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Sir Darren Jacklin
What Started as Hiking Led to Saving Children with Sir Darren Jacklin on The Healers Café with Manon Bolliger
In this episode of The Healers Café, Manon Bolliger, FCAH, RBHT (facilitator and retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice) speaks with Sir Darren Jacklin about how his journey to lose weight through hiking has led to helping children around the world.
Highlights from today’s episode include:
Sir Darren Jacklin You know, I struggled with suicide attempts, I struggled with my direction focus with depression, you know, dark sleepless nights and stuff. And I think now I’m 51 Now I’ve turned the corner in my life, and I see tools and things that can really serve humanity and make a positive difference.
Sir Darren Jacklin And so what I realized was that with Link Foundation, you know, we started building schools for impoverished children across the planet, and for various reasons. One is to help decrease human and child sex trafficking and organ harvesting, which is the fastest growing most lucrative financial business on the planet today, which has surpassed the drug trade industry by you know, which is sad to hear and sickening
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Sir Darren Jacklin And so, then I started our first school we’re in Liberia, West Africa is a pilot school with over 300 kids from preschool to grade six now. And the first time ever in their lives these children ever get a chance to go to school and get an education. So, we’re disrupting and changing that system to help them with, you know, alleviate them from poverty.

Sir Darren Jacklin has personally trained 157 Fortune 500 companies over 25 years.
Sir Darren Jacklin has Traveled over 50 countries on 4 continents.
Sir Darren Jacklin is a World-Class Speaker, Corporate Trainer who has personally trained over 1 million people in person Globally.
Sir Darren Jacklin has rang the Closing Bell at Nasdaq 3 times in New York City.
Sir Darren Jacklin is an active Global Traveler committed to raising $100 Million Dollars for his Global Philanthropy Projects through his International LY2NK Foundation and Elevate 2 Educate & E2E
Sir Darren Jacklin served for 10 years as the first Independent Board of Directors Member of eXp World Holdings & Nasdaq: EXPI; a multi billion dollar international Real Estate Company with over 90,000 Licensed Real Estate Agents and Brokers in 24 countries on 5 continents.
Sir Darren Jacklin actively serves on multiple other paid international Boards in Real Estate, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence and Travel.
Sir Darren Jacklin is an Active and Passive Investor and partner in multiple companies internationally.
Sir Darren Jacklin is a Multimillionaire.
International Author of the successful book “UNTIL I BECOME”.
Sir Darren Jacklin was “Knighted” by His Royal Highness of The Royal Family of Spain on Saturday, June 04, 2022 for his acknowledgment of Global Philanthropy and Entrepreneurship.
In July 2023 Sir Darren Jacklin successfully summited to the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania East Africa which is the world’s tallest free-standing mountain and highest point in Africa at 19,340 feet & 5,895 meters .
In January 2025 Sir Darren Jacklin will be summiting Mount Vinson in Antarctica to raise money for his International Philanthropic LY2NK Foundation.
Elevation: 4,892 metres / 16,050 feet.
Sir Darren Jacklin has over 7,000 written goals for his life.
Core purpose/passion: I am deeply passionate about bringing people out into nature to go hiking for their mental health and self-care.

As a recently De-Registered board-certified naturopathic physician & in practice since 1992, I’ve seen an average of 150 patients per week and have helped people ranging from rural farmers in Nova Scotia to stressed out CEOs in Toronto to tri-athletes here in Vancouver.
My resolve to educate, empower and engage people to take charge of their own health is evident in my best-selling books: ‘What Patients Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask: The Mindful Patient-Doctor Relationship’ and ‘A Healer in Every Household: Simple Solutions for Stress’. I also teach BowenFirst™ Therapy through Bowen College and hold transformational workshops to achieve these goals.
So, when I share with you that LISTENING to Your body is a game changer in the healing process, I am speaking from expertise and direct experience”.
Mission: A Healer in Every Household!
For more great information to go to her weekly blog: http://bowencollege.com/blog.
For tips on health & healing go to: https://www.drmanonbolliger.com/tips
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About The Healers Café:
Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
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* De-Registered, revoked & retired naturopathic physician after 30 years of practice in healthcare. Now resourceful & resolved to share with you all the tools to take care of your health & vitality!

Introduction 00:00
Welcome to the Healers Café. The number one show for medical practitioners and holistic healers, to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives, while sharing their expertise for improving your health and wellness.
Manon Bolliger 00:20
So, welcome to the Healers Café and today I have an unusual guest and actually by choice because he is not so called in the health field or a health practitioner. His name is Sir Darren Jacklin. So let me tell you just a little bit about him. I didn’t know what Sir meant, go know a doctor means I know that that’s often misused. But Sir means that he was knighted by the Royal Highness of the royal family of Spain in June 2022, last year for an acknowledgement of his Global Philanthropy and entrepreneurship. And there’s much more that Sir Darren Jacklin has accomplished. He has also trained 157 fortune 500 companies over 25 years, he has traveled 50 countries on four continents. He’s a world class speaker, corporate trainer who has personally trained over a million people in person, this is globally. He also rang the closing bell at NASDAQ three times in New York City. And he’s an active Global Traveler committed to raising $100 million for his Global Philanthropy projects through his international LY2NK foundation. He’ll have to tell us a little bit more about that, and also elevate to educate. Let me think did I catch most of this? I think, I think other than a book “Until I Become” and your upcoming trip to Antarctica? I think as a short bio, that’ll have to do right now. But I’m really honored that you said yes, spontaneously to being on the Healers Café.
