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AnnaLaura Brown
Growing A Health Coach Business Through Networking with AnnaLaura Brown on The Healers Café with Manon Bolliger
In this episode of The Healers Café, Manon Bolliger, FCAH, CBHT (facilitator and retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice) speaks with AnnaLaura Brown who shares how she connects with her audience daily to reach her ideal client.
Highlights from today’s episode include:
AnnaLaura Brown 10:37
I think one of the things is just knowing how that I’m helping people, you know, just, I feel like a lot of people really need the help. I know, I needed the help in the beginning. And I’m trying to shorten that curve for people
AnnaLaura Brown
Having a resource that you can share with people that isn’t, hey, come to my discovery call or buy my online course or buy my essential oils, or whatever, you know, is definitely helpful to be able to engage that person. And, you know, who knows, maybe she will eventually want to become a client.
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AnnaLaura Brown
It’s like they say, yeah, do you want to live to your 90’s, but spent the last 30 years of your life feeling like you’re 90 because you can’t do anything, and you have no quality of life? Or do you want to actually have good quality of life all the way till your last breath?

AnnaLaura Brown has been a health coach and essential oils educator for over 10 years. She first became interested in holistic healing when she didn’t like the side effects of asthma inhalers and has evolved into helping women with autoimmune conditions after she was diagnosed with Hashimotos in 2018.
Core purpose/passion: My tagline is transform health and inspire hope and that is what I strive to do. Re-instill hope in people to believe they can transform their health.

About Manon Bolliger
As a recently De-Registered board-certified naturopathic physician & in practice since 1992, I’ve seen an average of 150 patients per week and have helped people ranging from rural farmers in Nova Scotia to stressed out CEOs in Toronto to tri-athletes here in Vancouver.
My resolve to educate, empower and engage people to take charge of their own health is evident in my best-selling books: ‘What Patients Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask: The Mindful Patient-Doctor Relationship’ and ‘A Healer in Every Household: Simple Solutions for Stress’. I also teach BowenFirst™ Therapy through Bowen College and hold transformational workshops to achieve these goals.
So, when I share with you that LISTENING to Your body is a game changer in the healing process, I am speaking from expertise and direct experience”.
Mission: A Healer in Every Household!
For more great information to go to her weekly blog: http://bowencollege.com/blog.
For tips on health & healing go to: https://www.drmanonbolliger.com/tips
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About The Healers Café:
Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
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Welcome to the Healers Café. Conversations on health and healing with Manon Bolliger. A retired and deregistered naturopathic physician with 30 plus years of experience. Here, you will discover engaging and informative conversations between experienced healers, covering all aspects of healing, the personal journey, the journey of the practitioner, and the amazing possibilities for our own body, and spirit.
Manon Bolliger 00:40
So welcome to the Healers Cafe. And today I have with me, AnnaLaura Brown. And she has been a health coach and an essential oil educator for over 10 years. And while we’ll find out how she got interested, and all that in a minute, but she also works in the corporate world. And so, I’m very interested to find out how, you know, she combines the two and how you actually can start to establish a practice and why would one want to do that? So, welcome, and maybe, yeah, first question, what got you interested in in health coaching and essential oils, if that was part of it?
AnnaLaura Brown 01:28
Yeah, for sure. Absolutely. So, I was lucky enough, I grew up with grandparents on my mother’s side, who were really into a lot of the holistic stuff, the herbs, the teas, the not essential oils, but just you know, like all your other types of alternative holistic healing remedies, if you will. In fact, my mom was saying just a couple of weeks ago that my grandma has been gone for…let’s see, she passed in 2015. So, she’s been gone for eight years now. But back when she was probably around 80 my mom went to take her into a, like a she had broken I think it was a rib or some kind of bone and would take her to the hospital. I said, well, we need a list of her medications. And my mom’s looked at them ago, there are none. She doesn’t take any. And they were like, what? There are none. What do you mean, there are none? Like, well, she’s on some supplements and herbal teas and things. But actual medications, there are none, she doesn’t take any. And my mom had prescribed to a lot of that philosophy, maybe not quite as much, but still, to a big degree. So, I can count on one hand, the number of times I was on antibiotics before the age of 18. You know, I know most kids are on them a lot. I was on them, you know, maybe only once or twice when it like really was severe. Like I remember in high school, I had walking pneumonia at one point. And that’s, you know, kind of had to do it then but, but for the most part, it wasn’t something we didn’t grow up just as pill poppers, I guess, if you want to say that. So, it was kind of ingrained in me a little bit. But I had also had a lot of allergies and asthma issues that I hadn’t really been able to resolve. I tried holistic, I experimented with some of the drugs, even though I wasn’t really a fan of having to do that. That kind of thing. So that led to my initial interest in essential oils, but then also expanding into try to help a lot of other people because I realized that pill popping is pretty much the norm with a lot of people that have the allergies and asthma, there’s not a lot of focus on some of the other
things. Like I mean, you could say essential oils, but also herbal remedies. Also making sure people have the right supplements, making sure they’re on the right diet. Like one thing that I really had my eyes open to is that a lot of milk and dairy products will create mucus in people. And if somebody has got a lot of breathing and respiratory issues, especially, they really probably shouldn’t be drinking milk, or eating cheese or a lot of you know, your traditional cow’s milk products. And yet, when was the last time you ever heard any doctor tell you that? Like pretty much never.
