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Adriana Keefe
Can Human Design Help You Understand Your Life’s Purpose?
In this episode of The Healers Café, Manon Bolliger, FCAH, RBHT (facilitator and retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice) speaks with Adriana Keefe about the 5 types of Human Design being manifesters, manifesting generators, generators, projectors, and reflectors.
Highlights from today’s episode include:
Adriana Keefe 22:48
Yeah, so a little bit about each type high level? Yeah. So manifester’s they’re about 9% of the population. They are the people who tend to feel like they do their best independently, they really prefer autonomy, not to say they can’t thrive in relationships, but the relationship would need to be able to provide autonomy for them.
Adriana Keefe 27:08
Yeah, I get that. So projectors have what’s called a strategy, which is the way that you’re designed to interact with the world around you. Think flow, not force, think energetics ease. And their strategy is called waiting for the invitation.
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Adriana Keefe 18:10
If you were to look at all of humans all of energetics really, it is of the belief that we’re all human beings, there’s nothing really to do except for be ourselves. So I would say that everyone is a state of being.

Adriana Keefe is a Human Design Coach and Speaker who guides women in becoming more of who they really are, so prosperity, passion, and purpose find them. She is a 4/6 Manifesting Generator by Human Design, wife and mother to 3 children, lover of animals and the show “New Gir”, and host of The No BS Human Design Podcast. She works with people through speaking events, 1:1 coaching, group coaching, Human Design chart readings, and the Human Design Society membership community.
Core purpose/passion: I’m passionate about inspiring and elevating women into stepping into their true purpose and role, so we can ALL work together as a society and live lives filled with fulfillment, passion, and joy. I’m on a mission to bring other women into a state of magnetic rebellion – where they can choose to say “no, thank you” to what society expects of them and become their whole, worthy selves.

As a recently De-Registered board-certified naturopathic physician & in practice since 1992, I’ve seen an average of 150 patients per week and have helped people ranging from rural farmers in Nova Scotia to stressed out CEOs in Toronto to tri-athletes here in Vancouver.
My resolve to educate, empower and engage people to take charge of their own health is evident in my best-selling books: ‘What Patients Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask: The Mindful Patient-Doctor Relationship’ and ‘A Healer in Every Household: Simple Solutions for Stress’. I also teach BowenFirst™ Therapy through Bowen College and hold transformational workshops to achieve these goals.
So, when I share with you that LISTENING to Your body is a game changer in the healing process, I am speaking from expertise and direct experience”.
Mission: A Healer in Every Household!
For more great information to go to her weekly blog: http://bowencollege.com/blog.
For tips on health & healing go to: https://www.drmanonbolliger.com/tips
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Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
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* De-Registered, revoked & retired naturopathic physician after 30 years of practice in healthcare. Now resourceful & resolved to share with you all the tools to take care of your health & vitality!

Introduction 00:00
Welcome to the Healers Café. The number one show for medical practitioners and holistic healers, to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives, while sharing their expertise for improving your health and wellness.
Manon Bolliger 00:20
So welcome to the Healers Café. And today I have with me, Adriana. And what she does is, she’s a human design coach and speaker. And she guides women in becoming more of who they really are on on all levels. So I love that system. I think it’s really exciting to have yet another way that you can reflect and become more conscious of your, you know, how you operate? How are you connecting the world? All of that. So, anyway, I’m very excited to have this discussion with you, and I guess the first question I have for you is, how did you get kind of interested in this? Yeah, being a coach, or this may have come as a tool later, I don’t know. What is your story?
