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Dr Jannie Krause ND
How to Feel Great Into Your 40’s and Beyond with Dr. Jannine Krause, ND on The Healers Café with Manon Bolliger
In this episode of The Healers Café, Manon Bolliger, FCAH, RBHT (facilitator and retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice) chats with Dr Jannine Krause, ND about the importance of circulation and breathing as you age.
Highlights from today’s episode include:
Dr Jannie Krause, ND
As we get older hairs falling out, you know, intimacy doesn’t feel like it used to things down below with bladder leakage and all of that. And if we look at the common link, it’s circulation, and how do we enhance circulation.
Manon Bolliger
it’s fairly easy to say that if a person isn’t thinking straight, they get overwhelmed. And they feel like you know, oh my God, I’m episode stressed. There’s, there’s hope to do very simple thing breathing and like you said, tapping etc www.SimpleSolutionsforStress.com
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Dr Jannie Krause, ND
so pelvic floor circling you know, with the hips, getting things moving, one of my big big tips for folks with the circulation side of things and then you know, yes, there’s some herbs that can help us in this but there’s also foods. And looking at the plethora out there of what our plant medicine has for us and beets are one of them.

Dr. Jannine Krause is a naturopathic doctor, acupuncturist and host of The Health Fix Podcast. Fed up with women not having quality information, support and resources to manage the impact of hormone shifts on aging, health, fitness and mindset Dr. Jannine Krause is on a mission to help active women over 40 defy aging to create their own versions of what getting older looks and feels like. She believes no sport, hobby or bucket list activity is out of the question at any age and is helping clients look beyond society’s version of getting older and recreate their own. Dr. Krause is combining her podcast with group programs to help deliver insights into boosting energy, firing up the metabolism, restoring quality sleep, maintaining strength and fitness as well as what it takes to feel good in your body everyday. She believes every woman deserves to understand their body, it’s changes and how to optimize their health at any age. When she’s not out on an adventure with her husband she can be found in her kitchen whipping up new recipes from something she grew in her garden.
Core purpose / passion: My core mission is to change how aging is envisioned and inspire women to stay active whether it’s in their hobbies, sports or adventures. Nothing fires me up more than a women in her 80’s defying social norms of aging. I don’t want to see women give up on their dreams of travel and adventure because of age limitations. The goal is to keep women mobile, moving and feeling great at any age.

As a recently De-Registered board-certified naturopathic physician & in practice since 1992, I’ve seen an average of 150 patients per week and have helped people ranging from rural farmers in Nova Scotia to stressed out CEOs in Toronto to tri-athletes here in Vancouver.
My resolve to educate, empower and engage people to take charge of their own health is evident in my best-selling books: ‘What Patients Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask: The Mindful Patient-Doctor Relationship’ and ‘A Healer in Every Household: Simple Solutions for Stress’. I also teach BowenFirst™ Therapy through Bowen College and hold transformational workshops to achieve these goals.
So, when I share with you that LISTENING to Your body is a game changer in the healing process, I am speaking from expertise and direct experience”.
Mission: A Healer in Every Household!
For more great information to go to her weekly blog: http://bowencollege.com/blog.
For tips on health & healing go to: https://www.drmanonbolliger.com/tips
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* De-Registered, revoked & retired naturopathic physician after 30 years of practice in healthcare. Now resourceful & resolved to share with you all the tools to take care of your health & vitality!

Introduction 00:00
Welcome to the Healers Café. The number one show for medical practitioners and holistic healers, to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives, while sharing their expertise for improving your health and wellness.
Manon Bolliger 00:20
So, welcome to the Healers Café. And today I’m with Carli Axford. She’s a former chiropractor, who studied at one of the largest Institute in the world, which is the Texas Back Institute, where she witnessed the team prevent 85% of back surgeries. And she studied over 20 modalities. I’m not going to go through them all but kinesiology MLP, obviously chiropractic’s. And you’ve been seeing in Melbourne about 300 clients a week. And then at this some point, you decided to create this technique, spinal flow technique. And I don’t know if that’s after a trip to India or wherever that all came from. What is what is your story? And how did you come across this? Or how did you get into the field of chiropractic first? And then how did all this evolve?
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 01:07
Thanks, Manon. I appreciate it.
Manon Bolliger 01:10
So, I’m gonna start with a question, which is, how did you because you’ve been in practice 18 years. So how what led you into this field? Was acupuncture, then something you added? I mean, I know it’s part of the curriculum, but give us a little bit your story, your process, and that a few good?
