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Eli Coberly
How Subconscious Dreams Affect Your Healing with Eli Coberly on The Healers Café with Manon Bolliger
In this episode of The Healers Café, Manon Bolliger, FCAH, CBHT (facilitator and retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice) speaks with Eli Coberly to discover his healing journey through the subconscious and conscious world.
Highlights from today’s episode include:
Eli Coberly
They (Mayans) were saying, you know, if you don’t change individually, and as a result of that, if we don’t change collectively, then the world will be in trouble. And that’s what they’re talking about is the new world needs to occur so we can protect the one that we’re living on.
Eli Coberly
Because not only has consciousness arisen in a greater way than it was ever before on Earth, because of the internet. But we’re also being made to recognize our mistakes, because everything’s being recorded.
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Eli Coberly
you match in the day-to-day life with the dream time, you can transform your mind all the time. So, you’re working towards something more authentic to yourself, to your calling, or your or your highest self.

Eli Coberly is a world traveler and seeker of truth through adventure. At seventeen, he left his small Pacific Northwest town to fulfill his dream of becoming an Army paratrooper. At twenty, he was honorably discharged and began his search for a new dream.
Eli’s writing has taken him worldwide to explore a few of the bigger questions of our human existence, and his prophetic worldview combines military service, counterculture, and the anthropology and archeology of the world’s religious symbols. He has studied the migration of the indigenous and ingested their medicine, absorbed their art, and embodied their cosmovision.
Core purpose/passion: Eli Coberly’s quest went deep into the heart of man’s soul and symbolism—beginning with the Mayan culture—as seen through its stone-carved symbols and hieroglyphs throughout Central and South America. And then he began seeking echoes of the war-infused collective imagery in the cradle of civilization and among the ancient Egyptians

About Manon Bolliger
As a recently De-Registered board-certified naturopathic physician & in practice since 1992, I’ve seen an average of 150 patients per week and have helped people ranging from rural farmers in Nova Scotia to stressed out CEOs in Toronto to tri-athletes here in Vancouver.
My resolve to educate, empower and engage people to take charge of their own health is evident in my best-selling books: ‘What Patients Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask: The Mindful Patient-Doctor Relationship’ and ‘A Healer in Every Household: Simple Solutions for Stress’. I also teach BowenFirst™ Therapy through Bowen College and hold transformational workshops to achieve these goals.
So, when I share with you that LISTENING to Your body is a game changer in the healing process, I am speaking from expertise and direct experience”.
Mission: A Healer in Every Household!
For more great information to go to her weekly blog: http://bowencollege.com/blog.
For tips on health & healing go to: https://www.drmanonbolliger.com/tips
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Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
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Welcome to the Healers Café. Conversations on health and healing with Manon Bolliger. A retired and deregistered naturopathic physician with 30 plus years of experience. Here, you will discover engaging and informative conversations between experienced healers, covering all aspects of healing, the personal journey, the journey of the practitioner, and the amazing possibilities for our own body, and spirit.
Manon Bolliger 00:40
So welcome to the Healers Café.
And today I have with me Eli Coberly. And we’re going to talk about dreams and their impact on healing and on direction and how it aids intuition potentially. And I have like a really super exciting guest who is a world traveler and seeker of truth through adventure. At 17, he left his small Pacific Northwest town to fulfill his dream of becoming an army paratrooper. At 20, he was honorably discharged and began his search for a new dream. So, you’ve gone through PTSD and many experiences that have brought you to how you’re living your life right now, and what you are offering to this world. So, I’m really excited to find out more about it. So, let’s start with that and welcome and maybe start with your journey, because it’s not everybody’s journey.