Adriana Keefe 01:18
Well, thank you so much for having me. I’m so excited to bring this to your space. Well, long, long story short, I had what I call my quarter life crisis, when I was pregnant with my second daughter. Everything from the outside looked so perfect. I was making money. I was winning awards in my industry, I was happily married, happily pregnant. But I was riddled with anxiety and stress. And I was in the world of real estate. So it was very gogogo. It was phone ringing at 11pm at night not taking my daughter to the beach during the summer. It wasn’t right for me. And I could feel that but I didn’t know what else that meant. For me, as someone who had a litter, I went to school for veterinary. And then I ended up working in the lab later because I couldn’t pay it, pay my student debt. And then I moved into real estate. So I had jumped around so much that I was tired. And I didn’t know if I was just completely out of balance or what. I hired my first life coach and she introduced me to this thing called Human Design. And at first I was so skeptical because I was like I don’t like personality tests, nobody’s gonna put me in a box. And she talked me into it and said, it’s not a personality test. It’s astrology based. So it’s time of birth. And I looked at it when she pulled it up. And I have never in my life felt such a deep validation as I did in that moment. It said that I was a manifesting generator, which means multi hyphenate, multi passionate, tends to be impatient, goes very fast, we tend to be diagnosed with ADHD at some point in our lives. And that hit home for me, this feeling on my life of being a quitter. And being labeled a quitter, not sticking to any one thing was all of a sudden, it just started to dissipate right…
right then in there. So as I dove more and more into it, I was peeling back the layers of who I was designed to be for bigger purpose here. And all I had to say, I was raised Catholic, but it never resonated with me. I’m a child of abuse and a lot of other traumas. Therefore, I felt nothing else is out there. But when this human design thing came into my world, and it felt so resonant, that opened me up to what does this mean? And a higher level what does that mean if it knows this about me, so I started to lean into it more opening up my sense of spirituality and just playing with the universal laws, all of the things, you know, everyone gets into the secret like that, that was where it kind of kicked off for me. And then I realized after years of therapy and EMDR among other modalities to heal from my trauma that left me feeling sure neutralized around the flashbacks, but I still felt like a shell of a human. And human design was bringing me back home to me even now, I feel like I am going to cry, it was bringing me back home to me. And that that was a safe version of me. It was okay to be this version of me. And so every layer that I continued to peel back, I just let myself feel safe in that and it took work. It’s not like I can just see it and be like, Oh, great. Now I’m going to start acting that way. But that was really what started saving my life was understanding who I was designed to be and that I’m perfectly safe just the way I am.
Manon Bolliger 04:46
So part of the idea with this is it’s designed to be based on the charts, the astrology and I’m just trying to put together either when you say, you know, I was a quitter, and then you’ve got this word, manifester generator, you know those two sound like, it doesn’t sound like quitter fits in to this. So how would you…how did that work because I’m assuming that you did self identify as a quitter at some level but this manifester generator gave you an understanding one maybe of why you quit, when you did, and how not to quit when you’re aligned. So like, what was the journey really on that level?
Adriana Keefe 05:40
Wow, such a beautiful question. So there are five different types within the system. There’s manifesters, manifesting generators, generators, projectors, and reflectors. Manifesting generators are a bit like a hybrid of a generator and a manifester, and the manifesters, and the manifester side of us as manifesting generators are people who are here to start things. They spark the fires, start initiative, and take action. Inspire other people into action, not necessarily designed to complete the things. So they’ll get a download or an idea, and they’ll want to run with it. But they immediately get another idea or download. And so they want to go off with the next thing. And so it is very much a hot and heavy and fast paced energy. And that’s a lot of what I was feeling and my manifesting generator, because I felt like I had a lot of ideas, a lot of creative downloads, and I wanted to do all the things, which I’m not going to lie is still a challenge, as a business owner, learning to streamline and take it all in, which is now what I’m having to do. Because I built my business so wide, I am now streamlining and simplifying, and allowing myself to find creative excitement within the couple of projects I have going on, instead of starting new things all the time. It’s about learning to fall back in love with the things that I initially started, if that makes sense.
Manon Bolliger 07:06
Yeah. No, it does. It does. And so what does the…so that’s the quitter is because you at one point, you just can’t do at all.
Adriana Keefe 07:18
Manon Bolliger 07:19
Okay. But then the, so the other one is the generator. So the generator to me. I mean, again, I’ve looked at this quite simplistically, a while ago, although I could say it was profound at the time I looked at it, but I have since then forgotten about it. Because it doesn’t mean anything about it. But generator is is like the doer? Is that the the one who gets the things done?
Adriana Keefe 07:52
That’s right. Yes. So the manifesting generator still has the doer energy. And that’s actually what some types of systems call the generator is the doer. So we have a lot of that energy, it’s a motor inside of us, that keeps us going. So we can bring things to completion, it’s a matter of, of really reining in on the things that we love to keep our interest or creative interests in. But having both of those energies can be definitely challenging.