Manon Bolliger 03:57
Yeah, what’s not part of the training, right? So, you know, in fact, they’re even their training of supplementation is…I think I did at one point I looked it up it was about some university programs had 11 hours. You know, so it’s not their field. And I think if people realize it’s not their field, then there’s no problem. You know, if you’re looking for drugs to help, you know, quieten symptoms down without getting to the root. There’s a place to go.
AnnaLaura Brown 04:31
Yeah, exactly, absolutely. So you pretty much have to go through, you know, like you you’re a retired naturopathic doctor, so you have to go through some kind of like naturopathic doctor, homeopathics, a lot of health coaches, anybody that has that training to understand that, hey, a lot of your route symptoms are coming from either foods, you’re eating toxins in the environment, different things like that. So that was what got me started initially and then fast forward. I got Hashimoto’s diagnosis in 2018, which is you know, your autoimmune condition of the thyroid, and last five years have been quite a journey to help heal myself from that. And, you know, my labs are still not maybe where I’d love them to be. But I definitely feel really good all the time have plenty of energy, sleep well, you know, started losing weight recently, and other things, you know, to get my weight down and have really started to feel like I’m on my road to recovery. And so that has become another aspect of my business is helping people through, I have a podcast myself called autoimmune rehab that people can look at that has stories from people with autoimmune conditions. And then I also interview experts that work with people with autoimmune conditions. So, you know, that kind of started me down that whole journey, because I started to realize after I got it myself, and well, even getting the diagnosis was a whole thing of itself, too. But you know, there’s, there’s a lot to that. but yeah.
Manon Bolliger 05:54
So how do you think you got it? What’s your theory?
AnnaLaura Brown 05:58
I think that there were two main things, the first thing that happened is when I was younger, so I wait for the most part, my cavity fillings, we’re all going to like the white, you know, non-mercury. But I did have two fillings in my mouth that were mercury, and at 1 point one of them broke loose and was leaking into my system with the mercury. So, I think that mercury poisoning was a big reason why I got the Hashimoto’s is from that and I have since been to a functional or holistic dentist, if you will, who did you know all the protocols and all that kind of thing and got them out of my mouth. And you know, one of them, he was able to refill the other one, he had to pull the tooth completely. So, I just no longer have a tooth. It was clear all the way at the back on my left side. So, I’m lucky that I, you know, I don’t really need that tooth anyway. But it still takes, you know, it’s not known how long I had had that mercury leaking into my system. It was actually a naturopathic doctor that diagnosed me with the Hashimoto’s and also found out I was leaking mercury. So, you know, it’s not known how long that had been going on. But I probably he theorized that I’d had Hashimoto’s for about five years before it was even diagnosed, which is pretty typical. So that’s the first theory that a lot of us, you know, a lot of the autoimmune disorders come on, because we experienced some sort of stress or trauma. And I went through getting fired from a job. And then this was probably about four years before I knew I had Hashimoto’s. And so, I think I had started to get it the last year I was at that job, but it probably just kind of accelerated things, getting fired and then was on unemployment and couldn’t get a job for quite some time was trying to build my business wasn’t succeeding to the level I needed it to be. So just a lot of this trauma stuff, I think, if anything, exacerbated, you know, made it worse than what it maybe could have been. So, my theory is that it’s the combination of those two things.