Eli Coberly 01:52
Sure. Yeah. I mean, I grew up in a small town, very rural in Northwest Washington state in America. And I wanted to join the army because I realized that, you know, I wanted to make a difference. I didn’t know what to do. I was fairly ignorant and came from a town of loggers and farmers, and I didn’t want to do that, I wanted to see a bigger world. So, a year later, as a teenager, I found myself in Saudi Arabia guarding foreign interests for America, you know, jet fighters and oil tankers and personnel doing paperwork for big, the big business of colonialism. So, there I was. And then I got out and I, you know, I had an experience with psychedelics and different things and thought, well, this is kind of this world’s not like we think and I had an influence from my grandfather, where he was like, saying, hey, like, there’s other dimensions, he was into archaeology and geology and studied the indigenous people. And so, there’s other things in this world, besides this linear viewpoint. And so that was like …
a catalyst. That and in like, my partner at the time, she was studying the goddess religions. And she studied things like Sheela Na Gig and she’s an ancient goddess that was worshipped in Ireland, and then spirals. And so, spirals was, the concept of car spirals on rocks was something that brought me sort of to the culture and the art and the artwork of the Maya people. But I also had interests in yoga from a mutual friend. And so, I started, I kind of, kind of just merged the worlds. Began to learn and teach yoga and things like that.
Manon Bolliger 02:17
So, you kind of being in the Army, besides the PTSD, there’s also the realization that you’re not aligned with what wars are fought for why people are the foder of a big crime families basically, you know, in a simple way of looking at it. But then what did you learn from the spirals and the Mayan culture? And what was the other world that you became aware of?
Eli Coberly 04:13
Well, I mean, just how indigenous people’s life was intimately linked with the Cosmo vision. And, you know, that was that there was heaven here on earth, as well as you know, the stars in the sky and stuff, but also how they’re using the grand cycles of time, specifically, the Maya people and in the Vedic tradition, they’re using grand cycles of time in conjunction with astrology, essentially, in astronomy. So, the influence of these stars and planets and in all these in the moon and all this stuff, how it was ingrained in our society long before the Industrial Revolution, and that was of interest to me, especially when it came to understanding the route of yoga and the energy of Kundalini and things like that.
Manon Bolliger 05:07
So, can you speak to that a little bit? Because right now we’re in a time period of a great shifting, I believe, of, you know, there’s a lot of things that are coming to emerge. Some people call it the Great Awakening. There’re many words for this, but what is your understanding of, of that?
Eli Coberly 05:35
I, you know, my name is Elijah, and my parents were biblical, they named me as a prophet. So, I got into prophecy of indigenous people, I thought it was fascinating. And I know what you’re saying is, is there was you know, specifically like in the Mayan calendar, the Hopi people, but they prophesized that, that there’s a big change happening in our world, like entering into another world. And so, then people talk, you know, in the 70s, about the Age of Aquarius, and people becoming more art oriented, or spiritually oriented, and things like that. So, I think that happened for me, and especially around when the Maya calendar changed, where they said it was the end of the world, and everyone said, Oh, look, nothing happened. There’s no doomsday situation and all this. They (Mayans) were saying, you know, if you don’t change individually, and as a result of that, if we don’t change collectively, then the world will be in trouble. And that’s what they’re talking about is the new world needs to occur so we can protect the one that we’re living on.
Manon Bolliger 06:42
So, you’ll find that it’s kind of a similar situation now, when we see what’s playing out, which seems to be even more transparent than it used to be, at least it looks that way. It could be my own evolution, but it seems that there’s more people able to see what’s happening in and I think, is that the internal transformation that by each of us doing our own, you know, journey, we are changing the world, because you can’t go back once you see what’s happening is that…am I not paraphrasing you, but is that in line with what you’re saying?
Eli Coberly 07:30
Yeah, I mean, it makes perfect sense. Because not only has consciousness arisen in a greater way than it was ever before on Earth, because of the internet. But we’re also being made to recognize our mistakes, because everything’s being recorded. And, you know, we destroyed all the history because we didn’t like it. You know, it reminded us of things, you know, war, you build a big trench, and you throw all the bodies in it and cover it up and try and forget about it. But now, we’re sort of like police brutality is being recorded. Women are marching on capitals, you know, all these transformational things collectively that are bringing about change, and people say, Oh, nothing’s changing, but the biggest thing is consciousness is changing. And that’s a seed in the, to plant something in the right direction.
Manon Bolliger 08:25
Yeah, yeah. So okay, let’s go. You mentioned that dreams have a big…had a big impact on your own journey. And can you go into that in more detail and what can people get out of their dreams? And what do you do because a lot of people may be a B, vitamin deficiency, but a lot of people aren’t sleeping very well, and they’re not connected to their dreams anymore. So maybe if you…you don’t have to do the medical part, but what is it you do with dreams?