Sir Darren Jacklin 02:22
Grateful to be here and to be of service and make a difference.
Manon Bolliger 02:26
So oh, gosh, I think what I’d like to start with is, you know, kind of why you said yes. Why you said sure I’ll be on a healers show, because I have ideas about that. But I’d love to know what.
Sir Darren Jacklin 02:41
You know, great question. So I think, from my experience, you know, struggled with childhood trauma. And what really changed my life in the last few years is hiking, I’m obsessed with hiking today. I originally just a few years ago started hiking just before the global pandemic of COVID-19 to actually release weight. I was 43 pounds heavier, and I wanted to release weight. And I just didn’t feel like being in a gym and artificial environment wanted to be out in nature. So I released the weight and became so just addicted to hiking, for my mental health and mental well being that I got invited to summit Mount Kilimanjaro at 19,340 feet and Tanzania, East Africa. So I did that in July of 2023. And it just radically changed my life in so many different ways from all the training, a year of training, the collaboration, the orientation, the scenario playing, just oh, I feel optimum health in terms of return to …
life return energy. I think dealing with healers is a lot of times, you know, from my experience, I have a large network of a lot of people as I see a lot of healers out there all time taking care of everybody else professionally and personally. But sometimes they lack to take care of their own self care, their own mental health and well being. And I hike with a lot of these men and women from all over the world like psychologists, doctors, physicians, chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, all that stuff. So I get a chance to see behind the scenes where we’re out in nature hiking, for a cause for elevate to educate. And I think it’s so important today where we look at mental health. And just seeing the ripple of impact of people dealing with mental health issues on a professional level. Myself, my 20s and 30s. You know, I struggled with suicide attempts, I struggled with my direction focus with depression, you know, dark sleepless nights and stuff. And I think now I’m 51 Now I’ve turned the corner in my life, and I see tools and things that can really serve humanity and make a positive difference. And I think that, you know, it’s a conversation today that needs to be talked about because a lot of people today suffer in silence. There’s a lot of silence out there, the people that you know, sometimes when you see somebody who’s got out there on social media to see like, oh my gosh, I’d love to have their life, their lifestyle put together. And then we see that and then all of a sudden we see a few months later a few years later they commit suicide or they go through a nasty breakup or something drastic happens in their life, are they Oh my gosh, how could that happen to that person. But we don’t see what’s going on behind the scenes of what they’re dealing with, with mental health. And, you know, a lot of us deal with it from all walks of life, mental health is a big thing.
Manon Bolliger 05:15
Now, it definitely is. And I think, you know, we live in a bit of a superficial judgment, society, you know, it’s like, it’s all the names, all the labels, all the all of that, you know. And, you know, and we don’t analyze what made us want to be that or to learn that, or, you know, our path and how, you know, it’s interesting to see that you committed, okay, I need to lose some weight. You know, because if you look at, you know, what is being said about this…I call it a plandemic, but anyway, you know, is that…yeah, wait is a problem, right? So, you took it, and boom, that opened up another whole way. Another opportunity. Another lesson, another, you know, piece. I also want to have you maybe talk a little bit about, because a lot of healthcare practitioners have misconceptions about money, and about, we all know that there has to be some exchange, like, you know, you can give a so called free treatment, you can help a person, but that, but if it is what you’re doing, and it is your business, there has to be an exchange of energy.
Sir Darren Jacklin 06:38
Manon Bolliger 06:38
Right. And so I thought, you know, here, you are very successful on that level, and a philanthropist by choice, because not everyone who has the means is a philanthropist, or they’re fully ones. You know, like, we have a lot of philanthropists doing quite nasty things or just running the back end of businesses forward.
Sir Darren Jacklin 07:02
For sure. Yeah.
Manon Bolliger 07:02
I won’t call names, but they’re quite well known nowadays, you know, and, and that’s certainly not the type of philanthropist you are. So I just want you to kind of talk about what you do, and also how that serves your, your mental health as well.