Manon Bolliger 08:04
Yeah. I mean, it makes sense. Because I mean, the adrenals if they get a little bit pushed by the stress, you know, one way or another, then it’s often the thyroid is the, you know, the organ that gets them affected. Right. And, typically, they don’t really test easily for, like, you know, except for cortisol. But that’s a bigger picture than just adrenal dysfunction. Yeah,
AnnaLaura Brown 08:34
Manon Bolliger 08:35
It makes sense. Yeah. So then, then you, then you started doing this? And then how are you managing like, you’re, you’re working part time with the as the coach or?
AnnaLaura Brown 08:50
Manon Bolliger 08:51
And then you’ve got a full-time work, where you’re actually employed?
AnnaLaura Brown 08:57
Yeah. So, there’s a couple of things that work to my advantage. So, one thing is that I work in sales and tech. So as such, I have access to some tools. Because I’m out, you know, I’m spending for my job. I’m prospecting. Like, for example, I spend quite a bit of time prospecting on LinkedIn. And as part of that I sometimes I’m able to run across people who potentially could be clients so that I can connect with and I can do that during my work hours, because I’m on there basically, primarily looking for people for my actual job. And then I come across, you know, just by hazard happen to come across them. So, there’s a little bit of cross promotion or time saving, if you will, there. I actually also am fully remote, so I work from home, so I don’t have an actual commute. And you know, when things are really slow and there’s a downtime, I can take a little bit of breaks, you know, things like that. I don’t schedule meetings during while I’m supposed to be working, of course, because you know, I’m committed to my job, but I am able to do things too. They’ll like sometimes watch YouTube or listen to videos or podcasts and things in the background. So, I’m able to spend the time that I’m at work listening to my audiobooks doing my self-development while I’m in the background working, that kind of thing. So, when I get off work, I have no commute, because I’m already at home. And I’m able to, in some cases, just start taking client meetings within 30 minutes of finishing my job. You know.
Manon Bolliger 10:22
But so, your own schedule is like, full time plus another, or whatever.
AnnaLaura Brown 10:29
Manon Bolliger 10:32
And so, what, what keeps you motivated to do that then?
AnnaLaura Brown 10:37
I think a combination of things. I think one of the things is just knowing how that I’m helping people, you know, just, I feel like a lot of people really need the help. I know, I needed the help in the beginning. And I’m trying to shorten that curve for people. And, you know, that’s it. And then, you know, let’s face it, also working on creating some financial freedom for myself by having the extra income to.
Manon Bolliger 11:01
Yeah. So, it’s both it helps somewhat like financially but also, emotionally.
AnnaLaura Brown 11:08
Yeah, exactly. For sure. And, you know, I go through phases or times where I don’t immediately start taking meetings right after I finish work, you know. I kind of, I try to have a little bit of that balance. You see, there’s one day a week when I just don’t take meetings at all. And that’s the day when I, you know, I’m working on maybe something like social media, or I’m working on active outreach myself, that kind of stuff. So you know, I have, I have what I think is a pretty good schedule that said, I do work for, depending on the week, and what else may be going on, usually, at least half the day, on Saturday, I’m doing things like recording my own podcast, filming my videos, writing blog posts, you know, in some cases, even taking client calls on Saturday. So, you know, I know some people may not love to do that. But that’s just kind of the reality when you’re in the situation I’m in. I don’t take client calls or work on things like that on Sunday, though, I do take that as a complete day off. But I don’t get, you know, I don’t get to spend my whole Saturday in my pajamas, watching Netflix or just chilling around. If I’m not doing any active business stuff, it’s usually because I’m doing things like going to a book club or participate in community events where I’m out there actually meeting people and interacting with people.
Manon Bolliger 12:26
So, because I find, I’m gonna ask you a few more questions this way, because I have a lot of or I know, because of the Bowdoin college so I run a college that trains people in how to do Bowen therapy. And a lot of them that have never, I mean, some people have come because they have no background at all. And we give people all the necessary background to be able to do that type of work. But the biggest hang up is actually how do I get out there? How will I? How do I start? What do I do? You know, and the idea that it’s, you have to admit that it is a business, even if you do good, even if you help people, even if you love it, it actually it is a business and it is a way in which you get paid. And you know, a lot of people who come into this would do it for free. And there’s nothing wrong with we’re free at times. But if you want it to be a full-time thing where you, you know, you get you spend hours in it, and you submerge yourself, you have to admit that it’s a business.