Manon Bolliger 08:24
Well, I mean, challenging, but also some things you get to start and finish.
Adriana Keefe 08:30
That’s exactly what we…they call manifesting generators, the people who are here to show true human potential to show everything that is capable of a human. Like in in the end of July, I’m doing a charity event that is a 100 mile rock, a rock is for anyone who doesn’t know what that is. It’s a military inspired event, where you carry everything on your back for four days. And it’s 100 miles, 25 miles a day. Most people tell me, I’m insane for doing that. But for me, I love to push the limits and see what I’m truly capable of. And that’s exactly what manifesting generators are here to do. They’re here to show true human potential when an alignment
Manon Bolliger 09:11
That’s interesting. Okay, and then if you were to…so those, let’s see, let’s go through some of the other ones. So there’s those two, and then there’s the what’s the receiver or what was the last one?
Adriana Keefe 09:24
Projector and reflector.
Manon Bolliger 09:26
Okay, let’s go into that one a little bit. What is the projector?
Adriana Keefe 09:30
Projectors are beautiful guides and teachers. If you were thinking of, of a movie set, and thinking of the director on the movie set, that’s exactly what their gift is. They’re directing people to have a better outcome to make things more efficient. It would be so much better if you did it this way. If you were to look at the human design system as a whole manifesters are here to start the things. Generator types are here to build on the things. Manifesring generator types are here to learn the things, build on them and expand them even more. Projectors are here to refine the systems and the processes. And they are not one of the most energetic types. They are types that work really well in two to three hour spurts. Excuse me, because their energy is very potent when they are fully immersed in the project that they’re working on. And then they need to rest they need to rest their energy.
Manon Bolliger 10:28
Hmm, interesting. Well, that certainly makes a lot of sense for my daughter who I’m sorry if you’re listening. In case I got it wrong, but I’m pretty sure that’s how she would describe herself. And she is a good guide and by nature, and she has to rest. It’s very true.
Adriana Keefe 10:54
Yes. Yes, most of the projector clients I’ve worked with come to me with the belief ingrained in their body that they’re lazy, because at some point in their life, they felt like they can’t keep up with the generator types of the world. Generator types are 70% of the population. So every other you know, projector, reflector, manifester, if they don’t feel that they have the working capacity of a generator, and they don’t have this information. They feel less than quote. And that’s just not the case.
Manon Bolliger 11:27
But you know, it’s interesting. Really built in from hanging out with the others.
Adriana Keefe 11:34
Yes. Yeah, exactly.
Manon Bolliger 11:36
And I’m thinking about, you know, me, like running like the clinic or running the college. Right. The roles I’ve played so far. I mean, yeah, I need I actually think this way. I need generators. Finishing…I mean, I will never give up. But I will. I hate the details. The you know that just has to get done to get it finished. But the idea and the creation. I’m really that’s what I love that right.
Adriana Keefe 12:16
That’s your zone of genius. Yeah.
Manon Bolliger 12:18
But it’s interesting, that director, my dreams and my, I’m always directing movies. You know, and at one point, my kids gave me two director chairs. Because I had a movie I was going to actually, I had started writing it. And I really, I could see the entire scene and it was of course on health. Oh my gosh, and it was I felt then I’m absolutely where I need to be. That was the I’ve never felt so absolutely in line with, with everything. And on a mini version in the healing profession. You know, you allow people to see the best that they can but you also guide them so I can see the manifester projector, right? That’s probably not a combination.
Adriana Keefe 13:16
No, but I mean, I have a lot of projector clients who are extremely creative, like graphic designers, website architects. And, of course, there’s a lot more nuances within your chart that can help you see that. But I mean, it’s just you can see you hold space for the potential within other people. Yes.
Manon Bolliger 13:34
And that’s actually you know, actually, in my own download created the, the healing potential right, so that people knew that there was actually such a thing. Because when you come from a very limited, conventional pharmaceutical based world in medicine, healing isn’t even a thing. Nobody heals, you just manage, manage symptoms.
Adriana Keefe 14:03
That’s right.