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 01:33
Sure. I kind of fell into the whole thing. My mom was going to cancer, and I was 15 years old. And I actually wanted to be an acupuncturist first, because her acupuncturist was so cool. And, you know, led me around to see what everybody was up to. And I was just so impressed by how people would walk in, and they’d be dragging, and they’d walk out and they’re floating. And I’m like, wow that’s something, what are they doing in there. And at 15, you know, you’re like, there’s weird voodoo. There’s weird things going on. But, you know, the doc was super cool to let me understand kind of the whole process taught me quite a few things. And I was like, I have to be an acupuncturist somehow. But I wasn’t quite like sure because I was still dabbling with wanting to be a pro snowboarder. So, as it is, when you’re 15, you kind of explore you figure out what works for you. So, my mom’s naturopathic doctor took me under their wing too, and literally got me to do some research with them, by the time I turned 16. And eventually, I decided, yeah, there’s more tools in …
the toolbox as a naturopathic doctor versus being a conventional doc, and I can do acupuncture, and I could do the training at the same time at Basseterre. And that is what I decided to do just…
Manon Bolliger 02:44
Hmm. Yeah, that’s certainly seems that way. Usually, it is, as you say, though, somebody gets ill. And, you know, you start looking for solutions that work. You know, and stats are important, but, you know, stats, you never know how you individually will fall in all these stats, you know, and then what do you do as a human being? You know, do you just sit there and just allow chemo? Or do you just take drugs? Or do you just remove organs? Or is there actually things you can do? Right. And I think that’s the pivotal time where you’re doing everything to figure it out, you know, so, yeah, so what…so you started your practice, any kind of anything on the level of what it takes to be a practitioner, like where you? You know, some people are born as teachers, and you just know, by the time they’re four, they’re going to be teaching.
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 03:51
Manon Bolliger 03:52
And what have you learned? And have you changed in the process? Like, what’s that part of practice? Like, before we get into the specialty.
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 04:03
Oh, man. You know, it is it is an evolution, it is an evolution, going into becoming a doc. Put it this way, I knew at an early age that I love connecting with people, I loved speaking languages, I speak Spanish. I also grew up in a home where we had Polish speaking, I’m not fluent by any means, but I definitely can get around. And so, we learn the languages. And I thought, you know, this is a really cool way to connect with folks. And so, when I went into practice, I really went into it with the knowledge of how can I connect with folks? How can I really meet them where they’re at? How can I help them out? But what I didn’t realize, and this is something that if I could speak to my younger self, but also speak to anyone who’s looking into becoming a naturopath or in their early stages, you really have to understand how not to take on other folks’ stuff, and how not to blame yourself. So, if you are a type of person who is very, let’s put it this way, I’m a people pleaser. I’ve always been, and that I don’t think I can take out of me a lot of people talk about programs of, you know, changing how you are about that. No, that’s not going to be that’s part of me. But I had to learn how not to be an incredible people pleaser, on a level of taking folks stuff on feeling terrible when things didn’t work and blaming myself. And that was an evolution that of discovery. So, I recommend to folks when you’re going into a position of caring for others really being solid, in who you are, and knowing what giving your energy away too much, and what reboots your energy. Because I didn’t understand that fully. And it really took me down a pretty dark pathway of near suicide, burnout, you name it, over the 18 years. So that’s one of the things that’s really evolved for me.
Manon Bolliger 05:57
And you know, I don’t recall it being taught in our in our training, but there’s no psychology of sorts, you know, but not really…not really self-care. And not really understanding, you know, our own boundaries are, you know, what is being a good doctor? You know, what is that right? And so, just put you right on there on the edge of your seat or whatever. There’s an expression in French, but I’m not going to try and botch it in English. But what would you say? What is a good doctor now? The way you would define it now. And you can add the…you know, I’m asking you right off the top?