AnnaLaura Brown 13:35
Yes, absolutely.
Manon Bolliger 13:38
Which sounds obvious to you in your background, but a lot of people don’t have that background, and they’re like, Oh my God, how do I do this? So, what have you found the most effective ways of reaching people? I mean, you mentioned LinkedIn, you know, because…
AnnaLaura Brown 13:55
So, kind of depends on who you’re hoping to reach. So, with LinkedIn, my real goal there is to either connect with other doctors or professionals or potentially, sometimes even other health coaches can be good referrals, because a lot of them work with the different clientele. Or you know, like life coaches, business coaches, things like that on LinkedIn, would be my goal. Um, so I found that that can be effective, it can also be a challenge. And sometimes the curve to actually obtain clients or actually have it go anywhere can be a little longer because you’re engaging in that networking. But a lot of times the person you talk to you doesn’t necessarily have referrals for you right out of the gate. And you have to figure out how to try to do follow up and also try to get them referrals. So, then they’re going to be on your mind and want to return the favor. So, there’s that I have found that networking groups can be really effective. It’s you have to kind of find the ones that are a fit for you. I’ve done some local in person networking, here in my area in northern Utah, and it kind of depends it’s a little hit or miss. I’ve personally had better success with some online networking groups, there are a lot of them out there that you can join. And especially with Covid that I think kind of exploded the virtual. I mean, like somebody was even telling me there’s even BNI chapters now that are all virtual, which, I don’t think that even used to be a thing. But so, you know, you have to kind of figure things out. And it’s gonna depend on the niche that you’re going after. But I would say for most health coaches, some kind of engaging in networking with other business professionals is probably a wise move, simply because a lot of them know a lot more people than your average people. Like, I mean, in most cases, your immediate friends and family aren’t really going to be your clients. They aren’t mine. Can’t get them to listen at all to me. But, you know, so that’s, so that’s one thing, um, some other forms of social media can be, but you have to make sure that it’s not a big, huge time suck. I found that Facebook is a little bit of a two-edged sword because a lot of people air their dirty laundry, so to speak, as far as like, what kinds of health challenges and things they’re going through. So, you can find people that are talking about needing help with what you have. But the caveat there is, are they really serious enough to actually take you up on your offer to help them. Maybe, I mean, but that also goes into the next area of where I found really beneficial is doing, you know, some kind of content creation, whether that’s having a YouTube channel, a podcast, and a blog, I have all three, but really my podcast and my blog, I focus on a lot more than my YouTube channel. So, you have to kind of balance you can’t really have, you know, lots of lead generation through multiple channels, unless you’re, you know, gonna be a big business. And at that point, probably you’re hiring a VA and other things like that, and to help support that. And but one of the advantages, I found with that, for example, is I had a Facebook friend that just this morning, it popped up in my newsfeed that she was talking about how her daughter just got Graves’ disease, which is the opposite of Hashimoto’s and she’s really, really struggling with it. And in addition to posting a really sympathetic comment, I was able to share with her Hey, I have a podcast episode I can share with you of a girl I just interviewed like four weeks ago that has Graves’ disease, would you like to listen to it? And so, something like that. Having a resource that you can share with people that isn’t, hey, come to my discovery call or buy my online course or buy my essential oils, or whatever, you know, is definitely helpful to be able to engage that person. And, you know, who knows, maybe she will eventually want to become a client.
Manon Bolliger 17:40
Yeah. But it’s all very much, which makes sense. It’s very, you have to be somewhat of an extrovert these days, because, you know, it looks like on social media and all that they want…I’m not talking about political transparency. I’m talking about transparency on the you know, the level of like, you know, who you are being natural on some levels, right? The real you, right? But if you’re an introvert, which a lot of therapists are not all of them, like some of them have been big shows, but it’s like, I don’t want to talk about me my life. Like why would How do I do this? Like, how did you overcome or are you an extrovert?