Sir Darren Jacklin 07:16
Yeah, absolutely. Well, you know, it’s interesting you say that, because I always look at life, that time will either promote you, or time will expose you. It’s just a matter of time, when you get promoted, you get exposed, I’m all about getting promoted in life not getting exposed. You know, my grandfather, on my dad’s side taught me at a very young age that your last name, my last name is Jacklin, you know that last name, you want it to be a character of integrity of ethics, and longevity. And so I’ve really taken that to heart that you know, reputational risk and living life with integrity is important and stuff. And you know, I think with what we do is you know, with Link Foundation LY2NK that Tatiana and I created together was to really serve humanity and my partner life was a high school teacher for 35 years, three academic degrees in the top universities in Canada. And after 35 years, she came to work with me as an entrepreneur running different businesses and international foundation. And she gets much more enjoyment and enrichment, fulfillment and joy from doing that now, and she works more behind the scenes day to day operations where I work more visionary. But one of things that we’ve done over the last few years with regards to mental health and people’s mental well being including ourselves, is doing hiking fundraisers to elevate to educate. So I started hiking just for myself to release weight like I shared earlier. But what happened was I started posting on my social media channels about the results that I was producing with releasing all this weight and how it’s transforming my body. And if people go back and see the timeline on my social media, you’ll see the timeline of me, of everything unfolded. Like wow, he’s you can see him transforming. In fact, I’m starting to look even younger from doing all this being out in nature and breathing all the great oxygen and, and the sunrises and the sunsets and being out in nature. And so what I realized was that with Link Foundation, you know, we started building schools for impoverished children across the planet, and for various reasons. One is to help decrease human and child sex trafficking and organ harvesting, which is the fastest growing most lucrative financial business on the planet today, which has surpassed the drug trade industry by you know, which is sad to hear and sickening. And then the other thing is, too, is, you know, I’ve had a chance to go on a number of humanitarian trips around the world. And when I go to some of these most impoverished places on the planet, and I talk to the people, whether they speak English or through a translator with these men or women, they always say, please give us books, please provide us with education, give us the tools to change the narrative of what’s going on in our villages in our communities. And so, then I started our first school we’re in Liberia, West Africa is a pilot school with over 300 kids from preschool to grade six now. And the first time ever in their lives these children ever get a chance to go to school and get an education. So, we’re disrupting and changing that system to help them with, you know, alleviate them from poverty. So then as I was taking people on hiking with me in Vancouver, Canada and across the United States and internationally, people started, I started to get so much joy and enrichment seeing people have so much fun, and just de stress, just have authentic, vulnerable, heart centered relationship, conversations will route nature, they took the mask off no ego, just what’s really what the what so is what’s really going on people’s lives. Because, you know, I always show people in life are either coming for a problem, or inner problem right now or we’re heading towards a problem. But every human being, from my experience of working with a few million people around the world, all over the planet is every human being is dealing with something in their lives first, eventually, there’s always something going on. We’re always solving for some problem in our lives, as human beings. And so what we started to do was we started to do hiking fundraisers, where we bring people from all walks of life, they come out, we have set dates on the calendar, we do these hiking, fundraisers, at hikingfundraiser.com, to elevate and educate, they come out, they pay a small registration fee, we get corporate sponsorship, and we get private donors, they contribute financial dollars, people get a tax receipt, if they’re live in the US or Canada because Link foundations, international foundations registered and compliant and integrity. And when the hike is done that day, because of technology, we can connect people through social media and various different technology tools. And now we build a school around the world for some of the most impoverished children. So if you ever get the chance to come out and hike for a cause, which is great, because then, you know, if you’re not feeling good about your life, maybe you’ve been through a recent breakup, or you got some financial challenges, or you still don’t have some direction of focus in your life, or things are just not working out. When you come out, and you get a chance to be in conversation with other people, you realize, oh my gosh, my life is difficult compared to what? My life really isn’t so bad. And so when you realize that, well, I can help some of the most impoverished people across the planet, to help alleviate them from poverty, help provide clean access to clean drinking water, help providing education as a next generation as part of your legacy. And you get a chance to put your fingerprints on that it’s really enriching and really rewarding. So we’ve had so many people come out and be part of our community, our whole community, and just their lives is changing, because we’re like, ah, life’s not going so well. But then when I get them to dedicate their life to a cause greater than themselves, and I’m working on that project, now they get enrichment and fulfillment from that. And that’s helping to create a positive impact on people’s mental health. And it’s just it’s so rewarding for myself to just see people’s lives being lit up and inspired. And they’re getting two things you know, in business, people talk about return on investment, ROI. I look at ROL what’s the return on life? And ROE. What’s the return on energy? So are you doing things throughout the weekend, how’s your day, they’re giving you that return on life, and also give me that return on energy. And so I always invite people to come out as an invitation to come join hikingfundraiser.com, and be part of our community. And if you’re just brand new at hiking, or walking, just get into the environment, because your environment is stronger than your willpower and get around positive, inspiring people who have hope and dreams and possibility to make a difference on this planet in a positive way. And you’ll meet people from all walks of life, all different age groups of all their backgrounds. Because the cool thing about this is that as human beings, all we are is a network of conversations. So we have all kinds of different conversations going on that you can lean into and be part of that conversation and at least have an inspiring conversation with somebody.
Manon Bolliger 13:28
Yeah, I love what you’re doing. Really, it’s quite incredible. And the other thing you mentioned, you know, the dark side of I mean, I don’t think there’s a positive side to the child trafficking, the industry of it, and then who’s involved and all that. And this is all coming, thank God, it is starting to get even the regular news now. So I think we’re finally at a turning point. But you know, having this sort of visibility, not just for the cause and the good, but it also it holds people accountable, you suddenly have a whole classroom disappear and show up on a bus somewhere else, you know. It’s like, it really is eyes on the community and you’re part of a bigger community. So I think that also really contributes like indirectly but quite directly.
Sir Darren Jacklin 14:24
Absolytely. We always say that people never assume you’re not being observed. We’re always being watched always being observed.