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 06:45
Sure. No, it’s a fabulous question. And I’m gonna kind of integrate a little of what people think, and what we suspect is we’re at that level of customer service, right? And so, we think about over giving, we think about doing whatever we can to please the customer, and that whole concept of customers, right? And you know, all these things, and you go, you dive into that deep hole, and you think to yourself, Wow, I have gotten so far off of a giving path. And we think about Mother Teresa, right? And we go into all these things like how much should I give? How much of my life should I give what you know, and then you just go into these crazy paths. And really now what it’s come to is being a neutral source, going into a visit where you are energy neutral, you’re listening to what’s going on, and you’re understanding what they’re going through, but you’re not taking it on. And at the same time, you are guiding, you’re not fixing, you’re not authoritative, you’re not taking on any of their stuff. Because nine times out of 10, and I’m sure you’ve seen this too, something won’t go right, you’ll think you did something wrong. And then later on, the patient comes back like, oh, this was going on in my life at that time. And you’re like, and I blamed myself for weeks about this, you know, so it’s really being energy neutral. And going into it not tied to outcomes and really taking it as I am a guide, I’m going to help them discover their own solutions. That’s where Doctor is now for me versus over giving and fighting to figure out every little bit of things.
Manon Bolliger 08:20
Yeah, it’s like, it’s a detective, but with a with a distance, right? You don’t have to find it, you have to help them find it, basically. You know, and it comes down to who does the healing?
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 08:35
Manon Bolliger 08:37
And I think we were so immersed in the sort of, or authoritative, if not authoritarian style of old school medical thinking that you are as good as God or whatever, and what you say is the truth and the only way and shouldn’t be questioned. And, you know, with that you don’t allow the questioning, you know. When I started my practice, l guess by now its 35 years ago, anyway, but it’s like, you know, it’s like, you answer questions? You know, it’s like, wow, I’ve never had my questions answered. And it’s like, well, I mean, you’re gonna deep dive down this and you’re gonna find even more answers than I have. Because I don’t deep dive in every single field. I generally know, you know, how to guide and it was so shocking to people. And now we’ve come to kind of this other place where it’s self-responsibility, you know, self-autonomy, you as the patient is responsible. And responsible to find the right doctor.
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 09:52
Yeah, right.
Manon Bolliger 09:53
Like, you know, not everyone is right for everyone, you know, anyway, okay, let’s go to your field of expertise.
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 10:02
Manon Bolliger 10:03
We’re not allowed to say that as naturopaths. At least according to the board, we have no expertise. Anyway.
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 10:09
My gravitation.
Manon Bolliger 10:13
Yeah. So, what have you discovered that? You know, a lot of women have hormone issues don’t know what to do. They think their life is over. Like, what are you seeing? And what are some maybe easy things you can share to anyone who’s listening that is in that boat?
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 10:30
Yeah, you know, one of the biggest things I’ve connected to circulation. And as we get older, there’s lots of studies about nitric oxide and, and decreased nitric oxide. But really, folks are like, Okay, what does that really mean for me? It means circulation to the tips of your fingers and toes, and even to your most intimate parts. This is what we see is declining. As we get older hairs falling out, you know, intimacy doesn’t feel like it used to things down below with bladder leakage and all of that. And if we look at the common link, it’s circulation, and how do we enhance circulation. And so, with my patients, nowadays, we’re looking at breathwork, because we found that you know, good quality breathwork can help to enhance nitric oxide via just breathing in out the nose. So that’s one thing I’m always talking to with folks, like, let’s see how we can help you breathe through your nose. That’s step one, there’s definitely divisions of that I follow Patrick McEwan from Ireland and his work with oxygen advantage. So, if someone wanted to dive deeper, they could look into that. And then the next side of things is I’m looking at with in addition to breathing, what about movement? And I’m not talking about everyone has to go to the gym. But I have found that there is a certain sequence of movement that can help with circulation, and in particular, getting the pelvis moving. Because for women, it is a spot that we sit all day, unfortunately, if we’ve got certain jobs, or we’re just more sedentary than we used to be. I’m breaking out the hula hoops, I’m getting folks dancing, we’re moving the hips. And so, I will build in certain types of fun workouts where we’re moving side to side, not just front and back doing a hula hoop, we’re doing like, you know, anything we can do to get the hips moving. And a lot of women will be like, my hips don’t work. Well. That’s okay, we can get everybody to be Shakira. You don’t even have to be in public and in your own bedroom, you can get it moving. And so pelvic floor circling you know, with the hips, getting things moving, one of my big big tips for folks with the circulation side of things and then you know, yes, there’s some herbs that can help us in this but there’s also foods. And looking at the plethora out there of what our plant medicine has for us and beets are one of them. You know, there’s dark leafy greens. Yes, folks can oxalate you know, tell me Oh, it’s too much oxalates mix it up. Don’t eat the same thing every day. You know, we’ve got celery, we have things of that nature. But there’s also herbs like Angelica Tong qui that has been used by the Chinese for forever, you know, 1000s of years to help with circulation, even gingko. And looking at even ginseng and in its different varieties. And so, I really will start to incorporate these types of herbs as a tonic elixir into folks’ environment. And so that’s kind of how I start working with things. We work on circulation and how we can enhance it. And from there it builds. And there’s lots of different directions I could go, but I think I’ve given folks enough to chew on right there.