AnnaLaura Brown 18:26
You know, so I’m, I would say it depends, I would say I am dominated primarily an introvert actually, I would say that I can be an extrovert in the right situation,
Commercial Break 18:35
Manon Bolliger here. And I want to thank you for taking actionable steps towards engaging your healing journey, and helping others discover their path by watching, sharing, subscribing, and reviewing these podcasts, every review and share help spread the word these different perspectives and choices and options for healing. And to thank you, I’d like to invite you to sign up to my free seven sequence email tips on health and healing for everyday life. You can go to drmanonbolliger.com/tips, thanks so much.
AnnaLaura Brown 19:18
So I go, I go to networking events, I can turn into an extrovert while I’m at the event.
Manon Bolliger 19:23
So, what do you what do you do mentally? How do you? How do you do that?
AnnaLaura Brown 19:27
I think part of it is I have a goal in mind of I’m looking for certain kinds of people. And or, you know, I’d like to get certain kinds of referrals. So that’s the whole reason I came so I need to get out there and just start engaging in some small talk with all the people there. So that I can find out if this group in fact, has anyone there that might be in my target market or that could refer me.
Manon Bolliger 19:53
Right but you’re going okay, target market like you’re so you’re very you’re focused in your intention?
AnnaLaura Brown 20:01
Exactly, I have a specific goal in mind.
Manon Bolliger 20:04
Which then drives you and it becomes like a, like a job in this sense.
AnnaLaura Brown 20:10
Manon Bolliger 20:10
Yeah. So, it’s not Yeah, I think what happens with a lot of introverts, they’re like, Well, you know, well it goes together with the same belief that, you know, it’s somehow wrong to solicit people. Right? And, somehow, you know, they’ll find me, right, like, you don’t even know, practitioners will say, oh, I’ll just put my website and they’ll find me. It’s like, in whose universe?
AnnaLaura Brown 20:35
Yeah, exactly. You feel really, really good at blogging and SEO, they might, eventually some will come, and I have had clients and people that come to me through my blog, and there, I don’t know them, I never got any connection with them. And it started to happen with my podcast on my YouTube channel as well. But you still, most likely we’ll also need to be proactive about attending events and asking for referrals or, and or ideally, identifying people that you think would be good referral partners for you, or that would be ideal clients and being proactive. So, things like my commenting on this post from this girl with the Graves’ disease, you have to, what I do is I actually to avoid a time suck, because I set a timer for about 30 minutes, and I pull up my Facebook, my LinkedIn, and I’m on Twitter as well. But to a lesser degree, like I only check that once or twice a week, I kind of, we use it more for search, because Twitter can actually be really powerful for finding opportunities for things to be like guests on podcasts or media, things like that. And I just literally will go through and spend that 30 minutes commenting, and interacting. So that I can be seen, but also because there are things like I just pointed like this situation that popped up where people start sharing things, and you can be proactive and reach out to them. Because even though I know the catch line and everything, and it’s a really great movie and Field of Dreams, if you build it, they will come not in health coaching if you build it, they won’t necessarily come.
Manon Bolliger 22:09
Yeah, no, no. And I think that’s, you know, generally true. Outside, sorry, outside of referrals, right, when you get referrals then you get that might grow. Because if you do a good job,
AnnaLaura Brown 22:20
yeah, exactly. Enough of that, then yes, for sure.
Manon Bolliger 22:23
Yeah. And if it’s general enough that you can help people with a different, you know, different conditions. Right. If you’re specialized, then their friends have to have the same disease. Yeah, that that can you know, that can also be a limitation. Yeah. So. Yeah. So how long do you spend on marketing then all together? Like half an hour a day plus, your Saturday morning where you blog?
AnnaLaura Brown 22:54
And pretty much yeah, that pretty much sums it up? Yeah.
Manon Bolliger 22:58
Yeah. But I mean, that’s doesn’t sound impossible.
AnnaLaura Brown 23:01
It’s really not. And it’s, you know, I guess I will bring up this elephant in the room, but chat GPT has actually helped me a lot lately. It’s, become really good for not writing the whole content and all things like that. But you can do things like ask it to give you some recommendations for a social post about a certain topic or ask it to write an outline for a blog post that you go in, and then fill it in and change it around and personalize it and that kind of thing. And that can be being time savers for that kind of thing. So, you know,
Manon Bolliger 23:36
I’ve heard about it, and I’ve heard, you know, people say, you know, that does work, but um, but it’s also depends on your subject. And because it’s very biased, you know, it’s got a certain narrative behind it, too. Which may, I don’t know how it works with alternative health, you know.