Manon Bolliger 14:31
Sir Darren Jacklin 14:31
And people are always watching and observing what’s going on and the thing is, is that people think they can get away with things and you might short term get away with things but as I shared earlier time will either promote your time will expose you its just a matter of time. And so I always think if you just do things the right way and listen we’re human beings we screw up, but then we can apologize we can acknowledge or recognize. And one of things that I had a big breakthrough in my own life and I’m grateful to the love of my life and relationship is she woke me up She woke me up as a man. Because I was asleep at lying to myself, I was lying. And throughout my life, I’ve lied a lot to myself and lied to other people. And being in this relationship with Tatiana, she woke me up to the fact that, hey, you’re lying to yourself, it’s a blind spot for you and you don’t even see it. And that was a big wake up call for me as a man and thinking, wow, I’m actually lying to myself. And so now throughout the waking hours, my day I focus on being present. So where do I live my 20s and 30s, I was good at exaggerating things and embellishing things, and you know, and I wanted people to like me, and I wanted approval, I wanted validation. I wanted acceptance, because inside my internal dialogue was I’m not good enough. I’m not smart enough, I’m not worthy enough. I’m not lovable enough, right. And that was a big thing for me in my life was realizing, oh my gosh, like I’m doing these things, because I want to feel loved. I want to feel accepted, I want to be understood, I want to be seen. And so I was doing all these crazy things as a human being because of childhood trauma, and then not dealing with the root cause of it. So getting around different people, my environment and getting to be woken up, because people were having some uncomfortable conversations with me that I didn’t want to hear because my ego got in the way. But then when I was open to it, I’m like, wow, I can surrender into this and lean into this. Oh my gosh, wow. Okay, these people really do have my back, they really do care about me. And that was a big impact for me to shake me up and wake me up. And to realize, oh, my gosh, stop lying to myself, stop lying to other people. And when you look at you know, we grow up as children. You know, we’re lied to you about the tooth fairy, you know, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, all these things we get lied to. And if you look around your life, and I invite you to always look around and just look around where you lie, you lie about your weight, you lie about your financial lie about your relationship, you lie about how you feel about your job, your career, your business, you don’t really tell people the truth. We talk about news, weather, sports, and traffic is surface conversations. But I don’t like boxes, somebody ever really gets deep with us, and we got to run. It’s too confronting for most people. Yeah, I’ve taken you know, it’s interesting. I’ve with hiking, it’s introduced me to a global platform, a lot of people and I’ve had a chance to meet a lot of very famous very influential people around the world who’ve come up with me on hiking trips, and you see these people in global media and the movies and, and out there in the public high visibility, high exposure. I take them on a hiking trail, I get them up at 3:30-4 o’clock in the morning, they can do a sunrise hike, or we’re doing hiking fundraising, they come up with me. And you see them as a human being and they’re vulnerable, and they’re in nature. And then you see them, oh my gosh, like no one’s trying to get an autograph, or take a picture, or that kind of stuff. And you just see them, this little boy or this little girl inside them that just wants to be liked, just wants to be loved, just want to be accepted just wants to be understood as a human being. And you take off this mask, like I’ll share with you. One time I was in Uganda, East Africa. And I went on this humanitarian trip and I got invited to go up this rural part of Northern Uganda, East Africa. And so it took a whole day to get out there on a Land Cruiser get out there and safari vehicle to drop me off for three days. And also I got is the clothes on my back. And so I arrived to these mud huts. And I’m thinking okay, this is really interesting, right? These, this is where they live in these mud huts, no electricity, no running water totally off the grid. So I walk up to greet these people, and they speak English and the people that really spoke English. And when I walked up to him, I had my Safari clothes on, right? And the elder in the village says to me because Sir, why are you? Why are you wearing a costume? What do you have to hide from us. Why don’t you just be your true authentic, vulnerable self. You want me to take my clothes off and be completely naked walk around naked in your village next three days, because every else is naked. I wanted to look good. And I also didn’t want to look bad. I had this ego thing going on in my head of looking good. Not wanna look bad looking good. So I thought oh my gosh, okay, enough mind chatter. Just take my clothes off. And I just felt free. And it was so interesting that they call this a costume. Right, right, like to protect our meat to this costume of what was hiding in my society and my culture, what was I hiding? And if you care less, they just want to be my true authentic, vulnerable, self. It was a life changing experience for me that I was so attached to my clothing to protect myself. I’m realizing these people could care less than their culture.
Manon Bolliger 19:18
No, and I protect and also, I mean, what’s worse in our society, we also advertise whether, you know, we’re doing marketing pieces, it’s you know, for other companies almost without realizing it.
Sir Darren Jacklin 19:32
Absolutely, all the time. Yeah.
Manon Bolliger 19:34
Quite shocking. Well, what an experience. I was gonna say comment on your poetry. Because in this process of like, I would call it like a deep reconnection or awakening. I’m not sure if you have other words for that but your poetry is I always have tears when I read it.
Sir Darren Jacklin 19:56
Oh wow. Thank you.
Manon Bolliger 19:57
There’s it’s so beautiful. I don’t know if you have I didn’t give you any warning. But if you have anything handy you want to share with people, I should have probably suggested it.
Sir Darren Jacklin 20:10
If people go to my social media, you can read it, I just feel it when I have a chance to just sit. I and a lot of this comes through human nature when I’m journaling. Yeah, I connect to my heart. And I just think, Okay, what’s I call it recreation, right? You recreate somebody of stepping into their shoes of what that human being is dealing with? What’s that man or woman going through, like, you know, like, one thing I’m very sensitive about is animals. You know, if somebody’s animals dying or sick, I’m very sensitive, that. You know, hurt harming children very sensitive that. And so I see on social media, somebody has a sick child, or a sick dog, or somebody’s got a sick animal, oh, my God, I’m just emotional. But if I just sit with those emotions and feelings, I’m just like an artist, I’m able to put it write things down. And it just, it just flows through me. And I can really, people really feel gotten or seen when I just share with people when I tap into that, that vulnerability and intuition side of myself, it’s pretty powerful. And I’m grateful for that I can do that.