Manon Bolliger 14:04
Whatever. So I had to really invent a term. This is your healing potential.
Adriana Keefe 14:13
As someone who has struggled with health with Western doctors for a long time, I I fully appreciate that the healers potential, I like that a lot.
Manon Bolliger 14:23
Okay, which one have I missed? Now there’s…
Adriana Keefe 14:25
Reflector. So reflectors are only 1% of the population. And they are here to literally reflect back everything in their environment to show the general health stability, well being of their, you know, the work culture, their relationships, whatever it is. They’re like the movie critic. At the end of all the work that everyone else has done, the projectors have tweaked and refined the reflectors reflect it back to us. So an example of this. I had, I was so lucky to have a reflecter as a client because I learned so much through working with reflectors about myself. And last year, when my husband had lost his job, it was about nine months. So things were getting a little weird financially. And we’ll have one call one of my my reflector clients showed up. And she was feeling very emotional. And there was some emotional, financial instability going on in their home. And I walked her through a lot of things we do use Emotional Freedom Technique, or tapping as a response in a lot of things. And then it wasn’t until later after the call, I think it was the next day that I realized she was reflecting back exactly what I needed to work on in my own current life and relationship. So they will definitely make their way into your lives when you need some healing to be done around certain areas.
Manon Bolliger 15:46
So how…I mean, I don’t believe in coincidences. So taking that out, like is it that they just manifest their way? Are they like, people who they exist, in a sense for others like or?
Adriana Keefe 16:09
What a great question. That’s a good question. Because the, you know, there’s a shadow and a light to everything. And the, the work that I’ve done with reflectors, I have come to learn that one of the shadow sides that they struggle with and being a reflector is they feel like no one truly sees them. Because they’re other the others only ever seen themselves. And so they don’t always feel seen and validated and heard. And that’s a lot of their own work and finding their own sense of consistency, because they’re constantly, if you were to look at their body graph chart, every center is open, meaning they’re taking in information and energies from all around them, ebbing and flowing. They don’t have their own consistent access to that energy in a given moment, but they can find their own sense of consistency. So I really like how you framed that question, because the way that I stated it definitely made it sound like they are here for others. I believe that we are all here for others for the collective good. So I would say yes, in that way. But they absolutely have their own Hero’s Journey to go through and their own identity, that they just need to learn how to navigate through their own life experiences and it can be challenging.
Manon Bolliger 17:27
Right, because unlike the manifester, or the projector, or even the what’s the one?
Adriana Keefe 17:35
The generator types.
Manon Bolliger 17:36
Generator type. Yeah. I mean, they, they’re their actions. They, it has an action verb, right? Whereas the reflector seems to be this being state. Right? There’s no, I’m not saying it’s wrong. I’m just saying it’s there isn’t…it hasn’t been defined with an action verb.
Adriana Keefe 18:03
I really liked the way that you are framing these. Yes, you’re right. It is more of a state of being. When you look at it high level, yes. If you were to look at all of humans all of energetics really, it is of the belief that we’re all human beings, there’s nothing really to do except for be ourselves. So I would say that everyone is a state of being. However, with reflectors, they’re going to find their sense of what to do next through what’s called it’s called a lunar cycle with the moon. So on a 28 day cycle, that’s how they make their decisions. That’s how they move through things. So they are still going to be doing. I have I mean, my reflector client has made like six figures in her first year of business. I mean, she was definitely a doer. But she’s found what works for her, and has learned how to remove…. not how to remove but how to move through the other energies that can come in and out of her life, teaching her and guiding her choosing to keep what she wants, what resonates so that she can do based on using other people’s energy and keeping what feels good and letting go ofhat doesn’t. Does that make sense?
Manon Bolliger 19:19
Yeah, no, that does it’s like, I’m seeing it like an open…it’s an open sphere and things come in and some things you go, yeah, I like it. I’ll use this and, but there’s no stuckness in it. And there’s no, I mean, or if there is stuck in this, this would be the problem of a reflector. An attachment to a want to be rather then the roll.
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Manon Bolliger 20:53
And I guess that’s everybody. If you’re a manifester generator, you attach to the portray of a creator. Right or I guess a dancer you’re always dealing with on some level, the the egoic potential is what you need to accept and surmount, right?