AnnaLaura Brown 23:56
It actually has worked pretty good for me, the only thing is that it does, you know, put at the beginning, in the end, ask your doctor about this. And this is a disclaimer, this is only a bot. But I found that the advice and some of the things it says are actually or its outlines are not terrible. But you know, of course, you’re not just going to publish it as is you have to go in and change it around and add things and work it.
Manon Bolliger 24:18
But it still I think it makes it easier. Yeah, you know, but I wonder if people you like homeopathy, because you mentioned homeopathy is you know, like, I mean, I mean, after the whatever this study with completely insane study, but you know, they said, Oh, it doesn’t work. It’s all hogwash. And then Wikipedia, which is also bought, you know, now, if it’s something that doesn’t work, you know, I’ve done it for 30 years, so I can swear to you. But you know, but people will believe that. So, if chatbox has the narrative of that side of the story that doesn’t believe homeopathy works, it probably wouldn’t give you very much right?
AnnaLaura Brown 25:04
Might not you’d have to try it. I haven’t actually tried it with homeopathy as a topic specifically, because that’s not my area of expertise and that’s not something I do. But maybe not, though, because what is interesting, and this is specifically I’m speaking to chat, GBT, there’s other AIS coming out there all over the place, is that they, when you ask them for things, they somehow are able to kind of figure out based on some of the other information that’s out there about you online and other things like that, to kind of personalize it a little bit based on what you’ve written, or what you’ve said, and things like that. So, if you phrase it in the right way, it may not like if you actually do something like say it’s homeopathy real or legitimate or something, I don’t know what it would say. But like, if you were to phrase it more in the mindset of give me 10 ideas for post right on LinkedIn to educate people about the benefits of homeopathy or something like that, you might actually get something really legit.
Manon Bolliger 26:03
I’ll have to play with that I’ve been, I’ve been told I should. Just like a one, no, not another one.
AnnaLaura Brown 26:12
I know. But it’s just, it’s a big-time saver. So that’s why I bring it up. And it’s, it can be really helpful. And the other thing that I find was cool is sometimes like titles for articles, even so I was submitting an article for a national magazine that’s going to be coming out in the first of August, I’m gonna be in the August issue. And I couldn’t really come up with the title, even though I’d written a whole article. So, I went and asked chat GPT for suggestions, and it gave me a whole bunch of them. And I was able to more or less use, one of them for the title of the article. So, you know, it’s really good at coming up, I think, especially with short things like social posts, article, titles, video titles, things like that.
Manon Bolliger 26:49
Yeah. Well, and I think too, like, I mean, I could certainly see why some people are extremely worried about it, because it’s like taking over their jobs, right, like, if you have somebody you know.
AnnaLaura Brown 27:01
But I think it’s more about your job be replaced by the person who knows how to use it, not by the AI itself, because you still have to tell it something. So, if you were to just ask it for information or posts on homeopathy, you’re gonna get different results. And if you were to do something like say, Hey, this is my name, I’ve been studying homeopathy for 30 years, give me some ideas of podcast topics that I could share with people or things like that, it will probably be more specific, and more thoughtful than just asking for general information.
Manon Bolliger 27:35
So, if we did, let’s say, if I put this our podcast in there, it would probably generate a title that would be better than what I could possibly come up with. Likely, I mean, because I’m not, you know, marketing is not my innate natural.
AnnaLaura Brown 27:55
Sure. It would probably do that. And then the other thing you could also do is you can give it background information, so you could talk to it and tell it about your podcast, and what kinds of topics have been covered different guests that have been there and ask it for ideas for future episodes, and it would probably come up with some.
Manon Bolliger 28:11
Wow. I wish it would say and then finally, the people who would like to speak about it,
AnnaLaura Brown 28:17
Actually, it can do some of that. It’s like, who were who are the top 10 people in this field of study or top 10 people on social media or on YouTube that have an expertise in this, you know?
Manon Bolliger 28:31
Well, and that’s another way to that. Yeah, it just it’s it, there’s less time for you and this more effective use of your time. Right.