Manon Bolliger 21:07
Yeah, cuz that’s also, you know, and not enough discussed in a healing process, right is to well, one spend time with nature. It’s not just the electrons.
Sir Darren Jacklin 21:22
And travelling too, you know, traveling to different parts of different cultures, like I’ve been in 51 countries now. And I’ve been, you know, when you go when I go to these places, and I see people live in mud huts, like in Uganda, East Africa or Kenya. I was just last year, I was in Tanzania, East Africa, when somebody Mount Kilimanjaro, were on a few days Safari, and I asked my Safari driver, I had powerful requests, and I said, Listen, I’ve seen the big five animals on the Safari. I said, do you know, any Messiah warriors? He goes, Yeah, I know a Maasai warrior tribe. I said, Listen, one of my audacious goals in my life is to actually go meet with the Messiah warrior.
Commercial Break 21:57
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Sir Darren Jacklin 23:06
Warriors that are in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, East Africa. These are men and women who live completely off the grid. People can research online Maasai warrior tribes. And they don’t like to be contacted by a lot of us because if we have a cold or cough or flu, we can wipe out their population. So they’re very protective of interacting with civilians, civilians life. So I got this invitation. And then they brought me out there they checked me out was totally fine. I spend an afternoon with the Maasai warrior tribe in Tanzania. And it was a life changing experience for me because to meet these men and women, and some of the things I learned that day, you know, and how they communicate and how they connect and community and shared experiences I now practice and use in my life back here in North America, right. So we can learn a lot when we travel and meet different people you can volunteer and go into a soup bank or a soup kitchen or a food bank, just meeting other people that have a different story and a different journey they’re on and seeing where these men or women are going through what’s going on their lives right. Because I was once, you know, in my 20s I was eating my next meal out of a garbage dumpster in Vernon, British Columbia, Canada. I was homeless living on the streets, living on welfare for period of time because I had some hiccups in my entrepreneurship journey. And things didn’t go well. And I know I went bust on some things and so I know what it’s like to be down and out. I know so it’s like a treat your financial success as well. So a lot of pain, a lot of adversity, a lot of setbacks, and a lot of challenges. I don’t know if you knew this about me, but I actually used to have a R9 credit rating and what I shared with people , what are you talking about? What’s an R9 credit rating? Well people can research online, but with TransUnion Credit Equifax our credit score monitoring companies for North America and an R9 credit rating is the worst possible credit score that you can get on the system as a number. R9 is the worst case scenario. And I used to have an R9. In fact, I was so financially broke one time in my life that I actually went into a company to declare personal bankruptcy, they went through my application process. And when they came time to file my application, I had to pay at least 15 or 1600 Canadian dollars back in the time. And it’s back in the 1990s. I didn’t have money. So I couldn’t call any friends or family because I owed them all money back then, which I’ve cleaned all that up. And I’m back in integrity now, which I’m grateful for, restored my integrity, and got my money, right. But I was so financially broke that I couldn’t afford to go bankrupt because I couldn’t pay the fees to go bankrupt. So people asked all the time, they say Darren did you ever go bankrupt in your business. It couldn’t afford it.
Manon Bolliger 25:38
I didn’t actually realize you have to pay for that to.
Sir Darren Jacklin 25:41
Yeah you got filing fees. application fees whatever they call it today. Yeah.
Manon Bolliger 25:46
So how do you account for…like your turnaround the success financially, specifically, like, how did that? Like come about?
Sir Darren Jacklin 25:59
Yeah, I was 38 years of age. Up and down financially. I remember one day, I was just sick and tired of being sick and tired, right, just up and down financially all the time. And it was a roller coaster. And I got an…what my breakthrough came for me. Because in my life, I realized you gotta go through the breakdown to have the breakthrough. And my breakdown was getting so disgusted with myself about how financially screwed up I was. And so I just got upset disgusted with myself at that moment, I went through a breakdown. And the breakdown is basically like a reset, or refocus or redirection in my life. And I said, Listen, I’m getting close to 40 years of age, I’m going to dedicate my 40s to getting my money, right, restoring my financial integrity, and getting things organized and up to date, like in compliance, right? Because I wasn’t sure where everything was at. And that was a turning point for me that I went to courses, webinars, read books, got mentors, got coaches, joined mastermind groups of people that were doing better financially than me, because the environment is stronger than my willpower. I got around people to hold me at a higher standard of accountability, responsibility, and integrity. And didn’t happen overnight. It was a process I went through. And then I looked at where are the areas of my life that I’m financially out of integrity? Did I borrow money from somebody didn’t pay them back friends or family members, relatives, I went through all this stuff in my life, I just deconstructed through like an audit of my life. And I went through it and it was painful. It was really painful. I did not want to do it. But then I realized, where am I lying to myself? Where am I lying to myself. I’m in Fantasyland here of what I think my life is really at. But the what so is that’s not the truth. That’s not the facts, because my life doesn’t demonstrate what I really want. Right. And so that’s the thing is I looked at my life as where’s the evidence, and that was the turning point in my life is doing the hard work, and confronting myself and going through the painful process for myself, and then just restructuring things by having uncomfortable conversations. What I realized was that things I kept secret about my finances just actually hurt me even more. And so when I started to share it with a group of a select group of people that I know incompetence, and trust, and confidentiality would hold me hold that sacred information, I could share with them what’s really going on what’s the what so and just deal with