Adriana Keefe 21:26
Manon Bolliger 21:27
Who are we missing? There’s still one person, right one more group isn’t there?
Adriana Keefe 21:31
We touched on generators, there are generators and manifesting generators. But generators we touched on so there’s five in total.
Manon Bolliger 21:38
Okay. And then and then how…so 70% or the manifest or generator.
Adriana Keefe 21:45
70% are generator types. So generators and manifesting generators, yeah.
Manon Bolliger 21:50
Okay. And then projectors would be the 29% or
Adriana Keefe 21:54
20 something. Yeah, around. I’ve heard different figures, I’d say around 25%.
Manon Bolliger 21:59
Okay. And then what or would you be able to sort of describe a little bit how they interact? Like, I mean, I’m gonna ask you to do a ridiculous generalization. Because, you know, like, in homeopathy, there’s like, 5000 remedies. And somebody says, could you describe it’s like, ha, ha, ha. But here, it’s like four or five groups. So it’s even more haha. But, but still big lines kind of makes sense. So if somebody hasn’t come across this, what what is it that…yeah, give us a little bit more how things happen in their lives? And maybe that would be?
Adriana Keefe 22:48
Yeah, so a little bit about each type high level? Yeah. So manifester’s they’re about 9% of the population. They are the people who tend to feel like they do their best independently, they really prefer autonomy, not to say they can’t thrive in relationships, but the relationship would need to be able to provide autonomy for them. Because they are designed to literally have a download, something sparks them into action, they want to put their head down and do it. Tthey tend to be really fast paced, everyone else can feel like they’re too slow compared to this person, they might really resonate with being a lone wolf. And that’s not to say that they don’t have a great environment and community. But again, they really like to have their their time to just do their thing. And they are here to be action takers, again, like not so much loving the committing and and following through. But that’s really not what they’re here to do. So taking it, running with it, and then ideally, sending it off to someone who is like a generator type. Generators are, they have really big, warm, open, or as you tend to feel a generator type when they walk into a room, and it’s in a very inviting way. And they are the go, go go have a lot of energy for things that they really love to do. If they don’t love doing something, it’s not going to feel that way. But if they really like it, they could work on something from 6am to midnight and forget to eat, forget to go to the bathroom. And they’re literally designed to work on things that truly light them up. Everyone here has a very specific purpose. And if what you’re doing doesn’t actually make you feel lit up, that is a very solid clue that something is not really meant for you. So they are the ones who can really build their workforce, lifeforce energy. Manifesting generators, again, a little bit of both manifester and generator. They’re here to continue to grow on what the generators have built and expand, almost adding their own flavor to it like I have done with human design. I’ve learned a lot of the human design systems still learning because it’s very in depth. And I’ve added my own spin to it because I thought well what if we start using tapping and tapping into emotional generational patterns and releasing energetic blockages and using Reiki and all of that. And so I’ve expanded on the Human Design System. And like I mentioned earlier having qualities that lead us to be diagnosed with ADHD at some point in our life, we tend to be bouncy and very energetic also have a big warm, open aura. Projectors, what have we nots about projectors, projectors love where, where I, as a manifesting generator have built my business all over the place out of pure enthusiasm and excitement. Projectors really would love to start their business slow and solid. I have friends who are business partners. One is a manifesting generator. One is a projector and the manifesting generators like I would be in so much debt. And I would have be like all over the place if I didn’t have her my projector slowing me down, taking it bit by bit being really thoughtful. Projectors love steady, slow growth. And it also really is good for their energy as to not deplete themselves. And then let’s see what else can I say about projectors? Well, since you are a projector, is there a specific question you have about your type that I could answer?
Manon Bolliger 26:28
Well, I think one of the things that I’ve been told in that state is that I should always wait for things to come to me rather than go seek them. So I’ve always had this idea. It’s not the right time now it’s not the right time now. I’ll know when the right time is because whatever the events in life will come my way. And sometimes I feel like I’m waiting like, you know. I’m like, wait a minute here.