Eli Coberly 09:09
Well, I mean, so around the world, every indigenous culture, every recorded history, we have people working with dreams, there’s a shaman or there is some person in the group that was helping people transform through their dreams or interpreting dreams. And dreams are prophetic. We’ve had situations like with I think it’s Mozart or Beethoven. He got the symphonies in his dreams; he would wake up and write symphonies after hearing the tones. People who are in wheelchairs ultimately are able to walk or fly in their dreams. So, it’s a powerful point of transformation when the body rests and the mind is sort of not restricted to physics, mind and body. So ultimately, the healing potential for dreams is proven through science. Stanford with Stephen LA bearish, who I studied with, and it would it’s what I’m saying is that people don’t need, will you maybe psychotherapy is a good option. But it’s certainly a step in the right direction for rapid transformation. And in other words, someone who’s having a reoccurring dream is probably for something that’s reoccurring in their own life. And so, you match in the day-to-day life with the dream time, you can transform your mind all the time. So, you’re working towards something more authentic to yourself, to your calling, or your or your highest self.
Manon Bolliger 10:41
But do you see dreams as like the, the unconscious, it’s like, or it’s not like that? It could be the superconscious in some ways, like, how do you see what that is? Like what is the…yeah…what part of us is alive in the in the dream?
Eli Coberly 11:05
I guess it depends on who the dreamer is. And that’s like a metaphor. In other words, like, are you? Are you conscious when you’re dreaming and like with everyone knows the term lucid dreaming, that just means that you know that you’re dreaming while you’re dreaming. But not everyone can hold on to that understanding throughout the entire dream process. It’s virtually impossible actually. Tibetan monks do it with Dream Yoga, something I studied and really fascinated in practice, a little bit. In order to do that, you would have to have a meditation practice, consistently hours and hours a day, because what they teach is, the mind is racing. So, you want to quiet with meditation. And then there’s techniques that you can use, but you also have to be conscious in the dream time and use those techniques. So, it depends on like, who’s aware and when they’re aware, like, is it yourself who’s afraid? Like, of things that scare you throughout the day? Like taking calculated risks? Do you take the calculated risk in your dream unconsciously? Or do you do it when you’re conscious? Or do you just run from it? Like the guy who’s following you in the shadows?
Manon Bolliger 12:18
Right, yeah. Yeah, it’s interesting. I’ve been, I noticed I have lucid dreams. And I can go back and, you know, finish or go back to the dream and continue it. And they are different dreams. And I’ve never paid attention to it in great detail. But that, and maybe I should, but the other dreams could be…yeah, they are like patterns in your life. You know, like, when you were saying, calculated risk, you know, I’ve definitely seen dreams where it’s like, it’s the fear element of something. Like if that’s the shadow part that shows up, for example, that’s trying to sort out something. And if your mind sees it while you’re awake, then you can use it and go, Oh, interesting. Here I am playing the victim or here I am playing, you know, the, what’s the word in English, the no one can ever hurt me, person, you know? Right. So, there’s that level, but then there’s also the dreams that you feel as if you see the future. But they’re so real that…yeah, those I don’t know, I’ve had dreams like that, that I have recurred. And I feel like they come closer to being possible at this stage. But certainly, when I had them young, I had no idea where they came from. Do you have an understanding of that type of dreaming process?
Eli Coberly 14:12
I mean, it’s like with astrology, they call it Free Will Astrology, right? I mean, everything could be a potential past, or present. But is it going to be, and it certainly is based on choices. And that’s what’s beautiful about being human. But ultimately, if you’re looking for where does this come from? Well, it’s the same question. I believe that is where consciousness stored. It’s not in our mind. And it certainly isn’t here on Earth. So where is it in the bigger questions people say, Oh, must be God. Well, interesting. But the Hindu tradition talks about Akasha and that space, and so that’s, you know, like, I’m a big fan of Edgar Casey and the Akashic records and so that’s about like, where’s consciousness stored? And where, you know, well how, why are we accessing this? And what’s it for, and I believe that it’s so we can be the best version of ourselves to be for others as a collective. And, also, it’s like, if you believe in karma, you’re gonna understand that what you’re doing all your choices affect so choose one wisely. I mean, I’d imagine that whatever is stored in this library of records, this hall of records like Edgar Cayce talks about is, is something that’s happened and if you don’t believe in time is linear. And you certainly believe in other dimensions that could be happening simultaneously,
Commercial Break 15:49
Manon Bolliger here. And I want to thank you for taking actionable steps towards engaging your healing journey, and helping others discover their path by watching, sharing, subscribing, and reviewing these podcasts. Every review and share helps spread the word these different perspectives and choices and options for healing. And to thank you, I’d like to invite you to sign up to my free seven sequence email tips on health and healing for everyday life. You can go to dr.manonbolliger.com/tips, thanks so much.