the facts like, man, here’s where I am financial, here’s the real facts, not exaggerating, not embellishing, not lying about it, here’s the what so. And here’s, you know, here’s the uncomfortable pain of what’s going on in my life. And that was the big breakdown for me. And then from that breakdown, I go through the breakthrough. And I just skyrocketed. And over the last decades, things have just been incredible. I’ve made millions of dollars, been very successful financially, and done a lot of things and I know Tatiana and I’ve committed, you know, 100 million dollars towards global philanthropy projects over the next decade, you know, through our international foundation. But I went from somebody who couldn’t manage money to now somebody who has a portfolio of businesses and companies and investments internationally, you know, and has been to NASDAQ three times during the closing bell and help take a company so they’re on their board of directors from a startup to a multibillion dollar company, you know, with 90,000 people in 24 countries on five continents, as with a team. So I’ve come from a lot of, you know, not just talking about it, but actually doing it and doing the hard work and going through the struggles and the challenges and the uncomfortable experiences, but kind of on the other side and feeling blessed with gratitude because I did it. You know, because I always say, you know, if you’re willing to do what’s hard, life becomes easier. If it I do it easy. life becomes harder for us. I’m 51 years of age now. And I got confronted recently by one of my I’m turning right now we’re going to Antarctica in January 2025 to summit Mount Vincent in terms of supportive length. foundation elevate to educate, to raise money, and raise awareness on mental health and building more schools. And I realized in my life because I have my phone, everything I eat, I track on an app, everything that passes my lips, I track on my app, okay. And I have an accountability coach that every week I have a meeting, or recently on a Zoom video call, he confronted me that I am actually like a drug addict. I’m a sugar addict. And I realized, based on my results, I’ve been addicted to sugars. And now is a huge awareness and saying, if I just keep doing that, that I may create or attract disease to my life based on the high levels of sugar I was eating, and I’ve done all my life up until now. So now after having that uncomfortable conversation, and then realizing I can course correct now. And there’s an accountability and responsibility there. Now, I course correct in terms of what I eat in terms of my food. And I tell you, I started to feel different now I starting to sleep different things start to change in my life. Now I still get the cravings. But now I make different choices of what I’m eating versus going to the Dairy Queen in the McDonald’s and the fast food places, right? So but it took a bit for a coach to confront me and say, Look, how’s this working for you, Darren. Because if you keep doing what you’re doing, this is where you’re headed. And you better course correct. And so he’s told me the nightmare, not the dream. And I had to be uncomfortable with the nightmare, not the dream, and realizing that this is where my life is headed health wise, if I don’t make a change. I realized my big wake up call off my health was years ago, I was 48 years of age, as a Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada at a hotel or speaking an international real estate conference with some of the most successful, most influential men and women that are in real estate in various different companies across North America. The who’s who like the Grammy Awards of real estate was in that room of like 1200 people, and I’m a guest speaker on stage at this conference. Okay, and I’m in my hotel room getting prepared. I have a brand new suit brand new shirt, dress shirt, and I realized that if I put my dress shirt on that my buttons might blow on my dress shirt, and I’m thinking, oh my gosh, but you know, I’m getting exposed here right now not getting promoted. And where am I going to walk on stage so I don’t blow a button and have that videotape and have it be on some YouTube video. Right. I’m embarrassed. I’m embarrassed. And I went on stage. And they couldn’t see me but I did a lot of spotlights in the lights. But inside I’m thinking man, I am not happy with myself. This is unacceptable. And so when I got off stage, I returned back to my hotel room. I call up a couple of people in Vancouver, Canada said Listen, you guys go out hiking I see on your social media channels. I want to come join you. So I went on a hike with them in North Vancouver a place called Deep Cove, which you know of. I went and did the quarry rock hiking trail, which most of you do about 45 minutes to an hour. Okay, kids in elementary school could do this hike. First time go on that hike two hours and 40 minutes I get to the top of this bunny hill. It’s not a big hike. It’s you know, today it’s just a it’s a warm up for me now. But I get to the top of there and I’m completely exhausted and out of shape and out of breath. I get to the top and I say to myself oh my gosh, I don’t want to call 911 and have to call search and rescue to come and get me this is to embarrassing. How do I let my life get out of control like this at 40 years age, I’m almost 50 years of age. And my life’s out of control like this. I treat my body like a woodshed treat my body like a rental car, not like a temple, this meatsuit. And so I i recaptured my breath. I did some affirmations did some self talk, looked around the view built my mind set up. And I hiked down the mountain, a little hill to get back to my car. got in my car. Sat there and said I don’t want to live my life this way anymore. I don’t want to live my life this way anymore. And that was a defining moment for me. I gotta get my health under control. This is getting too out of control for me, and that was the defining moment. And \ so I committed to one hour a week of hiking. And then that one hour became two hours and now I average about 50 to 60 miles or 80-100 kilometers a week of hiking. I hiked almost every day of my life, no matter what the weather’s like today, and I’m obsessed with it and now crave this global movement called elevate to educate, which came out of me just wanting to change my life with my health because I was fat and overweight with myself and I wasn’t happy with myself. And now I created a huge movement that now building schools around the world for the most impoverished children. So I turned a crisis into an opportunity that’s blessing and serving a lot of other people now. Yes, my embarrassments my failures, my adversities become blessings for other people to serve humanity.
