20):
Yeah. Yeah, it is quite fascinating. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. When you think about what’s happening in that early childhood, it makes, makes total sense.
Dr Manon (34:28):
But then so, so I’ve got lots of questions then. So you know, there’s all kinds of ways to work with the subconscious, right? Yes. Many methods, many different ways in if the hand is formed, then once you address the subconscious and the issue, like does the hands start changing or the actual shape of the hand will change?
Cynthia Clark (34:57):
Well, the archetype is not likely to change what we were referring to with the fake, the relative fingers versus the Palm. That’s very unlikely to change. But like I was saying that the lines on the hands, which reflect a whole boatload of information are very changeable. So if you’re working with a subconscious block, like let’s say for example, you have an ambition block. Okay? And a lot of people who are professionals struggle with this. Okay? Ambition block is going to show up inside your middle finger, your middle phalange of Jupiter. So, your index finger. We call this your leadership finger, by the way. Okay? So if you have a horizontal line right through this middle phalange, that’s your zone of ambition. And so let’s say you work on that subconscious block that line will disappear and you can track it. So I actually love doing time-lapse readings for people because I love to see how things change.
Dr Manon (36:11):
And these are lines like they’re not, the lines like that gets squiggly right here as you go. You’re talking about lines literally inside. Otherwise they’re straight.
Cynthia Clark (36:21):
Right? We all have like the, the separation, sections. Like everybody has those lines. But yeah, we’re talking inside the section. So usually in the middle of the phalange.
Dr Manon (36:35):
Oh, okay. But yeah, it seems cool. I didn’t have any blocks. I’m shocked. The cool thing about it is that you can identify what you’re really struggling with. Wow. That’s incredible actually. Yeah. So, yeah. So you have like a, a place that people who want to learn more or find out what is their block, they could, they could get information or learn about it or contact you or, yes, I actually,
Cynthia Clark (37:05):
People heal their emotional. Yeah. I help people heal their emotional past. That’s, that’s one of my, I have an online course. It’s all about that and explore emotional stresses and things like that. I also just do readings for people too, so if they just want to reading, I’m more than happy to look at whatever they want to look at. So yeah, they can either go to love in your hands.com which is my my relationship website. Or they can go to world of hands.com which is more of my general information website.
Dr Manon (37:43):
Okay. Oh great. I’m definitely going to share that. So any other yeah, I’m trying to think. Oh yeah, we didn’t really talk about the middle lines and the lines right on the hand. Is there some general, cause we have about five minutes, so I don’t want to take you down a massive path, but is there anything on that that would be interesting to look at?
Cynthia Clark (38:06):
Well, for sure. People are curious about their major lines. Okay. So the first thing you wanna look at is the quality of the line. Okay. So when a line is what we call clear, it’s going to just have like the line itself. It’s not going to be all bubbly or it’s not going to break. It’s not going to have all kinds of stuff going on. So Oh, you can tell your overall health and your overall wellbeing by looking at your lifeline. Okay? Now the lifeline does not tell you how long you’re going to live. Okay? So this, this is probably the number one myth, Because remember what I have been saying this whole episode is that your lines change. So your lifeline, however, does tell you about your stability and your overall vitality. So your constitution is in your lifeline. Okay? So this is your lifeline here.
Cynthia Clark (39:01):
It goes around your thumb ball, okay? So it starts above. Your thumb comes down and usually it ends somewhere near your wrist. Some people do have short lifelines, which by the way doesn’t mean again early death. It simply means the person is not grounded. They, they don’t have a strong root chakra, for example. So they have, they don’t have a sense of home or sense of groundedness. And once they get that, it’ll grow. Like you’ll see the line grow. If you have a break in your lifeline, I do consider that a big deal. And it’s usually associated with a change in your stability or change in your vitality. So it could be construed as an accident or an illness depending upon how it’s breaking. So it is kind of important to pay attention. And also you want to look at the quality of the line.
Cynthia Clark (39:56):
So if your line is kind of broken up or if it’s just sort of weak looking, then your constitution is probably a little bit weaker as well. So you can also tell kind of the overall energy that you have by looking at this Venus Mount, which is this puffy section inside the lifeline. And you want to take a look at that section. And if you squeeze it, you want it to kind of bounce back. You want it to be elastic. And if it’s elastic, it’s showing that your overall energy is pretty good. Okay. So, but if it collapses, you’re probably pretty tired or maybe you’re not getting enough sleep so you can, you can kind of identify how you are relative to other people to like check their Venus mounts out and you’ll see the quality. So those are two really important sections to kind of pay attention to
Dr Manon (40:52):
And those are like, cause I’m looking at mine on, on my left hand. There’s a definite like there’s definitely two line. Like it’s, there’s a……
Cynthia Clark (41:03):
Okay, well for me, yeah, let me see that. Okay, so it looks like the break kind of ties in with your fate line. Okay. So that’s your fate line that it connects to. So when I see a line like that particular form that doesn’t have it, right. Yeah. This, but this one over here is indicating that your vitality is connected to your work because your fate line actually represents your career. Interesting. Okay. No.
Dr Manon (41:34):
What does that mean?
Cynthia Clark (41:38):
That means that you need to follow your, your chariot, your chariot work is very important.
Dr Manon (41:44):
Wow, that’s crazy. I think most people would say, I have to stop working, but obviously that doesn’t look like what my hands are saying.
Cynthia Clark (41:53):
No, I wouldn’t say that at all. Chariots are very driven and they need to have somewhere to go because if I think about a chariot that’s stuck in the mud, like not a good place to be. And I always tell people, you want to be your type, you want to be what your archetype is. It telling you to express is that’s really where you’re going to find the joy and fulfillment. Yeah.
Cynthia Clark (42:23):
Oh for that advice. Because I was very hands just in case it’s like stopped working and something. No I can’t, I really can’t. You know, I love what I’m doing. I don’t want to,
Cynthia Clark (42:34):
Oh, you wouldn’t be happy. You’d be like so bored after like a week. So like what am I do now?
Dr Manon (42:40):
Totally. Anyway. Well thank you so much for, that’s a wealth of information. I had no idea that yeah, that it was that, you know, complex. Right. beause my two experiences with it were, you know, just interesting but a little bit you know, lacking in in depth of that. And yeah, I can totally see. So when I, if people have a health issue, does it help them them by looking at their hands. I mean I can see their character and these kinds of things, but does it help it and how so? And then we’ll
Cynthia Clark (43:22):
Health shows up all over your hands. So yeah, one part of my reading, especially when I do a more thorough reading is looking at the health aspects and you know, a lot of times it corresponds, I’ll also, with your emotional, your spiritual, your mental health, like it all plays out in your hands. All of it does. So it absolutely can give you insights into what’s going on. So yes, I would strongly encourage people to get their hands analyzed if they’re having any kind of issue with anything.
Speaker 2 (43:54):
Right. Okay. Well thank you very much, Cynthia. That was very enlightening and thanks for being on the show.
Speaker 3 (44:02):
Yeah, thank you. It’s been fun.
Speaker 1 (44:21):
[Inaudible] Thank you for joining us. For more information, go to dr [inaudible]. Dot. [inaudible] [inaudible].

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