Manon Bolliger 16:31
If I were to believe in something, I would believe that things happen simultaneously. But I can’t wrap my mind around it. I don’t know if that makes any sense. You know, because a belief is a way of looking at things. You know, I’m pretty certain it isn’t linear. But it’s not like I can make sense of that. Not with my mind and not that way. Does that…am I not relating?
Eli Coberly 17:06
What has been humans it’s like, in so it’s, that’s, I think why people if you live on Earth, it’s important to have a connection with the earth and, and being in your body and, and be enjoy the food and enjoy the water. And in the smells of the potion and you know, in the fragrance of a flower. Like nothing enjoys about being in the moment. This is balance. It’s choices.
Manon Bolliger 17:33
Yeah. So with your experience with PTSD? How would you say that you are freed from it at this point? Through the different works or how do you manage it? Or what is it for you at this stage?
Eli Coberly 17:54
Um, well, for me, I had spent the last 25 years sort of denying that I wasn’t the problem. It was everyone else, right. And so, I mean, I got into yoga, and then I learned everything. And I learned philosophy because I love history. And I love the root of why people do things with anthropology and all of that. But what I was in…and I did the physical practice, and I even meditated and went to other worlds and dimensions, right, like we’re talking about, but the problem was, is that putting it towards the relationship here on Earth is a whole nother ball of wax like you…so I actually just under understood that I had PTSD. Actually, it was about two months before I published this book War on the Hearts of Men in September, it was on the equinox. And I had filed a claim with the VA because I was thinking, well, certainly the people who are upset at me in these ways that I wronged them. And if I wanted to have integrity because of visions that I had during ayahuasca and I want to do the right thing. You know, I probably should be the one. And so I went to a therapist, and I filed a claim with the VA and the day that my book was published was the day that they approved my claim for, and I was diagnosed with PTSD a month before. So, it’s a new thing for me understanding it. I don’t think I’ll ever be past it. Because I think I’ll just find ways to deal with it. I have a type A personality, so I’m kind of like always been really physically active and really, you know, in my head, so the process is ever ongoing, of, you know, letting go. And that’s continual. If you believe in Buddhism, you believe in death as a practice, you know?
Manon Bolliger 18:34
So, making sure I’m understanding you. You had not because I mean, again, it’s a label, like there’s many labels, you know, and many diagnostic labels that sometimes serve people sometimes don’t. And sometimes they create victimization out of it. And, and I’m not sure if that’s intentional or not, it just, it’s the net result of our interaction with these words. You know, like, I know, in my practice, when I used to practice, you know, people would say, Well, I have MS and it’s incurable. And it was like, interesting. Like, who is saying that? And who knows that? And what is I mean, you know, you can say, well, MS, you know, there’s a few tasks that you can do, that would be markers, you know, but demyelination exists anyway, sometimes that isn’t related to this diagnosis. And so again, you can break it up apart where the word really comes down to the person and the symptoms that they feel the strongest with, and what that’s about, and how it’s affecting them. And sometimes when you blow the whole thing open, you know, with them with therapyism, sometimes was just pure understanding, and discussion and connection. It, you know, it changes everything right. And so that’s what I’m wondering with all of the work you’ve done. What is PTSD to you? What does it mean, at this point, and you can change your mind later.
Eli Coberly 21:46
I mean, I will be candid and say that, you know, when I was sitting with the Veterans Association, and with the psychologist there, and she’s, you know, asking me a zillion questions to prove the legitimacy of my claim. She had, there were certain things that I or characteristics that I have when I interact socially that she identified. And so, I can say, honestly, for me, PTSD is the way that I interact socially. And I’m still in the process of uncovering that, and what my responsibility is. And that’s why I believe that yoga and specifically meditation has been such an integral part is because you’re quieting the mind, and you’re using the breath to relax the nervous system. So certainly, that medium is the best for reactions and for social reactions. So just, yeah, my relationship is just that I’m unsure and unclear what it is. I just know that I was ready to take 1,000% responsibility for my actions.