AnnaLaura Brown 28:41
Manon Bolliger 28:43
Another hole is so well. Anyway, great, great suggestions. So, I appreciate that. Even that one that I can use, but also just to let people know that it’s not…and that’s why I wanted to a real person with a real situation that actually is working full time. You know, it’s still doable. And you know, and should you decide at one point that you’ve reached the financial goal, then you choose what you want to do.
AnnaLaura Brown 29:13
Yeah, absolutely. That’s absolutely it. And yeah, and for me, unfortunately, there’s a little bit of I haven’t gotten into this, and I’m not going to, but I also have insurance issues to live in the US where your health insurance is mostly connected to your job. For me, that’s part of my problem, because I can’t get private health insurance currently, and the marketplace is not what I want. So, I’m kind of stuck a little bit having to stay at the corporate job a little bit longer than maybe I would like because of health insurance. That’s just kind of the reality of the United States, unfortunately, but you know.
Manon Bolliger 29:51
All governments have their little hearts there. Yeah. You know how they tie things together. But yeah, but it does give you the choice of eventually, you know.
AnnaLaura Brown 30:00
Exactly, absolutely, yeah.
Manon Bolliger 30:02
And then you just kind of build your practice, even though you’re doing it part time ish, you know, once you’ve done that, then you have the confidence that you can get good at it that you know, what you’re doing, you know, after 10 years, it’s like, it’s as if you were full time for, you know, five, or, you know, whatever, you know, it does add up, and then it gives you real choices. So, anyway, so, okay, we can talk about something else. I just was really curious about that part,
AnnaLaura Brown 30:33
Yeah, absolutely.
Manon Bolliger 30:34
Maybe you could also explain what is your ideal client? Because as people listen to this,
AnnaLaura Brown 30:42
For sure, absolutely.
Manon Bolliger 30:43
Connect with and they might.
AnnaLaura Brown 30:44
So, my ideal client would be typically women. I’ve talked to a few men, but I haven’t really had any men or male clients at this point, because men don’t typically have autoimmune disorders at the rate that women do. So typically, it’d be a woman, like my personal experiences with Hashimoto’s, and thyroid. So, you know, I do a lot more of that. I also do some with people who have, you know, maybe celiac or gluten sensitivity and need to give up gluten and they’re struggling to make that happen. So, I can coach them through how to actually implement a gluten free lifestyle. So, you know, or, you know, it could even be something, if it’s not gluten, maybe it’s dairy, maybe it’s sugar, or it’s, I have quite a bit of experience with elimination diets, and helping people actually give up that food or foods that they think is their absolute favorite, and there’s literally no way they can live their life without it. But health wise, they really need to. So, I can work with a lot of women with that. But it’s typically going to be somebody that, you know, they may be either at the beginning of their journey, they typically have already gotten a diagnosis, I have talked to a few women that didn’t really have an official diagnosis. But since I obviously don’t diagnose, you know, there really needs to be some kind of diagnosis in place so that I can help you figure out what kinds of things should you ask a doctor? What kinds of doctors do you need to go see, because I can give you some advice around how to find a doctor and what to ask the doctor when you get there. But that’s where that aspect of things stops. So, you know that typically, they’ve gotten the diagnosis, typically, a lot of times, it’s not the very beginning of their journey, but it’s towards the beginning. Because if they’re already in remission and feeling great, why are they going to contact me? You know.
Manon Bolliger 30:51
No, no, exactly.
AnnaLaura Brown 31:45
Yeah, typically, they’re feeling tired, rundown, exhausted, confused, they don’t know what else they need to do other than taking medication to actually feel better, that kind of thing.
Manon Bolliger 32:39
Right. And, I mean, sometimes medication can help, but other people, like if they make changes in their diet, might even be able to avoid it, you know, again, a one-to-one basis, I have to be careful what I say here.
AnnaLaura Brown 33:01
Yeah, absolutely. It’s and sometimes it’s not necessarily a permanent thing, like I am taking the medication currently, but I have some things that I’m going to be doing coming up where I’m hopefully gonna get off it for good.
Manon Bolliger 33:15
Yeah, and, you know, it’s the implementation of the lifestyle changes, that is the hardest, you know, like, if you really, if you really believe in that you don’t want to be on something the rest of your life and you don’t want your, you know, your…not just your symptoms to progress, but, you know, your health to deteriorate, you have to address these things. Right.