Manon Bolliger 13:37
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And with a bit of references to like, you know, the Irish guy, at least, that’s one way you can look at this other, you know, lots of breath work. And lots of reasons for it. You know, many people are mouth breathers. Right, and that affects everything. You know, your whole spine, your TMJ, your ever, you know, way beyond it effects of course, the oxygenation but also their hormones, right. Like, it’s massive, and it’s something so simple people can do.
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 14:17
Yeah, it’s kind of my one of my game, you know, things I geek out on and really my only other thing I say only other of basics is fascial therapy. And some people say fascial, I call a fascial. I don’t know. But nevertheless, I do a lot of that work in the neck and jaw because I find that this, you know, opens up that whole neck area and circulation in the brain, which we all kind of can use as we get older, and then that vagus nerve connection there too. So, it’s the vagus nerve’s one of my other things. I’m sure you found that too with your work. We don’t pay attention to that.
Manon Bolliger 14:54
So, what do you do for the vagus nerve? Like what…that you can share? You know, therapy is very physical, at least my therapy where I do Bowen therapy, it’s physical, but I’d have to kind of show you but and then nobody gets anything out of it because you can’t learn it just like that. You have to talk around it. But so, what is the vagus nerve to you? Why is it so significant? And why should people?
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Dr Jannie Krause, ND 16:24
I think it’s our highway from the mothership, as I would call it, I think it’s a connection to our soul. And I think it’s a connection to our brain, you know, it’s our longest nerve. And so really, I look at it as Mission Control. It’s kind of going through everything and it’s our connection to Source. And when I look at it, and maybe some folks who are listening might have heard source before in some of the spiritual realms, I think that that’s our connection, the vagus nerve there. And so, some of the things that I will do for vagus nerve is a lot of tapping, I’ll go into Emotional Freedom Technique tapping to do that. And so, one of the things folks can see is even just tapping on the jaw tapping behind the ear where the vagus nerve comes out, tapping right in line with thyroid where we have the carotid bifurcation, gently tapping there only one side, not both guys, because we don’t want anybody dropping on us. But tapping works well. You could take your toothbrush, if you’ve got a mechanical toothbrush and run it here to those three spots, 30 to 60 seconds. That’s one of my favorites tappings. Of course, if someone has tuning forks, you know, I’m going to use that there too. But those are the home ways of really getting that vagus nerve to reset a little bit secondary to breathing. Those are some of the easy ways. Flipping upside down. That’s a whole nother story.
Manon Bolliger 17:47
And with the vagus nerve, I mean, how do people know they had an issue? What are you…how do you kind of let them know? Have you considered?
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 18:01
Oh, my goodness, yes. So first and foremost, when someone’s in a state of overwhelm, and can’t seem to do…nothing’s working, just overwhelmed, keeps coming and we can’t get to the mind to calm it down. Maybe we’re trembling, maybe we’re shaking, maybe we’re having panic attacks. I am most more often than not going to go to that. The other side of it is when someone’s been through a whole bunch of gastric workups and they have gut issues like acid reflux burning in the stomach, can’t keep the food down or having chronic nausea. I’m gonna go I wonder if it’s your vagus nerve. Those are kind of some of the biggies. Yes, dizziness, chronically kind of more POTS, which was the postural orthostatic situation if anyone’s ever heard of that, I will also go that is so vagus nerve, dizziness, even blood pressure that doesn’t respond to herbs or medication.
Manon Bolliger 18:56
Right, right. But it’s fairly easy to say that if a person isn’t thinking straight, they get overwhelmed. And they feel like you know, oh my God, I’m episode stressed. There’s, there’s hope to do very simple thing breathing and like you said, tapping and that. So, what is you know, we all have stories that we hold dear to heart that usually things that I mean, I don’t know, I’ve been surprised daily in my practice, that the body is so magnificent and can do these things that you know, by now you would think you would expect it. That’s almost disrespectful. You know, I still witnessed it with aw going, Oh my God. This is incredible. Right? And, anyway, as illegal as it is, you know, we have a culture of hugging patients. Yeah, because it’s like, oh my God, this is incredible. You know, this has changed. And so, what are some of those aha moments that are just like…that you still know deep in your heart?