Manon Bolliger 34:40
Yeah, but I was gonna say there’s a parallel to in what you shared with the finance, you know, it’s first getting really real about what’s going on because I was thinking, you know, I’ve gone to so many business workshops to try and get you know, Bowen college out and I know part of it is I have to be, you know, or I’ve been told I shouldn’t be the face of it, I should go on social media, but I really don’t like social media. So you know, I peek at it once in a while, maybe once a week, just see a little of what’s going on for 20 minutes. And that’s about me on my social media. positioning, right, but, and I do think there’s other ways of doing things. But every time I’ve gone to these business events, they say 90% of it is your mindset. And, the mindset like, you know, first it comes, like you said, a crisis, vulnerability and truth. And it’s the same in health, you know, you’re aware that this shirt could pop, you know, and it’s the same kind of thing. And then you’re actually putting in a, like, changing the habits to make it possible, right? So in the business, part of it, like, what did you once you realize, and you came clean, what were the strategic things? I mean, you can generalize, it doesn’t have to be your you know, but what do you find that helps people who wants to do a turnaround, because I know many, many health care practitioners that are, you know, struggling literally, and don’t have enough space time ability to do what they love?
Sir Darren Jacklin 36:26
Absolutely. For 25 years, I spent traveling the world to incorporate training seminars. Well, I was trading time for money. And I only got paid if I did a corporate training seminar somewhere in the world. So I was constantly every breakfast, every lunch, every dinner was always about meeting somebody who’s a decision maker, HR manager, regional vice president, a CEO or president of company, having a conversation with them to see if I could do business with them to get a corporate training contract. So I was constantly up and down financially and had a huge expenses, because I was having to book all my flights on a travel all that stuff and paid for months in advance. And so what happened was, I realized was when I was 38 years of age, you know, racking up paying off racking up paid off my credit cards every month, this vicious cycle I was in and then realized I’m not getting any younger, right? Getting paid for fee for service. The turning point for me was when I started to get around different people started to learn about money and finances, really, people that you know, some of the wealthiest people around are some of the most insanely low profile people ever imagine. They drive older vehicles, nothing fancy, nothing fancy, nothing flashy, because it creates more visibility, more exposure and more risks. And what I realized was that rich people don’t work for money. That was a huge mindset shift for me, is that rich people work to acquire income producing assets. So my first income producing asset was $100 investment, I invested into a Canadian mortgage company, it was a small independent mortgage company, actually sorry, $300. $300 Canadian I invested $300 in this company, and I got a quarterly dividend, it’s 7% annual return with a quarterly distribution. Well, they wouldn’t send me a quarterly dividend check on $300. But I got a statement four times a year. And that changed my mindset when I started to invest in myself. I didn’t start to realize that like so for example, today in business, I acquire companies I do mergers and acquisitions is one of these I do and right now we’re buying accounting and bookkeeping firms across North America. And we’re rolling them up with one of my companies. And people say, Well, how do you do that? Well, here’s something to consider, as we’re growing a business because you want to grow because you want to create retirement money or put your kids through college university or you want to create standard stability or security is it’s actually easier to acquire revenue than to create revenue. Say that again, so people can write it down. It’s actually easier to acquire revenue than to actually go out and create revenue. So a lot of times we have a startup company, we’re out there hustling and grinding and join all the networking groups BNI and even a business chamber commerce, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, all that stuff to meet network with people, right? Go to the trade shows, to seminars, to conferences, to workshops, all that stuff, right? Which I’ve done all that and I’m sure you probably have as well. The challenge is this this treadmill that we’re on this vicious cycle. So when money comes into our household this is what I learned in my 38,39,40s, I heard this before I read books, I never applied it practically and my life demonstrated with evidence was that when money came into my life what’s the first thing I did with it? Money, I paid bills, I paid expenses, but now when money comes in now first thing I do is I pay myself and that was different was paying myself first financially now I couldn’t do 10% because I had too much financial debt in the back before right today I’m debt free but I had a lot of debt bad debt. Bad debt cost you money good debt makes you money. Right. So I have friends of mine that are in debt for hundreds of millions of dollars and some of the few billion dollars but it’s good debt good debt, puts money into your pocket. Bad Debt takes money out of your pocket. So for me was realize that I gotta start investing into things that will pay me. So I’ll give you an example. I’ll tell you for real. In my early 40s, I became a millionaire the first time in my life I became a millionaire. Okay, so I called one of my friends one time, it was a metro mine in San Francisco. And he came back and forth strictly to consensus for the Vancouver and does a lot of work. You know, he’s got multiple companies and one of his companies worked in the movie industry in Vancouver, they sold the props and renting out the props to the movie industry. So, I phoned him up, I said, Guess what, I’m now a millionaire. He’s like, great. Next, I’m in Vancouver, Canada, we’re going for sushi. And he said, I want to sit down with you. But before I sit down with you, I want you to call up your accounting and get a verified personal financial net worth statement. And I said to him, Mark, but I have to pay for that and he goes I don’t care if it costs you 500 bucks, get it done or we’re not going to have dinner. I’m like okay. So anyways, I caught my accountant, He charged me $500 to do a verified personal financial net worth statement. So I get a personal financial net worth statement worth $1.3 million. And I go meet Mark, I sit down with him for sushi. We’re in this busy sushi restaurant, downtown Vancouver, okay. And Marco Silver is a real numbers guy looks over my financial net