AnnaLaura Brown 33:40
So, absolutely, yeah, so sometimes I will tell people, I’m a professional buttkicker in getting your butt into gear to actually live the healthy healthy lifestyle that you know, you need to do.
Manon Bolliger 33:56
I’ve often thought in my practice, you know, because, as an entrepreneur, I can diagnose, and I’ll do that part of it, and, but the, but the lifestyle, constant support that is needed, right, that I really believe is needed. You know, I didn’t have the patience for that anyways, you know, in my practice, because it was just like, I’m getting too many new people with diagnosis.
AnnaLaura Brown 34:24
And I know some doctors are starting to hire health coaches in their practice, and that’s a lot of the ways into the future is I pretty much think every doctor’s office should have one most don’t, but they should.
Manon Bolliger 34:36
Ya, I know 100% And that’s what I wanted to share. It’s like, you know, if I had understood all this faster while I was in the insane, busy aspect of my practice, I would have done that. You know, and just see how do we collaborate and work together and do the stuff that you are gifted at and delegate the stuff that you know needs to be done. But you suck at. People that are gifted at this, but not at the other or whatever, you know, it’s like we really can create amazing health teams, I think. And that is the way of the future as our medical system is crumbling, at least in Canada it is absolutely.
AnnaLaura Brown 35:19
I don’t think I realized you were in Canada. But yeah, it’s crumbling here, too. I mean, I think it’s crumbling in a lot of places around the world. It’s, I’ve interviewed even a few people from Australia that say their health care system is a mess. And I’ve had a few people share a few rather shocking things, even with me, that were from Australia about things that doctors told them about their autoimmune condition. I thought, what?
Manon Bolliger 35:42
Love it, interview. Yeah, yeah, but shocking. It is shocking. And, you know, we’re on the verge of seeing many more autoimmune diseases, you know, with the choices that well, a lot of people didn’t have choice, at least in Canada, there was a lot of coercion. And off, you know, and the thing is, you know, we’re on the verge of having many cytokine storms and a lot of autoimmunity because, you know, our immune systems are quite good. You know, and if we already have protection, and if you were forced to take an outside protection you’re creating autoimmune diseases, like it’s…
AnnaLaura Brown 36:23
For some people, absolutely, it could be, but I think the other thing, too, that I’ve started to really see a lot. And it’s, they say it’s like 94% of the US population is probably pretty similar in Canada to has poor metabolic health. And poor metabolic health is directly related to your immune system and autoimmunity. And to really even the outcomes from you know, what we’ve been through the last three years, a lot of the people that had really the worst outcomes is because their metabolic health was not good.
Manon Bolliger 36:54
Yeah. It’s multifactorial. I, you know, I definitely. I mean, there are countries that did not need to go the route we did. Yeah. Who are doing a lot better.
AnnaLaura Brown 37:07
Yeah, I can see that.
Manon Bolliger 37:08
Yeah. Like in Africa, they didn’t do it. And was, and they’re actually the pandemic ended ages ago. And they’re doing better. You know, so I think it’s that and you’re right, you know, that we have a lot of comorbidities, we have a lot of diabetes, we have a lot of excess weight, and metabolic problems, right.
AnnaLaura Brown 37:31
And it’s just not sustainable as a healthcare system. And as a society, we can’t continue to help people have those kinds of problems and one be able to pay for them and to be able to have, you know, life, you know, long lives and where people are thriving. It’s like they say, yeah, do you want to live to your 90’s, but spent the last 30 years of your life feeling like you’re 90 because you can’t do anything, and you have no quality of life? Or do you want to actually have good quality of life all the way till your last breath?
Manon Bolliger 38:02
Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, you know, we’re actually past our time.
AnnaLaura Brown 38:06
We are.
Manon Bolliger 38:07
But anyway, I think this is great. And I just want to thank you for Yeah, for the ease of conversation and also covering, you know, elements that I think are really important too.
AnnaLaura Brown 38:19
Sure. Absolutely.
ENDING: 41:33
Thank you for joining us at the Healers Café with Manon Bolliger. Continue your healing journey by visiting TheHealersCafe.com and her website and discover how to listen to your body and reboot optimal health or DrManonBolliger.com/tips.

* De-Registered, revoked & retired naturopathic physician, after 30 years of practice in healthcare. Now resourceful & resolved to share with you all the tools to take care of your health & vitality!

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