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 20:15
Oh, man, you know, that’s funny. You mentioned that the huggable moments. I mean, yes, I have patients all the time. And usually, yes, it’s usually after some moments, most of the times when I’ve had some pretty like, oh, my gosh, that was amazing moments is after acupuncture, or any of the bodywork that I’ve done. And you know, in particular, probably the strongest one that that always sits in my mind is, I had a gal probably about five years ago, come into my office, and she had the spasms that would turn her neck much like torticollis. But the doc was like, man, you don’t really fit that profile. And the way it started; it just came out of nowhere. According to the doc, she had had like a huge divorce she went through and stress. And so, what I found was like the neck was just turned enough and she would have these spasms where it kind of had a tick with it. And we did some myofascial release, we did some acupuncture, we did tuning forks, and halfway through she goes, Wait, stop, and I’m going, oh, gosh, what did I do, right? Because my mindset in that time was like, oh, no, I did something wrong. She was like, it just let go. It’s gone. It’s like left me and she got up and was like, I’m fine. And in those moments, you’re like, holy cow. And so, she’s jumping up and down and giving me hugs. Those are the best things. And I’ve seen the most significantly in acupuncture or bodywork sessions that I’ve done. And that’s probably the most memorable one second to people getting off the table and being like, I have no pain. I have no pain moving all around. It’s, it’s good stuff.
Manon Bolliger 21:50
It’s good stuff. Yeah. And how many people would you say are as shocked of their body’s ability to heal? Like percent?
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 22:07
100 percent probably. You know it with acupuncture, for sure. Because I think, you know, probably the statement that the woman that with the next slide was oh, my gosh, this stuff actually works, you know, and there might have been a couple of expletives in there. Holy, this actually works kind of stuff. So honestly, probably say, really, maybe not 100%. But I’d say probably 95% It’s rare that people come in, and they’re like, I know this is gonna work for me. And as you know, as well as I do, we’re oftentimes the last resort when they’ve tried everything.
Manon Bolliger 22:39
Correct, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no, I have one, one note, just when you think of it, one fellow who was very much into this sort of client base, you know, the client is right, just whatever. It served him, though, you know, so again, if you have a mindset that works for you, let it be right. And as a practitioner, you gotta learn that. So he was, he was still at the time on checks, you know, so he threw his check down with this the signature, here’s the payment, you know, and I told him, it’s gonna take two or three visits. And so there was no discussion of the first time second time when he came back, you know, same old kind of story and then I had to find out to tweak my treatment, whether things had improved or not. And his comment was, I’m paying for it, it’s gonna go away. Like, that’s your job, you’re doing this and so it’s, it’s really quite different than what I can see to be how it works. But it worked, it worked for him. And so, by the third treatment, he was totally pain free. And then you know, started sending a whole bunch of people and so it’s kind of funny how, you know, how you see it also impacts even if it’s, you know, not the same. Like as a practitioner, at least I had to learn okay, it’s not about being right whatever you do, it’s really about being aligned enough that you can be flexible for the benefit of the patient as long as it’s not harming. You know? Yeah, what other kind of lessons have you kind of like you know, learned as a practitioner?
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 24:29
Oh, gosh, you know, we get we be on this for a long time, but one of the one of the big ones is is not rushing a protocol and jumping too fast to conclusions when things aren’t working. Because I’ve unfortunately kind of an in it’s hard, right? I grew up and the very doctor is the authoritative you know, doctor knows best kind of process and when things aren’t working, you know, we want the pill. We want the thing that works very fast. When things aren’t working fast but you’re seeing subtle changes, and you change the protocol. And things go backwards. Ah, killer killer. And so, patients, really having patients and trusting processes has been one of my biggest learning lessons as a whole, and really being able to convey that to patients and go look, you know, yes, it’s natural medicine. Yes, it may be slower, it may be faster. And it all depends on, you know, where we’re at, in the trajectory of things right now. So, trusting the process.
Manon Bolliger 25:34
Yeah, that’s huge. What about money, the issue with money.