worth statement. And he goes, congratulations, Darren shakes my hand was you’re now a millionaire. So you know what he does? He says to me let me ask you a couple of questions. He goes, Do you have a credit card or debit cards on you? I said, Yep. He was put it on the table, as okay. So I go ahead and I put my put my wallet on the table and he says, Do you have an ATM card? I said, Yeah, he goes show me your ATM card or cards. So I open up my wallet I show my ATM cards. He was good. Because you see down the street. They’re out the window. There’s an ATM machine. He was right now can you get up under this chair, walk over to that ATM machine and take out $2,000 In cash yes or no? And I said no. He goes, Can you want to walk to the ATM machine right now and take out $1,000 Cash yes or no? I said no. He goes, can you do $500 cash? Yes or no? I said no. He goes, how much can you do? And I’m thinking well, I’ve got a line of credit for 100 bucks. I said Mark, I could probably do $220 to $240 Cash at the ATM machine right now. He looks at me and goes really that’s it? He goes that’s it. That’s it. That’s all I got it. So how liquid right now are you in cash? I said about $220 $240 Canadian. That’s your liquid money written out? Yes. He goes how much money do you got your pocket. I got nothing. He goes. So you know what he does? He stands up in a sushi restaurant in front of this packed sushi restaurant where people are even enjoying their lives and eating dinner. And he goes ladies and gentlemen can I have your attention, please. He does. I am sitting here with my friend right now who’s now officially a millionaire. And here’s his verified personal financial net worth statement. But guess what, ladies and gentlemen, he’s effing broke. And I just want to crawl under the table and then punch him in the face. I was so frickin embarrassed. And he’s from New York he’s a New Yorker. And I look at this guy says Why the heck would you do that? He goes, you know why? Here’s why Darren, he looks at me. He goes always remember this, you cannot eat your financial net worth. You can only eat cash flow, you’re broke, you’re broke. He goes, look good on paper, $1.3 million. Congratulations, let’s have a group hug, you’re worth $1.2 million. But this doesn’t feed you. Because you’ve got no cash flow. You don’t have multiple streams of income. And he goes I did this to make you feel pain to get so discussed and embarrass yourself that you would leave this restaurant, either wanting to punch me in the face or wanting to make a drastic change in your life. I hope you get the life lesson. And because that guy embarrassed me, and humiliated me so much. And I felt so much pressure and pain that changed my life. I started to then look at how do I buy income producing assets? How do I start to create multiple revenue streams? How do I start to solve problems for other people and then get a piece of cash and equity on that. Right. And today I’m involved in multimillion dollar deals. I’m involved in some deals right now that are in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Right that involvement deals right now with m&a stuff right throughout the world. And but it started where I thought I was doing really well. And I was pretty proud of myself and cocky and you go like, man, I’ve done this right like I got some money off some stocks. I did some investments. And that’s, you know, I did really well, some stocks that I had and one stock was a big homerun. And but I didn’t realize that I couldn’t eat my net worth. I could only eat cashflow. And so I’ve met a lot of people in life who are very good financially on paper. They’re worth a lot of money, but they don’t have any liquid cash and cash flow. And they can’t do much with that. So that was a turning point in my life. Because my mentors taught me well have a big financial net worth while but you can eat it
Manon Bolliger 45:01
I’ve often said the same, you know, I have, I have a nice place to where I’m living. But if I run out of cash, I cant take a wall down and start eating it. You definitely have a different strategy. But it’s funny, because that is definitely not one of the ones discussed, you know, amongst ourselves or any idea of what else. So I really…we’re like, way over time here, but I just wanted to thank you for sharing that.
Sir Darren Jacklin 45:29
I’m grateful. Yeah, I have to be authentic with people and just be what’s the real stuff really well, you know, what I used to go to workshops and seminars, I see people on stage and I would put them on a pedestal, I put myself in the pit because I was never good enough or smart enough or like that. And they would talk about some vacation or trip they went on or some vehicle they bought a home they bought a watch they bought. And I’m just thinking, Well, how do I pay my rent on time? It’s such a gap with me trying to figure out what they’re doing, I couldn’t relate to this, I’d leave the seminar discouraged and depressed and upset thinking, why did I spend that money I couldn’t handle on my credit card. And now I’m even more discouraged. I’ve never gotten next steps of what to do to turn my life around. And I was putting these people on pedestals and put myself in the pit. And then I realized, oh, my gosh, I just have to realize it. Okay, my goal is to get paid my rent on time, my goal is to increase my credit rating, which I’ve done right, so just start small baby steps and then consistently compound over a period of time things will change.
Manon Bolliger 46:23
No, I think it’s actually it’s encouraging for me to hear this as well. Because, you know, my big passion as you, as you know from before is Bowen College, and I really love this method, because it’s so accessible, so easy to do, you know, everywhere, and I was realizing also with the few years we had of no touching and all these rules, you know, it was very hard to keep the business alive when you can’t do workshops. So I spent a lot of time looking for other ways. And that sort of forced me to really think differently. You know, and it’s like you have a passion and you know, then sometimes spending all of your energy in it isn’t going to be the way out of it. I mean the way forward for it, sometimes you have to be able to, you know, make sure that everything is floating so that you can actually move forward, you know, so anyway, so yes. Thank you for that. A true pleasure speaking with you and having this conversation, and I think it’ll be greatly appreciated by my community
Sir Darren Jacklin 47:35
Grateful to serve and make a difference. Absolutely.
Manon Bolliger 47:37
Thank you.
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* De-Registered, revoked & retired naturopathic physician, after 30 years of practice in healthcare. Now resourceful & resolved to share with you all the tools to take care of your health & vitality!

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