Adriana Keefe 27:08
Yeah, I get that. So projectors have what’s called a strategy, which is the way that you’re designed to interact with the world around you. Think flow, not force, think energetics ease. And their strategy is called waiting for the invitation. So because projectors are so good at giving guidance and fixing things, I’m sure you’ve had it happen at least once in your life where you see exactly how to fix a problem. Even if it’s a friend coming to you for a problem, you offer advice, you offer a solution, and it feels like it falls on deaf ears. And you don’t feel seen, you don’t feel heard, the other person doesn’t receive it, it just falls flat. And now you’ve used your energy in a way that wasn’t received. It creates the sense of bitterness inside of you that not feeling validated. And it honestly was just a big use of your energy. So the way that you are designed, is they call it waiting for the invitation, which is literally someone asking you for your advice, or your feedback around something. Or maybe just asking them if you’re not 100% Sure. Do you want me to give you advice? Or do you just need someone to listen right now. And within business, it can be someone signing up for your email list listening to your podcast, that’s them raising their hand saying they want to hear from you. If you are not receiving that kind of invitation, it’s just going to utilize your energy for something that’s not going to be received. So this is a big part of where learning my sense of spirituality. And believing in frequencies energies came into play. Because most projectors that have come to me say heck no, I am not sitting around waiting for someone to invite me to do something like speak at a conference or whatever it is. But there’s a whole energetic exchange that happens when you decide, okay, I’m just going to show up in the way that I know I need to show up if you’re a business owner, and maybe that’s making yourself seen as an expert in your field, whether it’s speaking at conferences that panels are open for or showing up on social media, and then letting the magic come to you. When I’ve had projectors who are business owners decide to stop forcing and stop using so much of their energy on social media content or pitching themselves or whatever it is, and just really practice honing in on their craft. It was like magic. Their inboxes just started, hey, will you come speak to my group? Hey, I’m writing this book. I’d love to have you do an excerpt and it’s just magical when you actually wait and just hone in on your craft and see what comes to you.
Manon Bolliger 29:54
That’s interesting whether, you know, I could totally agree with your, the generalization on this visa vie, you know, the, the booboos I’ve done during the plandemic, you know, where I just, you know, it’s like, can’t you see what’s going on? Isn’t that obvious to you? Why would you ever take something on your 99.79, whatever, blah, blah, blah, don’t you see how it all ties in blah, blah, blah, right. And, you know, after, after people have made a decision, I’m much more careful, because they’re awakening to the danger they’ve put their selves in, would make me be much slower, more compassionate to Yikes, I may end up having to really help them, you know, deal with that. But before that, the conviction in me to save the world from making a horrible mistake was very unprojector like in behavior. And, you know, and some people, you know, like, oh, wow, thanks. I had no idea. You know, some people respond. And some people it’s like, you know, so it’s very, it’s interesting there. But the patience to wait for everyone to wake up, I would feel, I think I would feel guilty that I didn’t do my duty as, as a doctor, you know, because that’s what I did. I actually spoke out and tell them, Hey, by the way, we have an immune system. You know, we can do vitamin D, we can, you know, look after ourselves until we know more, you know, and that was enough to lose, basically to lose my license. Right. So…
Adriana Keefe 31:49
Oh wow.
Manon Bolliger 31:49
I didn’t have to say a lot. It was too much. Right.
Adriana Keefe 31:53
Manon Bolliger 31:53
So but I don’t know if like, would have been the other.
Adriana Keefe 31:57
I was going to say I don’t know that that is so much out of alignment, as it is exactly the way you were designed. Because you were still showing up using your platforms and your voice in the way that that you spoke, knowing that it was the right thing it was it felt in alignment, it felt authentic and true to you, the outside world, choosing to take things away because of that, I think is less to do with being out of alignment and more to do with the problems in the world. Does that make sense?
Manon Bolliger 32:29
Yeah, that does make sense. Yeah. And then if I apply it to my to Bowen College, which is kind of my my business in that sense. That’s my passion as well. But it’s, I hate social media. I just like going out. So I keep thinking it’s all going to work out if I don’t need to be seen. Or I mean, you know, you’ve looked at my page, obviously, I’ve done a few things and TED talk, and I’ve done several books. And, you know, it’s not like I’ve been hiding completely. But I make…I’m really hoping that that aspect of my projector is true.