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 25:44
Oh, my goodness. You know, as anyone who is in the healing space, let’s put it that way, and is a healer, it’s very hard for many of us to take money, even myself to this day. So, my patients are like, You didn’t send me the link to pay you. And people will have to tell me that sometimes, because I get so involved in how I’m going to guide them that I forget about the fact that I do have to make a living doing this. And there’s also that concept in the back of my head, if I don’t get them results, I shouldn’t be paying. That’s also another thing that I’ve had to work with over the years and understand that, no, I’m there for my time and my guidance, and, you know, wisdom to help them through. And so yes, money is a big hang up. And I think even in our industries, because we’re given like, depending on what school someone went to, I mean, we were given Tony Robbins tapes at Basseterre. And we’re like, this is your, this is your business course. See you later, have fun. And great you’re, you’re hyped up and ready to go. But like business wise, you’re clueless, you don’t know what to do. And so unfortunately, you default on what you’ve seen from your parents, you default on patterns with money that your family has instilled upon you. And this is definitely something that if you’re just getting started, you want to get right with your mind on money and really understand how the exchange of energy works with money. For sure. For sure.
Manon Bolliger 27:14
Yeah. Well, I found in running, you know, Bo, in college, I had to actually create an entire section on dealing with money, you know, because it’s so taboo. And it’s like, it’s many of the things you’ve raised, you know, like not, if you don’t succeed, you shouldn’t get paid. It’s like a, it’s a punitive rewardish system, which is, you know. Like a lawyer gets paid, it doesn’t matter what the outcome is, you know, and, and many other professions, you know, whether it’s a plumber, I mean, sure, they’ll spend longer to figure it out or whatever. But it’s not like they don’t get paid for the work that they do, you know that honors the learning they’ve had. Right. And, yeah, I think we’re very unique in that way of thinking that it’s a dispensable thing in this society. But, you know, I wonder if it comes to, you know, it’s more deeply fundamental that we think that health should be free that in fact, if the focus in our society was actually on health, we would…we’d be very, we’d be not to employed, right? I mean, which would be the right way to go, right. Like, I know, Chinese systems, you start to pay when you’re healthy, and you get looked after when you’re sick.
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 27:15
Yeah, yeah.
Manon Bolliger 27:22
So maybe fundamentally, we have it wrong, you know, but if you’re in the system, you’ve got to play you’ve got to get paid. I mean, there’s no, you know, otherwise, you’re doing something else. Like I have naturopaths that are, nothing gets waitressing. But that are doing, you know, bar jobs, so they can practice because they don’t want to charge too much. You know, it’s like, it’s really messed up.
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 29:24
It is, it really is. And honestly, like, I see that and especially with this industry, and it pains me, it pains me, and I’m not going to say that I have been immune to that either, because starting out, I was probably…I probably would have made more money as a bartender or waitress, you know, whatever. It may have been. Moving forward, definitely. You know, now it’s a different story. But it’s hard because you’re taking on all of this responsibility for guiding folks and helping them and yeah, when you’re not getting paid to you do start to get really frustrated, and then you’re burning the candle on both ends trying to make both worlds work. And I think that’s where a lot of naturopaths…that’s a problem. And yes, it’s a huge problem in this industry is not taking enough not taking money as a healer. And I get it. And I would love to see the system be free, you know, in terms of like you’re saying, you know, wouldn’t that’d be amazing to have that.
Manon Bolliger 30:26
You know, we never know, I mean, certainly the system that exists is collapsing. So, maybe that can be you know, people who are dedicated to healing, you know, we’ll receive plenty funds, you know, I can imagine a system where they’re, they’re comfortable, they can pay their bills, they’re not struggling, and they can do their work at ease, and help people you know, I think, I think we could have a world like that, you know, this is the time to think it right?
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 31:01
Absolutely. Absolutely.
Manon Bolliger 31:03
Why not put it out there.
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 31:06
Love it.
Manon Bolliger 31:07
Okay, last words to you. And because we’re our time is up.
Dr Jannie Krause, ND 31:12
My goodness, my goodness, yeah, you know, I really, for naturopaths out there and anybody who’s looking into the healing space, really focusing on getting to know yourself, and where you push your boundaries or where those boundaries might be a little shaky. Let’s put it that way. And understanding your relationship with money, understanding your relationship with yourself, the better you can dial all that in, the better you’re going to do in terms of taking care of you and not crashing and burning, unfortunately, and being able to take in money and be able to survive in this industry. For sure. Hands down.
ENDING: 41:33
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