Manon Bolliger 22:54
Mm hmm. Yeah, and that isn’t related, particularly to PTSD. Unless people say I did have one patient who said, PTSD is kind of my guilt coming back to haunt me. And I thought that was interesting that that’s how he saw it, you know, again, it was a war veteran, you know, and that’s how he his relationship to it. And so, we worked on guilt, and, you know, and how do you that it’s an emotion, for sure. It’s a judgment first, and then it can create a slew of emotions. But in the moment, at every moment, you’re only doing the best you possibly know or can in that moment. Right? Like, it’s hard to, you can’t undo. And all you can do is wake up and go wow, okay. You know, so it’s interesting forgiveness. I mean, in a sense, you by admitting that it is as wrong, oy is aligned with what you believe now of the world. But does it relieve? Is there guilt? Or does it relieve that? Does it help in that way? In your in your case?
Eli Coberly 24:33
You’re asking me if I have guilt?
Manon Bolliger 24:35
Eli Coberly 24:37
I don’t feel guilty, although maybe I come across that way. And that could be a dark pattern of mine. I’m not sure but I don’t feel guilty. I just feel like I want to identify my relationship to my action and be a man of integrity. And so that’s why I’ve chosen to do things like write a book and vulnerability about my personal experience. But I would feel guilt I think…I mean, I, I guess I’m not qualified to analyze the specific emotions very well, but because I can see that there could be some guilt. But more or less…
Manon Bolliger 25:24
I am not saying there is some, by the way. I’m not saying you should have it or that you do have it, wondering if that is, you know, part of this, because I personally don’t think it’s necessary to go through the guilt. I mean, you’re in the if you’re in the moment of every action that you take, from that perspective guilt is, can be like a, like a sidestep that can take a lot of energy, and really doesn’t change things. It’s like, it sounds like the step you did was in full integrity of what your experience was. I mean, it’s the way you explain it, it seems like a clean forward moving energy, right?
Eli Coberly 26:13
Yeah. And but people will call you a fake or a fraud, because they haven’t done that sort of work themselves, you know. And that was my experience, a lot of people who are really close, or I want to get close to oftentimes will say, Well, who are you to say this? Or how can this be possible? And, you know, or what, like, and so I really had to honestly, posture myself as a position of authority and certain things in order to claim them. And so, I was like, Well, I love to write, and I want to become a writer, and I did happen to study with all these teachers. And, you know, and so I may as well be of service to people. And I think sometimes it becomes personal. So, I thought being a teacher is a, it’s better to be an example as a teacher than it is to be a specific teacher, in my case, and specifically with my personality, because not everyone has that type A drive. And it’s sort of in your face. And so, I just I realized, now the example is a better option.
Manon Bolliger 27:20
Interesting. Yeah. No, anyway, relate to what you’re explaining. I don’t I can’t repeat it now. So just let it go. But no, I get I get what you’re saying totally. Well, it’s our time is actually up. But is there anything else that because there’s so much in your bio, that you want to share if you had a couple of more minutes, or something else that you’d feel called to say or share?
Eli Coberly 27:47
Sure. Mostly, you know, there’s a zillion self-help books and everyone’s a guru and wants to tell you what to do. And, you know, there’s three steps for that or 27 steps for that. And, and they may be really relevant to a lot of people. But I think trusting yourself. And your own process is far greater than trusting a complete stranger. And if you check into my book wrote, is it is an example on how one person could do some type of healing in a different capacity. And there’s not one way but there’s also recognizing the root of suffering is, in your own suffering and the collective suffering of the world could be a way to journey into the healing process, as opposed to finding a panacea of steps for everyone. So, I mean, I can plug my book War in the Hearts of Men and my web, elicoberly.com. And I’m on Instagram @elicoberly and it’s on Amazon, the book War on the Hearts of Men.
Manon Bolliger 28:53
Well, thank you for sharing that. And thank you for your courage to be vulnerable and speak out and be real.
Eli Coberly 28:59
Thank you. It was a pleasure being a guest on your show.
ENDING: 41:33
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