Adriana Keefe 33:12
Yeah, because you’re not stuck stopping someone on the street and telling them what they need to be doing. You’re using your own platforms, and you’re showing your authority in your industry. And there’s a big difference there.
Manon Bolliger 33:24
Okay, so in other words, I don’t need to push more to go on social media, it probably would never work. I mean, the few times I’ve tried, I am so awkward with it. I’ve been you know, it’s like this is not how I relate to the universe. Right?
Adriana Keefe 33:40
Manon Bolliger 33:41
My team. I mean, now they know they can’t change me. I’ve done my 21 Day Challenge. I’ve done all kinds of things to get over my own in stock fear of being seen on screen. I don’t care about that at all. It’s the how do you talk to somebody you’re not talking to. How do you have a conversation when it’s a one way thing? You know.
Adriana Keefe 34:07
I agree.
Manon Bolliger 34:08
It just feels so empty.
Adriana Keefe 34:10
I agree. That’s why I do all my content on my podcast because I mean, I don’t know if you know much about astrology but I’m a Scorpio moon and I have a lot of Scorpio in my chart and I want depth. I don’t want shallow conversation and talking about the weather. I want you to tell me about your childhood wounds. And so putting it on it’s too short form on social media. I like podcasting for that reason.
Manon Bolliger 34:33
Interesting. Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay. I feel like we had one more thing to what was it?
Adriana Keefe 34:43
Reflector, although we touched a lot about reflector before.
Manon Bolliger 34:46
We did talk about reflector. So there’s one comment you said. I just wanted to, if you could take wrapping up because our time is already up. But you…one of the visions you have or key vision to what you’re doing is, you said I’m on a mission to bring other women into a state of magnetic rebellion, where they can choose to say, No thank you to what society expects of them, and become their whole worthy selves. And I just thought maybe if you want to expand a little bit on that vision.
Adriana Keefe 35:25
I would love to that is the essence behind all of my work. What I’ve found what human design truly opened me up to, was that when we are in alignment, I know alignment such a buzzword, but we when we are feeling like we are wholly authentically ourselves, like we are not holding back, like we don’t feel like we have to show up any certain way we just are. Everything else falls into place, you become a truly magnetic human. I have been speaking at conferences and workshops for a few years now. But the more that I have leaned harder into my human design, the more that I’ve deconditioned, more that I’ve cleared, who my environment told me to be, which was the stay small, stay quiet. You know, when I was being abused when I was young, I did at one point go and tell an adult who was supposed to be safe. And I was told brush it under the rug, we don’t talk about this, I was always told that was too much. So my whole life, I dimmed myself down. And when I would speak at conferences and whatnot, I always related to people because you actually are aligned for like myself within our human design. So we are actually people, people, we enjoy communication, we enjoy relationships. So I’m good with people. But now like last month, I spoke at a conference where I just showed up unapologetically myself, I have the mouth of a sailor, I would swear in my presentation. I mean, I just showed up. I just, I was just myself. I have…I’m getting goosebumps just talking about I have never in my life had such an outpouring of support, and people reaching out to me, people truly been obsessed with my work than I did last month. And that is proof that because I have been leaning so much into who I authentically am in clearing the wounds, allowing myself to feel safe in my own body, that you are genuinely designed, the way you are on purpose for the specific work that you’re here to do. And I’ve been very fortunate to fall into that earlier in my life. I know a lot of people listening might be older and think it’s too late. But if that is you, I will tell you Kris Jenner started this phase of her life when she was 50. So it is never too late. And this just shows that true you know, manifestation and other big buzzword true intentional manifestation comes from safety in the body, and safety in the body and being your whole authentic, worthy self. There comes a state of calling in everything that you’re worthy of everything that you know, you’re worthy of and you want and that creates that magnetism, so rebelling against the status quo. That’s always what I’ve been known to do, even when I was a kid. But of course, they made it seem like a bad thing. And now I’m realizing oh, no, I’m here to tear things up and let other women feel safe in their own rebellion with other moms, especially if I’m a mom of three. And I really do things differently than all other a lot of other moms and it works out just fine for us.
Manon Bolliger 38:36
Thank you. That’s inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
Adriana Keefe 38:42
Thank you so much.
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